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Hello, my name is José Luis Quiroga Beltrán, the goal of this presentation is to give you some good news and others that do not seem so good.

I love Logic. I love Truth. I love Life. I love Freedom. I love Justice. I hope to be faithful to them throughout this presentation. And show the arguments, concepts, evidence, and how that love guide me, made me love, Yeshua, my Father, his Spirit and the set of texts commonly known by the name of The bible.

So this presentation is also an invitation for you to research, study, read, analyze those arguments, concepts, evidence, historical sources, on your own and come to your own conclusions. And in a particular and in a special way, an invitation to do this with the texts known as The bible.


As a warning, I must say that throughout this presentation, and with the sole intention of making communication more effective: I am going to use any resource of acting that seems appropriate.

I'm going to act this presentation. I will emphasize at different times and in different ways. I will repeat, I will clarify, I will raise the tone of voice. I will seem excited, angry, sarcastic, mocking, sad, happy. I'm going to sing, I'm going to pray, I'm going to read the bible, I am going to dance, I am going to do what ever I consider necessary to communicate what I want to communicate. The goal is not just to keep your attention. It is to communicate an idea.

I hope to achieve my goal.

For example, at any time I can close my eyes, raise my head and hands and say something like:

Heavenly Father, I ask you in the name that is above all names, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, of Yeshua Hamashiakh, that you give me the wisdom, grace and power to communicate news effectively. That to the people who watch this presentation you open their eyes so they can see and their ears so they can hear. That you drag them to your son Jesus Christ and the truth of your history in history and my history.

Or I might start singing at any time:

Our hearts they are, completely insatiable.

Don't worry, I'm not going to convince you that the bible is true. I can not do that. What I am going to do is quote and read the verses of the bible that I consider necessary to communicate what I want to communicate. And let Logic and Life themselves, at the right time, reveal the Truth in your mind, in your heart, and in your whole person.

You have been warned.


If someone says "I believe in the bible and I believe in science", or "I believe in the bible and I believe in Truth”, or “I believe in the bible and I believe in logic”, depending on the person listening to it, it is very easy to think that said person either does not know much about one, or does not know much about the other, or he lives in permanent contradiction and does not care.

This is because when you know something about the bible, something about science and something about logic, at least that which is learned in school, at university, and in the media, many questions araise:

If the universe is 6000 years old, the time that has passed since Creation, according to the bible, how is it possible that we see stars that are millions of light years away?

How is it possible that dinosaurs lived 80 million years ago and that the bible is also true?

How is it possible that the universe has existed for more than 14 thousand millions of years and that the bible is also true?

How is it possible that the theory of evolution and the bible are both true?

If hell is a place of punishment, permanent, eternal and conscious by means of fire and brimstone, where people who did evil go, how can a good God allow evil, that suffering and torture, continue to exist forever and ever in that hell?

If it is true what Jesus Christ says, that no one goes to the father except through him, Does Adam go to heaven or hell?

Why in the bible the lake of fire that was NEVER translated as “hell”, now turned out to be hell, and the hebrew Sheol that WAS translated in several verses as “hell”, now turned out to be a place to which all dead people go, the good and the bad?

If God is good, he is love, he wants the salvation of all, and there is nothing impossible for him, why only a few ones are saved?

Someone who lived in Japan, in the year 900 after Jesus Christ, who never knew about Jesus Christ, who lived an exemplary life compared to most christians today, does he go to heaven or hell? What is it then? Is it, or is it NOT, necessary to believe in Christ to be saved?

Someone who lived a life of evil, in which he raped, tortured and murdered hundreds of children during his 70-and-some years of life, he dies and goes to hell, to suffer forever and ever, consciously, by fire and brimstone, in permanent torture. Does he not receive as punishment, a suffering, a torture, an evil, superior, for ALL eternity, to the one he did for only 70-and-some years? Is that from a just and good God?

Is it not a systematic, conscious, physical, eternal punishment, by fire and brimstone, of permanent torture, worse than ANY system of systematic annihilation such as the "Final Solution" implemented by Hitler's Nazis during the Holocaust of World War II? After all, once your are death, nothing hurts. While to those who are in hell everything hurts for all eternity. Hell seems more like an idea of the Marquis de Sade. The one from which the word “sadist” comes from.

If Jesus Christ taught us that one should love one's enemies, why does God sends his enemies to a conscious, physical and eternal suffering in hell?

How is it possible that the chronology of Egyptian history and the bible are both true? What came first the pyramids or the flood?

How to explain that a good God, who knows the heart of man, who gives him the commandment "not to kill" on some stone tablets; that he himself selects a king for his people, named Saul, through his prophet; that AFTER that, after all that, he goes and orders that King Saul, through his prophet, to go and kill, murder, assassinate, women, elders, children, even the breastfed, men and animals, EVERYTHING, and not leave anything alive in Amalek?1 That is, first he gives the commandment of "not to kill" and then goes and orders the king, that He chose, to go and kill even the “cat” in Amalek.

The king goes and kills, assassinates, women, children, even the breastfed, elders, men and animals, kills EVERYTHING, murders EVERYTHING, even the cat 2. Only leaves the king of Amalek and the best animals, with the intention to also kill the animals in sacrifice to that God who gave him the order to kill everything and probably also kill the king in front of YHWH, as indeed the prophet did later.

No, that good God, who knows everything, who many years before had given the commandment “not to kill”, but that now it seems that he has changed his mind and gives the order to kill women, elders and children, even the breastfed, to the king that He chose, says to his prophet: "I greatly regret that I have set up Saul as king, for he has turned back from following Me, and has not performed My commandments3. Could it be that THAT God did not know that this was going to happen? Because it seems he did not.

Saul only left alive the king of Amalek and the best animals to sacrifice them burned to the God who gave him the order, but God decides to change him. That King Saul is of no use to him. Then he tells his prophet: stop crying for Saul, quit winning for that man, I already got rid of him, go to Bethlehem because I'm going to show you his replacement 4. And the prophet tells God: but how am I going to leave? If Saul finds out, he will kill me. And God tells him: take it easy, tell him that you are going to make a sacrifice to Jehovah. Who is that God that is speaking to him 5.

How to explain this good God, who knows everything, but who orders to kill after having ordered “not to kill” and that seems to live regretting what he knew it was going to happen?

That same God who forgot to put as a commandment "not to enslave", maybe because now he wants us as slaves.

And the snakes that talk?

And the talking donkeys?

And that we all came out of a SINGLE couple?

And that FIRST were the land and the seas and THEN the stars.

And that everything was created in 7 days? Sorry 6 days. Those who have morning and afternoon.

And that some guys live in a desert eating bread that falls from the sky for 40 years?

And that with a little stick the seas are opened so that thousands of people can pass, but only for short time, while they pass, and then the SEAS close on top of an army that persecuted them, drowning the whole army.

And that Noah, and the animals in a boat, during a year in which a 40-day deluge filled the entire planet with water.

And that Noah had his children when he was about 500-and-some years old. Are those shorty years?

And that before the flood people lived about 900 years?

And that a big fish swallows a guy and after 3 days spits him out in a beach? The guy Jonah.

And that people rise up from the dead.

Where are they? In heaven or hell?

It doesn't seem very “scientific” or “logical”. Does it?

Many questions arise. Many of them ASSUME other questions. Many of them assume things that the bible does not say. Many of them assume things that science does not say.

This presentation is not going to answer these questions one by one. Instead it has the intention to kill them all with one stone, as an additional goal to give some good news and others that do not seem so good.



Technical creativity.

The technical creativity of man has allowed him to build airplanes, shoes, cell phones, microscopes, telephones, watches, televisions, hammers, trains, telescopes, computers, pots, buildings, transistors, cars, satellites, refrigerators, washing machines, polishers, MACHINES that make machines, factories that use machines made by other factories to build OBJECTS that make it easier for man to meet his basic needs for food, clothing, higiene and housing.

Technical creativity always results in an OBJECT, something physical, perceptible through the senses, something material, something concrete, a machine, a technology, something that changes the perceptible and in which that change is perceptible.

If we really want to obtain an objective, verifiable knowledge, in which faith is not needed, that which we like to call scientific, but that sometimes is not so objective, nor so verifiable, and that on more than one occasion it seems to be something more religious than something in which you don't need a faith ; then, technical creativity is by far the most important, the most reliable, criteria to validate any scientific model or theory.

No one can rationally say today: "I don't believe in airplanes", "No, no, I just do not believe in airplanes”.

But about 1000 years ago it was quite easy for someone to say “NO” to the belief that one day men would built thousands of machines, made of metal, that fly, that have wings like birds, that carry hundreds of people inside, and weights tons. About 1000 years ago it was much easier to say “I don't believe in airplanes”.

No one can rationally say today: "I don't believe in computers", "No, no, it's just that I don't believe in computers”.

But only about 500 years ago it was quite easy for someone to say “NO” to the belief that one day men would make thousands of millions, or gigas, of machines that can make gigas of additions or multiplications in a second, that have memory, and that allow communication in which you see a friend, who is thousands of miles away, using something like a mirror, your tablet, in which your friend is reflected, and you can hear him, with his voice coming out of the “mirror”, and speak to him addressing the “mirror”. That was a story for children since the 1600s: the witch from Little Red Riding Hood. Today it is called video conferencing and is used by millions of people around planet Earth.

However, the same cannot be said of the very large, the very far, the very small, the past or the future.

Who has built a star, a galaxy?

Who has built something from elementary particles?

Who has built a second, a minute, an hour?

The technical creativity of the human being, the one we use on a daily basis, has not reached that point. Although there is always someone who thinks otherwise.

Technical creativity excludes any discipline that does not build its object of study or builds something with its objects of study. It studies the stars but does not build them and does not build anything with them?. It does not qualify. It studies elementary particles but doesn't build them and doesn't build anything with them? It does not qualify. It studies time but doesn't build it and doesn't build anything with it?. It does not qualify. It studies gravity but does not build it and does not build anything with it?. It does not qualify. It studies genes but it does build them and does not build anything with them?. Guess what?: IT DOES NOT QUALIFY.

That means that the scientific theories that speak of this kind of things are not so “scientific”. They are not really that objective, verifiable knowledge and in which no faith is needed. They are a field of study, they are a set of hypotheses that have not been validated with a TECHNICAL CREATIVITY.

This means that the conceptual position of this presentation for the demarcation problem is to use TECHNICAL CREATIVITY as the criteria for deciding what IS and what is NOT science. That is the position of this presentation for the demarcation problem.

When we build machines that build stars and galaxies, the ones we see through the telescope, when we build machines to travel in time, when we build machines to travel at millions of times the speed of what many believe to be the maximum possible, the speed of the light in the void, “void” that has yet to be found, belief that is assumed as an axiom of some very famous ideologies, when we go to the stars, when we can make another kind of matter based on other types of elementary particles, different from the ones that we believe exist, when ALL these can be done by man and is of common use, such as a washing machine or a cell phone, THEN, and only THEN, we can begin to say that the theories that explain these constructions are “scientific”, are “knowledge”. Not before.

When it is rationally impossible to say: "I don't think we will travel to the stars”, when it is rationally impossible to say: “I do not believe in time travel”, for the common person, in the same way in that it is now rationally impossible to say: "I do not believe in airplanes", for an ordinary person, THEN we can say technical creativity has already confirmed the "scientific" theories that explain space and time at that level.

Meanwhile, no. Meanwhile, they are just fields of study.

The word "science" and the word "know" have become synonymous with "certainty" in the minds of most people.

There are people who believe to be certain about what happened millions of years ago. "It's scientifically proven." "We know it" “Science has already proved it." THAT is the attitude.

Technical creativity is a better criteria than the more commonly used to determine if a hypothesis is scientific or not. Much more reliable, than any other criteria, because it requires to make OBJECTS that anyone can use. This criterion avoids ending up calling "science" to what is only a field of study.


The application of the criterion is limited by the technology created. A technology only validates the theories or models that were NECESSARY and determining factors for the creation and reproduction of the object. It does NOT validate any model that pretends to explain a technology AFTER it was created, or a model already existing but that was never necessary to make the technology, those which are not determinant to the technology.

An example is transistors. Necessary and determining theories for the first patents, in 1925 and 1934, of the FET, the field-effect-transistor, were electromagnetics and chemistry. The name itself tells us how it works: the word "field" refers to an electric field. Its functional parts, the semiconductors, are explained with electromagnetic logic and produced with chemistry. The first semiconductors and diodes are created in the 19th century when these theories were already mature.

If AFTER the fact someone uses a statistical ideology of elementary particles to explain the FET, according to the criterion of technical creativity, this ideology is NOT validated because it was never needed for the creation of the first FETs.

An ideology of elementary particle statistics, imagined in the 20th century, was NOT used to build the first semiconductors, or diodes, in the 19th century, or to build the first transistors, or FETs, which are a logical extension of the electromagnetic behavior of the diode. Chemical processes were used to build them and mature electromagnetic theory explained them.

The explanation taught in educational institutions of how a transistor, a diode, or a semiconductor works is not from a statistical ideology of elementary particles because it is not needed to explain them. It is like explaining how to make a “soup” with a ideology of alchemy. It just isn’t needed.

The application of the criterion is limited by the technology created.

Technical complexity.

Greater technical complexity requires greater technical creativity, and vice versa. The complexity of the machines, of the technology, that can be built by man increases as his technical creativity increases, and vice versa. One is a reflection of the other.

No one can rationally say that "it is easier to make a computer than to make a knife. Make a computer? Uff easy, piece of cake, anyone can do it. Make a knife? Ahh no, no way, no idea, too hard. Making the computer requires more technical creativity.

Technical creativity is something that grows, that is learned, that is developed. It grows with experience, use and practice. It is a process of the mind. Animals don't have it. The development of technical creativity is a process in which: the greater technical creativity gets, a greater capacity to develop more complex technologies is obtained. These statements seem obvious. However, they have to be made because there is always someone who likes to deny the obvious.

We watch and download a video that we like on the Internet and forget what was needed for that to happen.

Watching a video on the Internet implies having built factories to manufacture each of the parts and machines necessary to build processors, screens, automobiles, antennas, transcontinental fiber optic networks, wireless networks, millions of lines of software in which if a single line is modified the entire program could fail, design circuits the size of a small coin that have as many switches as there are rooms in a city, design and build the roads along which the finished products are transported and build the means of transportation such as planes, trucks, and automobiles that transported said computer or cell phone until it reached your hands.

A person can use a cell phone without having a clue how it is made. You can use your cell phone, without knowing how to make one, you can use a car without knowing how to build one. The use of a technology produced by man's technical creativity does not require the user to understand the details of its development.

You don't have to be a scientist to use products of science.

Therefore, it is very easy to underestimate the great amount of advances in man’s technical creativity when its result is simply used. The children of today tend to think that the Internet has always been there.

It is easy to forget or ignore that greater technical complexity requires greater technical creativity, and vice versa.


One of the most studied fields, through machines such as the electronic microscope, which is the result of man's technical creativity, is that of everything related to plants, animals and man. The biological.

Through these studies it has been found that inside each of the approximately 37 million million, or 37 teras, of cells, that the human body has, there are very small molecular machines that all work at the same time, there are machines arming and disarming communication channels, transport channels of other molecular machines, that can also be armed or disarmed as the cell needs them, and machines exchanging molecules with the environment of the cell that must be recognized by the cell to allow their entry into the interior of the cell; and machines reproducing inside each cell a molecule that contains the program of how to reconstruct the complete organism formed by these cells, the famous DNA. It has also been found that there are molecular machines that verify the consistency of said chain, the DNA, a chain that is found in duplicate in each cell, and that if it finds any inconsistency, said molecular machine communicates with others to fix the error.

This type of machinery that is found inside each cell of the human being and that is almost as equally complex as it is found in each living organism that has a DNA, whether plant or animal, is several orders of magnitude more complex than the most complex of machines man has ever made.

The biological machinery is far more complex than any machinery that men has ever made.

We observe through man-made technologies, like the microscope, that cells of plants and animals duplicate themselves in a process we call mitosis, yet we do not see that a car, or a washing machine, or a cellphone, reproduces itself. We don't see a car split in two identical cars.

We observe in sexed animals that if a male and a female couple together, after a while, a small animal is born from the female with the same characteristics, and that grows over time. However we do not see that if a blue train and a pink one, join together, after a while, a small train comes out of the pink one that grows over time and starts looking just like a mix of the two big ones.

We also observe that if I cut my skin superficially, after a few days the wound has healed and the wound has disappeared. However I have never noticed that if my car gets a bump, after a few days, the car has fixed the bump by its self. I have always had to take my car for repair.

And if a blood sample is taken from a person, in that sample you have all the information on how to make a twin of the person, but if you measure the oil in a car, in said oil you cannot find the plans and designs of how to make each part of the car and all the information on how to assemble a car identical to which the oil was taken from. Not the same level of complexity.

We don't even understand how the biological machinery works enough to reproduce it. If I lose an eye in an accident, we do not know how to reconstruct my eye from my DNA. Or a kidney, or a lung. We know that there are “stem cells”. We don't know how to use the information, the programs, that we know is in those “stem cells”.

No one has ever created a machine that thinks, that can replace human beings. All the machines that man has created need man at some point to keep them working.

Man has no idea how to synthesize, build from scratch, without the use of biological material, the parts, the molecular machines, that are needed to build a cell. The human being has no idea how to build, WITHIN a modern laboratory, without using biological supplies, and starting from elements in the periodic table, a polysaccharide, a peptide, a nucleotide, 3 of the 4 basic compounds, or basic molecular machines, to put together a cell. And even if we could put them together, it would be like being able to write letters of an unknown language without being able to put together a single coherent sentence.

We have much less idea on how to assemble them so that they function as a cell: a machine that using what is written in its DNA, in that unknown language, it can run a specific program from the thousands of programs in that DNA, and copy itself, or build one of its own molecular machines, or build an intracellular communicating microtubule, or any of the thousands of functions necessary to maintain the cell functioning, alive.

And we have even less idea how to make different types of cells to build a human body system like an eye, or like a liver. And we have even less idea how to code a program, that contains all the information about these mechanisms, that we find in each and every one of the cells of the human body, and that when said program is executed, it can build a complete human being.

If the machinery inside a cell is several orders of magnitude more complex than any man-made machine, the human body is millions of millions of orders of magnitude more complex than any machine ever created by man. A one followed of millions of millions of ceros more difficult. It is not an exaggeration. In fact, it is a much larger number of combinations, but this one at least is an imaginable number for most people. And that is without including the complexity of the mutual dependencies between plants, animals, man and their environment.

In biology, man still does not have technical creativity. We use machines result of technical creativity to study biological machinery. It is a field of study. But according to the criteria of technical creativity, biology is not a science. We don't know how to build biological machinery from scratch, without using the pre-existing biological machinery. We have no idea how do it.


There is no doubt that man has great technical creativity.

The question that arises is:

Why do some people think that to build the simple, like automobiles, airplanes, computers and factories, it takes large amounts of technical creativity but to build something complex, something really complex, that we don't even understand the mechanism for reproduce it, like a human being, an animal or a plant, that to build that, you don't need anything, nothing, zero, nada, not a bit of technical creativity, but only time and chance?

It's absurd.

It is as if someone said:

Make a knife? Brilliant ! Very smart! Great Creativity! What a marvel of technology! What a design!

Make a Computer? Ahh no, that’s easy, piece of cake. It makes it self. You just wait a few billions of years and it assembles itself. No problem. Easy piecy. Look at them, there they are. That is the proof that they assemble themselves. No problema. That’s the proof.

It is absurd to think that to write a program, in a language that I do not know, that builds a machine that I don't even understand how it works, that I don't even have the goal to build it, that once built it is capable of executing the program, I just need to throw a coin in the air, to decide if I write, with vaporizing ink and on degradable paper, a one or a zero, and hope that after a long time, it really does not matter how long, because the more time passes the probability is lower, and without even knowing when to stop tossing the coin, obtain said program.


But that is what some people believe, if they are taught that since they were kids at school.

It is as if in the future, a man-made machine, a robot if you will, which can think and learn, that calls itself smart, designer and creative because it is capable of building thousands of other machines, a robot of the future that can create machines, but does not even understand how he himself was built, and that the most complex of his creations is not capable of doing what he himself can do, that that machine would think: "I am very smart, designer and creative but my design is a result of time and luck, my first copy was put together by itself after waiting thousands of millions of years, I am simply the result of the evolution of simpler copies that were adapted by accidental changes – by luck - in my copy program, for my existence no intelligence, no design, no creativity, was needed, I have NO creator, there is no evidence that I was created.”

That machine, that robot, has a software problem. He has a virus that is killing him. A virus that sometimes makes it think absurdly. It needs an antivirus.

On the contrary, if we have that:

  1. Greater complexity in a machine requires greater technical creativity. (1)
  2. The complexity of biological machines is much greater than the complexity of man-made machines. (2)

It is perfectly logical to conclude that:

Biological machines require much greater technical creativity than that required by man-made machines.

Then if the human being considers himself intelligent, designer and creative DUE to all the results, due to THE EVIDENCE, of his technical creativity, he has the logical need to recognize that the technical creativity required by biological machines, that EVIDENCE that we observe in day to day basis, also needs an intelligence, a design and even grater technical creativity.

And not just a little grater. Since the complexity of biological machinery is millions of millions of orders of magnitude greater than that of the machines created by man, the technical creativity that created biological machines has to be much larger. Probably also millions of millions of orders of magnitude greater than that of men.

But no, there they are, all those who believe that all those biological machines are just the product of time and chance. And they believe that it is "scientifically proven".

Which reminds me of something someone said:

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.” 6.

If we are going to consider the human being as technically creative, WE HAVE to recognize that the human being was created by a much greater technical creativity.

And who created the creator? And why do we find errors in the design of the creator? And when did He create us? Did he made us and left? Is He still around but does not show? These are all questions that ADMIT the existence of a creator and questions that seek to know the creator. They are all irrelevant to determine whether there is, or not, a creator.

The point is that there IS a creator.

Do you want to know him? He wants the SAME!


All the evidence shows us that the human being has technical creativity, that he is a technically creative being.

We can see all the machines designed and built by man that with his effort are becoming more complex and more functional. That is the evidence of his technical creativity.

There is no evidence that plants or animals have the same characteristic. Birds always make their nests the same way. Nothing a plant or animal does increases in complexity. There are no buildings made by birds.

However, all the evidence shows us that those plants, animals and people, all these biological machinery has in itself a technical complexity far greater than anything created by man.

The evidence of such a difference in complexity between what is made by man and the biological machinery is made clear by observing what happens to the eye of the accident, or the liver, or the lung. We don't know how to rebuild it from my DNA. There are stem cells, but we don't know how to use them, the information, the programs, that we know it has coded inside, to reconstruct a part of our body. As intelligent, creative and designers that we are, we cannot use such information.

If we could, it would be enough to take a drop of my blood to rebuild the eye that I lost, or the liver that I lost or the lung that I lost in the accident. And we would not waste time analyzing compatibility with another person's kidney, which we know beforehand it will not be fully compatible with my body.

On the other hand, if some process, or program, or system, is the cause of biological machinery, such a system, would have to have a technical creativity far superior to that of the human being, or to have been created by a creativity that would have to be far superior to that of the human being. The greater the technical complexity, the greater the technical creativity required.

That system, understood from an informatics point of view, would have to be that of a much higher consciousness, in technical knowledge, than that of humans, and not a simple selection process, which does not add information, but it removes. Furthermore, it could not be by means of chance, luck, accident, or SPONTANEOUS, but by decision making mechanisms, based on the logic that governs the operation of what is being created. That is, similar to what man does when he is creating machinery, but far superior in technical creativity.

Nor could it be in millions of years, that all they do is decrease the probability that an interaction will happen between two parts that degrade over time, which in most cases requires of specific conditions, including actions to start and stop the interaction, which further decrease the probability for it to happen. On the contrary, it would have to be in a time lapse consistent with the technical capacity of such technical creativity. That is, similar to what man does when creating machinery, but far superior in technical creativity.

Nor do we observe spontaneous processes that have technical creativity. If so, we would have to observe all kinds of machinery of different types and functionalities, not all biological, but some resembling human-made machines, something like “transformers”, the movie characters, or like those of avatar, increasingly complex, appearing day to day. But no. We do not observe them in biological systems, only in our imagination and in the movies that we ourselves imagine. They may exist, but we do not observe them. On the contrary, all evidence indicates that the biological machinery was designed by a technical creativity far superior to that of humans because it has a complexity far superior to the machinery created by man.


Technical creativity, if it really is, allows repeating over and over the same process, allows repeating the mechanism by which it makes an object, a machine, a technology. It allows us to reproduce the machine, the object. That ability is what gives us the necessary confidence in the set of reasonings, mathematical models, scientific theories, in the information that explain said process. Reproduction of the object gives us the trust that this information, these programs, these processes are indeed true, that they are correct, that they actually make the desired machinery, and that the machine will work in the desired way.

If we manufacture gigas, or thousands of millions, of cell phones in an almost automated process, that gives us confidence that the information that explains the manufacturing process and the operation of the cell phone, effectively works, that such information is indeed scientific.

If my cell phone is stolen or completely destroyed, I can get another exactly the same and if I have a copy of the information I had in the cell phone, I can get another cell phone that works exactly the same way as the one that was destroyed.

The same does not happen with an ant, or with a dog. If I destroy a animal I can not reproduce it. I can't get another one mathematically identical to the one that was destroyed. We don't know how to get a backup copy of the brain of an ant or a dog. We can't reproduce it identically because we did not design either the ant or the dog. We don't have the necessary information.

The most we have achieved is the equivalent of running the copy program, we call them clones, because the result is an animal with exactly the same DNA. But we don't understand how the program works. We only know how to start it.

If we understood how it works, we could build an eye, or a kidney, for you, from a drop of your blood. We can not. We do not know how. Maybe one day we will, and when that happens all we will have achieved is to show that great technical creativity was required to understand the biological machinery. We would be adding evidence to the argument of the existence of a creator of biological machinery.

But that creator, who by logic and evidence must exist, that is if we are going to call ourselves designers, intelligent and creative, that creator knows how the little program works.

That creator could, if he wants, reproduce any of these biological machines that he designed, should they be destroyed, the same way we do with a cell phone. What's more, if he wishes, he could take the backup of the software, and place it in a more advanced version of the hardware, of this biological machinery. He could, for example, place all the software, all the memory, the one that a human had at the time of his physical death, and place it in a version 2.0 of a human body, one with greater durability, a more resistant one, one that resists, for example, fire. Sure, in this case we would NOT be talking about the creator that the bible speaks about, but about one imagined by a person of this century. We would be doing something that the bible calls sin.



Today, with advances of human technology, it is easy to imagine a future, no matter how distant, let’s say of a million years, in which it will be possible to make exact copies of a very complex biological machine: the human body. If in said future it is possible to obtain a backup of the position of each atom in any object and reproduce said object, why not with the human body?

The resulting atom-by-atom three-dimensional 3d printed human being could remember everything the person remembered up to the time of the copy. Then, when printing is finished, the printed person could wonder: Who won the game of Russian roulette that we were playing?

And of course we can imagine a future in which the aging of a person can be avoided by avoiding that, during the mitosis of the cells of said person, the number of telomeres in the chromosome gets decremented by one, that copy counter that determines the maximum number of copies that can be made of a given cell.

Technologies such as cloning, cell regeneration, three-dimensional printing and computing, allow us to imagine a future in which man, with technology created by himself, could simulate an eternal life and a resurrection. There are already several movies dealing with the subject.

But if this is the eternal life and resurrection that a man of the year 2022 can imagine, counted from the approximate year that the King of Kings was born, the Meshiakh of YHWH; What is it like the eternal life and resurrection that was imagined by the person who designed and created this brain that can imagine and create things in the image and likeness of his creator?

How are those things that eye did not see and ear did not hear to which Paul refers in the second chapter of the first letter to the Corinthians? 7, And that were prepared before the creation of heaven and earth, according to the first chapter of the letter to the Ephesians? 8

Let's see what the bible says.


The resurrection described in the bible is physical.

Yeshua, according to Luke 24, after being resurrected, appears to his apostles and says to them: Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does NOT have flesh and bones as you see I HAVE9. And at that moment he accepted and ate fish in front of them. To Thomas in John 20 he says: Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing” 10. And Thomas kneels down and says: My Lord and my God” 11. The bible tells us of a physical resurrection, he has a body, he can be touched, he can eat, the person who resurrects, it is not something abstract, it is not just a spirit, it is something physical and it has flesh and bones.

It also tells us about a resurrection that has memory, they recognize him as the same person who was crucified, who died, and who was buried, and that is now among them again. They can hug him, they can touch him, he eats fish, he has an interaction with them equal to the one before he died. He has the same physical appearance as before he died, he has the wounds in feet and hands. The resurrected does not return in a body of a woman or a child, or in a completely different body, or in a chicken or a dog. No, it is not a reincarnation. It is the same person. He has the same memories and they remember him. That's the resurrection which the bible speaks about.

So if I see and talk to the dead but I can't touch them and they cannot eat fish, if it is not something physical, but purely spiritual, like the dead man seen by King Saul through a witch in the first book of Samuel, he is most likely talking to a spirit that will be anything but Holy, one of those that impersonate the dead, an evil spirit, and not simply a mental problem. The rising from the dead that our Lord promises is physical.

They can't die.

Furthermore, the resurrection described in the bible is a resurrection to not die again because he can no longer die. Yeshua tells some Sadducees, in Luke 20, that: nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to the angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection12, it is a resurrection that is forever. That's the resurrection our Lord talks about.

Paul, in 1st Corinthians 15, explains that So also is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption13, it can no longer die. Plus later also in 1st Corinthians 15, it says that: And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man” 14. That is, in bodies similar to those of angels, or to that of our Lord after being resurrected. In Philippians 3, Paul explains that Jesus Christ will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself” 15. A body that can no longer die. One like his own.

In Luke 24, on the third day after Jesus was buried, some angels appear to the women who went to the grave and the women are full of fear they bowed to the ground, but those men said to them, Why do you seek the living among the dead?” 16.

The resurrected is alive forever because he can no longer die !

So if I die, they revive me, I rewrite the Divine Comedy and then I die again, as probably happened to the widow's son when Elijah revives him, or the dead man who, when they are going to bury him, accidentally touches the bones of a dead Elisha, Elijah's successor, and revives, we are not speaking of the “YHWH heelitta min Sheol”, of the raising from the grave that YHWH promises. The raising from the dead that our Lord promises is not to live for a little while after having died and then die forever. No, it is for eternal life, so as to not die again because it is no longer possible to die.

In the sky.

Of course, the obvious question is: Well, if he's alive, where is he?

I haven't seen him. Where is Yeshua?

Where is that body that Thomas put his finger in, that ate fish with them, that talked to them and that interacted in the same way that he had done before he died?

And the answer is given by the bible in the first chapter in the book of Acts of The Apostles: He is in heaven. Or rather in the "shamaim", that vault that Genesis speaks of, that vault that can be seen and that has clouds and that at the time of Adam had waters below and waters above, and that Elohim, or God, called it heavens. It is a physical heaven, we can see it, it has clouds, it is a vault, and at Adam's time it had waters below and waters above.

The bible says that after Yeshua was resurrected he appeared several times and in one of them described in the Acts of the Apostles, while speaking to some of his followers, and while they were looking at him, Jesus was lifted up to the sky until a cloud covered him and they could no longer see him. And while they stared at the sky, at the "shamaim", watching Jesus depart, two men dressed in white, two angels, appeared next to them and said: Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven17. He's in heaven, and he'll be back just the same way he went up there: physically. The same, not another person, the same person, with the wounds on his feet and hands, with all his power and glory, Yeshua himself announces that to us in Matthew 24. He will come and reign for a thousand years from Israel.

For all.

This resurrection that the bible speaks of is for everyone, for everyone who has lived since Adam and Eve, everyone who is alive and everyone who will ever live. Everyone. Good ones and bad ones. That is what the bible tells us. Yeshua tells us in John 5 that Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which ALL who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of18 “judgment” 19.

Paul tells us in Acts of the Apostles 24 that I have hope in God, which they themselves also accept, that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust20 and in Revelation 20 The bible tells us that: The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works” 21. All the dead are resurrected. The resurrection of the bible is for everyone.

Has not happened.

The resurrection that the bible speaks about has not happened. The dead don't go resurrecting as they die. No, in the bible, if you die, you cannot do anything, for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going22, there is no memory of God and he cannot be praised or known 23. A dead body is in the earth, in the grave, made dust and his spirit has returned to God who gave it 24, in other words everything returned to how it was before that person was alive. Or as our Lord says: he is asleep. A dead man can only start doing those things when he ceases to be dead, when he has returned to life, when he has risen from the grave.

YHWH heelita min Sheol.

This has not happened with the exception of Yeshua and a few others: more than five hundred, less than 144,000. A few. In Revelation 20, the bible tells us that these few came back to life and reigned with Jesus Christ for a thousand years 25, and that the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished26. One thousand years that the day of the Lord lasts. The day of Yeshua Melekh HaMashiakh. One thousand years in which there will be peace because the Satan will be chained. In Revelation 20 the bible also tells us that “when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison” 27 for his total destruction, and AFTER that then it happens: The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works” 28.

Jesus explains in John 6 that: This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day29. Not before. The resurrection of the vast majority is until the LAST day.

Paul explains in Second Timothy 2 that some have strayed from the truth saying that our rising, our resurrection, has already happened, and they are thus upsetting the faith of some 30. It has not happened. Not for the vast majority of those who have lived, are alive and will live.


According to John 11 Jesus Christ affirms that: Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up" 31 and then explains "Lazarus is dead" 32. For a dead one, it is necessary to awaken him so that he can live again.

And according to Mark 5 and Luke 8 Yeshua affirms: she is not dead but sleeping" 33. And then he revives her.

Jesus Christ refers to the dead as asleep. And like all sleeping people, they have no consciousness. They are asleep. Asleep ones than he can awaken temporarily, as in the case of Lazarus, or in a permanent way, on the last day, when he promises to give them a body that cannot die, like that of Jesus Christ himself, and bring them back to life. Not before. The dead ones are actually alive in the eyes of Jesus Christ but without a body and without consciousness, that is why he calls them asleep. He promises to awaken them so that they can know him, so that they may have life and life in abundance. In the mean while they're asleep they can not know the one that never sleeps, the Father, nor the one who slept three days and three nights, Jesus Christ, because those who are asleep are unconscious and cannot speak with the awake ones.

The bible affirms that, before the resurrection of the dead, the sons of Adam who have died physically, are asleep. They can't do anything, they cannot know Jesus Christ and much less the Father.

A new earth.

Another question that the bible answers about this supposed resurrection is: Where are those 20 to 30 billion people, that would be resurrected, going to be?

In Heaven?

No. In Revelation 21, John tells us that it will be on a new earth with new heavens 34. Apparently without seas, without sun and without moon 35, but right here on this very planet. An Earth where God lives with men in a city that comes DOWN from heaven and that John calls the new Jerusalem. And that the nations will walk in the light of that city, and that the kings of the world will give him their riches 36. John says that the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in that city and his servants will adore him, that they will see him face to face and that they will carry his name on their foreheads. There will be no night and those who live there will not need lamplight or sunlight because God, the Lord, will give them his light and they will reign for all the centuries 37.

John claims to hear a loud voice coming from the throne and saying: Look! The residence of God is among human beings. He will live among them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will not exist any more, or mourning, or crying, or pain, for the former things have ceased to exist38.

It is not in heaven. It is in a new earth with a new heavens. It is not that the resurrected ascend to heaven, but that God descends to a new earth to live among men.

Basis of Faith.

This resurrection that the bible describes to us, which is physical, in which you can't die, that is for everyone, that hasn't happened, that is in this same planet, is the basis of the faith in Yeshua. Unfortunately for some people like Hitler, Pablo Escobar, or Stalin, they will have to wait until the raising of the dead to be able to believe in the raising of the dead. And by the grace of YHWH for the ones who already believe in the resurrection that the bible speaks of, the process of entering the Kingdom of God, to the Kingdom of Heaven, it has already begun.

That Kingdom of Heaven that our Lord speaks of: It is already among you and in you, but no one can say “here it is” or “there it is” because it cannot be seen. That Kingdom of eternal life, of Absolute Truth, of Freedom of Sin, of Salvation from death, of Divine Justice in the hearts, of indescribable Gladness, of Kindness, of Joy, of total delivery and without conditions, of Forgiveness, of Mercy, of True Love, of unending Peace, the Peace of the Lord, in YHWH, in Yeshua, in the Ruakh HaKodesh. A True and eternal Peace.

That Kingdom of Heaven is already among you.


The answer to the question: “Is it possible the resurrection described in the bible?” It is obvious if we only take into account the fundamental aspects of it: which is physical, in which one cannot die, which is for everyone, which has not happened, which is on this very planet. This resurrection is imagined in futuristic movies as a real possibility. However, the resurrection described in the bible has additional characteristics:

Yeshua, according to Mark 12, tells us that we will be like the angels in heaven 39, and these, according to 1 Chronicles 21, can float between heaven and earth 40. Similar to how Yeshua himself rose into heaven, after resurrected, according to Acts 1 41.

Furthermore, Yeshua himself, according to Luke 24 and John 20, appears in the midst of the apostles, these being behind closed doors 42, something similar to the teleportation that science fiction movies show us. Thus, a resurrected person does not need to walk to go from one place to another.

They can also become invisible to some eyes and at the same time visible to other eyes as happened to Balaam and his donkey 43 in Numbers 22 or as happened to Elisha and his servant 44 in 2nd Kings 6.

And according to 1 Corinthians 6, the body of a resurrected one will not need to eat to keep being alive 45. Apparently it will be something optional, because our Lord ate grilled fish after he was resurrected 46. Something very convenient that would leave plenty of free space for all those resurrected, in that new earth with a new heavens, because it will not be necessary to grow food if it is just something you want and not a necessity.

And if the body of the resurrected is like that of the angels, it will be resistant to physical fire. In Daniel 3 an angel protects Ananias, Misael and Azariah 47, and in Judges 13 an angel stands above the fire when announces the birth of Samson 48.

Thus, the answer to the question: “Is it possible the resurrection described in the bible?” includes aspects that are more complicated to project to a future with technologies that most people can use in day to day basis. But, if the bible is true, in the future every person will have access to the explanation of these other aspects of the resurrection because the bible assures that For nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light" 49.

Perhaps this is why Our Lord Yeshua, according to John 6, assures that No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me50 “drags him first” 51.

So if the bible is true, no one, absolutely no one, after resurrected, will be able to answer "NO" to the question:

“Is the resurrection described in the bible possible?”

The Cloth.

To the image found on the piece of cloth known as The Shroud of Turin they have made technical studies of spectroscopy, thermography and infrared photography, ultra-violet photography, fluorescence spectroscopy, x-ray radiography, transmitted and reflected light photography, optical and atomic resolution microscopy with electron microscopes and x-ray scanning microscopes, carbon-14, biological studies of pollen, studies of blood, criminalistic, forensic, artistic, cultural studies and many others. In summary is the most studied piece of cloth with a wide arrange of techniques and technologies known to man and has been found to have some features that make it different from any other image known to man.

A negative.

The image of the body on the Shroud of Turin is the only inverted colors image or "photographic negative" dated before the 1800s known to men. This was only evident until photography was invented in 1800s and years later Secondo Pia took a photograph of the shroud in 1898. While developing the photograph, he watched the negative of the photograph and observed that it was the positive of the image on the shroud. There is a historical record of the Shroud of Turin since 1357 when it was exhibited in Lirey France. If photography was invented in the 1800s and there is no negative image of person, animal or thing, before the 1800s, with the exception of the Shorud of Turin and its artistic copies: who made the Shroud of Turin?

Photographic realism.

The degree of detail in the anatomical proportions of the human figure of the shroud is photo-realistic and the amount of information per image area on the shroud is greater than any photograph made with a modern 15 megapixel cell phone. Thus, the shroud presents photographic characteristics and quality but it is not a photograph. There is no image prior to the invention of photography with this level of realism and detail. So who made the Shroud of Turin?

Oxidized microfibers.

The material of the shroud where the image of the body is found is linen. One of the main components of linen is cellulose. The threads of the fabric that forms the shroud have thousands of microfibers. A microfiber is thinner than a human hair. The image of the body in the shroud is formed on the surface of the outer microfibers of the shroud threads and only in the parts where said microfibers are external to the thread they form. If the microfiber penetrates the thread, in said part it is not modified. The image is formed by very small dehydrations, oxidations or "aging" of the surface cellulose that makes up the shroud microfibers. Billions of them form the image of the body on the shroud. Thus, the image of the body is part of the shroud, of the microfibers of the shroud. There is no pigment in the microfibers. And there is only modifications where there is no blood. There are no modifications below the blood. The image of the body is posterior to the blood. It is as if with a laser someone would have modified, burned, the microfibers, aging nanometric parts of each microfiber, burning the surface of each microfiber. The burnings have no directionality so each modification is independent of each other. The image is on the very surface and constitutive part of the microfibers of the threads that form the shroud. This is why the image has not moved, shifted or distorted neither by fire nor by water to which the shroud has beeen exposed. This is also why, as the shroud has aged, the image has lost contrast, but the information itself about the image of the body has been preserved. There is no image of person, animal or thing, prior to the year 1978, apart from the shroud of Turin, with this characteristic. And then from 1978, just some attempts to reproduce an image like the one in the shroud claim to have this characteristic. There is no image and has never been a man-made image exhibiting this feature. It was not even known that the shroud had this characteristic before 1978. Thus who made the Shroud of Turin?

Information in the image.

When analyzing the image of the body in the shroud of Turin, it is observed a correlation between “image density” and distance from the body to the fabric. At a greater distance, the image is clearer, and at a smaller distance to the fabric, the image is darker. This allows you to create computer images that have three-dimensional characteristics. Thus, the shroud has holographic characteristics but is not a hologram. The level of detail in the bone features of the image it is comparable in some parts to an x-ray. Thus, the shroud also has radiographic features but is not an x-ray. There is no image of a person, animal or thing, prior to the year 1978, apart from the Turin shroud, with both characteristics. And after 1978 only some attempts to reproduce an image like the shroud claim to have these characteristics. No photograph taken with a cellular, neither before nor after 1978 presents these characteristics. It was not even known that the shroud had these characteristics before 1978. So who made the Shroud of Turin?

Ultraviolet light.

The separation of blood in serous phase from blood in corpuscular phase only occurs at the time of death. Blood serum and other substances in human blood are invisible to the human eye but visible under ultra-violent light, these techniques are used in the modern crime scene investigation. The shroud presents this type of separation in the flank wound. If this kind of evidence was only perceivable until the invention of modern forensic techniques using ultra-violet light and the shroud is from before the 1900s, who before the 1900s was so careful to separate the two phases in the bloodstain on the side of the body and thus differentiate it from other ante-mortem wounds in a forensic analysis that was only possible until the 20th century? Who made the Shroud of Turin?


In cases of violent death with torture, hemoglobin production is very high. When hemoglobin breaks down one of the products is bilirubin. The shroud blood remains red due to high rates of bilirubin in the blood. This forensic information was only known until the 20th century, so the body that was in contact with the shroud of Turin suffered a violent death with torture, because no one before the 20th century could falsify a detail that he did not know he should falsify: that the blood of a violent death with torture presents high levels of bilirubin. So who made the Shroud of Turin?

Forensic details.

There are multiple forensic details that are present on the shroud of Turin and which are consistent with modern forensic science and a death by crucifixion as described in the gospels: inflammation of the belly, hiden thumbs, high levels of bilirubin in blood, blood phase separation in post-mortem wounds, small subcutaneous hemorrhages or hematohidrosis, the body position with rigor-mortis, threads of blood on the face and arms consistent with a crucifixion, the wound to the side, the wounds of feet and hands from a Roman crucifixion, head wounds consistent with a thorny helmet exclusive to the execution of Christ, the wounds throughout the body consistent with a whipping with a Roman flagrum, the dislocated shoulder, the portion of beard torn off, the bruises on the face, the various types of pollen from the Jerusalem area in times of spring consistent with the helmet of thorns, the flowers, oils and ointments from a burial of a wealthy Jew like Joseph of Arimathea, and many others. That is, the shroud presents all the evidence of someone who died just as the Jesus Christ of the gospels died. There is no other piece of cloth in the whole history of humanity, apart from the shroud of Turin, with all the criminalistics and forensic evidence consistent with the death of Jesus described in the gospel, even if some of these evidence were completely invalid or unacceptable for a hard sceptic. So who made the Shroud of Turin?


There is no replication of the shroud that even meets with a tenth of the characteristics of those in the shroud of Turin. Perhaps the most complete (whole body) and thorough attempt (trying to imitate the characteristics that were known in 1978) has been that of Garlaschelli in 2010. This attempt could not overcome resolution, pigmentation, thermal stability and ultra-violet analysis that has overcome the shroud. That not to mention all the forensic details that the shroud presents.

The truth is that today with today's technology, year 2022, counted from the approximate year of the birth of Jesus Christ, of the king of kings, of the Meshiakh of YHWH, the man has not been able to produce a fabric with the characteristics of the shroud in Turin.

And even if he could do it, even if he could replicate it in the future: Where, in what part of the world, where is an image of person, animal or thing, with verifiable historical record, prior to 1800, when photography was invented, that is a photographic negative, with photographic realism in its anatomical details? And that’s just without asking about its holographic, radiographic characteristics and all the forensic evidence only known and verifiable until the 20th century that was found in the shroud. Where? Negative? From when? With verifiable historical record? With photo-realism?

It does not exist, nor has existed in the world another linen shroud that presents the characteristics of the Turin shroud. Period. So if the image in the shroud of Turin was not made by man, who made the image in the shroud of Turin? Could it be that it was made by the same person that has enough technical creativity to reconstruct a human being? The creator? Because all the evidence indicates that it was not made by humans.



To determine the past, the human being has developed a method. It is similar to judicial systems. For each event, the historical sources, whether physical or narrative, are studied to determine the who, when, how, where, and why of each source. The credibility of each source is evaluated and then the historical sources are crossed examined to try to establish the coincidences, analyzing the sources, and then that information is used to establish the best explanation of the past.

The sources of the recent past have been made a little more credible with the possibility of man to record audio and video and easily spread it using the internet. And since the 15th century, with the invention of the printing press, and the dissemination of the written medium, it has been much easier to stablish a credible past.

Thus, the method for determining the past has benefited from the technical creativity of man, but this only affects the ability to determine the recent past. Sources for the past before the 15th century are more scarce.


When a person wants to search for information on the Internet, he chooses a set of words that are are as specific as possible to the information he is looking for. If I search only for "Jose" I will not find the page of the person I am looking for, but if I search for 4 words “Jose Luis Quiroga github” I will find exactly the page that I am searching despite the immense amount of information that is on the Internet.

With only 3 or 4 words that identify what I am looking for, that make a unique set, exclusive of the information I am looking for, I will find the information. That set of words begins to function as a key for the page containing those 3 or 4 words.

It is the power of coincidences. Despite the vast amount of information on the Internet, it is possible to find an specific page with only 3 or 4 words that are mandatory and exclusive to that page.

In judicial processes, when evidence is analyzed, a similar process is used to try to establish the truth of an event of the past. Most processes are decided based on circumstantial evidence, that is, that by coincidence it favors or disfavors the accused. When the coincidences are too many in one way or another it is easy to make a decision. Each coincidence decreases exponentially the statistical probability of an event different to the one that the coincidence supports. The effect of cumulative coincidences is of exponential kind.

You can have different criteria to decide if something did happen, or did not happen, based solely on coincidences. There is the criteria of "preponderance" which is when the balance of coincidences is greater to one of the two options. Other criteria may be that of “clear and convincing” and “without reasonable doubt”. They all involve a level of certainty as to whether something really did happen or did not happen. But all of these imply only "believing" something. Regarding the past, we can not be absolutely certain of anything.

In a similar way to how a judicial system seeks to establish the veracity of a past event, historians have a method based on coincidences to establish whether an event happened or not.

In the case of history the events are generated by human beings. And it is precisely that exponential effect of the accumulation of coincidences, and its logical analysis, which allows us to decide the direction in the balance of what is possible, of what is feasible, of the best rational explanation, is inclined to. It allows us to decide what to believe regarding that possible and credible past.

Yet another reason to say that since we cannot travel to the past, or see, or listen to the past, it is IMPOSSIBLE to be certain of said past. Even our own past may not be exactly as we remember it.

Although the sources of the recent past are more credible than those of a distant past, we can only BELIEVE the past.


In the previous examples, the one of pages in Internet, the one of events judicial or historical, it is very important to bear in mind that the events were generated by human beings, by intelligent beings with capacity of decision, with will.

People wrote those pages on the Internet, people did or didn't do those events of the past. This kind of approach to the "probable", to the “possible” is very different from assuming that the events were randomly generated by chance.

Chance has no intelligence, no capacity for decision, no will, no intention. Chance does not lie, it does not deceive, it has no personal interests or needs or desires.

I make this comment for when I refer to some religions, some belief systems, based on events generated by chance, by luck, that are popularly regarded as "science".

The reason is very simple, a machine that is good for something does not work by luck, nor by chance. There is always a mechanism, a design, a logic. That's why there is no mathematical function that generates purely random numbers. A computer cannot generate a sequence completely random of ones or zeros. The program does not exist. Do not look for it. You waste your time.

But there are some religions that believe so. And they are regarded as sciences.

Fortunately, history is about people.


Mr. Cheerful has a large family and several pets.

Mr. Cheerful enters the bathroom and finds that the sink faucet is leaking, the drain is blocked and the sink is filling up.

Mr. Cheerful has a high-tech instrument that lets him know how much water is in a container just by pointing at it. And he can take the measurement every microsecond.

Mr. Cheerful wants to know how long the faucet has been leaking in his sink and reasons as follows:

Assuming the sink was empty when the faucet was closed.

Assuming all the water in the sink comes from the faucet.

Assuming that since the faucet was closed the drain has not been unlocked.

Assuming that no one has manipulated the faucet to open it or close it anymore or anyless than it is right now.

THEN, with the high-tech instrument, Mr. Cheerful can measure at what rate the sink is filling because in one second he can check a million times the amount of water in the sink and then he can calculate how long the faucet has been leaking.

Anyone can see that Mr. Cheerful's problem is not is in his high-tech instrument, nor in the technology that is used to build the instrument.

The problem is in Mr. Cheerful's assumptions.

There is no guarantee that one of his children did not flush the sink, or that two of them were playing paper boat, or that the cat or one of his pets opened the faucet a little bit by touching it while passing by, and that therefore NONE of his assumptions hold.

This and other problems have some procedures regarded as scientific but that are actually PSEUDO-scientific. That is, they are ALMOST scientific. At least high technology is used.

For the moment I give this example to make it clear that the so called radiometric dating, permanently associated with the word "science", the word "certainty", and the word "we know", should be completely abandoned as ABSURD and useless. This technique that is supposedly used to determine the age of rocks and other objects based on the measurement of radioactive elements, does EXACTLY the same assumptions as Mr. Cheerful.

For any supposed radiometric dating, we start from the following assumptions:

Assuming the initial conditions are known.

Assuming that there are no external effects that alter the conditions of the chemical elements measured.

Assuming that the rate of change, of radioactivity, of the measured chemical elements has been maintained.

THEN, it can be calculated the date when these rocks or objects, containing such radioactive elements, were formed.

The same force that made Nazism popular in Germany makes a majority of people to consider radiometric dating as evidence. It is not the only case in which absurd methods use hi-thech instruments to give them credibility, but it is the most ABSURD of them all when it comes to determining the past.

We can only believe the past.

The statistical fact that radiometric dates are ignored when they do not give the expected result, it is just a confirmation that the method is absurd.

Dating by radioactive elements is one of the most absurd ways of using high technology to obtain completely useless results because it assumes too many things impossible to verify.

In historical methods it is better to use dating by synchronisms, two events recorded in writing that are related to each other. However, such dates are determined by man made records. People who may lie, cheat and have ulterior motives, or just be wrong. It is the logical analysis of historical sources which allows establishing the greater or lesser degree of credibility of each particular data. And it is in this logical analysis where the coincidences, those synchronisms, play a very important role.


One of the main kind of historical sources are the narrative kind of sources. The human being decides to write texts that narrate what is happening, or what he thinks has happened, or what he wants people in the future to think that happened, and he writes a record of it.

Among these texts that claim to record history there are some quite old:

Herodotus lived in 400 before Jesus Christ. The 8 oldest copies that we have of his writings are from from 900 after Christ, about 1300 years after he wrote them.

Thucydides also lived in 400 before Jesus Christ. The 8 oldest copies that we have of his writings are also from 900 after Christ, also some 1300 years after he wrote them.

Caesar lived in 50 before Jesus Christ. The 10 oldest copies that we have of his writings are also from 900 after Christ, about 950 years after he wrote them.

Livy, lived in 1 before Jesus Christ. The 19 oldest complete copies that we have of his writings are from about 1000 years after he wrote them.

Tacitus. The 20 oldest copies we have of your writings are from some 1000 years after he wrote them.

Suetonius. The 8 oldest copies we have of his writings are from some 800 years after he wrote them.

Pliny the Younger. The 7 oldest copies we have of his writings are from about 700 years after he wrote them.

Flavius Josephus. The few oldest incomplete copies we have of his writings are about 1000 years after he wrote them.

There is only one set of narratives, which are written with the objective of registering true events, which stands out above all other narratives ever written by man: the ones that we find in the New Testament.

Of the New Testament there are about 6000 manuscripts from 100 years to 150 years after writing. All of its authors were alive when the events happened, all eyewitnesses with the exception of Luke and the author of the letter to the Hebrews.

They were all alive when the events took place. Everyone. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, Jacob, Jude. Everyone.

Matthew, Mark, John, Peter, Jacob and Jude were disciples of Jesus Christ. They ate with him, walked with him, talked with him after his resurrection.

But no. There are people who want to confirm everything with other sources that are not in the bible, those for which there are almost no copies and for which their oldest copies are from thousands of years after the events. And since you can't, they believe that everything must be a lie.

If the new testament is not a valid historical source, NO narration, absolutely no other pre-print text is a valid historical source. Assuming that the new testament is not a valid historical source is just absurd. This is not the way the human being establishes historical facts.

On the cross.

Jesus Christ died on the cross.

There is no fact of ancient history that has more corroboration, acceptance, disclosure and evidence that the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. If you do not accept that Jesus Christ died crucified, you really should believe absolutely nothing about history prior to the fifteen century after Jesus Christ.

People die, people get killed, the Romans crucified people, many wrote about the matter, they had no reason to lie. Easy to believe.

However, there is always the Muslim who, because his imam, his religious leader, told him that a book called quran, one that his leader claims to know, a book that is forbiden to be read in any language different than Arabic, and possibly, according to statistics, without his leader knowing how to read Arabic, a book that must be different from the one that, according to the same Muslim records, was dictated by the slaver of blacks 52, slaver that was whiter than milk 53, that had sexual relations with a 9-year-old girl 54, different because, according to those records, a goat ate part of what he dictated 55 and, according to those records, a Muslim leader, almost 300 years after the slaver’s death, and almost a 1000 years after Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, decided to burn all the qurans different from what he wanted the original to be 56, that said quran, or should we say qurans, because a quran from one region is largely different and contradicting to a quran from an other region, that the qurans say that Jesus Christ did not die on the cross but was TAKEN to heaven ALIVE, without having died, then no, he did NOT die on the cross, and that’s it.

However, all the historical evidence, far more than there is to any other event of antiquity, indicates the opposite.

Jesus Christ died on the cross. Historical fact. More than any other of antiquity. More than the simple existence of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Muhammad.

They believed.

The believer believes that Jesus Christ is alive because he was resurrected in body and spirit.

The first people who believed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, believed because they saw him, touched him, ate with him, talked with him and stick their finger to him. He remembered them and they remembered him.

That's what they said, that's what they wrote, and they all kept that belief until their death. Most were killed JUST for believing precisely that: that Jesus Christ is alive because he had physically risen.

That was what they believed. That they had talked, touched and eaten with a physical Jesus who was the same one they had seen dead on the cross and who they had buried.

Most historians, scholars, and people who study the older manuscripts accept that this was the belief of those early christians.

To this day that is the belief of anyone calling himself a Christian. That Jesus Christ was resurrected in body and spirit. The one who doesn't believe that Jesus Christ is alive because he physically rose, is not a BELIEVER in Jesus Christ. Believing that Jesus Christ is alive because he is physically risen is the basis of the faith in Jesus Christ.

Many were persecuted for what they believed. Many died for what they believed.

But there is no shortage of those who say no, that this was not what they believed. Although all the evidence indicates that this was what they believed and not only that but that is precisely the DEFINITION of a believer, of a CHRISTIAN.

The direct witnesses died believing that Jesus Christ is alive because he is physically alive because he is risen.

The believer believes that Jesus Christ is alive because he was resurrected in body and spirit. Historical fact.


The follower wants to be like Jesus Christ, he wants to live, die and rise again like Jesus Christ.

Those believers who went out to travel the world, to tell what they had lived, seen and experienced firsthand, those who were persecuted for believing what they believed by their own countrymen, many of whom died for what they believed, those believers that went to jail, or were flogged, or stoned, or burned, or crucified, or beheaded, or hanged, or boiled in OIL for believing what they believed: that Jesus Christ had risen and therefore they had nothing to fear of physical death because Jesus Christ would physically resurrect them also as he had promised before he died on the cross ; those believers were not always so brave, nor so communicative, neither so travelers, nor so followers of Jesus Christ.

Before the apparitions that they say they had, they hid, they did not moved, they denied him, they ran away when they came to arrest him. Even when they see him for the first time, when they touched him for the first time, they are afraid, they cannot believe it. The guy has to ask for a piece of grilled fish and eat it in front of them. And one person that was not in that moment, does not believe it. They tell him but he doesn't believe. Only until he sticks his finger to one of his wounds, he believes. They were not the same before as after the appearances they believed they had.

Afterwards, they are no longer afraid to die. They are no longer afraid of what they will say. They are not afraid of persecution. They are no longer afraid of what men can do to them. And they suffer the consequences.

For the vast majority of Jews of Yeshua's time, believing in a Meshiakh crucified was astonishing. It was an offense. To die on a tree was curse. The Messiah was someone who would physically reign from Israel above all people, languages and nations. Someone that would bring peace to the whole world. Furthermore, the resurrection of the dead was an event at the end times and for ALL Israelites. It was not a one-person event. That was not what most Jews believed. The belief of a crucified Meshiakh generated a rejection, a contempt, on the part of that majority of Israelites, towards the FEW Israelites who DID believe that Jesus Christ was the Meshiakh and that he had risen in body and spirit.

Shaul of Tarsus was one of those Jews. He despised and persecuted those who believed in a crucified Meshiakh. Later he would be known as Paul the Apostle, because he changed. After an appearance, a little different to that of the previous apostles, he changed. He began to believe the testimony of the apostles, goes and meets with them in Jerusalem, to find out the details of the matter. He went to investigate, find out, confirm, make “historeó” to Peter, a greek word from which the word "history" comes from.

He also changed. He went from being a persecutor to being persecuted.

Because after losing EVERYTHING: fame, wealth, power, since he was a high-ranked Pharisee in the Temple, well educated and from a good family, in charge of the military part of the temple and the important task of putting an an end to that bunch of Jews who claimed to believe in a crucified Messiah and that claimed that he had risen ; after starting to believe in what that bunch of Jews believed, he had to leave everything behind, lose EVERYTHING. And he, Paul, referred to everything that he had to abandon as "EXCREMENTS", if he compared it to being a follower of Jesus Christ.

And after shipwrecks, being stoned, being flogged multiple times, being imprisoned several times, after assassination attempts, of conspiracies against him, he dies BEHEADED precisely for believing what he believed.

He also changed.

Even today, every follower of Jesus Christ shows a change, at least in his behavior with respect to sin, to that which is bad in the eyes of that Jesus Christ who he claims to follow. A Christian, if he truly believes what he claims to believe, must be careful of what he says, of what he thinks and what he does. All of this must bear witness to what he claims to believe. He must live as Jesus Christ lived.

The first Christians wanted to follow Jesus Christ, that is, they wanted to live, die and rise as Jesus Christ. That only happened after they truly believed that Jesus Christ had risen.

The follower wants to be like Jesus Christ, he wants to live, die and rise again like Jesus Christ. Historical fact.


The Christian leader dies executed during the first centuries.

Starting with the first leader. Jesus Christ is condemned by the Sanhedrin of the Jewish priests, elders and teachers, to a death in the cross for answering "I am. You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of the sky" to the question Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?57.

Paul, Peter, James and the first leaders are executed for believing that Jesus Christ is King, that he is the Meshiakh of Israel, the son of God. They die without resisting. They die without being violent. They die following their leader, obeying their King who commands them to love their enemies, forgive them and pray for those who persecute them. They die following to the one who they believe is alive and is going to return.

After the destruction of the second Temple and the seige of Jerusalem, in the year 70 after Jesus Christ, the persecution of christians by the roman empire becomes systematic. The negation to make public sacrifices to a roman emperor, as if he were God, or any other false roman god was enough evidence against a christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, who of course refused to worship anything that was not the one true God, to be sentenced to death. He normally was interrogated and, if he admitted to being a Christian, he was sentenced to death. It didn't matter if he was Jewish or not. If he was a follower of Jesus Christ and he considered that Jesus Christ had a superior authority to the emperor, said follower was a threat to the empire.

During those early centuries, being a Christian could mean suffering a violent death. Obviously the main objectives of the roman empire were the most influential ones, the christian leaders.

A follower of Jesus Christ, a christian, is one because he follows the orders of their leader. That leader died without offering resistance, without opening his mouth, like a lamb to the slaughter. That leader dies forgiving and praying for his executors. That leader dies doing what he orders his followers to do: love their enemies and pray and plead for those who persecute them.

According to Acts 7, Stephen, the first follower killed for being a follower of Jesus Christ, dies doing the same thing that his leader did, praying for his killers.

The persecution to death by the roman empire begins to stop at the beginning of the 4th century when most of the growth of followers is starting to happen among people who can read greek, those who can read the new testament, those same people who belong to the empire.

There is a division among those who think that a purge of the believers is in order and those who think that the movement should be integrated into the empire because it does not represent a threat to the roman empire. The empire ends up under the rule of an emperor who knew how to befriend the people who believed in integration to win the decisive battle.

The Christian leader is systematically executed during the first centuries. Historical fact.


Given the above logical and historical facts:

  1. Jesus Christ died on the cross.
  2. The believer believes that Jesus Christ is alive because he was resurrected in body and spirit.
  3. The follower wants to be like Jesus Christ, wants to live, die and resurrect as Jesus Christ.
  4. The Christian leader dies executed during the first centuries.

We have that in order to explain the GROWTH of the number of followers of Jesus Christ in the first centuries, it is easier believing that Jesus Christ is alive than believing that Jesus Christ is dead.

The only social movement in the entire history of mankind that has grown since its inception with the systematic elimination of its leaders, without them or their followers putting up violent resistance, leaders executed by the dominant system for the sole fact of believing that a dead man rose from the dead just to confirm his kingship, has been Christianity.

Since the punishment for being a believer was death, the only rational explanation, is that the believer actually believed that after his own death he was also going to be resurrected, that he was also going to live again, just as his leader did and that his promises will also happen to him.

For the first followers of Jesus Christ to be able to obey their leader, who commanded them to love their enemies and those whom persecute them, to the point of violent death and without responding with violence, the only possible explanation is that these first followers really believed that Jesus Christ is physically alive.

And for the death of a leader to INCREASE the number of believers, needs that those who did not believe before the death of the leader, those future believers, those new believers, will observe, experience something that would make them believe that the dead leader was not only convinced that he would be resurrected, but that they ALSO watched, experienced something that made them believe that they THEMSELVES would also be resurrected.

If I believe that my leader died believing something false, if I don't have something concrete, an experience, something logical, rational, that I consider real and trustworthy for ME ALSO, that I am also going to resurrect, it is going to be impossible for me to be willing to die for the sole fact that the leader was willing to die for something he believed to be true, or that even I think it was true for him, but not for me too.

If I only believe "poor looney, he was good people, it's a shame they killed him", or “how good FOR HIM because he will be resurrected, but I am not going to be resurrected”, then I will not be willing to die the same way. The movement could not GROW, INCREASE.

The movement grew because those who died really believed that they were going to resurrect. And those who did not believe before the death of the leader, later, at some point, they experienced something MORE than the simple death of a leader that believed something possibly false. And they ALSO began to believe that they would be resurrected. Otherwise they would not have been willing to die for what they believed without violent resistance.

Those new believers had to be experiencing, living, something that confirmed them experimentally, something reliable enough, enough to believe that the leader believed something true. Something that it is also true for that new believer. That Jesus Christ, the first executed, is alive, that the dead leader will also be resurrected, and that the new believer will also be resurrected.

If Jesus Christ is dead, to explain the GROWTH of christianity in the first centuries one is forced to believe that, all the followers of Jesus Christ, all those early followers, who died believing what they believed, without opening their mouths, without opposing violent resistance, loving their enemies, praying for them, that all of them, were just CRAZY. And that all current believers are just as crazy for believing in such an absurdity. It is required to assume that no authentic follower of Jesus Christ, the one who really believes that Jesus Christ is alive because he was resurrected in body and spirit, and wants, and tries, to live as Jesus Christ teaches us, that none of them, has rational capacity. That all of christianity, the authentic one, the one that really obeys its leader and is willing to die without offering resistance, the christianity that LOVES the enemy, that FORGIVES his murderers, his killers, that does it only because it really believes that Yeshua is going to resurrect them all, that such christianity which was born and grew up in the first centuries at the expense of dead leaders, without resisting, that ALL of it, is composed of a list of MENTAL people that includes their first leader, Jesus Christ. Believing THAT is harder than believing that Jesus Christ is alive because he was resurrected in body and spirit.

It is much easier to consider the possibility that Jesus Christ actually rose from the dead, that he is alive, that they saw him, they touched him, they ate fish with him, they continued to experience signs and wonders, which confirmed them that he is alive, that his promises are true, that we are going to be resurrected, that we will live eternally, that his spirit lives in the believer, that the same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives in the believer, and that THAT is the real reason why they are willing to die loving, forgiving and praying for the one who is going to kill them.

It is easier to consider the possibility that the movement is not just "social", but it is also from God. A movement of Sons of the LIVING God, from the Creator of Heaven and Earth, from the creator of these bodies in which we live and therefore can remake them, can rebuild them. That He can RESURRECT us as He did with his son Jesus Christ.


We don't see people resurrecting. The buried bodies decompose and the cremated ones become dust. The dead are made dust in the grave, in the tomb. That is what we observe.

And if Jesus Christ was NOT resurrected, if he is not alive because he was resurrected in body and spirit, then the little book called the bible has to be thrown into the trash. All the bible would be false because everything points to that Meshiakh of Israel. Paul himself acknowledges this in 1 Corinthians 15 when he says that if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty58.


If we deny the logical:

If we deny that:

If we are going to call the human being intelligent, designer and creative, for all the planes, shoes, cell phones, cars, for all the technology that humanity has built,

Then we have to admit:

By logical necessity, that the complexity of the machinery that we observe in plants and animals requires a technology of someone much more intelligent, designer and creative than men. A creator.


Despite our intelligence, designs and creativity we cannot even build a cell. The minimum part of the biological machinery and we have no clue how to do it.

If we deny that which is logical,

Well, it is practically impossible to understand the historical fact that the direct witnesses died believing that Jesus Christ is alive because he resurrected.

BUT if we take into account that:

  1. By LOGIC and by all the EVIDENCE that we observe in the biological machinery, in plants, animals and people, there HAS to be a creator of all this machinery.
  2. That the gospel accounts of the crucifixion are backed by circumstantial evidence unique in all of history of humanity: the Shroud of Turin. Fabric that marks a unique event, not generated by man, about a single person, in the whole history of humanity and whose characteristics coincide in extraordinary manner with the description in the gospels about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
  3. That for the CREATOR of the human biological machinery it is perfectly possible to reproduce at will a living human body, with the memory, the thoughts, the exact spirit, at the moment of a previous destruction.
  4. And that the TESTIMONY of said resurrection is supported by the same direct witnesses who testify to the death of Jesus Christ in the cross, the event most supported by reliable sources, internal and external, in the entire ancient history of mankind.

Then, it is much easier to believe that those direct WITNESSES, those who say who touched him, ate and talked with him, that they died believing that Jesus Christ is alive because he was resurrected in body and spirit.

So, from now on, we will try to understand the extraordinary events narrated in the bible under the light of current technology and of what we can logically project into the future. And not under the light of the technology we believe the biblical authors had. It is just logical. It is a better approximation to the technIcal creativity of the CREATOR.

That is: with more RESPECT for the biblical narratives. WITH MORE RESPECT. IS IT CLEAR?


In addition, there are several logical observations that argue against the falsity of the biblical testimonies about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, against being a fabrication of man.

Let's see:


The differences in details between the sources is an argument against the falsity of the gospels.

When several sources are exactly the same, it is possible to suspect that these sources agreed. In court proceedings this phenomenon is called “collusion”.

It is normal and to be expected that there will be small differences in the details between different sources, and that are essentially the same.

In the 4 gospels it is observed just that: essentially they are the same, although there are differences in details.


All the information in the gospels of names, places, economy, politics, chronology, topography, geography indicates direct knowledge by the authors. This fact is an argument against the falsity of the gospels.

The writings that are currently known as apocryphal, such as the so-called gospels of Thomas and Peter, are easily identifiable as false because they do not show knowledge or time, place, politics, or economy consistent with the alleged authors. They do not provide any information regarding the topographical, economic, political, geographical conditions. They do not give names of people or places that indicate knowledge of what was happening around the supposed author.

The gospels show an extraordinary coherence, much greater than any other text from the first millennium after Jesus Christ, in all those details. This only happens with texts written by people that lived what they wrote and that they wrote it when their memories were clear.


The 4 gospels have an abundant number of events in which the details complement and support each other. So in 1 gospel the details of an event are inexplicable without the details provided by other gospels. This fact is an argument against the falsity of the gospels.

An example is the case of Bethsaida. The only verse in all of Matthew in which Bethsaida is mentioned is in Matthew 11 and it names it as a place where great signs have happened. In John 1 and 12 Bethsaida is only mentioned in two verses to indicate that some disciples, Philip among them, were from that city. And, by a literal reading of Mark 6, the wonder of feeding 5000 families with 5 loaves and 2 fishes happens before Jesus Christ and his disciples arrived at Bethsaida. According to Mark 6, once the multitude is fed, Jesus sends his disciples on a boat to cross the lake to reach Bethsaida while he bids farewell to the crowd that had come from various cities and he catches up with them at the end of the night in the middle of the lake. And, by a literal reading of Luke 9, the event takes place on the outskirts of Bethsaida. Only taking the gospels together can we understand that Jesus and his disciples left Bethsaida because there was a congestion of people coming and going and understand the reason why Jesus asks Philip, according to John 6, where they could buy bread to feed the 5,000 families: Philip was from Bethsaida. And only with John 6, which informs us that it was close to Passover time, we can understand why, according to Mark 6, there was such a congestion of people coming and going and the inadvertently mentioned detail that the event happened on green grass. Jewish Passover is in spring and all the men of Israel must go up to Jerusalem.

The gospels are interdependent: they support and complement each other. Each match exponentially decreases the statistical probability that these are planned by the authors. This type of internal evidence is exponentially cumulative.


The fact that the 4 evangelists were alive when the events took place is an argument against the falsity of the biblical testimonies about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Myths and legends are generated with centuries of difference between the moment in which the events take place and the authors of the narrations.

The fact that the authors were alive when the events took place it is a very strong argument against it being a legend or a myth.

From the very day the witnesses spoke, ate and touched the Risen Jesus Christ they began to spread the story.

Myths and legends begin centuries after the events.


The spread of the testimony beginning in Jerusalem is an argument against the falsity of the biblical testimonies about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The myths and legends, as well as the false narratives of the ancient world, they do not start on the scene. They start where hardly anyone or no one can testify against due to lack of information.

The resurrection story begins on the scene: It begins in Jerusalem.


That the testimonies we have today are equal to the oldest manuscripts is an argument against the falsity of the biblical testimonies about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The testimony has been the same from the beginning: Jesus Christ is alive because he rose on the third day.

On the third day after his death, early in the morning, some women went to the tomb and found it empty. Some angels tell the women to go and tell that the dead has risen and is alive. They, out of fear, decide not to tell anyone except the apostles. Mary Magdalene and others meet Peter and John first and tell them what happened. Some return to the tomb with Peter and John, the rest of the women continue to seek for the others to tell them. The two men run and reach the grave before the women, still incredulous of what happened, but they do not see angels only the empty tomb and the cloth with which they covered him. Some women stay a little longer than the two men and Yeshua appears for the first time to Mary Magdalene and the others who also stayed. They return to tell everyone that this time they huged Yeshua and they don't believe them either. Some time later He appears for the first time to a man: He appears to Simon Peter also known as Cephas. And that afternoon Jesus Christ appears to two men on their way to Emmaus, who only end up recognizing him when they arrive at their destination. At which point he disappears in front of them. They rush back to Jerusalem. That night they find the apostles and other followers gathered behind closed doors. Since they tell the travelers what happened to Peter, the travelers tell them what happened to them in their way to Emmaus. At that instant, Yeshua appears among them. He sees that they are paralyzed with fear and invites them to touch him and shows them that he has flesh and bones, that he is not a spirit. They go into a state of euphoria and they just can't believe what is happening. So he eats grilled fish before them and explains the scriptures to them in the same way that he had done with the two travelers to Emmaus. He explains that it had to happen. That everything is written. Thomas was not there. He is late. They tell him but he does not believe. He says that until he touches his wounds and sticks his finger on his side he won't believe.

And that's it. That is the testimony of that first day of the week. Jesus Christ is alive because he rose on the third day.

From that day until today it has not changed. Always the same.

Of course, this narration, which is consistent with the narrations of the gospels is mine. That is precisely the point. In the case of original sources, despite being slightly different from each other, are consistent with each other, otherwise I could not draw my own version consistently with the Gospels.

False testimonies change according to the intention of the liar. Especially if the lie is very difficult to believe and you want them to believe it. Lies get bigger, or they mutate according to the convenience of the moment.

That does not happen with a truth. If you believe it, fine, if not, it is your loss. Which is precisely what has happened with the resurrection of Christ. He is alive because he was resurrected in body and spirit.


Listing names of witnesses to the resurrection is an argument against the falsity of the biblical testimonies about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The new testament gives lists of people who ate, talked and touched Jesus Christ after resurrecting. Listing names is invitation to investigate the facts, to confirm the facts. those names are given while people are still alive. False testimonials tend to be ambiguous and diffuse in the information so that they cannot be easily contradicted.


The fact that the first witnesses are women is an argument against the falsity of the biblical testimonies about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

For a Jew of the time of Yeshua, the testimony of a woman had no statutory value. It wasn't relevant.

The fact that the testimonies of the gospels agree that the first people to see Yeshua resurrected were women is an indication of truth in the testimony. This fact shows that the intention of the testimonials is not to convince the listener but simply to tell the truth. What actually happened.

To ask a Jewish woman what happened, at times of Jesus Christ, was like asking the family dog. His testimony was simply irrelevant. If the intention was to convince the other Jews relying on prejudices of the time, they made a lousy job. The alternative is that it is just what happened.


The fact that there are appearances to groups is an argument against the falsity of the biblical testimonies about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In several passages of the new testament the testimony is that Jesus Christ appeared to several people at the same time. They touch him, eat with him, they walked and talked with him. Several people at the same time. They remember and he remembers them. He recognizes them and they recognize him. The recall of the apparition remains the same through time and the person is willing to keep his testimony at the cost of great suffering and even death.

That doesn't happen with hallucinations. I repeat: THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN WITH HALLUCINATIONS.

They suffered.

The fact that most of the first witnesses lost everything by believing in Jesus Christ is an argument against the falsity of the biblical testimonies about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus were members of the Sanhedrin. for being believers in Yeshua they lost everything. They lost their money, their position and their family rejected them.

Even today for a Jew, believing in Yeshua implies great sacrifices. It implies losing your previous life. In the vast majority of cases he suffers family rejection and the rejection of other Jews.

But the testimony indicates that these people were willing to stand by their word that Yeshua is alive, because he was resurrected in body and spirit, at the cost to be imprisoned, flogged, stoned, boiled in oil, crucified or behead.

That doesn't happen with someone who makes up a lie that to keep it means dying.


The inexistence of testimonies that contradict the disappearance of the dead body of Jesus Christ is an argument against the falsity of the biblical testimonies about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ had anticipated his resurrection, the Jews knew of this and that is why they requested to place guards at the tomb. To end the testimonies of a resurrection, the only thing that the jewish or roman authorities had to do was to present the body of the deceased to stop the alleged lie. It was in the interest of both authorities to stop the movement. For the Jews for the same reason they killed him, prevent that they believed in the Son of YHWH. And for the romans to avoid the political disturbances. But the response of the Jews was to persecute those who believed the supposed lie and the response of the romans was silence.

And the followers were the ones who suffered the most with this alleged lie. They did not even have to confess where was the body they had supposedly hidden or destroyed in order to stop the persecution. It was simply enough for them to confess that they did not believe what they believed, that Yeshua was the Meshiakh of Israel and that he is alive because he is risen, to stop the persecution. They didn't.

The movement increased without even appearing a body impersonating the dead one.

Furthermore, according to the testimony of the gospels, the religious leaders implicitly accepted the disappearance of the body when they claimed that the disciples had stolen the body to explain the disappearance. If the Jews spread that lie early, then that is the reason why later they did not try an impersonation. If we say that the disciples stole it and destroyed it, then it does not make any sense that afterwards we end up finding the body that others destroyed.

The body of a dead man who was supposedly resurrected does not disappear so easily especially if his grave is guarded by those who killed him.


The fact that embarrassing events are claimed by the witnesses is an argument against the falsity of the biblical testimonies about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The testimonies of the gospels show some witnesses who abandoned their leader, who denied knowing him while they were prosecuting him and that even after he was resurrected they refused to believe until they touched his hand and foot wounds and stick their hand on the side that they had seen pierced by a roman spear. They recognize that he appeared first to women and that the men did not believe them when they told them what happened.

Acknowledging embarrassing issues is a positive criterion for determining the credibility of a testimony in a judicial or historical method.


Believing in airplanes today is not hard, but a thousand years ago talking about a machine that flies, that has wings like birds, that is made of metal, that weights tons, that carries people on its inside sitting, that flies ten times faster than a dove, and that some day, hundreds of thousands of such machines would be built to travel great distances, was quite difficult. Perhaps it would be necessary to see an airplane in operation to believe it.

Something like this seems to be what happened to the first believers, they saw something really extraordinary. Something that only the creator could have done. They saw a dead man who had come back to life. Just as Yeshua had anticipated before he died. As it was written more than 500 years before. They ate with him, touched him, hugged him, talked to him, and walked with him. That's why they believed what they believed and that's why they changed how they changed.

Me personally, I cannot stop believing it anymore. It is already something real. For me it is already a faith. But the reasons stated here are not the only ones. So far the reasons have been rational. But the reasons are becoming experimental and more logical reasons are found and more physical evidence. The reasons feed off each other. You start a new life. You are born again. You begin to live what you believe. It is a battle. Paul calls it the good fight.

Once I begin to believe that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is something possible, something even feasible, it can start a radical change in the way I see life. Because death is no longer the end, life becomes eternal, because it continues after the resurrection, and priorities change.

I say "it can" because it depends on how much the one who is alive, the one who is in the sky that we see, the one who loves me, the one who looks for me, is finding me.

But the promise is that He will find us, because AFTER the resurrection of the dead, when we physically meet again face to face with the people that we have hurt and with those who have hurt us, it will be impossible to say:

"No, no. I just do not believe in the resurrection of the dead”.

After your resurrection, you will remember this presentation. You will remember me and all the people with whom you interacted, one way or another, before your resurrection.

We're going to see each other again.

The Believer.

When they asked Jesus Christ, according to John 6: What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” 59. Yeshua answers: This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent” 60. And a little later in the same conversation he insists: Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life” 61.

Believe in the one that God has sent. But what is the minimum to be able to call someone a believer? What is the minimum to believe in the one who God has sent? To do the works of God?

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15 that: And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty” 62.

Which is the climax of Paul's explanation of what seems to be a kind of song, canticle, chant, recitation, creed, which was already repeated among believers at the time of writing 1st Corinthians, a song that says: Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures” 63.

The good news, the gospel, Faith in Yeshua, is summed up in that canticle, in that recitation, in that initial creed quoted in 1st Corinthians 15.

That is the base, that is the beginning, that is the foundation. That's the faith of the believer in Yeshua, the one commonly called Christian. It's what should unite all believers regardless of their understanding of the rest of the writings and the state of their development as new creature in Christ Jesus.

The believer begins to be a believer when he believes that Jesus Christ, Yeshua, is alive because he was resurrected in body and spirit according to the scriptures. I repeat, according to the SCRIPTURES.


The scriptures that Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians 15, when proclaims the Christian faith by saying that Christ DIED for our SINS according to the Scriptures, and that He was BURIED, and that He ROSE again the third day according to the SCRIPTURES” 64, are the scriptures that he knew as a Pharisee, as a hebrew, as a Jew. They are the hebrew scriptures, the tanakh.

Jesus Christ after resurrected, according to Luke 24, explains the scriptures, the tanakh, to two disciples on their way to a village called Emmaus. Luke tells that: Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things written about himself in all the scriptures65. And later that night when they were meeting with the apostles tells them “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled” 66. The word Tanakh is precisely the abbreviation of Torah, Neviim and Ketuvim, the hebrew words for the books of Moses, the books of the prophets, and a book of writings that include the Psalms.

These explanations that Jesus Christ makes to his disciples and apostles, and all the explanations that Paul does to the Jews in different parts of the Mediterranean, are AFTER the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

If a Jew does not believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected, it is impossible for him to come to understand that the entire Tanakh, absolutely ALL the Tanakh, points to his Meshiakh, the Meshiakh of Israel: from Adam and Eve, through the patriarchs, judges, and kings, to the last of the prophets. ALL of the Tanakh points to the Meshiakh of Israel. He won't be able to do it because he does not have the Spirit that allows him to believe in his Meshiakh. That is why Jesus Christ only explained the Tanakh, and the way in which the Meshiakh of Israel completes it, explains it, fulfills it, to those who saw Him risen, AFTER seeing Him risen.

If you are a Jew and you already believe that Jesus Christ is risen, go and read Isaiah 53, let's see if you don't start crying.


From this point on, this is a presentation of the best understanding that Jose Luis Quiroga has of the scriptures, of the bible, until today, year 2022, based on more than 20 years of reading the scriptures, more than 15 years of study of them, and more than 10 years of study based on the codification of the bible in hebrew and greek idioms made by Mr James Strong. Study made with the intention to clarify the inconsistencies generated by interpretations in other languages. Study that takes into account the different points of view that are found on the Internet and that makes use of the information processing techniques that the author knows due to his professional technical training.

The author reserves the right to be COMPLETELY wrong and to change his position at any time without the slightest feeling of guilt or condemnation, if the Spirit that gives him Life shows him that it is wrong.

It is your responsibility, if you are really interested, to study for yourself the scriptures and come to your own conclusions.

This warning is also an invitation for you to not only read, but also seek to understand the original scriptures by yourself. You don't need to speak hebrew or greek for that, you just need the Internet. A site that I recommend is because it has the entire bible encoded in Strong codes, so that the original bible can be navigated in different ways and understand the original scriptures in hebrew, the language in which the original hebrew authors thought when they wrote their books under the inspiration of the Spirit of the Living God.


According to the bible, Yeshua is Lord.

In John 3, John the Baptist says that: The Father loves the Son, and has given ALL things into His hand67.

In Hebrews 1 its author tells us, speaking of Jesus Christ, that: whom He has appointed heir of ALL things, through whom also He made the WORLDS68.

And Paul affirms in Ephesians 10 that God's plan is that: He might gather together in one ALL things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth69.

Paul also explains in Colossians 1 that Jesus Christ: is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over ALL creation. For by Him ALL things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. ALL things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before ALL things, and in Him ALL things consist70.

So Jesus Christ was the first and THROUGH Him everything was created, listen EVERYTHING, all of it, the whole thing, TODO, todito, todo. And everything, all of it, the whole thing, was created FOR Him. And IN Him all things consist.

And according to Matthew 11 Yeshua himself tells us that: ALL things have been delivered to Me by My Father71.

And in 1 Corinthians 15 Paul explains that God: has put all things under His feet. But when He says ‘all things are put under Him,’ it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted” 72, meaning the Father is not under the Son’s feet.

That means everything, all of it, the whole thing, TODO, todito, todo, except the Father himself. That's why in the entire New Testament, Yeshua is called "our Lord."

Heaven of the heavens.

And just to be clear about what is included when it says "all things" in Deuteronomy 10 can be read that: Indeed heaven and the highest heavens belong to the Lord your God, also the earth with ALL that is in it73.

All things are his because he made them, according to Nehemiah 9: "You alone are the Lord; You have made heaven, The heaven of heavens, with all their host, The earth and everything on it, The seas and all that is in them, And You preserve them all. The host of heaven worships You” 74. Not only He made them but he keeps them running.

In 1st Kings 8 it tells us that: Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain thee75. Not even the heaven of heavens can contain the Father. And he repeats it to us in 2nd Chronicles 2 76 and in 2nd Chronicles 6 77.

And in psalm 68 he also tells us about the heaven of heavens 78. And in Psalm 148 says that: "Praise Him, you heavens of heavens, And you waters above the heavens!” 79.

In several of them a difference is made between the heavens and the heaven of the heavens. And according to Nehemiah, YHWH, the Father, also made them and not only made them but He "preserves" them.


Of course the angels are part of "all things" and since Yeshua, according to Mark 12, tells us that we will be like the angels in heaven 80. It seems like a good idea to know what the bible says about these characters.

The angels, or messengers of YHWH, according to the bible, look and act exactly like men. According to Genesis 18, when Abraham was in front of his tent, some men suddenly appear, next to him, that he recognizes and calls them YHWH and then the bible calls them with the hebrew word for angels. In this passage of the bible we can see that these characters talk, eat and walk 81 and that the bible uses the hebrew words for "men", "YHWH" and "angels" to refer to them. In Genesis 19, just before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, we see that they can also have sex and in Genesis 32 an angel fights with Jacob 82. The angel touches him and Jacob is left lame. In 1 Kings 19 an angel touches Elijah several times 83. And in Zechariah 4 an angel shakes Zechariah to wake him up 84. Angels have a physical body. Such as Jesus Christ after resurrected. Philippians 3 says that Jesus Christ will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body" 85. And they can also kill people. In 2nd Kings 19 a single angel kills 185 thousand people in one night 86.

But remember that it is not the only thing they can do. According to 1 Chronicles 21, they can float between heaven and earth 87. Similar to how Yeshua himself was lifted to heaven, after being resurrected, according to Acts 1 88.

Angels can appear from one moment to another in any place, just like Yeshua himself, according to Luke 24 and John 20, who appears in the midst of the apostles, being these behind closed doors 89. Something similar to the teleportation shown by science fiction movies. Thus, angels apparently do not need to walk to get from one place to another.

They can also become invisible to some eyes and at the same time visible to other eyes as happened to Balaam and his donkey 90 in Numbers 22 or as happened to Elisha and his servant in 2nd Kings 6. When Elisha prayed, and said, ‘Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see’ and YHWH opens the eyes of the servant, and he sees that “the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha” 91.

Furthermore, John says of his vision of Heaven in Revelation 5 that: I looked and heard the voice of many angels in a circle around the throne, as well as the living creatures and the elders. Their number was ten thousand times ten thousand" 92, so there are quite a few angels. In fact, according to Jeremiah 33 they can not even be counted 93.

In Nehemiah 9 we are told that: “you keep giving all of them life, and the army of heaven continuously worships you” 94. And Jesus Christ, according to Matthew 26, tells Peter who tries to defend Jesus when they come to arrest Him: Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?95. Armies and legions of angels. They are definitely organized.

In Joshua 5 we are told that: “the Commander of the Lord’s army said to Joshua, ‘Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.’ And Joshua did so” 96. They have a Chief of their army.

And the author of Hebrews explains to us in Hebrews 1 that Yeshua, Jesus Christ, was made superior to the angels and inherited a name more excellent than theirs, because God never said of an angel: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You”, and he never said of an angel “I will be to Him a Father, And He shall be to Me a Son” and furthermore God commands: “all the angels of God worship Him” 97 quoting Psalms 2 98, 1st Chronicles 17 99 and 2nd Samuel 7 100.

Yeshua is Lord of everything, all of it, the whole thing, except the Father who was the one He gave him everything, all of it, the whole thing, TODO, todito, todo.

What angels do NOT have are wings. Nowhere in the bible we are told that angels have wings. Angels are indistinguishable in appearance from a descendant of Adam and Eve, of a person born on this planet. According to Hebrews 13: “some have unwittingly entertained angels” 101. They are indistinguishable.


Those who do have wings are the Serafim of Isaiah 6, the Cherubim of Ezekiel and the living creatures or animals of Revelation 4. 3 different names for the same creatures that surround the throne of God 102. But another meaning of the hebrew word is “extremity” 103, so they can easily be something other than wings as we see in birds.

In these 4 creatures, that John tells us about, it seems that the 6 extremities 104 correspond with those of Isaiah 105 and with those of Ezekiel 106 if 2 are calf feet with some wing structure, 2 are arms with some wing structure and 2 are wings as we see in eagles.

These creatures seem to be simple animals more than any other thing. These creatures do not appear to be very intelligent or have awareness. The most they do is repeat a phrase like parrots 107, or pass an object 108. Also when they do this, it only happens in a vision and not in a narrative that describes physical events. In these tasks, as intelligent as a dog or a parrot. In fact some times they function as watchdogs according to Genesis 3 109. Or protectors, according to Ezekiel 28 110, which directly compares the king of Tyre, and the Satan indirectly, with one of these animals, perhaps because the Satan was from the heavenly council, that is, very close to YHWH.

The translation of Seraf, the singular of Serafim, is serpent. An animal. And 3 of the total of 4 faces that the Cherubim have are of an animal: one is of an eagle, one is of a calf and one is of a lion. And his legs are from calf, although they also appear to have some wing structure. Also, according to Psalm 18, YHWH likes to ride them 111.

Powerful animals, very intelligent, for animals, and very beautiful, but animals after all. Some kind of heavenly pets. Creatures that only the creator could have designed because according to Ezekiel they seem to have the body of a man 112 and have extraordinary capacities like changing their face to any of 4 possible 113. A kind of biological transformers. They emit light that comes from their interior that appears to be like burning coals of fire 114. One of them even take with their hand of said fire inside them and give it to a man dressed in linen 115. And, according to Ezekiel 1, they run like the lightning 116.

Powerful animals but animals after all.


The bible describes creation, or what the author of Hebrews 9 calls “THIS creation” 117, in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2.

Many people try to reconcile what the text of Genesis says with the ideas of a religion that passes itself off as science. Or with preconceived ideas of what the text narrates.

But there is really no need if we read the text as it is.

And if we do not deny what is logically obvious: That there HAS to be a creator.

And let's remember that it HAS to exist because

If we are going to call the human being intelligent, designer and creative, for all planes, shoes, cell phones, cars, for all the technology, that men has built,

We have to

To admit, by logical necessity, that the complexity of the biological machinery that we observe in plants and animals requires a technology of someone much more intelligent, designer and creative than the human being. A creator.

It is simple observation and logic.

That is why, let us remember that in this presentation we seek to understand the extraordinary events narrated in the bible under the light of current technology and that which we can logically project into the future. And not under the light of the technology that we believe the biblical authors had. That’s the logical thing to do. It is a better approximation to the technical creativity of the Creator. The evidence shows us that it is much more advanced.

Doing this and studying a bit of the original hebrew, the description of Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 can be understood consistently with futuristic projections of the current technology of man.

The first verse specifies for us that it is going to speak about two parts: the shamayim, translated as the heavens, and the earth. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth118.

Here it is important to clarify that the hebrew word for creating also accepts the idea of building, organizing, shaping, assembling.

In the next verse we see that there were things pre-existing to what he is about to create, organize or assemble: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters119. There was already an “earth without form”, a “deep” and some “waters”. And everything was dark and messy. It is not difficult to imagine a planet full of water but empty and dark from the lack of a transparent atmosphere.

It is evident the multiple interdependence of plants, animals and the environment. The functioning of the biological machinery depends mutually, in multiple ways, of other biological machines, that is why they are called “ecosystems”. But there is also a dependency on the enviroment. The biological machinery of this planet can only function at certain temperatures, certain atmospheric pressures, some only in presence of oxygen, of air, because they need to breathe, many of them need to consume water to continue functioning. The whole biological system of the planet depends on characteristics present only on this planet.

Thus, it is not difficult to imagine that everything had to be put in operation in a period of time that would allow the global system to start without collapsing. A span of time like the one described in Genesis 1 and 2: 6 spins of the planet on its axis. 6 days. Period.

Day 1.

The third verse of the bible tells us what Elohim did on the first day: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light120. If we follow the established context, it is the moment in which the creator gives the command to use His highly advanced technology to generate an atmosphere that allows the passage of light so that it is possible to begin to differentiate day from night. The process starts and it takes no more than one rotation of this planet on its axis before it is possible to distinguish the two states: one of light and one of darkness.

Day 2.

The sixth verse sums up the second day for us: Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters” 121. Following the given context, it is the moment in which the order to create, according to a pre-established design, a separation of waters, one body of water is under the expanse directly on the planet and the other body of water above the expanse in an outer orbit. To the space between the two masses of water, to that expanse, he calls it "shamaim" which is translated "heavens".

Day 3.

On the third day Elohim separates the dry from the lower body of water, the one under the heavens. If the text is reconciled with the physical evidence that we observe even today, even after the times of Noah, the process generates a granite shell around the planet that has an interconnected subterranean ocean below and with large shallow lakes over said shell. Upon said shell of granite, the creator appears, or using cinematographic terminology: tele-generated by globalized parallel atomic copy, all vegetation, all the plants, already mature, with which he had thought to start the reproductive process of the plant kingdom.

Day 4.

The fourth day He modifies the atmosphere enough so that it can be observed the sun during the day and the moon and stars at night. It is to be observed that objects external to the atmosphere already physically existed. The plasma candle that we call the sun and the quasi-spherical object that reflects the light coming from the sun that we call moon, they already physically existed. What he creates at this moment, what he shapes, organizes, arranges, are the lights, or luminaries in some translations. He creates them through the physical transformations in temperature, distance, rotation, and so on, which are necessary to keep the biological machinery on the planet running.

Day 5.

On the fifth day Elohim gives the command to create all the aquatic animals adults and adult birds with which He decided, during the design stage, start the reproductive process of these animals. And he did it in similar manner to how he created all the vegetation on the planet: by globalized parallel atomic tele-copying, in cinematographic terminology. In other words, a three-dimensional and parallel atomic copy-paste.

Day 6.

On the sixth day he made the rest of the adult animals, the terrestrial ones, and the first man. He did it in a similar way to how He created plants, aquatic animals and birds, similarly as a human being of today creates a document on his computer. He tells him "sonny, create document". In this case everything was done through another son, the master copy: the son of God, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, The Only Begotten Son of God, The First and the Last, The Meshiakh of Israel: Yeshua HaMashiakh, Our Savior Jesus Christ. That He could have done early in the morning in a nanosecond. He left homework to his creation, Adam, to give names to domestic animals and ONLY domestic animals. Both, those of the air and those of the field, but only the domestic ones, the logical thing to do. The hebrew word coded as H929 122 indicates so. And then, over the evening, when Adam had already done his homework, Elohim puts him to sleep and creates his partner.


If we really accept the logical. That:

If we are going to call the human being intelligent, designer and creative, for all planes, shoes, cell phones, cars, for all the technology that he has built,

We have to

To admit, by logical necessity, that the complexity of the biological machinery that we observe in plants and animals requires a technology of someone much more intelligent, designer and creative than the human being. A creator.

If we really accept that there HAS to be, by logical necessity, a creator with a technology that we can barely imagine.

And if we read Genesis 1 and 2 as they are written, and not as we were taught to read them, or how we want to read them so that they fit our preconceived ideas, it is not so difficult to believe them.

Today, with today's technology, imagining that of the creator, it is not so hard to believe the first two chapters of Genesis.

The bible is a practical book. It tells us about what we can see, about what that we can touch, of what is within our reach, of what we can check. Not about alpha centauri and about galaxies billions of light years far away.

The previous.

But according to the same scriptures, according to the bible, there are things that existed before the creation described in Genesis 1 and 2.


The very word Elohim, who is the Creator, according to Genesis 1 and 2, already existed since he is the creator. Thus, Elohim is not part of what was created in Genesis 1 and 2. He already was. He already existed. It's obvious but you have to mention it because there are people who like to deny the obvious.


Yeshua, our Lord Jesus Christ, even if not everyone is aware that He is their lord, or do not want to recognize Him as such, is neither part of THIS creation nor of anything created. According to John 1, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him ; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men” 123, and then tells us that: And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth" 124. And he ends up identifying the Word with Jesus Christ saying grace and truth came by Jesus Christ125. All things were made by through Yeshua and without Him nothing was made that was made. Yeshua is prior to anything created including THIS creation.

Ruakh Hakodesh.

The Holy Spirit or “Wind” already existed. It's obvious but you have to mention it because there are people who like to deny the obvious.

The Sons of Elohim.

The "beni-haelohim", the sons of Elohim 126, the union of the words H1121 and H430 of the Strong code are not part of THIS creation. Nowhere in Genesis 1 and 2 does this expression appear. The Satan is part of this group and so are the angels. The book of job indicates so. The bible refers to men as the sons of Adam, not like the sons of Elohim. Thus, the sons of Elohim are not part of THIS creation.

The Angels.

Nowhere in the creation account of Genesis 1 and 2 appears the hebrew word coded as H4397 127, the word “malakh” in the singular, or “malakhim” in the plural, used in the bible for “angel” or “messenger”. In addition, in Psalm 8, the word Elohim is also used, that which is for the Creator, to refer to the angels as a whole 128. The angels are not part of THIS creation.

The Satan and company.

The "bení-haelohim" who were not any good little angels, all those children of Elohim who opposed YHWH, Jehovah, Elohim, when he created the human being, they are not part of THIS creation either. Among them is the Satan, the ancient serpent, the devil, the first liar and the first murderer, all titles of the person who is only named in the bible by these titles. The same one that initiates the little problem of disobedience when he deceived Eve. The Satan and company are not part of THIS creation because they are a subset of the beni-haelohim who are not part of of THIS creation.

The Winged Ones.

The Serafim of Isaiah 6, the Cherubim of Ezekiel and the living creatures or animals of Revelation 4, those of which we have already spoken, they were already created. These mighty animals that are ridden by YHWH and that have 6 extremities and 4 possible faces, these kind of biological transformers that are celestial pets, they were already created when Elohim created this heaven and this earth.

The stars.

Neither do the stars. The only occurrence in Genesis 1 and 2 of the word used in the bible for “star”, the word H3556 129, is under the verb GOVERN, NOT under the verb CREATE. This is an example of how even translators are carried away by preconceived ideas. The lesser star, that is the light of the moon, governs the night and the "kakobim", which means, the stars. The stars are also not part of what was created in Genesis 1 and 2. This is perfectly consistent with the fact that the "heavens" of the Genesis also have a heaven, which was also created by YHWH, but BEFORE THIS creation.

A part of the armies of Heaven.

The armies of heaven include the sons of Elohim, Satan and company, the angels, the stars and all the animals that fly in the sky. And since only the last ones are part of THIS creation, good part of the armies of heaven are NOT part of THIS creation. In Genesis 1 were completed YES, when the animals that fly in the sky were made, but before THIS creation there was already a good part of the armies of heaven. The hebrew word for “armies”, the word coded as H6635 130, the word “tsaba” only appears ONE time in Genesis 1, and appears AFTER the creation of man, and in the context of FINISHING the “armies” of what is on earth and in the heavens, those that have just been created. A good part of the armies of the heavens already existed BEFORE THIS creation.

Heaven of Heavens.

The expression heaven of heavens appears a few times in the bible. It is the union of the word H8064 in the singular with the same in the plural 131. Shami-hashamayim and on various occasions it is used in contrast to the plural only referring to the shamayim created in Genesis 1, as used for example in Deuteronomy 10 132. First in the plural and then the combination separated by a vev, the hebrew letter used to separate phrases. The shamaim is part of THIS creation, the one narrated in Genesis 1 and 2. The heaven of the heavens is NOT. That heaven already was, already existed. In it were the sons of Elohim, Satan and company, the angels and the stars. Well, the Satan and company were not yet the Satan and company, they were still good little angels, they had not yet opposed the Creator. But the idea is clear.


What was created in Genesis 1 and 2 is what we see on this planet: plants, animals, people, the earth and the skies, those that if we look up, we can see that they have clouds, and that in Noah's time they had waters above. The bible is practical, it does not tell us about other planets or things to which man has no access. The theme of Genesis 1 and 2 is limited to THIS creation.

Of course this is only ONE way to coherently understand the bible with what the technical creativity of man that we use in day to day basis allows us to project logically. Because if we compare it with the technical creativity necessary for all the biological machinery that we observe in everyday life: plants, animals and people, it is rationally undeniable that there HAS to be a Creator much more intelligent and creative than the human being. That Elohim of Genesis 1. This is just what seems to be the most literal of all ways to understand a text that had to be designed for all ages and all times.

Technical creativity is the best criterion to distinguish a religion from a science. Yes, Christianity is a Faith. It has never denied it. Yes, it claims to be the only true faith because it comes from the only True God. But it is much more logical and coherent, with that technical creativity that we observe, than the rest of religions, including some pretending to be sciences.

According to the bible, Yeshua is Lord of Lords over EVERYTHING, all of it, the whole thing, TODO, todito, todo, including everything prior to THIS creation, because those things were ALSO created by Yeshua and were given to him by his Father.

This way of understanding the bible does not contradict anything that is written on it and seems to be the most literal of all.


According to the bible, in Luke 2, it is said of Yeshua that: For unto you is born this day in the city of David a SAVIOUR, which is Christ the Lord133, and in John 4 some Samaritans say of Jesus Christ that: we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the SAVIOUR of the world” 134.

Thus, according to the bible, Jesus Christ is Savior.

But savior from what? What did He save us from?

There are only two ways to see existence:

  1. Physical life does NOT continue after the physical death because there is NO resurrection. Physical death is the end. Period. It's all over and it's forever. Physical death is eternal. Or exclusively
  2. Physical life DOES continue after the physical death because there IS resurrection. Physical death is NOT the end. Jesus Christ was physically resurrected, is alive, and physical life is eternal because we are going to see each other again after the PHYSICAL resurrection of all PHYSICALLY dead people. And that physical resurrection is to never die again physically because it is not possible to die physically, that is what Jesus Christ affirms.

Thus, Jesus Christ saves us from death.

To make the concept clear from the biblical point of view, let us see what the bible tells us.


In various parts of the gospels our Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua, refers to life:

In John 14 he says: I am the way, the truth, and the life" 135.

In John 11 he states: I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live136.

In John 8: I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life137.

In John 6: I am the bread of life138.

In John 17: And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent139.

In short, Life, according to the bible in the voice of Jesus Christ, is Himself, Jesus Christ, Yeshua. And as 1st John 2 says:

The one who says ‘I have come to know God’ and yet does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in such a person. But whoever obeys his word, truly in this person the love of God has been perfected. By this we know that we are in him. The one who says he resides in God ought himself to walk just as Jesus walked" 140. That means: loving.

This physical life that Jesus speaks of is eternal, it does not end with physical death because it continues after the resurrection of the dead. It is only interrupted.

Paul explains in Philippians 3 that Jesus Christ will transform these humble bodies of ours into the likeness of his glorious body" 141. That one who ate roasted fish according to Luke 24, which can be touched, and which went up to heaven and they saw him until a cloud covered him according to Acts 1.

If that is believed, real life starts. People begin to live according to what is believed. That physical life continues after resurrection and that the way to STAY alive is to follow Yeshua, YHWH, through his Spirit that lives in us, his Ruakh Hakodesh. To live as Yeshua lives. Loving. Following the Law, the Precepts, the Commandments. Loving them to be able to follow them. Doing what is good according to YHWH, not according to my heart.

YHWH himself explains through his prophet Ezekiel that:

"If the wicked person turns from all the sin he has committed and observes all my statutes and does what is just and right, he will surely live; he will NOT DIE. None of the sins he has committed will be held against him; because of the righteousness he has done, he WILL LIVE. Do I actually delight in the death of the wicked, declares the Sovereign Lord? Do I not prefer that he turn from his wicked conduct and live?

But if a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and practices wrongdoing according to all the abominable practices the wicked carry out, will he live? All his righteous acts will not be remembered; because of the unfaithful acts he has done and the sin he has committed, he WIL DIE142.

He who does good lives and he who does evil dies. To follow Christ, to live as Yeshua lives, is to do what is good, is to be alive. Yeshua is the Life. His Spirit gives us Life.

But it is impossible to live as Yeshua lives if it is believed that he is dead, that He did not rise from the dead. That physical death is the end.

If we believe that physical death is the end, we are still dead spiritually, because according to the bible we are born to this physical life spiritually dead. We are born without a relationship with the Father. Relationship that only faith in Jesus Christ can begin.

If we believe that physical death is not the end, the transformation of the mind has already begun, we are already born again to a spiritual life and all things are made new.

Only the resurrection of Yeshua allows us to see the existence in the second form because it is the only example of which there is authentic evidence. The problem is that no one, absolutely no one, can make someone believe the latter, only the Father can do that. Jesus Christ himself explains it to us in John 6: No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me” 143 “drags him first” 144.

Some will only begin to believe in the resurrection of the dead AFTER they have been resurrected. But it's always better to be alive than dead.


Death is the absence of life, the non-existence of life. If death is defined in this way, we can say that just as we have a physical life, an emotional life, a mental life and, for those born in Christ, a spiritual life, an eternal life, likewise we have a respective death for each absence of each one of these kinds of life. A physical death, an emotional death, a mental death and a spiritual death.

According to the bible, all descendants of Adam are born spiritually dead. We are born without the spirit of Yeshua, who is Life itself. Who gives us that spiritual life. Who gives us a relationship with the Father.

According to the bible, when Jehovah created man he created him with this relationship, alive not only physically but also spiritually, but warned him “saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” 145.

According to John 8, Jesus Christ identifies his opponent, the Satan, if we translate into hebrew, with the father of lies, with the murderer from the beginning, with the devil. According to Matthew 23, with the serpent and the viper 146. And according to Revelation 20, with the dragon, the devil and the ancient serpent 147.

The first serpent mentioned in the bible, that is, the father of the lie and murderer from that beginning, that father of the Pharisees and scribes who opposed Jesus Christ deceives Eve. He tells her: "Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?148. He exaggerates what YHWH has said and then lies: You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” 149.

Eve eats the fruit, Adam eats the fruit, and YHWH expels them from Eden. They lose access to the Tree of Life, and what happens? They die. They no longer have relationship with the Father, they can no longer eat from the Tree of Life and die. They die spiritually and the consequence of spiritual death is physical death. Maybe not immediately but it is the end result. Adam ends up living 930 years and dies. He eventually physically dies too. Spiritual death results in physical death.

The text of Genesis from the second chapter, fourth verse, change. It stops using the word Elohim and starts using the word YHWH. The narrative ceases to be strictly sequential, day by day, and becomes be more generic and less chronological. More allegorical and less literal.

But it can be read literally.

It is not difficult for a 21st century person to imagine a real snake speaking if you have the technology to make it speak. Moses, according to Jesus Christ, in John 5, was the one who wrote the text. And when Moses wrote this, he had already seen bushes speak, and walking sticks become serpents, and seas split in two, and bread fall from the sky for months. So writing about a snake talking to a woman, was not a fairy tale for Moses. If he really lived what he says he lived. And, if Jesus Christ is alive because he was resurrected, the text was written by Moses, it is true, and Moses lived what he said that he lived.

And, when YHWH speaks to the serpent, he is speaking to the one who manipulated the snake. Similar to when Jesus speaks to the legion of evil spirits that manipulated the man of the province of the Gadarenes, according to Mark 5 150. To the man as such, Jesus only speaks to him AFTER having expelled the unclean evil spirits.

In Genesis 3, YHWH says to the serpent: Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life" 151. Just as saying, since you think you are so much a snake, you're going to BE one. He is telling it to the Satan, the father of liers. And from then on he kept the title. Title that Jesus Christ uses with the Pharisees who opposed him: serpents, vipers.

The text can be read literally if we can believe the context, if we can believe that Moses lived what he said he lived. If we can imagine the necessary technology. And if we do NOT think that we are smarter or more evolved than the one who wrote it.

And according to Paul, everything is going according to plan. In 1 Corinthians 15 he tells us: “since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead” 152.

Yeshua brings us the resurrection. Yeshua is the Life. Yeshua saved us from death.

It is NOT by AVOIDING death that He saves us, because we are born spiritually dead and we are going to die physically anyways. It is by TAKING US OUT of death that He saves us.

He first saves us from spiritual death by giving us Life through his Holy Spirit. And then he will save us from physical death, when He will resurrect us ALL on the last day. That is the order for the believer and for the one that dies without believing is the inverse order.


According to John 8, Jesus Christ affirms that: Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a SLAVE of sin153 and that: if the Son sets you FREE, you are truly FREE154.

Paul also explains it in Romans 6: “Do you not know that if you present yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or obedience resulting in righteousness?” 155. And he goes on to say, "But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” 156. And he adds in Romans 8 that “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death” 157.

Thus, Yeshua frees us from the power that sin has in us. It is a power from which we cannot escape ourselves. Everyone realizes that we are all sinners. We call it, quote, “the human condition”. We say, quote: “everyone makes mistakes”.

Paul also explains it in Romans 7 saying: "I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me” 158. And he adds: “O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!" 159.

Thus, we pass from a slavery to sin, from which we cannot get out by ourselves, and is therefore forced, into a voluntary slavery to Jesus Christ. If we willingly choose Jesus Christ as our Master, our King, our Lord, is because we obey what he commands us: to love God above all things, to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, and love each other as Jesus Christ loves us.

The slavery allowed in the bible is not what we know as slavery today. In Leviticus 19, YHWH commands the people of Israel: thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the Lord160. And Jesus Christ explains that the neighbor, in that law that orders to love the neighbor, is anyone, even slaves. Those of which, in Galatians 4, Paul says that: "the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave” 161. Those who in NOTHING differ from the child heir. Those of whom, according to Deuteronomy 23, YHWH commands that: "You shall NOT give back to his master the slave who has escaped from his master to you” 162. Those who actually belong to YHWH just as all of Israel and every creature on this planet belongs to him. Those who, according to Exodus 21, should be set free if by the master's fault loose an eye 163, and also, according to Leviticus 24, it would be done to the master as he did to the slave: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for life 164.

In Jesus Christ ALL believers are made free from sin, not just slaves, to freely become slaves of Jesus Christ. Paul explains in Galatians 3: There is neither Jew nor greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus165. And in 1st Corinthians 7 Paul explains that: he “who is called in the Lord while a SLAVE is the Lord’s FREEDMAN. Likewise he who is called while FREE is Christ’s SLAVE” 166.

We are all equal in Christ Jesus: willingly slaves of Jesus Christ to be TRULY FREE.

It is God who, through Yeshua, frees us from slavery to sin by changing our hearts so that we freely become slaves of Jesus Christ and obey his commandment of loving him above all things for our own good.

Principalities and powers.

But let's remember that it all started when the serpent tricked Eve. That serpent that the bible also calls the Satan. Word that it is just a transliteration of the hebrew word that means “opposer”.

According to Job 1, the Satan was, at least in Job's day, a “beni-haelohim”, a son of God 167. The Satan was a son of Elohim, the one who created the heavens and the earth. The Satan was a son of the creator. The hebrew words coded as H1121 and H430 of the Strong's code, the words for “ben”, meaning “son”, and “elohim”, meaning “God”, indicate so 168.

Job 1 says that now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them169. Satan was like the rest of the children of Elohim, like the angels. Those who have body and spirit and relationship with Jehovah. Those who can speak eat, have sex and are indistinguishable in appearance from a man, of a son of Adam. The Satan even has a conversation with Jehovah.

Job 1 narrates that:

“Yahweh said to Satan, ‘Where have you come from?’

Then Satan answered Yahweh, and said, ‘From going back and forth in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.’

Yahweh said to Satan, ‘Have you considered my servant, Job? For there is no one like him in the earth, a blameless and an upright man, one who fears God, and turns away from evil.’

Then Satan answered Yahweh, and said, ‘Does Job fear God for nothing? Haven’t you made a hedge around him, and around his house, and around all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. But stretch out your hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will renounce you to your face.’

Yahweh said to Satan, ‘Behold, all that he has is in your power. Only on himself don’t stretch out your hand.’

So Satan went out from the presence of Yahweh” 170.

That is, a dialogue similar to the one that Abraham had with YHWH, that is, Jehovah, or God, according to Genesis 18 171. And keep in mind that Satan and company had already done tricks several times.

According to Genesis 6, apparently long before Job, some of these children did not behave very well because: "When men began to multiply on the surface of the ground, and daughters were born to them, God’s sons saw that men’s daughters were beautiful, and they took any that they wanted for themselves as wives” 172. Y that "God’s sons came in to men’s daughters and had children with them173.

That is to say that the Satan and other sons of God began to have sons with the daughters of men.

There would be no need to differentiate between "sons of God" and "sons of men” if it were a cross between sons and daughters of men. Sons of men with daughters of men was just what God wanted from a beginning, that's why he said to Adam and Eve: Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth174.

No. The Satan not only deceived Eve, but there were also other little children of Elohim who were carried away by lust, one of the Satan's favorite themes, and things got complicated. These little children of Elohim they end up crossing with the daughters of men, having children with them.

Children who obviously cannot be called angels because they never really were messengers of God but opponents of God. That's why the bible does not refer to them as malakh, the hebrew word for angels or messengers of YHWH, but as sons of Elohim. Rebellious sons who from the beginning became opposed to the creation of Elohim.

The result of all this disobedience both in the earth as it is in heaven was that, according to Genesis 6: Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of man’s heart was continually only evil175. His creation got spoiled.

And since He already knew about the little problem since before creating man, He continued with the plan as it was before creation. And He gave a hint. He did with Noah something similar to what He intended to do definitively with Yeshua: a reboot. And He sent the famous global flood.

The little problem obviously continued, because the final solution was Yeshua.

A little while after Noah, apparently also many years before Job, the influence and dominance of the Satan and company continued. Of course without offspring on earth, but they kept messing with the sons of Adam. The result was what the bible describes as the Tower of Babel. But that now it is easier to locate as tower of Éridu. Because its remains are found in what is now known as Éridu. Even using the famous search engine and its mapping mechanism anyone can locate the site where they started building the tower.

From that dominion and influence of the Satan and company, from the slavery to sin, of the current world system, ONLY the Spirit of Yeshua can set us free. The one that Yeshua left us after His resurrection. We start to be free when we are born again. When we start to believe that He is really alive because He was resurrected. He gives us the power to fight these principalities and powers that wanted to see us eternally dead. It is a battle that takes place in the heart and mind of every believer.

Paul explains in Ephesians that: our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world’s rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places176.

And 1 John 5 explains that: the whole world lies in the power of the evil one177.

And Yeshua explains in John 17 about his followers that: I have given them your word. The world hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I pray not that you would take them from the world, but that you would keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world even as I am not of the world178. Once someone begins to follow Yeshua, he ceases to be of the world, he ceases to be under the bondage of sin. He is liberated by our liberator and begins to have the power to fight principalities and heavenly powers.

And Paul in Romans 8 tells us that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from God’s love which is in Christ Jesus our Lord179. That is to say: nothing, absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus Christ. Which reminds me of Psalm 136. Go look it up.

Ephesians 1 speaks of the power of God and the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe”. And he adds that: which he worked in Christ, when he raised him from the dead and made him to sit at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule, authority, power, dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in that which is to come. He put all things in subjection under his feet180. That is to say, Satan and company are under the feet of the Holy Spirit who lives in all true believers.

Colossians 2 explains that Yeshua, Jesus Christ, stripped the principalities and the powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them181.

It is to be expected that nobody will be happy to be under somebody else’s feet, and the Satan and company, those that the bible calls celestial principalities and powers, were no exception. They thought that the idea of Adam and offspring was a bad idea and opposed YHWH's plan from the beginning. And they sought to damage it and tare it down by any means.

But YHWH, who knows it all, counted on that from the beginning and kept it to himself. Paul explains in Romans 16 that: the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began, that mystery has “now made manifest” and “made known to all nations” with Jesus Christ and his Resurrection. All according to the prophetic Scriptures” and “according to the commandment of the everlasting God". And he ends by saying that to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen182.

There are two kingdoms:

  1. In the hearts and minds of believers in Yeshua, where the Holy spirit of Yeshua reigns.
  2. And in the hearts and minds of those who have not been born again, where reign the spirits of the principalities and powers that are in rebellion against the Creator, spirits that the bible calls evil and impure, or demons.

Yeshua HaMashiakh gives us His spirit to be able to fight the heavenly principalities and powers.

One of two.

According to the bible, the person who does not believe in Yeshua is spiritually dead. All those who do not follow Him, who do not live as He taught, they are actually dead.

Jesus explains in John 5 that: Most certainly I tell you, he who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life, and doesn’t come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life" 183.

And in Matthew 8 someone says to him, Lord, allow me first to go and bury my father" and Jesus replies: Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead" 184.

He who does not know Jesus is dead. Dead to true life. To eternal life.

Of course one has a physical life, an emotional life, an intellectual or mental life, but one doesn't have an spiritual life, a transcendental life, an eternal life. It ends with death. That is what one believes. And one lives according to that. One is dead. There is no relationship with the creator.

Paul explains in Ephesians 2 that: you were dead in transgressions and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the children of disobedience" 185.

In other words, we were spiritually dead for being children of the Satan, like some Pharisees of the time of Jesus.

But, what is that course of this world that those who disobey God walk accordingly?

In 1 John 2 it says:

Don’t love the world or the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, the Father’s love isn’t in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, isn’t the Father’s, but is the world’s. The world is passing away with its lusts, but he who does God’s will remains forever" 186.

In other words it is either the world or YHWH, there is no midle.

According to John 10 Yeshua affirms that to his sheep, to those who believe in Him:

I give them eternal life, and they will never perish; no one will snatch them from my hand" 187.

And according to John 6 Jesus states:

Everyone whom the Father gives me will come to me, and the one who comes to me I will never send away" 188.

And in John 6 he also states: "Now this is the will of the one who sent me: that I should not lose one person of every one he has given me, but raise them all up at the LAST day". And he reaffirms: "For this is the will of my Father: for everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him to have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the LAST day" 189.

In other words, first the Father gives them to Him and then nobody takes them away nor He throws them out. And the thing continues is at the end, on the LAST day. Not before.


And in the meanwhile?

Well, according to John 11, Jesus Christ affirms that: Our friend, Lazarus, has fallen asleep, but I am going so that I may awake him out of sleep" 190 and then explains Lazarus is dead" 191.

And according to Mark 5 and Luke 8 Yeshua affirms: She isn’t dead, but sleeping" 192.

In other words, in the meantime, the body becomes dust in the grave and the spirit asleep with the one who never sleeps, YHWH, who watches over it.

According to Ecclesiastes 9 in that sleep, there is no work, nor plan, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol, where you are going" 193. And Ecclesiastes 12, refers to death, as the moment when “the dust RETURNS to the earth as it WAS, and the spirit RETURNS to God who GAVE it” 194. Things go back to the way they were BEFORE they were alive: the dust turned to dust and the spirit with God. That's why there are no works, one can do nothing, no plans, there is nothing to plan, no knowledge, nothing can be known, not even God. And the thing remains like that until Jesus Christ rises them, awakens them, that is why Paul in 1st Corinthians 11 tells us that some are sleeping 195, something that is still going on, that is what the conjugation of the greek word G2837 indicates.

The comparison of Jesus Christ has two parts. One refers to the fact that when someone sleeps there is no consciousness, one can’t do anything. The other refers to the fact that the person can be wakened up. It is not an irreversible situation. And god can wake people up temporarily to go back to sleep later or He can do it permanently as in not to going back to sleep ever again, just as He promises to do it on the LAST day.

In the bible we have several examples of people who were temporarily awakened, even for times longer than what Adam lived. According to John 21 when He says to Peter: If I desire that he stay until I come, what is that to you? You follow me" 196. Situation that becomes real when Peter, according to Luke 9, tells Jesus Christ: Master, it is good for us to be here. Let’s make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah” 197. Peter offers to build 3 tabernacles, or tents, because they were in the Jewish festival of Sukot, 2 of them for Moses and Elijah, event commonly known as the transfiguration of Jesus Christ. They were physically present and so Peter offers to build two tents and use them to celebrate Sukkot.

But the first to obtain a definitive physical resurrection, one that it is to not die again, because you can no longer die, it is Jesus Christ. Paul explains in Colossians 1 that Jesus Christ is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things he might have the preeminence198.

Jesus Christ sleeps for 3 days and three nights to fulfill the scriptures, before waking up, before resurrection. That's why the promise that Jesus Christ makes to the thief who was crucified with him when he tells him that: Assuredly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise199 refers to a future moment but not an immediate one, because the next three days and three nights Jesus Christ was going to be asleep in Sheol, which is no paradise.

In koine greek there are no commas, and the word “today” was used to make emphasis, so the word “today” refers to that precise instant and NOT to moment the thief will be with Jesus in Paradise.

It is possible that said thief is one of those that Matthew 27 speaks to us about when says that: "The tombs were opened, and many BODIES of the saints who had fallen ASLEEP were RAISED; and COMING out of the tombs AFTER his resurrection, they entered into the holy city and APPEARED to many” 200, but the bible does not specify it. What shows us this passage is that the dead are asleep, unconscious, and they can only COME and APPEAR to the living AFTER they RAISE from the graves, when they cease to be ASLEEP, when they wake up, when they are RISEN, when they resurrect with a physical BODY, be it temporary or definitely. Not before.

Paul in 2nd Corinthians 5 explains the resurrection, that moment in which we will be awakened to be in the presence of Jesus Christ, with a comparison. He says: we know that if the earthly house of our tent is dissolved, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal, in the heavens. For most certainly in this we groan, longing to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven201. Paul compares this body to a temporary house that will be replaced by a permanent one that was made in heaven. This body will be replaced by a permanent body to inhabit a new earth with new heavens. But in the meanwhile we will be sleeping.


And how am I born to that eternal life? It is not so easy because according to John 6 Jesus Christ affirms: No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me202 “drags him first” 203.

And Jesus Christ explains in John 14: No one comes to the Father, except through me" 204.

In other words, first the Father gives them to Jesus Christ and then through that way we reach the Father.

So we are in the hands of YHWH. Of the Father.

But there is good news because according to John 5, our Lord Yeshua states:

“Don’t marvel at this, for the hour comes in which all who are in the tombs will hear his voice, and will come out; those who have done good, to the resurrection of life; and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of” 205 “judgment” 206.

Furthermore, Paul explains in 1 Timothy 2 that God desires ALL people to be saved and come to full knowledge of the truth" 207 and that Jesus Christ who gave himself as a ransom for ALL, the testimony in its own times" 208.

And in 1 Corinthians 15 Paul explains that For as in Adam ALL die, even so in Christ ALL shall be made alive" 209.

Because as explained in Romans 11: God has committed them ALL to disobedience, that He might have mercy on ALL" 210 and that: For of Him and through Him and to Him are ALL things, to whom be glory forever. Amen" 211.

And Jesus Christ in Matthew 11 says that: ALL things have been delivered to Me by My Father" 212. And in John 17 he affirms that: you gave him authority over ALL flesh, so he will give eternal life to ALL whom you have given him" 213.

And John in Revelation 5 says that: "And EVERY creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and ALL that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever" 214.

And Paul quotes Isaiah 45 in Romans 14 saying, As I live, saith the Lord, EVERY knee shall bow to me, and EVERY tongue shall confess to God" 215.

Let us hope that at least after the resurrection of the dead and during that eternal judgment that awaits those who did evil, all those "ALL" include you ; and Elohim, YHWH, the creator of heaven and earth, doesn't end up being a liar.


The justice described in the bible may be one of the most difficult concepts to understand or one of the easiest to understand.

It all depends on what we believe before reading the text.

If we believe that physical death IS the end, that there is no physical resurrection of the dead, it is very difficult to understand. But if we believe that physical death is NOT the end and that there IS a physical resurrection of the dead, of ALL the dead, and we read the text letting the text itself to define the concepts of good, bad, obedience, disobedience, life and death, it is very easy to understand.


YHWH himself explains through his prophet Ezekiel that:

“If the wicked person turns from all the sin he has committed and observes all my statutes and does what is just and right, he will surely live; he will not die. None of the sins he has committed will be held against him; because of the righteousness he has done, he will live. Do I actually delight in the death of the wicked, declares the Sovereign Lord? Do I not prefer that he turn from his wicked conduct and live?

But if a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and practices wrongdoing according to all the abominable practices the wicked carry out, will he live? All his righteous acts will not be remembered; because of the unfaithful acts he has done and the sin he has committed, he will die” 216.

It’s easy: He who does good lives. He who does evil dies.

YHWH also explains his justice through Moses. In Deuteronomy 30 tells us that: See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil217. And He also says: I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life” 218.

In Jeremiah 17 also YHWH says that: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings” 219. And a little later in Jeremiah 18: if that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it; If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them" 220.

In other words, the thing works for people as well as for nations. If you do what is good, you live; if you do what is bad, you die.

The good guy.

The question is who does good?

When the rich young man addresses Jesus Christ as "good teacher" in Mark 10, Jesus Christ asks him: Why do you call me good? No one is good except one: God221. Consistent with Paul's explanation in Romans 11: For God has bound ALL to disobedience, that he might have mercy on ALL" 222. And with 1st Corinthians 15 in which Paul explains that for as in Adam ALL die, so also in Christ ALL will be made alive" 223. And with Psalm 14 which says: “The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one” 224.

Thus, according to the bible, sinners, those who do evil, it is ALL of us, absolutely everyone since Adam and the consequence is death. Precisely for this reason we ALL need a savior. Among men there is no good one, not even one.

And what was that so terrible that Adam did?

In Genesis 3, God tells Adam: "of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” 225. From the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Seeking to know good and evil.

From a strictly logical, strictly rational, point of view, it is impossible to distinguish the good from the bad without knowing the truth. If I do not know the truth, if I don't have access to the truth, how can I distinguish good from bad? Impossible.

Jesus Christ identifies himself as The Truth. He says in John 14 I am the way, the truth, and the life226. Thus without The Truth, without Jesus Christ, it is impossible to distinguish between good and bad. That is why Jesus Christ tells us, according to John 8, that: “If you remain in my word, then you are truly my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” 227.

If we do not know Jesus Christ, if we do not know The Truth, we are not TRULY free. It is possible to choose, to decide, but it is not possible choose CORRECTLY. You are not truly free. You are a slave to a lie. That physical death is the end. That there is no physical resurrection. We are slaves to sin, we can only "err the objective”, we are not TRULY free.

It doesn't seem like it, but without Jesus Christ it happens to us what happened to the people of Israel in the time of the Judges. According to Judges 21, when already having the commandments and all the law of the Torah, every man did that which was right in his own eyes228. And without Jesus Christ, it still happens to us. When is abortion good? When is it good to change gender? Is homosexual marriage good? Was YHWH good in sending Shaul to kill all the people of Amalek? Is the law written in Deuteronomy good? Why doesn't it ban slavery? We choose, we judge, without The Truth, without Jesus Christ in the heart, and we end up doing the same thing of Judges 21: every man did that which was right in his own eyes” 229.

And what we believe as true, as certain, as real, determines the way we think, speak and act. Our priorities, wishes and objectives are aligned with what we believe. That is why John explains in 1st John 2 that: “Don’t love the world or the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, the Father’s love isn’t in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, isn’t the Father’s, but is the world’s” 230. Pleasure, money and social power are the priorities of those who belong to the world. Those priorities change when we know Jesus Christ, the Truth himself. That's why Yeshua also says in John 11 that: "I am the resurrection and the life” 231.

When you begin to believe in his resurrection, things begin to change. Paul explains in Romans 10 that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved232. Believe IN THE HEART, not from the mouth to the outside, that Jesus Christ was resurrected, allows the process to begin.

Doing good.

Doing good seems very easy, Jesus Christ explains it, according to Matthew 22: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. A second likewise is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments” 233. And he adds, according to John 13: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also love one another” 234.

It looks easy. Love God above all things, love your neighbor as yourself, love as Yeshua loves us. Easy. Love, love, love.

To do good is to love.

It is in practice that things are not so easy because according to Matthew 5, Yeshua makes it a little more difficult than what was written by Moses. Yeshua says that “You have heard that it was said to the ancient ones, ‘You shall not murder;’ and ‘Whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’ But I tell you that everyone who is angry with his brother without a cause will be in danger of the judgment. Whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ will be in danger of the council. Whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of Gehenna“ 235. And he adds: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery’ ; but I tell you that everyone who gazes at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart” 236. Meaning that we sin with what we say, with our thoughts, with our feelings, with our heart. It's not just what we do. It is what comes out from the heart. Yeshua explains in Matthew 15 that: “the things which proceed out of the mouth come out of the heart, and they defile the man. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexual sins, thefts, false testimony, and blasphemies” 237.

Yeshua demands more than the law written by Moses. According to Matthew 5, Yeshua demands loving the enemy, turning the other cheek, giving anything they ask for, go the extra mile, be like the Heavenly Father who is perfect. To be Holy.

To be good is to be Holy and Perfect like the Heavenly Father.

Now, those are big words. That is why Yeshua says that he did not come to cancel the law but to complete it. To make it even more perfect.

That is why Peter asks him "Who then can be saved?", and Yeshua replies: "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” 238.

The bad guys.

The good is God. To do good is to love as God loves, to be Holy and Perfect.

We have all sinned, we all have sin within ourselves. All men have done evil.

And according to the bible, what happens to the one who does evil? What happens to bad people? They die. In fact they are already dead. It is precisely because they are spiritually dead, for not knowing Yeshua, who is Life itself, for not being able to live as Jesus Christ lived, that they cannot do what is good. And the consequence of spiritual death is physical death. That was the consequence for Adam and that is the fate of sinners, of all Adam's descendants.

With the exception of a few people of the last generation descended from Adam, we are ALL going to physically die. Because there is sin in EVERYONE. It is within the flesh itself. In genetics itself. That one that comes from Adam. There is a physical propagation of evil, through the flesh, and a spiritual propagation, through the social system, what the bible calls the world. That is why the bible speaks of a creation in collapse, a fallen creation. Spiritual death is nullable when you begin to spiritually know Jesus Christ. And physical death will be nullable AFTER the resurrection of the dead. Jesus Christ saves us from death by TAKING US OUT of death, both physical and spiritual.

Psalm 37 says that the wicked wither, that they will be cut off, that they will be no more, that you will look for them and will not find them, that their day comes, that their sword will enter their own hearts, that their arms will be broken, that they will perish, that they vanish like smoke, that they will be destroyed 239. Obviously that has not happened yet. There are still a lot of bad guys out there.

Psalm 9 has a similar tone, it speaks of the destruction of the wicked forever and ever. Other psalms calling for or announcing destruction of the wicked are Psalm 10, 12, 18, 21, 28, 52, 58, 59, 63, 73, 92. In short, there are several psalms that speak of the destruction of the wicked.

There are several psalms in which the psalmist asks God for physical suffering of the wicked. Some in tones of revenge and torture. Which shows us that even psalmists saw themselves as good people, the bad guys are the others, and that, according to the bible, it is valid to ask practically anything to God. Including the suffering of other people or the death of oneself. It is valid as long as God is asked for it and it is not thought about taking actions by yourself. Leaving things in the hands of God's justice.

There are several pasages in the book of Revelation that talk about the destruction of the wicked.

Revelation 11, just after blowing the seventh trumpet, tells us that: “The nations were angry, and your wrath came, as did the time for the dead to be judged, and to give your bondservants the prophets, their reward, as well as to the saints, and those who fear your name, to the small and the great, and to DESTROY those who destroy the earth” 240.

In Revelation 20 when it says that: “And after the thousand years, Satan will be released from his prison, and he will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to the war; the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. They went up over the width of the earth, and surrounded the camp of the saints, and the beloved city. Fire came down out of heaven from God and devoured them” 241.

Revelation 21 says that: “But for the cowardly, unbelieving, sinners, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death” 242.

The point is that God promises to destroy the wicked. That the day will come when you will look for them and will not find them.


YHWH's, God's, favorite way of ending the bad guys is with fire.

In Genesis 19 it says that: “Then Yahweh rained on Sodom and on Gomorrah sulfur and FIRE from Yahweh out of the sky” 243. In Ezekiel 38: “I will rain on him, and on his hordes, and on the many peoples who are with him, an overflowing shower, with great hailstones, FIRE, and sulfur” 244. In Amos 1 and 2 we see that Jehovah says that: “I will send a FIRE into the house of Hazael”, and “I will send a FIRE on the wall of Gaza”, and “I will send a FIRE on the wall of Tyrus”, and “I will send a FIRE upon Teman”, and “I will send a FIRE upon Moab”, and “I will send a FIRE upon Judah”. In Revelation 20 says that FIRE came down out of heaven from God and devoured them” 245. Revelation 21 says that: the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with FIRE and brimstone: which is the second death246. In 2nd Peter 2 says that: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto FIRE against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men” 247. Definitely God likes fire. And sometimes sulfur and brimstone.

The bible also tells us in 1st John 4 that: He who doesn’t love doesn’t know God, for God is love248. And in Hebrews 12: for our God is a consuming fire” 249. Which means that God is love and fire at the same time.

And according to Isaiah 9 Jehovah declares that “for the passion of YHWH tzabaot the whole earth is on fire and the peoples are the fuel. Fire from man to brother leaving no one” 250. ALL the earth. And the PEOPLE are THE FUEL. And the fire spreads from man to brother! Just as saying: TREMENDOUS FIRE!

The interesting thing is that this is perfectly consistent with the intentions that Yeshua says he has in Luke 12 when he states that: I came to throw FIRE on the earth. I wish it were already kindled" 251. And with Mark 9 when Yeshua states: For everyone will be salted with FIRE252. Which means that the pyromaniac is Jesus Christ!


John the Baptist, according to Matthew 3, explains to us about Jesus Christ that: He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his threshing floor. He will gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn up with unquenchable FIRE253. In a FIRE that will NEVER go out. Jehovah, in Malachi 3, warns us: who can endure the day of his coming? And who will stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner’s FIRE, and like launderers’ soap” 254.

Jesus Christ himself tells us about the Valley of Hinnom, the Ge Hinom in hebrew, the Ge-Henna in the greek transliteration. Translated “INFERNO” in latin and then “INFIERNO” in spanish, also translated into germanic languages as “hel” or “helle” and later translated into english as “HELL”. A valley where in the times of King Josiah, the hebrews, the Israelites, sacrificed their children by passing them through fire to some god Moloch 255. Using said valley as a reference, Jesus Christ tells us according to Matthew 5 that: Whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the FIRE of Gehenna” 256, and that: “everyone who gazes at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna” 257. And according to Matthew 18, Jesus Christ says that said fire is ETERNAL 258.

The Son, Jesus Christ, also likes fire to put an end to the bad guys. And not just any fire but an ETERNAL one. And if you gaze greedily: already trouble.

Jehovah, YHWH, the Father, according to Isaiah 33, says that: “Now I will arise, says Yahweh. Now I will lift myself up. Now I will be exalted. You will conceive chaff. You will give birth to stubble. Your breath is a FIRE that will devour you. The peoples will be like the burning of lime, like thorns that are cut down and burned in the FIRE. Hear, you who are far off, what I have done; and, you who are near, acknowledge my might. The sinners in Zion are afraid. Trembling has seized the godless ones. Who among us can live with the devouring FIRE? Who among us can live with everlasting burning?” 259. No one wants to live in the middle of a fire that does not go out. Especially the bad guys.

And according to Jude 1 the thing has already started because it speaks of the non-believers of the time in the following terms: and some save, snatching them out of the FIRE with fear, hating even the clothing stained by the flesh260.

On the one hand we have that the Holy Spirit is like a fire, that consumes everything, which is love, which is transmitted from believer to non-believer, which will never go out, that burns all peoples and nations, that transforms the person, which cleanses the person like a purifying fire, or like bleach that removes stains, that the bad guys are filled with fear and tremble to think of it, that Jesus Christ was the one who brought it and that he is going to set the whole earth on fire. One way to end the bad guys is by turning them into good guys through his Holy Spirit. Starting off of a creature that does evil God makes a new creature that does good, transforming the first into the second through its Holy Spirit.

It is noteworthy that this fire of the Holy Spirit is one that will never go out, a fire that is eternal.


On the other hand we have that Sodom and Gomorrah were not consumed by a spiritual fire, but by a physical one. A physical fire was the one that also consumed Tyre, Bozrah, Kerioth, and Jerusalem.

And the fire that Peter talks about in 2nd Peter 3 when he says that: But the heavens that exist now and the earth, by the same word have been stored up for FIRE, being reserved against the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men261, is a fire that seems to be very physical because he compares the situation with what happened in times of Noah. Situation that was definitely very physical.

Furthermore, Peter says that: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will be dissolved with fervent heat, and the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore since all these things will be destroyed like this, what kind of people ought you to be in holy living and godliness, looking for and earnestly desiring the coming of the day of God, which will cause the burning heavens to be dissolved, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? But, according to His promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells” 262. Elements dissolved, works of the earth burned up, molten elements with heat, and then a new earth with a new heavens. It cannot be said clearer. Something very physical happens that ends everything by fire, not by water, so as not to break the promise that God made to Noah.

If what is described in Isaiah 30 is physical when it says that: the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days263, it is easily understandable how this entire planet is consumed by the fire. If the moon becomes like the sun and the sun increases its energy 7 times this planet becomes a ball of fire. And the prophecy of Zephaniah 1 would be literal: "I will utterly sweep away everything from the surface of the earth, says Yahweh. I will sweep away man and animal. I will sweep away the birds of the sky, the fish of the sea, and the heaps of rubble with the wicked. I will cut off man from the surface of the earth, says Yahweh” 264.

This moment would be the moment when all of Adam’s offspring is finished. No more sons of sons of sons of Adam. This would be the time in which a few will not physically die because they will be directly transformed, according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 265.

This moment would correspond to the one described in Revelation 20 when, speaking of the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ on earth, it says that: “And after the thousand years, Satan will be released from his prison, and he will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to the war; the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. They went up over the width of the earth, and surrounded the camp of the saints, and the beloved city. Fire came down out of heaven from God and devoured them” 266. would correspond because after that you don't see this earth with these heavens again but a new earth and new heavens. New physical heavens and a new physical earth, because the spiritual ones are already being built with all the born again believers. Those who are going to live in that new earth with that new heavens, also physical, when they are physically resurrected.

Moment also described in Ezekiel 38, when he says that Gog will say to himself: I will go to those who are at rest, who dwell securely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates267. And that in the end everything ends with: overflowing shower, with great hailstones, fire, and sulfur” 268. Just like it all ends in Revelation 20. It makes sense that if there is a thousand years of peace, of tranquility, in which one lives confidently, there will be no walls nor locks.

Moment that is the end, end, of the children, of the children, of the children of Adam. It doesn't go anymore. No more offspring of Adam. Moment that is right before the resurrection of the dead.

We can conclude that God also likes physical fire to end with the bad guys. Of course, none of the physical fires mentioned in the bible, and that we know are physical ones, have been eternal. Every single one has finished. They have all turned off.

All flesh.

By now it should be clear that, to the best of my knowledge, the bible teaches that, after the resurrection of the dead, when ALL dead are resurrected in a new PHYSICAL earth with a new PHYSICAL heaven, on this very planet, ALL, absolutely ALL risen will be able to confess with their mouth that Yeshua is Lord, and believe in their hearts that Yeshua was resurrected, they have Him right in front of them, and therefore, it may take a while, but sooner or later, those who did not start before their physical death, will begin to be new creatures in Jesus Christ and their eternal Life will begin.

One of the doctrines most rejected by most believers in Yeshua, in Jesus Christ, is the doctrine commonly known as “Christian universalism”. In this presentation it will be called simply “absolute reconciliation”.

The way I understand the teachings of the bible is a way of absolute reconciliation. And since it generates so much rejection, and it is so emphatically pointed out by some as contrary to scripture, I think it is necessary to make an analysis of the reasons why I believe that it is exactly what the bible teaches.


The word "hell" does not appear anywhere in the oldest manuscripts because these are written in hebrew and greek. And this word is neither greek nor hebrew.

Jesus Christ.

In the Gospels there are only two greek words which, in the words of Jesus Christ, have been translated as "hell": The word G86, the “Hadés”, and the word G1067, the “Ge-Henna”, according to the code of Mr James Strong.

Hades. Code G86.

The word G86 sounds "hadés", although many people pronounce it “hádes”, and refers to the place where the dead go. The translation to the greek of the old testament, of the Tanakh, of the hebrew scriptures, known as the Septuagint, a translation made by hebrews between 300 and 200 before Jesus Christ, uses this word, the "hadés", to translate the hebrew word “Sheol” into greek.

The word "Sheol", the word H7585, means the place where the dead people go, that is the tomb, the sepulchre, the grave, or the pit.

"Grave" or "pit" is precisely the most frequent translation into english in the Geneva. Of the 60 ocurrences of the word H7585 in the Tanakh, more than 37 occurrences are translated in this way. Well, the actual translation is ‘graue’, with an ‘u’, because it’s old english. But you get the idea.

Then the most appropriate translation of the greek word "Hades" would be the word: "grave”, unless you mean the pagan idea of the greeks of an underworld where the greek god Hades reigns, in which case, the ideal would be a transliteration of the word.

Ge-Henna. Code G1067.

The greek word G1067 sounds "Ge-Henna" and is a transliteration of the hebrew “Ge Hinom” to greek. "Ge" means valley and "Hinom" is a proper name. According to 2 Kings 23 and Jeremiah 7, in the time of King Josiah, the hebrews, the Israelites, came sacrificing their children in the valley of Hinnom passing them through fire to a certain god Moloch, and Josiah, who according to the bible was a good king, he finished the problem.

Then the most appropriate translation of the greek word "Ge-Henna" would be the phrase: “Valley of Hinnom” or just a transliteration of the word.

Sheol. Code H7585.

The first of the two greek words used by Jesus Christ, according to the gospels, and translated as "hell", it is "Hades". Since "Hades," in early greek translations, is simply a translation of the word "Sheol", this is the first word that will be analyzed.

The hebrew word "Sheol" of the old testament was translated in the Septuagint into greek as "hades" and this was later translated into latin as "inferno" and also translated into germanic languages as “hel” or “helle” and later translated into english as “hell” and from the latin into spanish as "infierno".

The "Sheol" of the old testament, of the hebrew scriptures, has certain characteristics that are deduced from the context in which the word is used.


From Genesis 37, it is understood that Jacob, Israel himself, went to “Sheol” when he died 269. From Job 14, it follows that Job, a righteous man according to the creator himself, would also go to "Sheol" if he died in that moment 270. From Job 21, the wicked go down quietly to “Sheol” 271. From Psalm 16, 18 and 86, David, the man according to heart of God, went to “Sheol” when he died 272.

According to the old testament ALL the dead go to "Sheol", both those we consider good, and those we consider bad. ALL the dead go to “Sheol”.


From 1st Samuel 2, it is understood that YHWH is the one who takes down to "Sheol" and also raises the dead from it 273. From Amos 9, no one can hide in “Sheol” because YHWH takes them out, He raises them up, out of “Sheol” 274. From Psalm 16, YHWH does not leave his friend in “Sheol” 275. Of the Psalm 30, same, YHWH rises from “Sheol” 276. From Hosea 13, YHWH rescues from “Sheol” and death no longer has a sting 277.

According to the Tanakh, the Old Testament, the hebrew scriptures, of the "Sheol" people can get out. They come out when YHWH takes them out of “Sheol”. When YHWH raises the person from “Sheol”. Jesus Christ went to Sheol when he died and left Sheol when he was resurrected.


From 1 Samuel 2, it is understood that there is no life in "Sheol", it seems obvious but it seems some people forget it 278. From Job 14, in "Sheol" the wrath of YHWH cannot be felt 279. From Proverbs 15, there are no thoughts in the “Sheol” 280. From Psalm 6, there are no memories in “Sheol” 281. From Psalm 30, there is no life in "Sheol", it seems obvious but some people seem to forget that 282. From Ecclesiastes 9, in "Sheol" nothing is done, nor one thinks, nor is there knowledge, nor wisdom 283.

According to the Tanakh, the hebrew scriptures, in "Sheol" nothing happens, you are dead, that’s it. Period.


Only by making an analysis of the old testament we see that there are great differences between what the bible theaches about "Sheol" and the popular concept of "Hell".

The current popular concept of "hell" has so many similarities with the greek concept of the underworld dominated by the greek god "Hades", that it is difficult to think that it is not the same concept. Underworld that, by the time of the Septuagint translation, had already adopted the name of the god "Hades" who governed it according to greek mythology. This greek concept is obviously not hebrew. Not a concept that Jesus Christ would use in a hebrew context. This concept ends up passing to the Romans in the latin word “inferno” and from these to the current popular concept of "hell".

The concepts were mixed because, at the time of the Septuagint translation, the best greek translation for the hebrew word "Sheol" was "Hades", and the Septuagint translation was the basis for the other translations.

The word "Hades" is used consistently in the New Testament with the concept of "Sheol" of the old testament, with one very famous exception that will be analized later, and NOT with the greek concept for “Hades” which of course is NOT hebrew, and would NOT be used by Jesus Christ to teach about scripture. He was after all the most hebrew of all hebrews.

Some of the verses of the new testament that ratify the concept of "Sheol" of the old testament, have already been mentioned in this presentation, and they are in the mouth of Jesus Christ.

In John 11 Jesus affirms that: Our friend, Lazarus, has fallen asleep, but I am going so that I may awake him out of sleep" 284 and then explains Lazarus is dead" 285. In Mark 5 and Luke 8 Yeshua affirms: She isn’t dead, but sleeping" 286.

Matthew 27 also uses the same terminology 287. And Paul uses the same terminology in 1 Corinthians 11 288 and 1 Thessalonians 4 289.

In Acts 2, Jesus Christ comes out of the hebrew “Sheol” 290. Peter quoted by Luke speaks to a crowd and he quotes King David. The word in Acts is obviously "Hades" but we know from the context that he is quoting from the old testament the word "Sheol".

It is noteworthy that some people would like to put Jesus Christ preaching the gospel in "Sheol" because of the verse in 1st Peter that says he preached the gospel to the dead 291, but nowhere in the context appears the word G86, the "Hadés". And obviously, "the dead”, in this context, have the same sense that uses Jesus Christ himself when referring to people who are physically ALIVE but DEAD spiritually, because otherwise it would not be a hebrew concept, of the hebrew scriptures. And Jesus Christ came to fulfill the prophecies, to confirm, to fill them up, to complete, to give FULLNESS, to the HEBREW writings. It is obvious that Jesus Christ preached the gospel to the dead because they were all spiritually dead before Jesus Christ.

The new testament ratifies the old. Jesus Christ was in the grave, dead, doing nothing and now he is alive because he came out of the grave upon resurrection. And, according to Jesus Christ, when someone is resurrected, it is to not die again because you can no longer die.

The only thing the "Sheol" of the hebrew scriptures has in common with the popular "hell" is that they both have dead people, but they are not even the same dead people.

Ge-Henna. Code G1067.

The second and last of the two greek words used by Jesus Christ, according to the gospels, and translated as "hell", it’s the "Ge-Henna".

The Ge-Henna, that is, the valley of Hinnom described by Jesus Christ in 11 verses from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and named one single time in the letter of James, the one that ended up being translated as "hell", has a series of characteristics that are deduced by the context in which the word is used.

It's of fire.

From Matthew 5 292, from Matthew 18 293 and from Mark 9 294, it is understood that the valley is of fire. Jesus Christ speaks of a valley made of fire.

It does not turn off.

From Mark 9 295, it is understood that the fire of that valley does not go out. In this chapter it is made clear the biblical reference to Isaiah 66 296 because it uses the same terminology. In hebrew it is the phrase “does not quench”.


From Matthew 18 297 and Mark 9 298, it is understood that entering the Life and being placed in this valley are two exclusive things. They also show us that before being able to enter Life it was impossible to be thrown into this valley. And let us remember that our Lord says “I am the way, the truth and the life” 299, He is the Life, before Jesus Christ it was impossible to enter Life. Then before Jesus Christ, it was impossible to put someone in this valley.

God's Kingdom.

From Mark 9 300, it is understood that entering the Kingdom of God and being placed in this valley are two exclusive things. It also tells us that before entering God’s Kingdom it was impossible to be thrown into this valley. When Jesus Christ sends out 70 of his disciples, in Luke 10, he says Heal the sick who are there, and tell them, ‘God’s Kingdom has come near to you’301, in Luke 11, He tells those who accused him of obtaining his power from Beelzebub, who: if I by God’s finger cast out demons, then God’s Kingdom has come to you” 302, in Luke 17, Being asked by the Pharisees when God’s Kingdom would come, he answered them, ‘God’s Kingdom doesn’t come with observation; neither will they say, Look, here! or, Look, there! for behold, God’s Kingdom is within you’” 303. And Paul saying goodbye to those of Ephesus says Now, behold, I know that you all, among whom I went about preaching God’s Kingdom, will see my face no more” 304. Before Jesus Christ the Kingdom of God had not arrived, then before Jesus Christ it was impossible to put someone in this Valley.


From Matthew 18 305, it is understood that the fire of that valley is eternal. Here the word is G166 306, “aiónios”, which is the same used for eternal life.


From Mark 9 307, it is understood that everyone will be salted with the same fire of that valley.


From Matthew 23 308, it is understood that a judgment is executed in that valley.


From Matthew 23 309, from Mark 9 310 and from James 3 311, it is understood that at the time of Jesus Christ there were already people who were affected by that valley and didn't even know it. It was already acting. It acts from before physical death. And therefore since before the physical resurrection.


From Luke 12 312, it is understood that this valley also acts after physical resurrection.

The worm does not die.

From Mark 9 313, it is understood that in that valley the worm does not die. In this chapter it is made clear the biblical reference to Isaiah 66 314 because it uses the same terminology. The worm of Isaiah 66 is the word H8438 315 that refers to the “coccus-ilicis” that was used both for medicinal purposes and to prepare a scarlet dye. This word appears in almost all the cloth parts of the tabernacle of Moses and in the clothing of the priests of the tabernacle 316. It is also the word used in psalm 22 317 quoted by our Lord on the cross. And it is the same with which, in Isaiah 41, God calls "worm" to Jacob 318. Tabernacle, priest clothes, Jesus Christ, Jacob. All the same “worm” from Isaiah 66.

Paul in 2nd Corinthians 5 319 compares our body to a tent, with a tabernacle, because just as the presence of God was in the tabernacle of Moses, the Holy Spirit lives in the body of the believers. He also compares it to a dress that is clothed with the purity of the Holy Spirit.

These observations allow us to conclude that the "worm does not die" refers to the BODY of the person who is in that valley. The valley is NOT the cause of death of the person's body, of physical death.


From Matthew 10 320, it is understood that there is a person who can use that valley to destroy body and spirit. The word for destroy is the G622 321 which is not only used in the sense of “killing” but also in the sense of being ruined, or lost. For example it is used in Matthew 15 when our Lord says that I wasn’t sent to anyone but the lost sheep of the house of Israel322. Here obviously these little sheep have not been killed but they are "destroyed", “ruined”, “degraded”, “lost” in perdition. That valley destroys, ruins, ends, degrades body and spirit but NOT to an irreversible state because “the worm does not die”.


Taking all the characteristics of the Valley of Hinnom, the most important difference with the popular hell is that the valley of Hinnom only acts over those who are PHYSICALLY ALIVE. Either before or after the physical resurrection but only acts on LIVING people who have a physical body. Not that any son of Adam can have any kind of life without a physical body, but since some people think so, that the dead are still alive, well, the emphasis must be made: PHYSICALLY ALIVE in BODY and SPIRIT.

It obviously has several features similar to those of the popular “hell”: it is made of fire, the fire does not go out, it is eternal, it executes a judgment, it also acts after the resurrection and it is destructive. But it only acts on physical beings and the destructive effect is reversible.

This concept of the Valley of Hinnom that we see reflected in these features also has other differences from the popular “hell”: it acts from before physical death, it only exists since Jesus Christ began to preach the Kingdom of God, and the fire that forms it, salts, sprinkles over, ALL people physically alive but spiritually dead.

It is similar but different. This is a spiritual concept with physical effects, just like sin, which is also an spiritual concept with physical effects.

This concept is perfectly consistent with what was observed when we spoke of divine justice: with the intentions that Yeshua claims to have in Luke 12 when he states that: I came to throw FIRE on the earth. I wish it were already kindled" 323. As said, the pyromaniac is Jesus Christ.

John the Baptist, according to Matthew 3, explains to us about Jesus Christ that: “He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his threshing floor. He will gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire” 324. Jehovah, in Malachi 3, warns us: who can endure the day of his coming? And who will stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner’s fire, and like launderers’ soap325.

This fire divides those who are initially saved from those who are initially condemned. Paul explains it in 2nd Corinthians 2 as follows: “But thanks be to God who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and who makes known through us the fragrance that consists of the knowledge of him in every place. For we are a sweet aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to the latter an odor from death to death, but to the former a fragrance from life to life. And who is adequate for these things? For we are not like so many others, hucksters who peddle the word of God for profit, but we are speaking in Christ before God as persons of sincerity, as persons sent from God” 326. In this case the fire is compared to a fragrance, for some mortal, for others fragrance of life.

It is a fire that ends the bad guys, it ends some before physical death and others after the physical resurrection, because many will be last who are first, and first who are last327.

God's love is a consuming fire, his Spirit is a fire of Life, that consumes death, a fire of Truth, that puts an end to lies, a Holy fire, which ends sin. If I resist that fire, if I am attached to my spiritual death, to my lie, to my sin, it is going to destroy me, it will ruin me, degrade me. If I join that fire, I become part of it and I will have Life, Truth and Holiness. Or as Jesus Christ says in Matthew 16: For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, and whoever will lose his life for my sake will find it328.

Once this fire is done with each one of us, the only thing that will we see of the sinner, of the one who rebelled against God, of the dead spirit that was sprinkled with this fire of Life when he heard the good news of the resurrection, the only thing we will see will be the body of that person, of the dead one, and the memories of that person.

Once that fire does the hot update, without halting, while running, of the operating system, of the person, the only thing that will remain of the old person, from the old operating system, will be his memories and the body it inhabited.

That fire will be that new operating system, that new holy person, that Holy Spirit, in the image and likeness of Yeshua HaMashiakh, of our savior Jesus Christ. A fire that will never stop burning. And if the update does not end before physical death, it just continues after the physical resurrection. And if the update had not started before physical death, it will start after resurrection.

Once the update is finished, the only thing we will be able to do is to look at that body, remember what that person did, shake your head and think "how wretched". Or as Isaiah 66 puts it: And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto ALL FLESH329. To ALL FLESH, including mine, and yours, already resurrected.

Neither the popular hell, nor the popular heaven, exist in the scriptures, in the bible thought in hebrew. But we can say that the valley of Hinnom is: a hell for the bad guys and a heaven for the good guys ; a hell for the one who is lost and a heaven for the one who is saved ; a hell for the one who denies Jesus Christ and a heaven for the one who accepts him. And NO son of Adam starts out being good, saved, holy or saint.

Either I am fire or I burn. And no child of Adam starts out being fire.

Eternal death.

There is not a single verse in the bible, neither in hebrew nor in greek that has the phrase "eternal death". Nothing, zip, zero, none, NADA. It does not exist a single verse that has the sequence in greek of the words G2288, thanatos, death, followed by G166, aiónios, eternal. Nor is there any verse that has the sequence H4194 H5769 or H4193 H5769, the possible sequences for "eternal death" in hebrew. None, nothing, zero. Not one single verse.

The emphasis is on ETERNAL LIFE. 37 verses in the New Testament have the phrase in greek "ETERNAL LIFE", that is to say the word G2222, zoe, followed by the word G166, aiónios, and more than 50 verses refer to that life, to LIFE in Christ Jesus, to eternal life, wether before or after the resurrection of the dead.

Even so, the only verse in which the phrase "eternal punishment" appears, in some translations of Matthew 25, it is arguable that it means a punishment in the normal sense of the word, but a correction. A firely one.

In the greek the word translated as "punishment" or "torment" is the word G2851 kolasis. Kolasis means correction according to the Mr Strong’s code. In addition, it comes from the word G2849 kolazó, which some scholars argue that it was used for the word “prune”, as when a tree is pruned. Which reminds me of the burning bush that never consumes that Moses saw. That is to say, the phrase, arguably, should be translated as "eternal correction”. A firely one.

In any case, the sequence G2851 followed by G166 only appears in one verse. ONE single verse in the entire New Testament. A single verse for the greek phrase that some translate as "punishment eternal".

The other word used to denote God's punishment is the word G3709, orgé, which translates “wrath”. This word followed by the word for eternity, the G166, does not appear even once in the entire New Testament. An "eternal wrath" in the greek New Testament does not appear, not once, nothing, ZERO. On the contrary, in several parts the bible tells us that the wrath of God lasts only an instant, a moment, and that God is very slow to anger. And in various parts of the bible tells us that God's mercy and love is ETERNAL.

The emphasis in the New Testament is on ETERNAL LIFE and ETERNAL LOVE.

Eternal punishment.

Psalm 37 says that the wicked will be cut down, that they wither, that they will be cut off, that they will not be, that you will diligently consider their place and it shall not, that their day is coming, that their sword will enter their own hearts, that they will perish, that they consume away like smoke, that they will pass away, that you sought them and did not find them, that they will be destroyed 330. And Psalm 14 says that: “Yahweh looked down from heaven on the children of men, to see if there were any who understood, who sought after God. They have all gone aside. They have together become corrupt. There is no one who does good, no, not one” 331. The mechanism by which God makes all things new is by means of an eternal fire, the fire of his Holy Spirit. Good defeats evil, love defeats hate.

Although the biblical punishment for those who do evil, for the wicked, is death, the bible does NOT speak of an "eternal death" or a "eternal punishment” for the wicked one. "Eternal death" is NOT the phrase used by the bible to refer to what happens to the wicked because Jesus Christ came, died and rose again just to get us out of death, both the spiritual and the physical death. There is death and there is punishment, it’s only that they are not eternal.

But LET'S ASSUME, LET'S ACCEPT, LET'S BELIEVE, that YES, that when the bible says that the bad ones wither, that they will be destroyed, that they will be searched for and not found, that their day is coming, that their sword will enter their own heart, that they will perish, that they dissipate like the smoke, that they will be eliminated, that they will be exterminated, that they will disappear, that they will be destroyed, it refers to the fact that they die eternally and that is their eternal punishment.

Let us see how one can understand an eternal destruction, a quote and quote, “eternal death”, a quote and quote, “eternal punishment”, in the context of what the living God really promises: an ETERNAL LIFE.

The destruction, the disappearance of the wicked, of the one who is already dead spiritually, of that which is dying physically, that definitive, total and ETERNAL destruction, begins when he is born again, when that evil, that spiritually dead person, is made a new creature by our Celestial Father, and the spiritually dead person begins his ETERNAL destruction. It is no longer the wicked who lives, but Christ that lives in him, the spiritually dead person, because his eternal destruction has already began, thus suffering his, quote and quote, "eternal PUNISHMENT". Now Jesus Christ lives in him and began the ETERNAL life of the NEW CREATURE. The Christ that lives in that new creature begins to live the eternal Life in the eternal fire of the Holy Spirit that destroys, ends, disappears, vanishes the sting of death in the wicked, and ALL the wickedness that was in the spiritually dead person starts its ETERNAL destruction, leading to his, quote and quote, "eternal PUNISHMENT".

At the moment of being born again, the old self, the evil one, begins its final journey to eternal destruction, and the new me, the new creature, begins his final journey to an eternal life. That trip is through the eternal fire, and the old me, the evil one, will not like it, but the new me, the good one, will like it more and more. In the end, that wicked man will stop existing because he suffers his eternal punishment, he is eternally destroyed, and the whole person, the entire NEW CREATURE is transformed into, the Good, the Holy, the Worthy, the Deserving, Jesus Christ Himself, in that body of the old me.

The transformation is a process where not everything is burned and not everything is transformed. The new creature is born in the old creature and grows until completely transformed into the new creature.

In some believers in Yeshua, the part that will be transformed is precisely the one who believes that for the Creator of heaven and earth, that changed his heart of stone for one of flesh, so that it wanted to repent of his sins, and seek, and choose, and accept Jesus Christ, and thus be able to love his Creator above all things, that for THE Creator, who also created all other people, that for said creator it is too hard, or will be too hard, to transform the hearts of others who have ALSO refused to accept Him, or choose Him, or seek Him at some other given time. That part of that kind of believer will suffer the eternal punishment of the fire of the valley of Hinnom that will destroy it forever. That part will suffer, quote and quote, “an eternal death," when the believer, either before or after his physical resurrection, realizes that what he believed was FALSE.

The evil one that we have inside, that enemy of God that we have inside, is being transformed into a new creature, listen “NEW”, by the spirit of the living God who now lives in every believer, that can believe that ALL of us will be transformed, because he is going to see it with his own eyes: we are going to see each other again and embrace each other as brothers in Jesus Christ. That is the biblical promise of the God who does not lie.

Lake of fire.

The lake of fire, mentioned in the last chapters of the book of Revelation, is a third option that is commonly related to the popular "hell". Interestingly this lake has NEVER been translated as hell. Neither in the first translations nor in the modern ones. The reason is that the hebrew word "Sheol" is the true origin of the appearances of the word “Hades” in the greek translations of the hebrew scriptures, now known as the Old Testament, for its appearance in the Septuagint since before Jesus Christ. And when the new testament was written in greek, this word, the "Hadés", never was the “limné-tou-pyros”, that is, the lake of fire. The Hades was the “Hadés” and the “limné-tou-pyros” was the “limné-tou-pyros”. There was never an opportunity for them to get mixed.

So why did the lake of fire also end up being a popular "hell"?

According to the book of Revelation, to the lake of fire are thrown the false prophet, the beast or monster, the Satan or dragon or devil or ancient serpent, also death is thrown to it, and Hades is thrown to it, that one that comes from "Sheol", or grave. And are also thrown partially, or as the bible says "shall have their part", the cowardly, unbelieving, sinners, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars.

Kind of, but not.

The bible narrates that "Sheol" and death will be thrown into this lake. This fact tells us that it is a spiritual concept, not a physical one.

This lake of fire is the "eternal punishment", quote and quote, for the evil, death itself and the grave. It is the end of the grave. It is the end of death, that is to say that there is no more death, neither spiritual nor physical.

The lake of fire is the second death for those who were still spiritually dead, those who had died physically but the eternal destruction of their wickedness has not ended. Even if the process had already started.

The only ones who are not affected by this second death are the first resurrected, those who were already fully alive physically and spiritually. Those who had already suffered the eternal destruction of their wickedness and that is why they were the first fruits, the first to be resurrected. This second death does not affect them because they are already fully alive both physically and spiritually. And let's remember that you are resurrected so as to not die again because you can no longer die.

The first resurrected are a few. 144 thousand saints, men, all Israelites, genetic descendants of Abraham, who reigned with Christ for a thousand years, from Jerusalem in the temple described in the book of Ezekiel. Temple to be built at the beginning of the thousand years, when our Lord returns. They are a FEW because many are called but few are chosen of Abraham's genetic descendants. A few who will not have relations with women during those thousand years, because they are already resurrected and the women who live during those thousand years have not yet been risen. It is a forbidden mating between two different kind of bodies.

The rest, you and I, who are not genetic descendants of Abraham, after the thousand years and after the resurrection of the dead: to the lake o fire, sooner or later, at least in part. As believer, follower, and disciple of Yeshua, that you believe you are, however written in the book of life that you think you are, you HAVE SIN my brother, you have at least a little lie, and that part of yours goes to the lake of fire in chapter 21, that is if you were not sent completely in chapter 20 of the book of Revelation.

Only until the end will all things be known and that is what the lake of fire is for: to purify all those little lies, purifying them as silver is purified: with FIRE. And fire BURNS. It's exactly the same fire of Ge-Henna, of Ge Hinom, of the valley of Hinnom. Either you are fire or you burn. And no one starts out being fire.

After the resurrection of ALL the dead, when we meet with all those who hurt us and with all those who we hurt, we will have to admit what we did. At that time it will be impossible to deny the Truth, to deny Jesus Christ, to deny reality. And as they say: "The Truth hurts", or in this case BURNS.

It is the absolute reconciliation due to the impossibility of denying our lie, our spiritual death, our sin. And that little fire BURNS, ends evil. It kills the evil one, that spiritually dead that we are, you and I, without the FIRE of the Holy Spirit.


According to the 3 most popular english translations of the bible, in 2nd Thessalonians 1, the wicked shall be punished with eternal destruction, and SHUT OUT from the presence of the Lord, according to the New International Version, and AWAY from the presence of the Lord”, according to the English Standard Version, and “forever SEPARATED from the Lord”, according to the New Living Translation, all meaning EXCLUDED from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power 332, but according to the first translations, the Geneva, the Coverdale, and the King James, translations, the bad guys will be punished with eternal destruction “from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power” 333. That is to say that now days they are “excluded” of the presence of the Lord, but before, in the first translations, said destruction came FROM the presence of the Lord, meaning they were IN the presence of the Lord. Completely the opposite.

Which one do we believe? It is in these cases when you have to resort, as close as possible, to the originals 334.

This is the only case, the only verse in the entire bible, in which the word G575, the word “apo”, which literally means “from”, mysteriously in the popular translations of 2nd Thessalonians 1, appear accompanied by words that are not in the original greek. Words like “shut out”, or “separated”, or “away”, or "far away". In the original text there is no word that correspond to anything like that.

In the more than 650 occurrences, LISTEN WELL more than 650 occurrences, in the greek of the word G575, the word that means “from”, there is NOT another occurrence that the same thing happens to it: that without any modifying word that accompanies it gets translated as “shut out from”, or “away from”, or “separated from". So, according even to biblehub, this would be the ONLY verse in the ENTIRE bible in which the second meaning of the word, “away from”, according to biblehub I repeat, could be applied. Could instead be that said meaning NEVER applies? And that biblehub includes it only to match the prejudices of its editors with respect to this ONLY verse in more that 650 others?

For example in Acts 19 when talking about Paul it says that when divers were hardened, and believed not, but spake evil of that way before the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the disciples335, Paul "departs from" them, and in the greek the word G868 appears, which means precisely that "to lead away”, “to depart from”, it appears to modify the "from" and indicate this “departing”.

The same happens with every other occurrence of the word G575. When translated "beware of" is the word G4337 modifying the G575, when translated "far from" is the word G3112 modifying it, when translated "delivered from" is the word G4506. And so with all the other occurrences.

In 2nd Thessalonians 1 when translated “away from” 336 the only modifier word is the word G3639, which means “ruin”, or "destruction". That is to say that the literal translation would be: “destruction eternal from the presence of the Lord”. It is the presence of the Lord that destroys forever. However, in some translations, additional words appear mysteriously, like “shut out”, which would be the word G1576, or a combination of the word G1544 with the G1854. But these words do not appear anywhere in the original greek of the verse in question of 2nd Thessalonians 1. It is the ONLY case in the more than 650 occurrences that something like this happens.

This situation is a sign that: no matter how well-intentioned a translation, the preconceptions, the prejudices, of the translator are reflected in the translation.

And thanks to the fact that YHWH is pouring out His Spirit on all peoples and nations using the Internet, now anyone can interpret correctly the first tongue that must be interpreted correctly: the tongue in which our Lord Jesus Christ thought, spoke and prayed, his followers and ALL the authors of what is now known as the New Testament when they wrote it: the same tongue as the Old Testament. The second tongue to learn to interpret correctly is the tongue in which it was finally written. Both are relatively easy to interpret using the Internet and some other open source programs. Both necessary for the Holy Spirit to enable us to understand, discern, interpret, what Paul explains not only in this very important case, but also with respect to other cases that are also very important. Such as the case of "speaking in tongues". This way we avoid ending up “spinning in longas” or "trampling the tongues", as some do, and believing that what they do it's biblical. The problem is not so much in what they do, but in believing that it is biblical.

Thus, between these translations of the bible, the translation that best reflects the meaning of the verse in greek is that of the older versions: the wicked will be punished with eternal perdition FROM the presence of the Lord, and FROM the glory of his power” 337. They will be punished “IN” the presence, “IN” the glory of God. That punishment comes “FROM” his presence, “FROM” his glory.

This is completely the OPPOSITE of the sense in popular translations in most languages. It is precisely IN the presence and IN his glory the punishment is given.

God shows up and his presence destroys evil. Overcome evil with kindness as Paul says. In the presence of the FIRE of the Holy Spirit the evil of a person is destroyed and this becomes a Ge-Henna of FIRE for that evil, it becomes a lake of FIRE for the evil that dwells in the physical body of that person. And fire BURNS. Before or after the physical resurrection of the person, but it BURNS.

Either I am fire or I burn. And no child of Adam starts out being fire.

The rich and the poor Lazarus.

The famous PARABLE of Jesus Christ known as "The rich and the poor Lazarus,” found in Luke 16, is popularly cited as a example of what the popular hell and popular eternal punishment is literally like 338.

Some observations for those who have read it or are interested in reading it:

  1. The parable is addressed to some pharisees, that judging from what Jesus Christ tells them it seems that they liked to repudiate their wives and marry multiple times.
  2. The authority in the parable is not YHWH, the Heavenly Father, but Abraham. Who those pharisees were proud to be decendents of.
  3. The parable ends by saying: But Abraham said to him, ‘If they don’t listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if one rises from the dead339.
  4. The parable cannot refer to a time after the resurrection of the dead because the rich man's brothers have not died physically. And therefore much less to a time after to the final judgment that follows the resurrection of the dead.

That means that the whole parable is just a parallel in which the rich man represents the pharisees, the poor Lazarus the pagans, and the rich man's brothers are the Jewish followers of the pharisees. It is an announcement of Jesus Christ to the pharisees of what was going to happen to them: that they would not believe in the one who is going to rise from the dead, which is Jesus Christ himself, the one who speaks, and that this will lead to an abysmal separation with those who did believe in him, most of them pagans, who were despised by those pharisees, those spiritualy poor, because they did not have the Law of Moses, represented by Lazarus.

A separation like the one experienced by the Jews and the pharisees, who did not believe in their Meshiakh, with respect to the pagans, who did believe in Jesus Christ. The pagan ends up being an Israelite in the bosom of Abraham, just as Paul explains in Romans 11, and the pharisee ends up expelled from God's people living a spiritual equivalent to the greek "hades" for almost 2000 years.

This is the only passage in the bible where the word G86, hades, is not used in the hebrew sense of "Sheol." The reason is that this parable is an adaptation that Jesus Christ does of a popular greek tale, which itself is an adaptation of a popular egyptian tale, in order to make a prophecy to some rebellious hebrews. Prophecy that has been fulfilled in the past 2000 years or so.

Free will.

From a strictly logical, strictly rational point of view, it is impossible to distinguish good from bad without knowing The Truth. If I do not know the truth, if I don't have access to the truth, how can I distinguish good from evil? Impossible.

Jesus Christ identifies himself as The Truth. He says in John 14 I am the way, the truth, and the life” 340. Then without The Truth, without Jesus Christ, it is impossible to distinguish between good and bad. That is why Jesus Christ tells us, according to John 8, that: “If you remain in my word, then you are truly my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” 341.

If we do not know Jesus Christ, if we do not know The Truth, we are not Truly free. It is possible to choose, to decide, but it is not possible to choose correctly. You are not TRULY free.

Paul further explains in Romans 9 342: “Not only so, but Rebekah also conceived by one, by our father Isaac. For being not yet born, neither having done anything good or bad, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him who calls, it was said to her, 'The elder will serve the younger'. Even as it is written, 'Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated'.

What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? May it never be! For he said to Moses, 'I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion'. So then it is NOT of him who WILLS, NOR of him who RUNS, but of GOD who has mercy. For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, 'For this very PURPOSE I caused you to be raised up, that I might show in you my power, and that my name might be proclaimed in ALL the earth'. So then, he has mercy on whom he DESIRES, and he hardens whom he DESIRES.

You will say then to me, 'Why does he still find fault? For who WITHSTANDS his will?' But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed ask him who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?'. Or hasn’t the POTTER a right over the CLAY, from the same lump to make one part a vessel for honor, and another for dishonor?”,

In other words, the thing depends is on God, not on me. It’s not that I choose God but that he chooses me, and thanks to that, later, I can choose him.

In Exodus we see that it is YHWH who hardens Pharaoh's heart. Since Exodus 4, when Moses hadn't even gotten to Egypt to see Pharaoh, just after it seemed that God was making Moses a little stubborn, YHWH says to Moses: When you go back into Egypt, see that you do before Pharaoh all the wonders which I have put in your hand, but I will harden his heart and he will not let the people go343. Then the bible repeats us 8 times, almost one by plague, that I will harden Pharaoh's heart” 344 and that the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart” 345, so that the idea becomes clear. It is YHWH who hardens Pharaoh's heart.

In Jeremiah 24, Jehovah promises that: “I will GIVE them an heart to know me, that I am the Lord: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart” 346. In Jeremiah 32, Jehovah promises that: “I will GIVE them one heart, and one way, that they may fear me for ever, for the good of them, and of their children after them: And I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them, to do them good; but I will put my fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart from me” 347. In Ezekiel 36, YHWH promises that: “A NEW heart also will I give you, and a NEW spirit will I put within you: and I will TAKE AWAY the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will GIVE you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and CAUSE you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them” 348.

It is Yahweh who changes the heart. He puts his spirit within us and He causes us to obey his laws.

You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?” And God himself answers us in Isaiah: "You turn things upside down! Should the potter be thought to be like clay; that the thing made should say about him who made it, 'He didn’t make me;' or the thing formed say of him who formed it, 'He has no understanding?'” 349. “Woe to him who strives with his Maker, a clay POT among the clay POTS of the earth! Shall the clay ask him who fashions it, ‘What are you making?’ or your work, ‘He has no hands?’” 350.

He is the one making us, He knows what He is doing and He does it in accordance to HIS will. Meaning as He pleases, period. Shut up. Thank Him.

Paul explains in Romans 8 that: For the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 351. It is because of the potter. Then he also explains, in Romans 11, that: For God has bound ALL to disobedience, that he might have mercy on ALL352.

Fortunately, Jesus Christ came to set the captives free. Paul explains in Ephesians 2 that: thanks be to God, that, whereas you were bondservants of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were delivered. Being made free from sin, you became bondservants of righteousness353.

A slave to sin is not free. We were slaves to sin. The born again is born into a slavery of Jesus Christ, into Jesus Christ’s gentle yoke, he becomes a slave by his own free will, after God changed his heart so that he could do it, he becomes a slave of The Truth and that makes him free, TRULY FREE.

Some Jews, according to John 8, tell Jesus Christ that: "We are Abraham’s offspring, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How do you say, ‘You will be made free?' Jesus answered them, most certainly I tell you, everyone who commits sin is the bondservant of sin” 354 So, “if therefore the Son makes you free, you will be free INDEED355.

Without Jesus Christ that "free will" is not so "free". We cannot even choose Him without the intervention of the Father, that is why the same Yeshua, according to John 6, assures that No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me” 356 “drags him first” 357.

The Heavenly Father drags us first, changes our hearts, and THEN we can choose Jesus Christ. Jehovah himself announces it to us from the beginning: Yahweh your God will circumcise your heart, and the heart of your offspring, to love Yahweh your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live358. He circumcises out heart, thanks to that, we can repent, return to God, choose Jesus Christ, receive him, who is Life itself, and live eternally, as one, with the living God.

Jesus Christ tells us, according to John 8, that: ”You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” 359. He is the truth. Thus, freedom, TRUE freedom, is proportional to that knowledge of The Truth, of Jesus Christ. The more we know Jesus Christ the more truly free we are. More TRUE will be that “free will”. And no one is born knowing Jesus Christ, you have to be born again to begin knowing him. Then is when a True Life begins, the eternal Life in Jesus Christ.


A majority of Christians, those who believe that "Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures” 360, ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES, they also believe that there is physical torment, conscious and eternal for a part of humanity.

Everything in the believer's life must be ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES. So Let's see what the scriptures teach of an absolute reconciliation.


This creation was finished in 6 days because on the 7th day God rested. Genesis 1 says that: God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. There was evening and there was morning, a sixth day361. And Paul explains in Colossians 1 that by Christ ALL things were created in the heavens and on the earth, visible things and invisible things, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. ALL things have been created through him and for him. He is before ALL things, and in him ALL things are held together” 362. This obviously includes Adam and his offspring. He adds that: “For all the fullness was pleased to dwell in him, and through him to reconcile ALL things to himself by him, whether things on the earth or things in the heavens, having made peace through the blood of his cross” 363. Jesus Christ reconciles ALL things to himself, not just part, not just a small percentage, not just a few chosen. PLEASED the Father through Jesus Christ to reconcile ALL things. The solution is much bigger than the problem. Paul explains it in Romans 5 But the free gift isn’t like the trespass. For if by the trespass of the one (ADAM) the many died, MUCH MORE did the grace of God, and the gift by the grace of the one man, JESUS Christ, ABOUND to the many” 364. Jesus Christ, the solution, is much bigger than the problem: Adam. Why did grace abound so much more? Well, because the raw material of Jesus Christ are a handfull of sinners and lost ones in perdition that He transforms into Saints and Righteous through His Holy Spirit, while Adam was only one and He was very well made, according to the Creator himself, and who sinned because the Ancient Serpent, the Satan, deceived his companion Eve. They took him on his sweet spot. The solution is much bigger than the problem. And if the problem made EVERYONE fall, the solution also promises to transform EVERYONE. 1st Corinthians 15: For as in Adam ALL die, so also in Christ ALL will be made alive” 365.


The promise that YHWH makes to Abram in Genesis 12 is that: I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who treats you with contempt. ALL the families of the earth will be blessed through you366. This was when Abram was 75 years old and still had no children. Later, God promises him a son and as time passes and nothing happens, Abram decides to help God and has Ishmael with his wife's slave. And Jehovah, in Genesis 18, just before destroying Sodom with fire falling from the heaven, confirms his plan: ALL the nations on the earth may receive blessing through him” 367. But Isaac wasn't born yet. And it also seems that Sodom and Gomorrah was not part of that "ALL" nations and “ALL” families of the earth. In Genesis 22, God confirms the promise to Abraham when Isaac was already young and Abraham had almost killed him by order of Jehovah. Clarifying that it is in his seed that ALL the nations of the earth will be blessed by your offspring” 368. Years later, when Isaac was already married, God repeats the promise to Isaac in Genesis 26 In your offspring all the nations of the earth will be blessed” 369. And to Jacob, who would later be called Israel, being young and still single, but having stolen his older brother’s blessing, read it “inheritance”, Jehovah also speaks to him and tells him In you and in your offspring, all the families of the earth will be blessed” 370.

Families, nations, ALL. But that same God is the one who later sends Shaul to kill eveything, even the cat, literally, of the descendants of Amalek, which would look like that little family or nation is not part of that "ALL" either. Ofcourse the family of Amalek is not the only one, there are also the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanite, Hivite, Jebusite, and a few other families and nations that do NOT seem very blessed by that same God who promises to bless ALL families and nations, because throughout history He ordains to destroy them and ERASE them from the face of the EARTH. And if their inhabitants are going to suffer a conscious, permanent and eternal torture, for the centuries of the centuries, after the resurrection of the dead, well, that REALLY doesn't sound like a blessing.

The problem is the same as Adam's, trying to eat from the tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil without knowing the TRUTH, without knowing Jesus Christ. And to know Jesus Christ is to live with Him and in Him. But it all begins by believing in Him. Jesus Christ is a descendant of Jacob, of Israel, who is the grandson of Abraham, the one of the promise. And if Jesus Christ rose from the dead then EVERYONE is going to rise on the last day and by Him ALL things in heaven and earth will be reconciled. In your offspring ALL the nations of the earth will be blessed” 371.


Moses writes in the book of Genesis about Jacob and Esau that: BEFORE they were born, God had already decided that the elder shall serve the younger372. And that it is written "I loved Jacob; but Esau I hated” 373. Before neither Jacob nor Esau had done anything good or bad, God had already decided. God decides BEFORE things happen.

Moses writes in Exodus 4 that: when Moses had not even gone out to Egypt to see the Pharaoh, YHWH has already announced that the Pharaoh: he will not let the people go” 374. because I will harden Pharaoh’s heart" 375. YHWH had already decided to harden Pharaoh's heart so that he would not let the people go. God decides BEFORE things happen.

And Paul explains to us in Romans 11, “For God has bound ALL to disobedience, that he might have mercy on ALL. Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past tracing out! ‘For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? Or who has first given to him, and it will be repaid to him again?’ For of him, and through him, and to him are ALL things. To him be the glory for ever! Amen” 376. It was God himself who bound EVERYONE into disobedience. God decides BEFORE things happen.

Jehovah announces from the beginning what happens at the end, because he already knows the end and decided it from the beginning.

In Deuteronomy 29 and 30, another of the books written by Moses, YHWH announces that after Israel conquers the promised land and obey, they will become disobedient, and that after they disobey, He, Yahweh will scatter them, cast them out, and banish them through all the nations of the earth, and that after they repent, being in all these nations and peoples, He, YHWH, will gather them again even from the farthest parts under the sky 377.

That is to say, Moses writes what Jehovah commands him to announce: all Israel’s history from Moses to 1948 when Jehovah did exactly that and formed the present nation of Israel in one day. Something that was unimaginable, just some 200 years ago, to anyone who did not believe in the Creator of heaven and earth.

And just after announcing all this, in the same Deuteronomy written by Moses, YHWH, Jehovah, God, tells us that: Yahweh your God will circumcise your heart, and the heart of your offspring, to love Yahweh your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live378. Who?, Who is the one that circumcises the heart? Yahweh. Yahweh is who changes the heart. What for? So that they obey Him and live. And what does he announce later, also in Deuteronomy 30? That: “You shall return and obey Yahweh’s voice, and do all his commandments which I command you today” 379. Undeserved Grace. Undeserved gift. For love to himself. The same as he did with the pagans by giving us his Holy Spirit through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

“For God has bound ALL to disobedience, that he might have mercy on ALL” 380 through his son Jesus Christ.

In the end everything will be as announced from the beginning. Like that bush on fire that Moses saw. We will be branches of a bush, of a true vine, burning with the holy fire of the Holy Spirit, which does not quench, that burns for all eternity, and that sanctifies us to be one in the Son and in the Father.

We did not choose YHWH. It was HE who chose us from the beginning. He was the one who loved us first, EVERYONE, everybody, all of us.


Throughout all the Psalms the biblical teaching of this presentation is repeated.

Let’s remember that Psalm 37 says that the wicked will be cut down, that they wither, that they will be cut off, that they will not be, that you will diligently consider their place and it shall not, that their day is coming, that their sword will enter their own hearts, that they will perish, that they consume away like smoke, that they will pass away, that you sought them and did not find them, that they will be destroyed 381.

And remember that Psalm 9 has a similar tone, it speaks of the destruction of the wicked forever and ever. Other psalms call or announce also the destruction of the wicked. Among them are Psalm 10, 12, 18, 21, 28, 52, 58, 59, 63, 73, 92. That is, there are several psalms that speak of the destruction of the wicked.

There are others psalms that tell us about the mechanism. It is by fire that silver gets refined. Psalm 66 says of the people of Israel that: “For you, God, have tested us. You have refined us, as silver is refined. You brought us into prison. You laid a burden on our backs. You allowed men to ride over our heads. We went through FIRE and through water, but you brought us to the place of abundance” 382. And Psalm 21 says of the enemies of God that: “Your hand will find out all of your enemies. Your right hand will find out those who hate you. You will make them as a FIERY furnace in the time of your anger. Yahweh will swallow them up in his wrath. The FIRE shall devour them. You will destroy their descendants from the earth, their posterity from among the children of men” 383. Psalms 18, 29, 50, 68, 83, 89, 97, 104, 140 384 and others refer to YHWH's fire that destroys the wicked and the enemies of God. And let us remember that we ALL start as enemies, because there is no one good but God!

And what is the result of said destruction? Psalm 45 says that: “I will make your name to be remembered in ALL generations. Therefore the peoples shall give you thanks forever and ever” 385. And Psalm 22: “ALL the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to Yahweh. ALL the relatives of the nations shall worship before you” 386. And Psalm 47 “Oh clap your hands, ALL you nations. Shout to God with the voice of triumph!" 387. And Psalm 65 “You who hear prayer, ALL men will come to you” 388. And Psalm 67: “let the peoples praise you, God. Let ALL the peoples praise you” 389. And Psalm 72 “Yes, ALL kings shall fall down before him. ALL nations shall serve him” 390. And Psalm 96 “Sing to Yahweh a new song! Sing to Yahweh, ALL the earth” 391. And Psalm 97 "The heavens declare his righteousness. ALL the peoples have seen his glory” 392. And Psalm 98 “Make a joyful noise to Yahweh, ALL the earth! Burst out and sing for joy, yes, sing praises!” 393. And the Psalm 99 “Yahweh is great in Zion. He is high above ALL the peoples” 394. And Psalm 102 “So the nations will fear Yahweh’s name, ALL the kings of the earth your glory” 395. And Psalm 117 “Praise Yahweh, ALL you nations! Extol him, ALL you peoples!” 396. And Psalm 136 “who gives food to EVERY creature; for his loving kindness endures forever” 397. And Psalm 145 “My mouth will speak the praise of Yahweh. Let ALL FLESH bless his holy name forever and ever” 398. And Psalm 148 “kings of the earth and ALL peoples; princes and ALL judges of the earth” 399. Are we getting clear? Or do we have to read all the psalms?. It's ALL FLESH. That is the promise.

Obviously this can only be fulfilled after the physical resurrection of ALL the dead. Otherwise it would be like a “few”, or “some”, or the "majority", or "all" of a given moment, but not ALL, like in EVERYONE, everybody, all of us, like in all of those who have lived, are alive and will physically live in this planet. And EVERYONE, everybody, all of us is what the God of EVERYONE, everybody, all of us, promises.


The song in Isaiah 25 says that: "In this mountain, Yahweh of Armies will make ALL peoples a feast of choice meat, a feast of choice wines, of choice meat full of marrow, of well refined choice wines. He will destroy in this mountain the surface of the covering that covers ALL peoples, and the veil that is spread over ALL nations. He has SWALLOWED up death FOREVER! The Lord Yahweh will wipe away tears from off ALL faces. He will take the reproach of his people away from off ALL the earth, for Yahweh has spoken it. It shall be said in that day, 'Behold, this is our God! We have waited for him, and he will save us! This is Yahweh! We have waited for him. We will be glad and rejoice in his salvation!'” 400.

Refined choice wines, first He refines us. He will destroy the veil, the lie, that covers all peoples. He will swallow up death forever and then will wipe away tears from off ALL faces. And then we'll be glad and rejoice in His Yeshua, in His Salvation. That is the hebrew word.

In Isaiah 52 “Yahweh has made his holy arm bare in the eyes of ALL the nations. ALL the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God” 401. And that “salvation” is the word Yeshua, the proper name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in hebrew. All the ends of the earth will see Yeshua.

In Isaiah 40 “Yahweh’s glory shall be revealed, and ALL FLESH shall see it together; for the mouth of Yahweh has spoken it” 402.

Another way of spiritually saying exactly the same thing as in Isaiah 9, where Jehovah states that For the passion of Jehovah of hosts the land is on fire and the people are the fuel. Fire from man to brother without leaving anyone” 403. These type of spiritual statements cause interesting reactions, Isaiah 33 tells us that: “The sinners in Zion are afraid. Trembling has seized the godless ones. Who among us can live with the devouring FIRE? Who among us can live with EVERLASTING burning?" 404. An gigantic valley of fire. A Ge-Henna of fire. A lake of fire.

Of course, this can only happen if what Isaiah 26 affirms is true, and only until it is fulfilled, that: “Your dead shall live. My dead bodies shall arise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in the dust; for your dew is like the dew of herbs, and the earth will cast out the departed spirits” 405. After those who dwell in the dust are awaken. After the resurrection of the dead. And then, those awaken ones, will sing and praise their Savior. Because Jehovah tells us in Isaiah 45 that: “Look to me, and be saved, ALL the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other. I have sworn by myself. The word has gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and will not be revoked, that to me EVERY knee shall bow, EVERY tongue shall take an oath. They will say of me, ‘There is righteousness and strength only in Yahweh.’ Even to him will men come. ALL those who raged against him will be disappointed” 406. That means, EVERYONE, everybody, all of us, will bend the knee, on our own free will, out of love for the one that saved us.


In Jeremiah 24, Jehovah says that: “I will give them a heart to know me, that I am Yahweh. They will be my people, and I will be their God; for they will return to me with their whole heart” 407. And in Jeremiah 31 Jehovah also says that: “I will put my law in their inward parts, and I will write it in their heart. I will be their God, and they shall be my people” 408. And in Jeremiah 32 Jehovah says: “I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear me forever, for their good, and the good of their children after them. I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from following them, to do them good. I will put my fear in their hearts, that they may not depart from me” 409. In other words, first YHWH gives a heart, He writes his law on that heart, He also gives one way, He puts His fear in that heart, and AFTER that, man can turn, repent, obey, love YHWH, and NOT depart from Him. It is Jehovah who makes us want to do all those things.

After that, in Jeremiah 33, Jehovah promises that: “I will cleanse them from ALL their iniquity by which they have sinned against me. I will pardon ALL their iniquities by which they have sinned against me and by which they have transgressed against me. This city will be to me for a name of joy, for praise, and for glory, before ALL the nations of the earth, which will hear ALL the good that I do to them, and will fear and tremble for ALL the good and for ALL the peace that I provide to it” 410.

First He cleanses us from ALL the evil with which we sin against Him and THEN He forgives us ALL our sins. And above all He gives us so much peace and He does us so much good that ALL the peoples of the earth will tremble with all the good and all the peace that He will provide us.

To think that Adam screwed all humanity but Christ only reconciled, or only saved, or could only draw a few unto Him, because the rest did not accepted Him, or did not trust Him, it’s like thinking that a mother who decides to change diapers to her newborn baby, because he pooped, later changes her mind and decides not to change him, or it's too hard for her to change him, because her baby started crying, or because he kicked her, or because he piss her all over in the process. It’s like thinking that the will of the baby will overcome the will of the mother. And of course the comparison is an exaggeration because, proportionally, the will of God is incomprehensibly bigger than ours, and a mother's will is just a little bigger than the baby's. And God's love for us is also much grater than that of the mother for her baby.

He is in control, Jehovah is God of everything. He owns the sky and the earth. EVERY knee will bow because he is going to give us a heart that will want to bend it out of love for Him.


Jehovah says in Ezekiel 11 that: “I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh; that they may walk in my statutes, and keep my ordinances, and do them. They will be my people, and I will be their God” 411. And in Ezekiel 36 he says that: “I will also give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. I will put my Spirit within you, and CAUSE you to walk in my statutes. You will keep my ordinances and do them” 412. Y In Ezekiel 37 it says that: "I will put my Spirit in you, and you will live” 413. It is Jehovah who gives a heart capable of walking in His ordinances. He removes the old heart of stone and gives us a new one of flesh. Then He puts His spirit on us and it is Jehovah who CAUSES us to walk in His statutes and do His ordinances.

The bible likes to repeat to make things clear.

It also tells us about the mechanism. In Ezekiel 22 it says that: “As they gather silver, bronze, iron, lead, and tin into the middle of the furnace, to blow the FIRE on it, to melt it; so I will gather you in my anger and in my wrath, and I will lay you there, and melt you. Yes, I will gather you, and blow on you with the FIRE of my wrath, and you will be MELTED in the middle of it. As silver is MELTED in the middle of the furnace, so you will be MELTED in the middle of it; and you will know that I, Yahweh, have poured out my wrath on you” 414. It is with fire. The same one John the Baptist tells us about.


In the vision of Daniel 7, to a Son of Man "Dominion was given him, and glory, and a kingdom, that ALL the peoples, nations, and languages should serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which will not pass away, and his kingdom one that which will not be destroyed” 415. It says ALL, but some believe that it is just a part, a majority, a selection, but not all. Some believe that Sodom is not counted there, or not even all of Israel, only part of it. And according to this same vision at the end, "The kingdom and the dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the WHOLE sky, will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and ALL dominions will serve and obey him” 416. It’s EVERYONE, everybody, all of us.

But some people believe that it is the kingdom of some, that there are domains that will not serve Him, that love does not overcome hate in some cases. that goodness does not defeat evil in some cases. That the will of some is greater than that of the Creator of Heaven and Earth. He didn’t want to. Too bad. In that case there is nothing God can do about it.

It is like thinking that a barely crawling baby, who is heading for a huge fire, and that I, the loving father of the baby, who warns him and points out the fire, and warns him of the danger, but the baby is still on his way to the fire and he doesn't understand me, or he doesn't want to understand me, or he doesn't pay attention to me, or he doesn't obeys me, and then, I in my "great love" for my baby and my "great respect” for his decision and for his will, I decide to let him follow his path. I love him so much that I let him get into the fire. Absurd right?, but that's what some believe.

Of course it is not a fair comparison, because God allows us even to die, and then He resurrects us ALL. And He gives us ALL his Spirit. Of course not all at the same time, some who were the first will be the last and others who were last have been first. Some after the physical resurrection.

The 12.

Hosea 6 says that “Come! Let’s return to Yahweh; for he has torn us to pieces, and he will heal us; he has injured us, and he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us. On the third day he will raise us up, and we will live before him. Let’s acknowledge Yahweh. Let’s press on to know Yahweh. As surely as the sun rises, Yahweh will appear. He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain that waters the earth” 417. But no, some people think that this is only for Israel and not for the millions of pagans that ended up believing in the Meshiakh of Israel. And in Hosea 13 “I will ransom them from the power of Sheol. I will redeem them from death! Death, where are your plagues? Sheol, where is your destruction?” 418. And Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 15 that this text refers to the resurrection of the dead and the life in the Holy Spirit. The one that is for EVERYONE. As YHWH himself explains in Joel 2: “I will pour out my Spirit on ALL FLESH419. ALL FLESH.

And in Obadiah Yahweh himself says "For the day of Yahweh is near ALL the nations!” 420. No one escapes, Jehovah explains it to us also in Amos 9 “Though they dig into Sheol, there my hand will take them; and though they climb up to heaven, there I will bring them down. Though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out from there; and though they be hidden from my sight in the bottom of the sea, there I will command the serpent, and it will bite them” 421. And He tells us that when He rebuilds the fallen tabernacle of David he does so “that they may possess the remnant of Edom, and ALL the nations who are called by my name” 422. In Micah it also says that “Hear, you peoples, ALL of you. Listen, O earth, and ALL that is therein: and let the Lord Yahweh be witness against you, the Lord from his holy temple. For, behold, Yahweh comes out of his place, and will come down and tread on the high places of the earth. The mountains MELT under him, and the valleys split apart, like wax before the FIRE, like waters that are poured down a steep place” 423. The fire is for EVERYONE. In Nahum 1 states “The mountains quake before him, and the hills MELT away. The earth trembles at his presence, yes, the world, and ALL who dwell in it. Who can stand before his indignation? Who can endure the fierceness of his anger? His wrath is poured out like FIRE, and the rocks are broken apart by him” 424.

But some people think "that's not for me", "that's for others", "I am very good because Christ lives in me”, and “I accepted Him”, and “I decided”, and “I searched for Him”, and they seem to forget that it is not about what they do or not do but what God does in them.

In Zephaniah 1, Jehovah tells us that “I will utterly sweep away EVERYTHING from the surface of the earth, says Yahweh. I will sweep away man and animal. I will sweep away the birds of the sky, the fish of the sea, and the heaps of rubble with the wicked. I will cut off man from the surface of the earth, says Yahweh” 425. That's why we are NEW creatures in Jesus Christ. Either before or after the physical resurrection of ALL the dead. Because the old is destroyed physically and spiritually and forever. ETERNALLY. That's why in Zephaniah 3 affirms that “For then I will purify the lips of the peoples, that they may ALL call on Yahweh’s name, to serve him shoulder to shoulder” 426. Shoulder to shoulder. For your own good. Who does the little matter? Jehovah purifies the lips. What for? So that they may call on the name of Jehovah. Who? EVERYONE.

The bible likes to repeat. So that things are clear.

In Haggai 2 we are told that: “For thus says the Lord of hosts: Once more (it is a little while) I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; and I will shake ALL nations, and they shall come to the Desire of ALL Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory, says the Lord of hosts. The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, says the Lord of hosts. The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts. And in this place I will give peace, says the Lord of hosts” 427. How many? ALL. An what will He give? Peace. But no. It just can't be. There must be some mistake. That is what some people think. Finally what? Do we believe the scriptures or not?

In Zechariah 9, speaking of a just and saving King who comes humble riding on a donkey, white it is hen lays it, guess who Zechariah is talking about, tells us that: “his dominion will be from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth” 428. And no, it doesn't say ALL, but it says to the ENDS.

And in Malachi 3, also speaking of his Meshiakh, He tells us that: “But who can endure the day of his coming? And who will stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner’s FIRE, and like launderer's soap” 429. And He reaffirms in Malachi 4 that: “For, behold, the day comes, it burns as a furnace; and ALL the proud, and ALL who work wickedness, will be stubble; and the day that comes will burn them up, says Yahweh of Armies, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch” 430.

Jehovah using the 12 minor prophets, repeats us again and again the same idea. It’s EVERYONE, everybody, all of us.

Jesus Christ.

In Matthew 5 and in Luke 6, Jesus Christ tells us not to get angry, not to look with greed, not to divorce, if you say "yes" let it be "yes" and if you say “no” let it be “no”, to not resist the bad guy, to turn the other cheek, to deliver not only the tunic that they want to take but also the cloak, to carry two miles the load that someone forced us to carry one mile, that if they ask you give, to not to refuse to lend, to love the enemy, to pray for those who persecute us 431, to do good to those who hate us, to bless the one who curses us, to pray for the one who mistreats us, not to ask back something that was taken from us, to lend without expecting profit 432. And he explains that so “that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Don’t even the tax collectors do the same? If you only greet your friends, what more do you do than others? Don’t even the tax collectors do the same? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect” 433. Perfect like your Father. Not only it is what he asks of us, it’s also what He himself does. God loves his enemies, God turns the other cheek, God goes the extra mile, God gives if asked for, God gives more than what they want to take away.

Why do some people think that God does not do what He demands of his creatures? That God does not love his enemies, that which was EVERY believer before being a believer? Or is it that they were NEVER enemies of God? Because NOBODY starts being God’s friend.

Jesus Christ in Luke 15 asks us "Which of you men, if you had one hundred sheep, and lost one of them, wouldn’t leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one that was lost, UNTIL he found it?” 434. Jesus Christ, in John 10, tells us that "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd LAYS DOWN his life for the sheep” 435. He affirms us that He would do just that: look for the lost sheep, the one lost in PERDITION, until He finds it. Listen: UNTIL He finds it.

That is why He also affirms, in John 12, that: “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw ALL peoples to Myself” 436.

If God says ALL, it is ALL, everyone, everybody, all of us, TODOS, toditos , todos.

Jesus Christ affirms in Matthew 11 that: ALL THINGS have been delivered to Me by My Father” 437. And in John 6, Jesus Christ affirms that: “ALL that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by NO MEANS cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that OF ALL He has given Me I should lose NOTHING” 438.

ALL THINGS was given to Him and the will of the one who sent Him is that He does not lose ANYTHING of ALL that was given to Him. And ALL the Father gives Him will go to Him and He will by NO MEANS cast out.

But no, there are some people who claim to believe and love the Heavenly Father, and to have chosen Him, and elected Him, and trusted Him, on their own, but that little thing about "ALL": that’s too much, that just can’t be. Because they think that the will of the CLAY POT will overcome the will of the POTTER!

Fortunately YHWH is not a God of confusion.

Jesus Christ explains to Nicodemus that Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” 439 and That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit 440. Nobody chooses to BE BORN, nobody seeks to be born, nobody does ANYTHING to be born, one gets born, the first time by the mother in the flesh and the second time by the heavenly Father in the Spirit. That is why Jesus Christ explains, in John 6, that No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me” 441 “drags him first” 442.


If it is true that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us 443, if it is true that we were slaves of sin 444, dominated by the spirit that controls those who disobey to God 445, if it is true that it is not by works so that no one can boast 446, and that from the vile of this world and from the despised God chose, and of what is not He chose, to undo what is, and from what is foolish God chose to confound the wise; and from the weak God chose to shame the strong 447; if all that Paul says is true, if you really believe it: Who do you think you were before you became a Christian, or what did you do, or who did you trust, or what did you repent of, or what did you decide, or achieved, or chose, or accept, or search for, to deserve that the God, creator of Heaven and Earth, would CHOOSE you to believe in his Son Jesus Christ and accept Him before your physical death? Don't you think that the same God who chose from the worst of this world can also choose, when He pleases, to GET BORN of the Spirit the one who has not yet chosen? Even after the physical resurrection of ALL the dead?

Because that is what Paul is talking about.

1 Timothy 2 says that God wants “ALL people to be saved and come to full knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for ALL, the testimony in its own times” 448.

1st Corinthians 15 says that “For as in Adam ALL die, so also in Christ ALL will be made alive” 449.

Romans 11 says "For God has bound ALL to disobedience, that he might have mercy on ALL” 450. And he adds “For of him, and through him, and to him are ALL things” 451.

Ephesians 1 says "to an administration of the fullness of the times, to sum up ALL things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in him” 452. And he adds “He put ALL things in subjection under his feet, and gave him to be head over ALL things for the assembly” 453.

Titus 2 says "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to ALL men” 454.

1 Timothy 4 says “because we have set our trust in the living God, who is the Savior of ALL men, ESPECIALLY of those who believe” 455.

Philippians 3 says "who will change the body of our humiliation to be conformed to the body of his glory, according to the working by which he is able even to subject ALL things to himself” 456.

Philippians 2 says "that at the name of Jesus EVERY knee should bow, of those in heaven, those on earth, and those under the earth” 457.

Colossians 1 says "For all the fullness was pleased to dwell in him, and through him to RECONCILE ALL THINGS to himself by him, whether things on the earth or things in the heavens, having made PEACE through the blood of his cross” 458.

Romans 5 says "So then as through one trespass, ALL men were condemned; even so through one act of righteousness, ALL men were justified to life” 459.

Romans 14 says, “As I live, says the Lord, to me EVERY knee will bow. EVERY tongue will confess to God” 460.

Ephesians 4 says "He who descended is the one who also ascended far above ALL the heavens, that he might fill ALL THINGS461.


In 1st Peter 4 it says “Beloved, don’t be astonished at the FIERY trial which has come upon you to test you, as though a strange thing happened to you” 462. And adds “But if one of you suffers for being a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God in this matter. For the time has come for JUDGMENT to begin with the household of God. If it BEGINS first WITH US, what will happen to those who don’t obey the Good News of God?" 463. The fire, that of the Ge-Henna, that which they translated "hell" is for everyone, don't be surprised by that. The judgment, that of Ge-Henna, that which is translated "hell", begins with the believers, with God’s household. Only that for the believer, neither to the fire, nor to the judgment, it’s called Ge-Henna, but it’s called the Holy Spirit. This is so, because the effect is the opposite. In the case of the Holy Spirit it is Life and Life in abundance.

Of course, the fire is not only spiritual. In 2nd Peter 3 it says that "the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will be dissolved with fervent heat, and the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore since all these things will be destroyed like this, what kind of people ought you to be in holy living and godliness, looking for and earnestly desiring the coming of the day of God, which will cause the burning heavens to be dissolved, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? But, according to his promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells” 464.

According to Jesus Christ, after the resurrection we will be like the angels 465, and according to Daniel 3 466 and Judges 13 467, the body of the angels is resistant to physical fire. So an eternal physical fire is the least of worries for a resurrected person. In that new earth with that new heavens, we will ALL have a body like that of the angels, that’s what Jesus Christ said.

What everyone who does not believe in Jesus Christ should worry about, all those infidels, all those unjust, all those wicked, is of that spiritual fire that promises to destroy them, finish them, disappear them, vanish them, to the point that they are going to look for them and they will not find them 468. "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, and whoever will lose his life for my sake will find it” 469.

This earth and these heavens will pass away. It's in that new earth with those new heavens where ALL will be made alive, both physically and spiritually. That is what Peter expects and what should expect every believer in Jesus Christ.

In 2nd Peter 3 it says that: the Lord is "not wishing that ANYONE should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance” 470. Why do some people believe that their "wishing" to remain spiritually dead is greater than the "wishing" of YHWH? The only explanation is that they are still partially dead, spiritually, to The Truth.

God does not save by avoiding death. God saves BY TAKING US OUT of death. Some are taken out of spiritual death first, so that they can repent, and later are taken out of physical death. And others are taken out first from physical death and then taken out of spiritual death, so that they can repent. But it’s to EVERYONE, everybody, all of us, that He takes us out of, both physical and spiritual death.


Revelation 4 says that: “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, the Holy One, to receive the glory, the honor, and the power, for you created ALL THINGS, and because of your desire they existed, and were created!” 471.

In Revelation 5 John says that “And EVERY creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and ALL that are in them, I heard saying: Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!” 472. But some people imagine that "EVERY creature" does not include the majority of men, because most of them will be somewhere else saying who knows what to who knows whom. Meaning: the stars YES, because "ALL that are in them" include the stars, but the one who didn't want to, IMPOSIBLE. Because they believe that the will of the CLAY POT will overcome the will of the POTTER!

Revelation 15 says: “Who wouldn’t fear you, Lord, and glorify your name? For you only are holy. For ALL the nations will come and worship before you. For your righteous acts have been revealed” 473.

Revelation 21 says: “He who sits on the throne said, Behold, I am making ALL THINGS new. He said, Write, for these words of God are faithful and true” 474. He makes ALL THINGS NEW. New creatures. Ones that can do the will of the creator. And these words are FAITHFUL and TRUE.

It is written.

It is written: "The Father loves the Son, and has given ALL THINGS into his hand" 475.

It is written: “ALL THINGS were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made” 476.

It is written: “by his Son, whom he appointed heir of ALL THINGS, through whom also he made the worlds. His Son is the radiance of his glory, the very image of his substance, and upholding ALL THINGS by the word of his power” 477.

It is written: “You have put ALL THINGS in subjection under his feet. For in that he subjected ALL THINGS to him, he left NOTHING that is not subject to him” 478.

So far very few believers in Yeshua, Jesus Christ; would dispute that on these verses “ALL THINGS” means “ALL THINGS”, and that “NOTHING” means “NOTHING”.

It is written: Jesus Christ “Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of EVERY creature: For by him were ALL THINGS created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: ALL THINGS were created by him, and for him: And he is before ALL THINGS, and by him ALL THINGS consist. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in ALL THINGS he might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in him should ALL fulness dwell; And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to RECONCILE ALL THINGS unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven” 479.

In this text from Colossians 1, some believers would begin to think that “ALL THINGS” means “ALL THINGS” and that “ALL” means “ALL” except in the last “ALL”. Because if that "reconcile" is of ALL things, that would include ALL creatures, and that would include ALL sinners. And that would be too much.

It is written: “But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam ALL die, even so in Christ shall ALL be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down ALL rule and ALL authority and power. For he must reign, till he hath put ALL enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. For he hath put ALL THINGS under his feet. But when he saith ALL THINGS are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put ALL THINGS under him. And when ALL THINGS shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put ALL THINGS under him, that God may be ALL in ALL” 480.

But no. In this text from 1 Corinthians 15, some believers have to start juggling so that “ALL” means “SOME” or “FEW”. And of course they are included in those “SOME” or “FEW”.

It is written: "For God has bound ALL to disobedience, that he might have mercy on ALL. Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past tracing out! For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? Or who has first given to him, and it will be repaid to him again? For of him, and through him, and to him are ALL THINGS. To him be the glory for ever!” 481.

But no. Some believers believe that in this text from Romans 11, most of the glory goes to someone else.

It is written: The Father of glory showed his power “in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, Far above ALL principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And hath put ALL THINGS under his feet, and gave him to be the head over ALL THINGS to the church, Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth ALL in ALL” 482.

It is written: “ALL that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by NO MEANS cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of ALL He has given Me I should lose NOTHING, but should raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that EVERYONE who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day” 483.

It is written: “as you gave him authority over ALL FLESH, so he will give eternal life to ALL whom you have given him” 484.

It is written: God “desires ALL people to be saved” 485.

It is written: Jesus Christ “gave himself as a ransom for ALL” 486.

It is written: The Lord is “not wishing that ANYONE should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance”487.

It is written: “ALL FLESH shall see the salvation of God” 488.

It is written: “Sing to the Lord, ALL the earth; Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day” 489.

It is written: “The Lord has made bare His holy arm In the eyes of ALL the nations; and ALL the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God” 490.

It is written: “ALL the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God” 491.

It is written: “the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and ALL FLESH shall see it together” 492.

It is written: Jesus Christ knew “that the Father had given ALL THINGS into his hands” 493.

It is written: Jesus Christ said “if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw ALL people to myself” 494.

It is written: ”we have set our trust in the living God, who is the Savior of ALL men, ESPECIALLY of those who believe” 495.

It is written: God's plan is to "gather together in one ALL things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth” 496.

It is written: “God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above EVERY name: That at the name of Jesus EVERY knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that EVERY tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” 497.

It is written: Jehovah says “I have SWORN by myself. The word has gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and will not be revoked, that to me EVERY knee shall bow, EVERY tongue shall take an oath” 498.

The Creator God of Heaven and Earth SWEARS by himself in Isaiah and Paul reminds us in Romans:

It is written: “AS I LIVE, saith the Lord, EVERY knee shall bow to me, and EVERY tongue shall confess to God” 499.

Why do some people think that the victory of Jesus Christ on the Cross is as a victory of a roman caesar? That at the end of time some resurrected will have to bend that knee against their will, that it's going to be like when the older brother bends the younger brother's arm and force him to say something? It's like imagining the risen person forced to bend the knee against his will and Jesus Christ saying: “Who is the king of kings? Who? WHO? Who is the king? AHA ! Now GO TO HELL!”

That is NOT the victory of Jesus Christ on ANY of his subjects. All of us who have him as King do it on our own free will after the Heavenly Father has changed our stone heart for a tender one so that we may love Him above all things for our own good. That was his promise and He is keeping it.

It is written: “And EVERY creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and ALL that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for EVER and EVER500.

Anyway. We could end up studying the whole bible. The point is that the promise is for everyone. Obviously that hasn't happened yet because otherwise there would not be anyone of those who think that the thing is only for a few ones, among which, of course, are themselves.

In addition, the promise of physical and spiritual resurrection is for everyone and that has not happened either. However that is the promise of the living God, of the Creator of Heaven and earth: EVERYONE, ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE. And God is not a man, that he should lie.

THESE are the good news. The really GOOD NEWS.

The return.

According to the bible, Jesus Christ announces that He is going to return. And at the time when his disciples see Him for the last time, two men, two angels, dressed in white remind them of the same.

In Acts 1, after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ says that:

“Therefore when they had come together, they asked him, 'Lord, are you now restoring the kingdom to Israel?'

He said to them, 'It isn’t for you to know times or seasons which the Father has set within his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth.'

When he had said these things, as they were looking, he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight. While they were looking steadfastly into the sky as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white clothing, who also said, 'You men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who was received up from you into the sky, will come back in the same way as you saw him going into the sky'” 501.

And in 2 Peter 3, Peter warns us that:

“knowing this first, that in the last days mockers will come, walking after their own lusts and saying, 'Where is the promise of his coming? For, from the day that the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.' For this they willfully forget that there were heavens from of old, and an earth formed out of water and amid water by the word of God, by which means the world that existed then, being overflowed with water, perished“ 502.

And when the disciples ask Jesus Christ: What sign will there be of your coming? According to Matthew 24 and 25, the answer has several parts. And by the answers that Jesus Christ gives the thing seems quite dramatic and unpleasant.

This are the good news that do not seem so good. The return of Son of Man is good news for everyone who does NOT love the world. The world, according to the bible, is the current system, the one that is under the dominion of Satan, as far as God allows it. For the world and for everyone who loves the world, the return of the Son of Man are bad news.

The return of the Son of Man is related in the books of the prophets, in the gospels, some passages, from Paul's letters, from the letters of Peter, and the book of Revelation. The way to understand the sequence of events describing the return of the Son of Man has to be coherent to all of them.

The general context is a time when the Meshiakh of Israel will reign over all nations and there will be peace in all the earth. This is the main excuse that many Jews still have to say that Jesus Christ cannot be the Meshiakh. Where is the King of the planet? Where is that global peace, of all the nations and peoples of the earth, promised in the hebrew scriptures?


Until now, your host, that is to say, me, Jose Luis Quiroga, can say that he is fairly confident, say more than 95 percent, that EVERYTHING presented up to now is true, it is biblical, it is what the scriptures teach. The rest is reserved, let's say that 5 per cent, to be completely wrong. But his doubts are very little.

As far as this part of the future is concerned, the sequence of events having to do with the return of the son of man, your host, me, Jose Luis Quiroga, must admit that his confidence is reduced to 70 percent. And in some respects, the minority, say 4 of the 22 chapters of the book of Revelation, there are great doubts as to how to understand them coherently with the rest of the prophetic books and with the whole bible. In these 4 chapters: 12, 13, 17 and 18, trust does not reach 10 percent. The problem is always in the details. And there are details that are simply not clear.

Having made this warning, let's continue with the parts in which there is a 70 percent confidence.

Jesus Christ.

When the disciples ask Jesus Christ: What sign will there be of your coming? In Matthew 24 503, He answers that: For as the lightning flashes from the east, and is seen even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be504. In Luke 17 he answers something similar: for as the lightning, when it flashes out of one part under the sky, shines to another part under the sky; so will the Son of Man be in his day” 505.

It also says in Matthew 24 that: "For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ship, and they didn’t know until the flood came and took them all away, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and one will be left. Watch therefore, for you don’t know in what hour your Lord comes” 506. And Luke 17 adds: “Likewise, even as it was in the days of Lot: they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but in the day that Lot went out from Sodom, it rained fire and sulfur from the sky and destroyed them all. It will be the same way in the day that the Son of Man is revealed” 507. In that night there will be two people in one bed. One will be taken and the other will be left” 508.

When Jesus Christ returns, it will in an instant, very quickly, and people will be having a normal life in which they drink, buy, sell, plant, they build and marry. Maybe that's why we see happening what Peter announced in 2nd Peter 3 that would happen, that some mockers would say: "Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation” 509.


In Isaiah 2 it says that: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” 510.

In Isaiah 9 it says that: "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of PEACE. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be NO END, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even FOR EVER. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this” 511.

In Jeremiah 33, Jehovah promises Israel that “I will cleanse them from all their iniquity by which they have sinned against me. I will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned against me and by which they have transgressed against me. This city will be to me for a name of joy, for praise, and for glory, before all the nations of the earth, which will hear all the good that I do to them, and will fear and tremble for all the good and for ALL THE PEACE that I provide to it” 512.

In Zechariah 14 that: Yahweh will be King over all the earth. In that day Yahweh will be one, and his name one513.

This was what the Israelites of the time of Jesus Christ were waiting from the Meshiakh of Israel. That He would be the king of all nations and that there would be peace. That is the excuse that some Jews, some genetic descendants of Abraham, still have, and insist on, to deny Yeshua as their Meshiakh.

In Zechariah 14 Jehovah also says that: BEFORE He reigns, "For I will gather ALL nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city” 514. And when He is REIGNING, "EVERY ONE that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year TO WORSHIP the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles” 515.

And the country or nation that does not send emissaries every year to worship the King during the Sukkot festival, the festival of Tabernacles, will be in trouble, because it will not have rains.

When Jesus Christ, Yeshua, the Meshiakh of Israel returns there will be PEACE and He will be the King of ALL the nations, reigning from Israel, that Israel that is already here, that which is already a nation since 1948.


In Ezekiel, 8 chapters are dedicated to describing how is the temple that will be built when the Meshiakh of Israel reigns over all nations. One of the most interesting features of the temple described in Ezekiel is that it has no walls indicating separation between kinds of people as indid had the temple at the times of Jesus Christ. Said temple, the one from the times of Jesus Christ, separated the genetic descendants of Abraham from the rest of the people: the pagans. Another characteristic of the temple described in Ezekiel is that it does NOT have a veil that separates to the Holy of Holies as a place to which only the high priest can enter. In this future temple EVERYONE will have access to the Holy of the Holies.

This future temple is so important to the bible that only the Tabernacle of the Meeting, which was built as YHWH showed Moses on Mount Horeb, also known as Mount Sinai, that tent that the Israelites carried for 40 years in the desert following a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night, only that Tabernacle of the Meeting has more pages in the bible dedicated to describe and explain it than the future temple described in Ezekiel. That future temple seems to be, according to the number of pages dedicated in the bible, more important than the previous ones.

Jeremiah 33 516 and Isaiah 66 517 speak of the time when Jehovah will bring the Israelites back to their land and that the people shall bring praises and presents to the house of the Lord, to that temple which Ezekiel describes in chapters 40 to 48 of his book.

In that future temple, according to Ezekiel 46, offering sacrifices will be made daily. It says that: "You shall prepare a lamb a year old without defect for a burnt offering to Yahweh daily. Morning by morning you shall prepare it. You shall prepare a meal offering with it morning by morning, the sixth part of an ephah, and the third part of a hin of oil, to moisten the fine flour; a meal offering to Yahweh continually by a perpetual ordinance. Thus they shall prepare the lamb, the meal offering, and the oil, morning by morning, for a continual burnt offering” 518.

Another interesting feature of this temple, according to Ezekiel 47 519, is that water comes out of the sanctuary of the temple that when it comes out of the temple is a small water source that has a low flow but as it moves away from the temple, the flow increases until it becomes a river that reaches the dead sea. River that, because it is fresh water, makes the dead sea no longer “dead”, and people will be able to fish in that lake that is now called the "Dead Sea". Also, on the banks of the river, trees will grow that will always bear fruit in time, that can be eaten, and the leaves of said trees will never fall and will be medicinal. Perhaps because they are medicinal is that they will never fall. They will be so desired that the people will rip them off before they fall. And whoever bathes or swims in that river or in what is now the "dead sea" will heal and live.

That future temple is a temple such as it has never been seen on this planet.

A thousand years.

In all the prophecies of the bible the numbers are interpreted as numbers. In Joseph's dreams 11 stars are 11 brothers 520, 3 branches are 3 days 521, 3 baskets are 3 days 522, 7 cows are 7 years, 7 ears are 7 years 523. In the visions of Daniel 4 beasts are 4 empires 524, 10 horns are 10 kings 525, 70 weeks are 70 groups of 7 years 526, 1290 days are 1290 years, 1335 days are 1335 years 527. It never happens that 11 means many, or some, or few. 11 is 11, not 5, not 3, not 20.

The book of revelation is no exception: the 7 stars are 7 angels, the 7 candlesticks are 7 churches 528, the 7 seals are 7 processes or plagues 529, the 7 trumpets are 7 processes 530 and the 7 bowls are 7 processes 531. Even in Revelation 17 the angel explains to John that the 7 heads are 7 mountains and 7 kings 532 and the 10 horns are 10 kings 533.

In the same way, the correct interpretation of Revelation 20, despite some people not accepting it, is that when it says "a thousand years" it is just that: A THOUSAND YEARS” 534. A thousand are a thousand, they are not 2 thousand, nor 4 thousand, not 3 thousand, not “a little bit”, not “for a long time”.

These thousand years are a time of PEACE, in which according to Isaiah 65 a person who dies at the age of 100 is considered a child and people will live like the days of a tree 535 and the wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat” 536. According to Revelation 20, it will be a thousand years of PEACE because Satan, also called "the ancient serpent", or "devil", he will be chained in the abyss 537. Peace because the one who prevents it can not act because he’s chained.

According to Revelation 20, “when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison” 538 and will deceive the nations and surround God’s beloved city, but fire will fall from heaven and they will be defeated.

At the end of these thousand years, peace ends, there is a short war between those who follow the Lamb, Jesus Christ, and those who follow Satan, Gog and Magog, but soon everything is destroyed by the fire that falls from heaven.

Said physical fire that falls from the heaven destroys those who were deceived by Satan. The rest of the people, those who were not deceived by Satan, they will be transformed directly, without dying, to his glorious body, that which is not affected by physical fire, as Paul explains in 1st Corinthians 15 539.

At that time, that fire will also consume this entire planet, these physical heavens and this physical earth that we see today, as told to us by 2nd Peter 3: "the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will be dissolved with fervent heat, and the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore since all these things will be destroyed like this, what kind of people ought you to be in holy living and godliness, looking for and earnestly desiring the coming of the day of God, which will cause the burning heavens to be dissolved, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? But, according to his promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells” 540. It also announces Isaiah 65 saying "For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind” 541. And Revelation 21 saying: “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea” 542. And in Zephaniah 1 also announces saying: “I will utterly sweep away EVERYTHING from the surface of the earth, says Yahweh. I will sweep away man and animal. I will sweep away the birds of the sky, the fish of the sea, and the heaps of rubble with the wicked. I will cut off man from the surface of the earth, says Yahweh” 543.

This is the time when Adam's offspring ends. No more children of children of children of Adam. Finale, end, no more.

From this moment on, the new earth with the new heavens, that Kingdom of Heaven, that Kingdom of God, which Jehovah began to build spiritually since Jesus Christ began to announce the Kingdom of Heavens, it starts to be a new PHYSICAL earth and a new PHYSICAL heavens too. A Kingdom of Heaven also PHYSICAL here on this planet. A kingdom of God in whom the Lord will dwell among men forever and ever.

Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 15 quoting Hosea 13 saying "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” 544. And in Isaiah 25 this moment is announced saying “He has swallowed up death forever! The Lord Yahweh will wipe away tears from off all faces. He will take the reproach of his people away from off all the earth, for Yahweh has spoken it” 545.

It is at the end of those thousand years that happens the physical resurrection of the dead, of ALL dead people, with the exception of 144,000 who were already resurrected. It is after those thousand years when they ALL will be resurrected, even the ones that have just been destroyed by the physical fire that destroyed the previous physical heavens and earth. That's what it says Revelation 20: “WHEN THE THOUSAND YEARS HAVE EXPIRED546. It's AFTER those thousand years when the announcement of Jesus Christ that says: “Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of” 547 “judgment” 548. And John describes it in Revelation 20 saying: “The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works” 549.


The firstfruits in Christ are first in the Spirit and then also physically when they are resurrected. All born again, all born in the Spirit, are spiritual firstfruits in Christ, but they have not risen physically yet.

When Matthew 27 speaks to us of the death of Jesus Christ, he also speaks to us of some physical first fruits, he says: “And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many” 550.

Jesus Christ tells us about these FEW when speaking to the Israelites tells them in Matthew 7 that: “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it" 551, or in Matthew 20 when it says that: “for many be called, but FEW chosen” 552.

In Revelation 14 we are told of these 144,000 that: “These are those who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are those who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed by Jesus from among men, the first fruits to God and to the Lamb. In their mouth was found no lie, for they are blameless” 553. And in Revelation 7 says that they are “of ALL the tribes of the children of Israel” 554. They are only Israelite males, twelve thousand from each tribe. Listen: Only from EACH tribe of the CHILDREN of ISRAEL 555. And speaking in past tense, and prophetically towards the future, it says that they will not have relations with women and will never lie.

From what Jesus Christ tells us in Luke 13 556, it follows that between these will be Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all the prophets. It is possible that we can also count David among these FEW, if the old testament prophecies are going to be fulfilled literally. And judging by the archaeological evidence in Jerusalem, it can be believed that the David’s tomb is empty. So it’s possibly that David was one of those who people saw walking through Jerusalem after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, according to Matthew 27. Only that when our Lord returns, the resurrected David will have zero sex. Virgin. Zero wives.

The apostles are also among the 144,000. According to Matthew 28 “Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel” 557. And it is very possible that they are already resurrected and with Jesus Christ in these heavens. Those ones that have clouds, that can be seen, and in Adam's time had waters below and waters above.

Thus, many of these 144,000 are already resurrected and reigning with Jesus Christ from today’s heavens, and right now it’s happening what John prophesied in Revelation 6, that: “They cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, Master, the holy and true, until you judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” 558. But they have not yet been sealed because they are not yet complete. And as some forget what the scriptures say, you have to remind them that only the alive, those who have a body and a mouth to speak, can cry out, can think, or praise. And to be in today’s heavens and be able to claim one needs to be resurrected, in body and Spirit. The rest are with their body made dust and with their spirit completely asleep.

These 144,000 are the same ones mentioned in Revelation 20 when John says that: “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years” 559.

The rest of those who BEGIN the thousand years, according to Revelation 7, are a countless crowd, a multitude. A multitude over which the 144,000 reign, multitude which John describes in Revelation 7 as “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation” 560. And that they are “a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues" 561.

But only those 144,000 are resurrected, the rest are not. The rest will die physically as everyone does. And this rest of those who BEGIN the thousand years, that great multitude of Revelation 7, only includes those "who come OUT of the great tribulation” 562. Listen: come “OUT” of the great tribulation, that is what the word G1537 indicates. That great multitude does not include any person who has died physically. All the great multitude was alive physically when that "great tribulation" started, from which, according to Revelation 7, they "come out". Only that after finishing that great tribulation they will live a little longer than those who died before, or during, that great tribulation. As Isaiah 65 says, a person who dies at the age of 100 is considered a child, and people will live like the days of the trees 563.

All 144,000 are sealed, appointed, chosen, BEFORE the trumpets of the book of Revelation. At this time, ALL of the physically resurrected are part of the 144,000. But NOT ALL 144,000 have died physically when the trumpets begin. That is to say that when the trumpets begin, NOT ALL of the 144,000 will have risen, most of them, but not all. Some are killed and resurrected DURING the first 6 trumpets.

This is why Revelation 20 describes some of the 144,000 as those who “had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands” 564. ALL 144,00 are finally physically resurrected at the END of the sixth trumpet but BEFORE the bowls. This is what Revelation 14 565 talks about. In Revelation 7 they are marked, sealed and in Revelation 14 they are ALL resurrected. These are the Saints mentioned in Revelation 13 when it says that to the first beast "was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them” 566.

And let's remember that those 144,000 do not include women. There are no women resurrected in the thousand years that Jesus Christ reigns along with those 144,000, those FEW. The ones who are there, they are all among the great multitude that is normaly dying. There are no virgin women resurrected and therefore no woman, virgin or not, who has died, can PRAY for us mortals. Every woman who has physically died has her body made dust and her spirit well ASLEEP. Only until the thousand years have EXPIRED, they will be resurrected with the rest of humanity.

Asking a woman who has physically died to PRAY for someone to the heavenly Father or to his Son Jesus Christ is simply invoking the dead. There are NO women resurrected until the resurrection of ALL dead occurs, after the thousand years. If someone asks a woman who has died to please “PRAY for us sinners now, and at the hour of death”, he is just invoking a DEAD person and, according to the old testament, it is a sin punishable by physical death.

Many people believe that just by following Jesus Christ, or being born again in the Spirit, or by dying for Jesus Christ, that they are on the list of those who will reign with Jesus Christ for a thousand years. It may be because they like to reign. But first you have to reign over Satan, sin and the world. First you have to put Satan at your feet. And that it’s only done by the Holy Spirit. And it’s a process. First you have to go through the ETERNAL FIRE. To those believers I recommend reading again the characteristics of those who are on the list that will reign with Jesus Christ.

God's Wrath.

There are only two ways to understand the processes of the book of Revelation called “seals”, “trumpets” and “bowls”: spiritually or physically. And by now it should be clear that to your host, me, Jose Luis Quiroga, it WAS the heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit and Life itself, who have him led to understand what the bible says as it’s written, for as hard as it may be to believe it. So this is not the exception: the processes described in the “seals”, the “trumpets” and the “cups”, as dramatic and catastrophic as they may seem, are just as they are described in the book.

When Revelation 8 says that: “the third part of trees was burnt up, and ALL green grass was burnt up” 567, what it means is exactly that: that a third part of trees was burned and that ALL green grass was also burned.

When it says that: "the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died” 568, what it means is just that: that a third of what lived in the sea died.

And when it says that the Sun and the Moon: "the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise” 569, guess what? That’s what it MEANS.

The same thing happens when Revelation 9 says that for 5 months “shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them” 570, or when it says that: by plages “was the third part of men killed” 571, or when it says that those who remained alive: “Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts” 572. The interpretation is direct. There is nothing to interpret.

And that's just on the trumpets. Then come the bowls.

In Revelation 16 it says that the sea “became as the blood of a dead man: and EVERY living soul DIED in the sea” 573. It also says that "the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood” 574. And that after this, 3 evil spirits went "working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty” 575. Another world war between 3 great powers.

But the thing doesn’t end there, because later it says that "there was a great earthquake, such as was NOT SINCE men were upon the earth” 576 and that “the cities of the nations collapsed” 577 and that EVERY island fled away, and the mountains were not found” 578. An earthquake like it has NEVER been since men have been upon the earth, in which the cities of the world COLLAPSE.

But it doesn't end there either. After that “there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent” 579. And in this case the interpretation may be somewhat different because the greek word is “talantiaios” that translates talent, and in John's time there were several kinds of talent. It is possible that it refers to different values between 32 kilograms or 59 kilograms. But let's say more than 32 kilograms. A hail like bowling balls, which also have different values of weight.

Revelation 16 also says that those who survived the hailstorm, which won't be many, because if a bowling ball falls on someone, the thing seems deadly, say a few thousand people, what did they do? They BLASPHEMED against God 580. But, says Revelation 19, that all of those survivors “were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh” 581.

The book of Revelation teaches us that the final process before beginning the thousand years of peace consists of 7 “seals”, where the 7th seal corresponds to a process that is divided into 7 “trumpets”, and the 7th trumpet corresponds to a process that is divided into 7 “bowls”. The bible also teaches us that the 7 trumpets, that is, the first 6 trumpets and all the “bowls” correspond to a process called "God's wrath”. The wrath of God corresponds to the “trumpets” and the “bowls”.

Of those who begin to receive the wrath, in the end, after the wrath, after the “trumpets” and the “bowls”, NO ONE, none, are left physically alive. EVERYONE dies physically, one way or another. And I insist in a physical death, because let’s remember that before the wrath started they were already spiritually dead. Some people, after the beginning of the wrath, are born spiritually, but they are physically killed, just for being born in the spirit. They kill them before starting the "bowls", the final part of wrath, the seventh trumpet. Of those born again, who are killed, says Revelation 14 that "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth” 582. And of those blessed ones who die during the first 6 trumpets by cause of following Jesus Christ, even more blessed are those jewish men who die with their throats cut, because they are part of the 144,000 who were already sealed since The Wrath of God began.

Perhaps because of this great suffering and death, just before the beginning of the seventh seal, that is, before all the trumpets and all the bowls, says Revelation 6 that: “the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man” and “said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the WRATH of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” 583. The wrath of the Lamb. The trumpets and the bowls are that wrath of God.

And for this host it is logically inconsistent, incoherent, incongruous to believe that while all these dramatic things are happening people would be “eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage” 584, as says our Lord Jesus Christ, according to Matthew 24, that it will be at the time He comes back. Or that people, they “eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded” 585, as Jesus Christ says, according to Luke 17.

When there is no water to drink, when everything in the sea is dead, and there is no good light neither in the day nor in the night, and there is another world war, people will not be thinking of getting married or planting or building or drinking. People will be thinking about how to survive, and according to what the same book tells us: "Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts” 586. Oh, and with exception of the few people who die believing in Jesus Christ during the first 6 trumpets, ALL those who are left alive after each plague, physically alive because spiritually they are dead, they will also blaspheme against God.

It is also very hard to believe that all the "trumpets" and "bowls" take place "as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west” 587, as Jesus Christ tells us that it will be when He returns, according to Matthew 24. Those “trumpets” and those “bowls” take quite some time. Something has already happened before the Wrath of God.

Caught up.

Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 4 that: those who are alive, when Jesus Christ returns, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, TO MEET the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord588. In this verse the Strong code behind the “TO MEET” is G529 that, according to biblehub, is also used as “TO RECEIVE” in a reception, that is, as to return later with Jesus Christ once the reception is over.

Paul also says in Romans 5 about us believers in Jesus Christ that "now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from WRATH through him” 589. And in 1 Thessalonians 5 it says, "For God hath NOT appointed us to WRATH, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ” 590. And in 1 Thessalonians 1 it says: “And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the WRATH to come” 591. Of the WRATH that is to come. When? Well, just when Jesus comes back, that's why he talks about waiting for his Son. That is why in Romans 2 it tells us about "the day of WRATH and revelation of the righteous judgment of God” 592. Day that doesn't last long “For his ANGER is but for a MOMENT. His favor is for a LIFETIME593, that says Psalm 30. A little over 3 and a half years of wrath. Say about 4 to 6 years of wrath. While his favor lasts for a lifetime, and let us remember that life in Christ Jesus is ETERNAL.

Thus, while those who have been caught up are receiving Jesus Christ the rest are under the wrath of God. Receiving trumpets and bowls.

Those chosen by Jesus Christ are raptured or taken as it says in Matthew 24: “two men will be in the field: one will be taken and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and one will be left. Watch therefore, for you don’t know in what hour your Lord comes” 594. Or in Luke 17 when he says, "in that night there will be two people in one bed. One will be taken and the other will be left” 595. And this will happen as the lightning flashes from the east, and is seen even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be596.

Like this will be the day of his return. A day that lasts a thousand years because Peter explains that: one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day597. And those who live that day will always be before the Lord, because Jesus Christ will be reigning, from the temple described in Ezekiel, which will be built in Israel, with the help of 144,000 sealed ones, over a multitude that cannot be counted, those who were caught up, those who came out from the great tribulation, escaping from The God's Wrath. A thousand years that come AFTER the trumpets and the bowls.

The taken or raptured, together with the 144,000, will be the first to physically begin to fulfill the biblical promises that the righteous will inherit the earth.

The taken or raptured are that great multitude described by Revelation 7 as These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb598. And that They are a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues” 599. Description made in Revelation 7 just before the 7th seal. He says of this multitude that: They stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb” 600.

In this context it is very easy to understand the words of Jesus Christ in his parables of Matthew 25 when it says that the kingdom of heaven will be like 10 virgins in which 5 wise enter the wedding and others do not 601, or the parable in which he says that “when the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. Before him all the nations will be gathered, and he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats” and to some he will say “Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” and to the others he will say “Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels” 602. And so it will be fulfilled the first part of the physical manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, and the words of Jesus Christ when he says that: "Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will tell me in that day, Lord, Lord, didn't we prophesy in your name, in your name cast out demons, and in your name do many mighty works? Then I will tell them, I never knew you. Depart from me, you who work iniquity603.

The ones who enter the wedding are those taken or raptured to RECEIVE Jesus Christ and then RETURN later with him. The rest are left out of the wedding. And in Matthew 22 an additional detail is given to us when in another parable of a wedding he tells us that: "when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man who didn't have on WEDDING clothing, and he said to him, Friend, how did you come in here not wearing WEDDING clothing? He was speechless. Then the king said to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and throw him into the outer darkness. That is where the weeping and grinding of teeth will be” 604. Even after having entered the wedding the king can return someone if he is not in wedding clothing. If you haven't washed your clothes and have made them white with the blood of the Lamb, according to Revelation 7. They are a minority because of all those who were at the wedding, of that great crowd, only one was returned back, but it can happen.

This wedding is the same one that Revelation 19 tells us about when it says: “Let's rejoice and be exceedingly glad, and let's give the glory to him. For the WEDDING of the Lamb has come, and his wife has made herself ready. It was given to her that she would array herself in bright, pure, fine linen: for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. He said to me, Write, Blessed are those who are invited to the WEDDING supper of the Lamb. He said to me, These are true words of God” 605.

Great Tribulation.

Jesus Christ warns his followers that: In the world you have trouble; but cheer up! I have overcome the world606. And that You will be hated by all men for my name’s sake, but he who endures to the end will be saved” 607. And that They will put you out of the synagogues. Yes, the time comes that whoever kills you will think that he offers service to God” 608. And that You will be handed over even by parents, brothers, relatives, and friends. They will cause some of you to be put to death” 609. And that: "Brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child. Children will rise up against parents, and cause them to be put to death" 610. And that: If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you611. And that: “A servant is not greater than his lord. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you” 612. And that “Then they will deliver you up to oppression and will kill you. You will be hated by all of the nations for my name’s sake” 613.

And in particular for the moment when he is about to return, in Matthew 24, Jesus Christ tells us that: “for then there will be great suffering, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, nor ever will be” 614. Jesus Christ tells us the same thing in Mark 13: “For in those days there will be oppression, such as there has not been the like from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and never will be” 615. Which has NOT been since creation and will NEVER be later.

And Jesus Christ adds that: “Unless those days had been shortened, no flesh would have been saved. But for the sake of the chosen ones, those days will be shortened” 616. They are shortened by and for the chosen, the ones taken, or caught up, because for the rest they are not shortened. The rest will all suffer the Wrath of God and die physically because let’s remember that spiritually they were ALREADY dead. They will NOT physically live again until the moment of the resurrection of the dead, a thousand years later.

The chosen start the great tribulation but do not suffer the most dramatic part, the one in which no one survives, the so-called Wrath of God. The chosen only live the tribulation, that is, the beginning of the great tribulation.

The tribulation only includes the first 6 “seals”, and these are suffered by the whole planet. The great tribulation also includes the 7th seal. 7th seal that, let us remember, corresponds to the trumpets and bowls, the Wrath of God.

In Revelation 6, John tells us about a horseman “and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another” 617. And about another horseman to whom authority over one fourth of the earth, to kill with the sword, with famine, with death, and by the wild animals of the earth was given to him618.

Which corresponds to the description made by Jesus Christ according to Matthew 24 on the events prior to his arrival: For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places619 and that He calls the beginning of sorrows” 620. which also it is narrated in Mark 13 621.

In other words: nothing that hasn't been seen since Jesus Christ was resurrected, just that more often. Just as with labor pains, these pains get more frequent as the moment of his coming gets closer.

According to Revelation 6, when the Lamb opened the 6th seal "there was a great earthquake. The sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became as blood. The stars of the sky fell to the earth, like a fig tree dropping its unripe figs when it is shaken by a great wind. The sky was removed like a scroll when it is rolled up. Every mountain and island was moved out of its place” 622.

Which corresponds to what was described by Jesus Christ in Matthew 24 after that “beginning of sorrows”: shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken623. Or with what is described in Mark 13: “the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken” 624.

It does not seem very easy to fulfill that: the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind625, but no one can ask for a clearer and more graphic description. This description corresponds with the one given by Isaiah 34 for the moment of the beginning of the Wrath of God: And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree” 626. The hebrew word, which in this case is correctly translated as “hosts”, is the word tzabaot, with the Strong code H6635. This hebrew word when referring to the heavens can refer to the stars or to everything in the heavens including the birds, but the correct interpretation in this context is to understand it as the armies of angels that are in heaven. What falls as the leaf falls of the vine or the figs of the fig tree are angels. Armies of them. Just as Jesus Christ continues describing that moment in Matthew 24: “they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. He will send out his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together his chosen ones from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other” 627.

This is the moment that happens like lightning, the moment when some are cought up, or taken, and others are not. The moment that no one knows the day or the hour, but only the heavenly Father. Careful, neither the day nor the hour. This moment comes as in the time of Noah, or as in the time of Lot: in an INSTANT. And although neither the day nor the hour is known, the year has to be very close.

The good news for those who ARE raptured, according to Jesus Christ in Luke 17, is that, despite the moments of great tribulation, tribulation bigger than it has ever been and will never be, they have already begun, by the time believers are caught up, people still did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded628. That is, until the believers are raptured, life goes on more or less as it has been since Jesus Christ was resurrected. Good news for the raptured.

The bad news for those who are NOT raptured is that, by the time the Great Tribulation ends, everyone dies. Not a single one is left alive. And since those are precisely the ones who did NOT believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but that death is the end, well for them, they are very bad news. It's bad news because they think it's the end. The truth is that they have to wait until the resurrection of the dead to realize that what they believed was false. Which in reality are good news if they could believe them. Bad news for those who are NOT raptured.

Eternal Abhorrence.

The book of Daniel in chapter 12 tells us that: "the multitude of those sleeping in the dust of the ground do awake" 629, regarding this text it is important to note that:

  1. It is located at a moment in which there will be "a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time" 630 that corresponds to the moment that Jesus Christ calls "Great Tribulation", the same name used in this presentation, because it uses the same description used by our Lord Jesus Christ to refer to said moment.
  2. In hebrew, the word translated as "multitude", the word H7227 also has the meaning "great" or "important".
  3. It delimits us which are those "great" ones who are "awakened". It says that: "at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book" 631, that is, all the descendants of Israel who are written in the book at that time. If you are not a descendant of Israel you are not in the group, and if it is not written in the book at that time, you are not in the group either.
  4. The hebrew of the text indicates that the following four phrases ALWAYS refer to these SAME people, to these “great” ones who get “awaken”. There is no division as most translations suggest.
  5. The phrases: to life age-during, to reproaches -- to abhorrence age-during”, those teaching do shine as the brightness of the expanse” and those justifying the multitude as stars” 632 ALWAYS refer to the SAME group of people. Those who were written in the book. Those "great" ones who were "awakened".
  6. There are only two occurrences in the entire TANAKH, in the entire Old Testament, of the word "deraon", the word H1860, translated in some versions as "horror". One in Isaiah 66, which we already analyzed, and this one. There are no more. This makes it difficult to identify the original hebrew meaning of the word because there are only two possible contexts from which to deduce that meaning.

Accepting the translation of "abhorrence" for the word H1860, the same one that was accepted when analyzing the word "Ge-Henna", the word G1067, and taking into account these observations, it is easy to see that this group of people from Daniel 12 are the 144,000 Saints that have already been analyzed as well. The only ones who have been resurrected up to that moment. And that "abhorrence" and those "reproches" are the same ones described in Isaiah 66 that ALL FLESH will feel on the FINAL day when the resurrection of ALL the dead takes place.

The Abomination of Desolation.

According to Matthew 24, Jesus Christ explains that the beginning of the Great Tribulation is marked by the time "When, therefore, you see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand)” 633. And very similar words according to Mark 13 “when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not (let the reader understand)” 634.

There are only two verses in the entire new testament that mention the prophet Daniel. They are these two and both are in the mouth of our Lord Jesus Christ announcing the beginning of a great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be635.

The greek word behind the word “to see”, the word G3708, horaó, it’s also used in the sense of understanding, discerning, recognizing. That is why at the end of both texts he also emphasizes "let the reader understand".

To see, understand, discern and recognize, let us first see, understand and recognize what Daniel spoke of.

The phrase "Abomination of Desolation" refers to the sequence of hebrew words “shiqquts” and “shamem”, the words H8251 636 and H8074 637. This sequence only appears in 3 verses in the entire tanakh: in Daniel 9 638, in Daniel 11 639 and in Daniel 12 640.

The final moment.

The 1st to understand of the 3 mentions in the Tanakh of the sequence “Abomination of Desolation” is the one in Daniel 12. This allows us to see, understand, discern and recognize what time it is. It happens in Daniel 12 when the angel says to Daniel: “Go your way, Daniel; for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked will do wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand; but those who are wise will understand. From the time that the continual burnt offering is taken away, and the ABOMINATION that makes DESOLATE set up, there will be one thousand two hundred ninety days. Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred thirty-five days” 641.

So let's begin to open and unseal these words because it is the time of the end.

It is completely undeniable that if the principle of prophetic interpretation called "a year for every day", the prophecies in Daniel 9 corresponds perfectly with Jesus Christ as the Meshiakh of Israel and the temple of Jehovah in Jerusalem. It predicts the moment of beginning of the reconstruction of the temple, the moment of the beginning of the ministry of Jesus Christ, the time of the death of Jesus Christ, and the time of the destruction of the temple by the Romans. So it's not preposterous to think that it is at least possible to apply the principle with other prophecies in Daniel. Which is precisely what makes it possible to discern Daniel 12 in regards to the "Abomination of Desolation".

The first thing to determine is the date on which the daily sacrifice was suspended. There are several possibilities for this date but the fundamental argument to this explanation is that the particular way in which we see the hebrew word “sur” written, the code H5493, which is translated as “TAKEN AWAY” in the text from the time that the continual burnt offering is TAKEN AWAY” 642, only appears in two verses of the tanakh: in Daniel 12 and in Leviticus 4 when he says: All its fat he shall take away, like the fat is taken away from the sacrifice of peace offerings” 643, and the Leviticus occurrence is referring to the fat that was TAKEN AWAY or removed during the peace offering.

Understanding in this way the "TAKEN AWAY" when Daniel 12 tells us that: from the time that the continual burnt offering is TAKEN AWAY” 644, there are only two reasonable possibilities, from Daniel's point of view, in which the continual sacrifice was taken away:

  1. The moment narrated in 2nd Kings 24 when Nebuchadnezzar went up against Jerusalem in the time of King Joachim aged 18 and He carried out from there all the treasures of Yahweh’s house, and the treasures of the king’s house, and cut in pieces all the vessels of gold, which Solomon king of Israel had made in Yahweh’s temple” 645, or
  2. The moment narrated in 2nd Kings 25 when Nebuchadnezzar takes Jerusalem and He burned Yahweh’s house, the king’s house, and all the houses of Jerusalem, even every great house, he burned with fire646.

According to historical evidence, the first moment happened in 598 or 597 before Jesus Christ and the second moment happened in 587 or 586 before Jesus Christ.

If each day is a year in Daniel 12, the "Abomination of Desolation" corresponds to what happened 1290 years later in the place of the Holy of Holies.

Regarding the first option, the completion of the golden Dome of the Rock, between 691 and 692 after Jesus Christ.

And regarding the second option, the completion of the Al-Aqsa Mosque between 702 and 703 after Jesus Christ.

Both located on top of Jehovah's Holy Mountain, Mount Moriah, above where Solomon's temple was built.

As an observation for people who like to add: you have to take into account that there is no year zero. From 1 before Jesus Christ the system goes to 1 after Jesus Christ.

The "Abomination of Desolation" is the temples complex of Muhammad above the Holy place. These are the objects that represent the most false prophet in the entire history of mankind, Muhammad, above the Holy place, of the Holy mount, of mount Moriah, of the one True God, of the Creator of heaven and earth.

And if you had not seen it that way, you have already begun to see it and the words of Jesus Christ have began to be fulfilled: “when you see” and “let the reader understand”.

Thus, by the time the majority of the body of Jesus Christ, of the congregation of the born again, see, understand, discern and recognize the "Abomination of Desolation", by the time that happens, the Great Tribulation, that period of time of suffering like never before and there will never be, it will have already begun.

And according to Daniel 12 647, blessed are those who manage to wait for the 1335 years since that mosque is in the Holy place. For the first option that year is between 2026 and 2027 and for the second option it is between 2037 and 2038.

This host, Jose Luis Quiroga, believes any of the great pending events regarding the return of Jesus Christ will happen at that moment of "blessed". Even the one that simply fulfills the words of Jesus Christ: “when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not (let the reader understand)” 648, indicating the beginning of the Great Tribulation.

70 Weeks.

The 2nd to understand of the 3 mentions in the Tanakh of the sequence "Abomination of Desolation" is that of Daniel 9. This occurrence of the sequence of hebrew words “shiqquts” and “shamem”, the words H8251 649 and H8074 650, commonly translated as “Abomination of Desolation” is just after the end of the 70 weeks prophecy in Daniel 9. The 70-week prophecy ends in the middle of the verse 27 651.

It is a very common construction in hebrew to put a “vev” character before to the word “al”, the word H5921, to indicate “and after”, or “and on”, or “and above”, as a grammatical continuation that may also indicate a temporal continuation. And that continuation can happen even 600 years later.

Thus, the description of the 70 weeks ends with the word "minkha", the word H4503, which means gift or offering, and refers to the death of Jesus Christ in the middle of the last week.

This last week ends with the appearance of Jesus Christ to Shaul, commonly known as Paul, on his way to Damascus 652, just 7 years after Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist, event that marked the beginning of this last week. It is with this last act that Jesus Christ brings “in everlasting righteousness”, and “seals up the vision and prophecy”, thus completing the 70 weeks. Sealing the 70 weeks.

There are no weeks floating around in the vacuum as some people believe. That’s not the way bible prophecy works. Either it is fulfilled or it is not fulfilled. This was fulfilled perfectly. The hebrew is a bit obscure, but you don't need to speak perfect hebrew to interpret it correctly. You only need to use the internet.

Understanding that the 70 weeks are complete, Daniel 9 is consistent with Daniel 12 in identifying the "Abomination of Desolation" with the Muhammad's temples complex above the Holy Place in Jerusalem.

North and south.

And the third to understand of the 3 mentions in the Tanakh of the sequence "Abomination of Desolation" is that of Daniel 11.

Daniel 11 anticipates how control over Jerusalem and the territory of Solomon's Israel alternate between northern forces and southern forces, represented in history by different names.

In the narration of Daniel 11 653 it can be observed how the power over the territory over and around Jerusalem, since the Medo-Persian alliance takes control, has been alternating between forces of the north and forces of the south 654. Some characters can be identified such as Alexander the Great, some Antiochus, some Ptolemies, some Caesar and some periods such as the Byzantine, the first Muslim, the Crusades and the second Muslim period.

The key, as always, to be able to understand a passage of the scriptures, is Our Lord Jesus Christ. It should first be noted that the word H1285 655, translated as “covenant”, is only used by Daniel on 6 occasions and always to represent the Holy pact between God and his people. This allows us to identify that in the narrative Jesus Christ is represented by the phrase "the Prince of the Covenant" or "the Leader of the Covenant". And this allows establishing a central point in time to the narration and thus being able to map the history of the territory of the current Israel with the narration.

Understanding that the time of "the Prince of the Covenant" in Daniel 11 corresponds to the time of Jesus Christ, then the moment in which Daniel 11 mentions the "Abomination of Desolation" can be mapped to the time of control by the early Muslim period over Jerusalem, and with the time when the Muslim temples complex was built on the Holy Mount in Jerusalem.

The three mentions in the Tanakh of the "Abomination of Desolation" are consistent in identifying it with Muhammad's temples complex above of the Holy Place in Jerusalem.


The main fulfilled prophecy that tells us that the year of the return of Yeshua, of Jesus Christ, of Our Lord, of the King of Kings, of the Meshiakh of Israel, it’s very close, even if we do not know the day or the hour, it’s the existence of Israel for less than the last 100 years.

In Deuteronomy 30 the end is announced from the beginning, it says that: after Jehovah rooted them out of their land in anger, and in wrath, and in great indignation, and cast them into another land656 ; and after: “all the nations will say, Why has Yahweh done this to this land? What does the heat of this great anger mean? Then men will say, Because they abandoned the covenant of Yahweh, the God of their fathers, which he made with them when he brought them out of the land of Egypt, and went and served other gods and worshiped them, gods that they didn’t know and that he had not given to them” 657; and when all these things have come on you, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before you" 658; THEN Yahweh your God will release you from captivity, have compassion on you, and will return and gather you from all the peoples where Yahweh your God has scattered you. If your outcasts are in the uttermost parts of the heavens, from there Yahweh your God will gather you, and from there he will bring you back. Yahweh your God will bring you into the land which your fathers possessed, and YOU WILL POSSESS IT. He will do you good, and increase your numbers more than your fathers” 659.

Since the time of Moses, more than 1400 years before Jesus Christ, it was announced everything that would happen to the people of Jacob, to the people of Israel, the chosen people of Jehovah.

First they would be blessed with the promised land, with the land in which King David and King Solomon reigned between the year 1000 before Jesus Christ and 930 before Jesus Christ, and then they would be cursed for breaking the pact and worshiping other Gods. And Nebuchadnezzar would be in charge to execute one of the most important moments of such curses when he invades the only thing left to invade, Jerusalem, in the year 587 or 586 before Jesus Christ, at which time the temple built by Solomon almost 400 years before was completely destroyed. Moment from which, the descendants of Jacob, the Israelites, could never again buy and sell land, to be owners of that land, until the year 1948, more than 2500 years later, when God began to fulfill his promise to bring them back to their land.

The birth of the current country of Israel was announced almost 3500 years before by the Creator of heaven and earth, who tells us: “Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is no other. I am God, and there is none like me. I declare the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done. I say: My counsel will stand, and I will do all that I please. I call a ravenous bird from the east, the man of my counsel from a far country. Yes, I have spoken. I will also bring it to pass. I have planned. I will also do it. Listen to me, you stubborn-hearted, who are far from righteousness! I bring my righteousness near. It is not far off, and my salvation will not wait. I will grant salvation to Zion, my glory to Israel” 660.

Jehovah also speaks to us through Jeremiah. In Jeremiah 29 to 33 He gives various details of what is only happening until now.

First it mentions that "After seventy years are accomplished for Babylon, I will visit you and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place” 661. Those seventy years range from when Daniel is taken into exile to Babylon in 607 before Jesus Christ until some of the exiles return to Jerusalem from Babylon in 537 before Jesus Christ with the permission of Cyrus.

But then it also tells us about another time when Yahweh says that "I will turn again your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places where I have driven you, says Yahweh. I will bring you again to the place from where I caused you to be carried away captive” 662, and that “behold, the days come, says Yahweh, that I will reverse the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, says Yahweh. I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they will POSSESS IT” 663, and that “in that day, says Yahweh of Armies, that I will break his yoke from off your neck, and will burst your bonds. Strangers WILL NO MORE make them their bondservants” 664, and that “Jacob will return, and will be quiet and at ease. No one will make him afraid” 665, and that “Their children also will be as before, and their congregation will be established before me. I will punish all who oppress them” 666, and that “At that time, says Yahweh, I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they will be my people” 667, and that “I will build you again, and you will be built, O virgin of Israel. You will again be adorned with your tambourines, and will go out in the dances of those who make merry. Again you will plant vineyards on the mountains of Samaria. The planters will plant, and will enjoy its fruit” 668, and that they “Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout for the CHIEF of the nations” 669, and that “Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the UTTERMOST parts of the earth, along with the blind and the lame,the woman with child and her who travails with child together. They will return as a great company” 670, and that “Hear Yahweh’s word, you nations, and declare it in the distant islands. Say, He who scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd does his flock" 671, and that Jerusalem “will NOT BE plucked up or thrown down ANY MORE FOREVER” 672.

Jeremiah was a prophet who announced, according to Jeremiah 21, that Jehovah would deliver what was left of Judah and Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and that this king would not spare them or have compassion or mercy. That Jerusalem would be burned and given up and that he who would turn to the Chaldeans, to those who had Jerusalem besieged, he would live. And that Zedekiah, the king of Judah, would be taken prisoner to Babylon. And in Jeremiah 26 tells us that Jeremiah is threatened with death for prophesying against Jerusalem. He also prophesies, according to Jeremiah 29, that the captivity in Babylon would be long and that they should build and cultivate and eat the fruit of the crop, marry and have children, and seek peace and pray for the peace of the Babylonians because the peace of Babylon it is the peace of the captives.

All these prophecies that no one wanted to hear, made him end up imprisoned in the courtyard of the house of Zedekiah, the king of Judah. And while being prisoner, according to Jeremiah 32, Jehovah commands him to buy a piece of land from a his cousin named Hanameel as a sign that one day Houses and fields and vineyards shall be POSSESSED again in this land” 673, the land of Israel.

Jeremiah buys the land from his cousin, being imprisoned in the house of the king and knowing that Nebuchadnezzar is about to invade Jerusalem, as sign that one day Houses and fields and vineyards shall be POSSESSED again in this land674, the Israelite’s land.

This prophecy is only fulfilled until the 20th century after Jesus Christ, less than 100 years ago, when the country of Israel was founded in 1948, and the descendants of Abraham did return to POSSESS land in what is now Israel.

Jehovah also announces, according to Jeremiah 32, that Behold, I will gather them out of all countries, whither I have driven them in mine anger, and in my fury, and in great wrath; and I will bring them again unto this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely675, and that “Fields WILL BE BOUGHT in this land, about which you say, It is desolate, without man or animal” 676.

Jehovah announces in Jeremiah 16 that “behold, the days come, says Yahweh, that it will no more be said, As Yahweh lives, who brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; but, As Yahweh lives, who brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the countries where he had driven them. I will bring them again into their land that I gave to their fathers" 677.

This prophecy, according to which YHWH will be known as the one who gathered the Jews of all the nations into which He had scattered them, into the land that is now Israel, just as He had announced thousands of years before, is already starting to come true.

Isaiah also prophesies in Isaiah 11 that God wil assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth678.

In Ezekiel 11, Jehovah announces that “I will gather you from the peoples, and assemble you out of the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel” 679. And in Ezekiel 37, Jehovah says that “I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel. One king will be king to them all. They will no longer be two nations. They won’t be divided into two kingdoms any more at all” 680.

In Ezekiel 36, God tells Ezekiel to "tell the house of Israel, The Lord Yahweh says: I don’t do this for your sake, house of Israel, BUT FOR MY HOLY NAME, which you have profaned among the nations where you went” 681, “I will take you from among the nations and gather you out of all the countries, and will bring you into your own land” 682, “I don’t do this for your sake, says the Lord Yahweh. Let it be known to you: be ashamed and confounded for your ways, house of Israel” 683. And that "The land that was desolate will be tilled instead of being a desolation in the sight of all who passed by. They will say, This land that was desolate has become like the garden of Eden. The waste, desolate, and ruined cities are fortified and inhabited. Then the nations that are left around you will know that I, Yahweh, have built the ruined places, and planted that which was desolate. I, Yahweh, have spoken it, and I will do it” 684.

The existence of present-day Israel is a unique case in the entire history of humanity. The smallest nation on the entire planet was dispersed all over the planet and after thousands of years of being dispersed all over the planet, now, reunited, owns the same territory that it had at the beginning of its existence, just as it was written that would happen, hundreds of years before being dispersed, and thousands, listen well, THOUSANDS of years before it happened. And it preserves its culture, its customs, its sacred book and its original language.

There is no other case like it in ALL the history of HUMANITY. If that is NOT a HYPER-MEGA-SUPER PROPHECY, I don't know my mom's name.

But that’s not all.

In Amos 9, God announces that “I will bring my people Israel back from captivity, and they will rebuild the ruined cities, and inhabit them; and they will plant vineyards, and drink wine from them. They shall also make gardens, and eat their fruit. I will plant them on their land, and they WILL NO MORE be plucked up out of their land which I have given them, says Yahweh your God” 685.

Israel is here to stay. Promise of the Creator God of Heaven and Earth.


As for the chapters about which there are doubts, due to the details, it is worth mentioning the following issues:


In Revelation 12 John says that: there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered686.

Without coming to worship the stars, which would be idolatry, and without coming to think that they influence our personality, which would be occultism or witchcraft, some christians accept that God gives us signs using the stars to identify milestones of prophecies fulfillment. If we accept this, and bearing in mind that this description is between the trumpets and the bowls in the narrative of the book of Revelation, and that there are only two verses in the whole bible in which the angel Michael is mentioned in prophecy, one in Daniel 12 687 and another in Revelation 12 688, and that in both occurrences the narratives seem to refer to similar events, we have to locate the Revelation 12 narrative in sync with Daniel 12.

If we do this, there is only one possible configuration of the sky in the which this signal could have occurred in the sky: on September 23 of 2017. And as a significant fact we have that it corresponded with the end of a very important annual biblical feast: the feast of Trumpets.

The Revelation 12 configuration has 12 stars above the head of the woman: the 9 stars of Leo and 3 more: Mercury, Mars and Venus. It has the moving star Jupiter, which traditionally represents the King, emerging from the center of the woman, has the Sun "clothing" the woman and has the moon at the woman's feet. Other candidates like August 29 of 439, or September 11 of 3 before Jesus Christ, or the one in August 16 of 3 before Jesus Christ simply do not meet all the features.

The woman would be Israel and it would mean the beginning of the spiritual birth of Abraham's descendants as a nation, the time when the inhabitants of Israel begin to be born into the kingdom of heaven by accepting their Meshiakh: Yeshua HaMashiakh, better known as Jesus Christ.

This spiritual birth of the Israelites, according to the statistics of the first and only organization in the Israel of 2021 that has a bible school run by people born in Israel and believers in Yeshua, the organization “One for Israel”, has already started. Growth of people born in Israel who are new believers in Yeshua seems to be exponential, according to this organization.

If Michael's synchronism is correct, another great synchronism in the book of Revelation can be established:

  1. The time of the first 6 trumpets,
  2. The time of the two witnesses of Revelation 11 689,
  3. The time of the woman in the desert of Revelation 12 690, and
  4. The time of the first beast of Revelation 13 691,

correspond to exactly the same period of time and lasts 1260 days.

Trumpets that occur just after the spiritual birth of Israel, of the time when Israel accepts its Meshiakh. Delivery that occurs at the end of the first 6 seals of the book of Revelation and before the rapture that occurs between the sixth and seventh seals.

7 messengers.

If in Revelation 12 the phrase “a great wonder in heaven” refers to some configuration in the sky, then the phrase in Revelation 15 also would have to be about some stellar configuration when John tells us that: And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God692.

The only "great" and “marvellous” configuration in the sky after 2017, and quite strange in general, that can fit the description, is the one that will occur on September 8 of 2040, corresponding to the Feast of Trumpets of that year, when there will be a conjunction of the 7 mobile stars, or classic planets of the antiquity, which can be seen without the aid of a telescope: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Sun and the Moon.

In less than 20 degrees this very rare stellar alignment will be observed. With less than 20 degrees of angular distance between the objects. The previous one occurred on July 3 of 710. Very rare indid.

This heavenly configuration could be the announcement, the sign, that marks the moment in which the 7 angels of Revelation 15 begin their activity of pouring over the final 7 bowls of God's Wrath. This signal would mark the beginning of the bowls, that is, the beginning of the last trumpet of the Book of Revelation.


The great prostitute of Revelation 17 and the great Babylon of Revelation 18, they would be one and the same. And it refers to all the people who are not raptured and who will die without having accepted Jesus Christ during the trumpets or bowls. It would be all the people who stay in the earth, in Babylon, and die physically, during the trumpets or the bowls, without having accepted Christ. The rapture would correspond to the moment when, according to Revelation 18, John says that: “I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues" 693.

The end of the destruction of the Great Babylon corresponds with the end of the seals, the trumpets and the bowls, all at the same time. Because let us remember that the last “seal” are the 7 “trumpets” and the last “trumpet” are the 7 “bowls”. After that begins the reign of Jesus Christ from Israel for a thousand years.


After the destruction of the great Babylon, the wrath of God, the bowls, the reign begins. Jesus Christ comes down from heaven with the countless multitude clothed in white linen, the one spoken in Revelation 7 694, and who went out to meet him according to Paul 695. All the people that were caught up to heaven. Crowd that will be ruled by Jesus Christ and 144,000 resurrected men for a thousand years.

A thousand years of a reign with authentic peace because all the nations and peoples will be made up of people who, prior to said reigning, had already accepted Jesus Christ as their King. People who were willing to die for His cause and died to everything they were, or as Paul says: I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me696. Peoples and nations made up of people in whom Jesus Christ already reigns in their hearts.

It is the SPIRITUAL beginning WITH the PHYSICAL presence of the King of Kings, of the Meshiakh of YHWH, of that new earth with a new heavens that Isaiah announces in his last two chapters. The SPIRITUAL beginning WITHOUT the PHYSICAL presence of Jesus Christ began from his resurrection. These beginnings are only SPIRITUAL because the offspring of Adam have not yet been destroyed.

The PHYSICAL beginning of that NEW earth with a NEW heavens, according to Revelation 21, happens AFTER the resurrection of ALL the dead. And this only happens until after the thousand years of the reign of Jesus Christ from Israel, the Israel that is already here.

Jesus Christ does not come to reign over anyone who has not accepted him as king prior to that time. He is not coming to reign over Babylon.

This is GOOD news for those who already have Jesus Christ as King, but they don’t SEEM so good to those who don’t have him as King.



At this point of the presentation it can already be said that the main objective of giving you some GOOD news and others that don't SEEM good, it's already been fulfilled. However, not the entire set of questions that were posed at the beginning of the presentation have been answered and that was a third objective: kill all the birds with one stone.

The goal of this part 3 of the presentation is to put forward a whole series of topics that are related to the Truth, to what the bible affirms, and to the word "science". And in this way kill the pending birds.

Some of these topics, very few, can be related to the concept of technical creativity, that criterion that this presentation considers necessary to truly discern what is an objective, verifiable knowledge and in which no faith is needed, that which we like to call scientific. That is why this whole part 3 of the presentation is under the heading of simply “beliefs”.

In some cases what most people believe is not the same thing that your host believes. For beliefs that your host considers false, mostly popular, generally only the reasons against the belief are presented, and for those which your host considers true, mostly unpopular, generally only the reasons in favor of the belief are presented. This does allows the presentations to be simpler and more dynamic.

Most of the beliefs presented here have to do with the bible. If those beliefs presented here as false are not false, or those presented here as true are not true, the bible does not seem to be inspired by the God who does not lie.


Obviously the most important of all beliefs for a Christian is that Jesus Christ is alive because he was resurrected. It is the foundation of the believer in Jesus Christ. As Paul says in 1st Corinthians 15: if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain697.

Jesus Christ spoke of Noah, Jonah, Moses, and the Torah, which includes the book of Genesis, as something completely true. So, if Jesus Christ is alive because he was resurrected, we may not understand all the details of why the whole bible has to be true but it has to be.

Thus, the two fundamental principles, which must be taken into account in any point analyzed from here on, are the ones already analyzed at the beginning of this presentation:

  1. There is a Creator, designer and intelligent, of all plants, animals and people on this planet.
  2. Jesus Christ is alive because, after dying on the cross, the Creator raised him on the third day.

If these two fundamental points are denied, ignored, or not taken into account in the next presentations, it is rationally much more difficult to accept these presentations. On the other hand, if these two principles are understood as true it is much easier to accept these presentations. So: if you don't understand them as true, assume them as hypothetically true, as an intellectual exercise, when you reason about the following presentations.


Another important point to note beforehand is that: in the support of each belief the word “evidence” is used in the context of the person who has studied the subject of the belief.

This annotation is made because: what for a person can be evidence, to another it may simply be a worthless statement. And this situation depends both on the level of skepticism of the person, as well as the knowledge that the person has on the subject of the presented “belief”.

If you have not studied the subject, the evidence presented may seem worthless. You better study it and then take a position.

It is because of this subjectivity that when an affirmation is presented as evidence, it is based on what other people, who have dedicated more time than me, and probably more time than you too, to the study of the particular subject, those people, ALSO consider it as evidence.

The Truth.

The Truth according to the bible is something that is lived, that is experienced. According to John 14, Jesus Christ says: I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" 698. Jesus Christ is the Truth and to know the Truth is to know Him. John, in 1st John 2 tells us that: he who says he remains in him ought himself also to walk just like he walked” 699. He who says that he knows Jesus Christ must live like he lived. This way of living is by loving, John explains in 1st John 4 that He who doesn’t love doesn’t know God, for God is love” 700. And Jesus Christ explains to us, according to John 15, that Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” 701. To give the whole person. Jesus Christ has been giving us his complete person, his life, from the creation of Heaven and Earth.

Thus, the goal of Life itself is to know The Truth. The truth is not only information. It is a person, it is Jesus Christ himself.

The search.

The personal search for Truth begins when we have a functioning brain in a body that can perceive its surroundings. It is the process of forming mental models that are consistent with the perceptions that said body receives.

It is not very different from the social process of searching for The Truth.

The human being has developed languages to express models that are consistent with the observations of his environment and thus be able to predict outcomes and modify his environment by building objects that fulfill the expected functionality.

These languages can be named with the word "mathematics", these models can be named with the word "theories", and these objects can be named with the word “technologies”. We could also use more biblical terms and therefore closer to the Truth. We could use terms such as “logics”, due to its origin in the word “logos”, the term “names”, and the term “creations”.

The problem lies in believing that knowing our environment, knowing the Creation, is the same as knowing the Creator. It’s not the same. Knowing the creator is the reason for our existence, the cause and destiny, the goal, the beginning and end, the only thing that can satisfy the human being.

Knowing the creation is not enough to know the Creator. Jesus Christ warned us “I am the way, the truth and the life”. There is no other way. He is the way. There is no other. That's why at the end He is The TRUTH. That which we seek where it is not: in Creation.

The only mental model that can satisfy the knowledge of The Reality, of The Truth, is the mind of Jesus Christ. The only name that appropriates the fundamental reason of the human being is Jesus Christ himself. When Jesus Christ lives in me and I die to myself, I reach The Truth. That which I seek so much, that which I desire so much.

We are in search of The Truth.


Your host's position on the word "miracle" and the word “supernatural” is based on biblical concepts.

This means that “miracles” does not mean anything different from "signs" or "wonders". This means that no matter how amazed at a WONDERFUL event someone gets with a miracle, it doesn’t mean that the “WONDERFUL” event doesn’t have a RATIONAL explanation. And that it is precisely because it is so difficult to rationally explain it, that it is also consider a SIGN that the Creator is intervening in the WONDERFUL event.

This position is directly related to the word “supernatural”, which does not really exist in the hebrew. It has an origin from latin. The latin word "natura" is so contrary to the bible that it doesn’t appear even once in the old testament of the Vulgate. It only appears deformed 2 times as “naturae” and 1 time as “naturam” in the Vulgate Old Testament. The reason is that the word itself means "born" and implies, in its widespread use, that there is no creator. Things are just “born”, ALONE, by them selves, somehow.

Thus, for your host, “supernatural” simply means above what is “natural”, from what is simply “born”, that is to say, that it HAS a creator. If something has a creator it is “supernatural”. So anything created by man is as "supernatural" as that created by our CREATOR.

That's why your host avoids the word "nature" like the plague. He only uses it in quotes from other texts or very rarely as a synonym for THIS creation, what is observed on this planet. And in that case I only use it to differentiate what was created by our creator from what was created by us. In general, I prefer to use the word “CREATION”.

The so-called "nature" is already in itself something SUPERNATURAL, because it was created. It seems to some that plants, animals, and people were simply “born”, in quotes, ALONE, by them selves. But if the process is analyzed, the need for a CREATOR becomes evident. That is why your host prefers to use the word CREATION instead of the word "nature".

Just as the word miracle, the word supernatural does not have, for this host, a connotation of the inexplicable or the irrational. The fact that we do not know the explanation of something does not mean that it doesn't have it. When we get to know our Creator better we will know and understand better the so-called “SUPERNATURAL” processes.


Words like “science”, “knowledge”, “know”, “fact” in practice are related to the word “certainty”. Phrases like "it’s scientifically proven”, “it’s not that we believe it, it’s that we know it”, “I know that very well”, “that is a known fact” are used to denote "certainty", to denote veracity in what is being said. The use of these words is related to the concept of Truth.

Ironically, the most popular criterion for solving the problem of demarcation, that is, the criterion for determining whether a hypothesis is scientific or not, is the “falsifiability” criterion, that is to say that said hypothesis can be contradicted by observation or logic. Just the opposite of "certainty": "Falsibility" implies the absence of “certainty”. And all methods recognized as scientific include being able to repeat the experimental observation of the expected results for a falsifiable hypothesis.

Confidence is gained as experimentation can be repeated and that is why the word “science” ends up being related to the word "certainty" even though a scientific hypothesis must be falsifiable to be scientific, according to the most popular criteria.

The problem with any scientific or non-scientific method is the same problem presented by any system wether social, political, economic, religious, educational, judicial, military, technological, scientific, etc. The problem is the heart of man. The problem is with the system’s user or with the system’s fundamental parts. Those users or parts of the system have a DECEPTIVE heart. There isn't a good one. Not even one.

The human being can change, restructure, redesign any system, but if its parts, the user, or the designer of it, are damaged, then the system will fail.

Even the criteria presented in this presentation, technical creativity, as a criterion for the demarcation problem, a criterion presented as more reliable than the popular one for determining whether a model or theory is scientific or not, will also fail.

Technical creativity seems a stricter criterion than simple repetition of observations because it only admits concrete results, concrete objects, that have a function for the life of the common person. It implies engineering, building something: airplanes, shoes, cell phones, microscopes, telephones, watches, televisions, hammers, trains, telescopes, computers, pots, buildings, transistors, automobiles, satellites, refrigerators, washing machines, polishers, backhoe loaders, MACHINES that make MACHINES, factories that use machines made by others factories to build OBJECTS. If a discipline builds repeatedly something useful for the human being, qualifies as, quote and quote, “knowledge” that is objetive, verifiable and that does not requiere a faith. It qualifies as a “science”.

Technical creativity excludes any discipline that does not build its object of study or something with its objects of study. It studies the stars but does not build them and does not build anything with them?. It does not qualify. It studies elementary particles but doesn't build them and doesn't build anything with them? It does not qualify. It studies time but doesn't build it and doesn't build anything with it?. It does not qualify. It studies gravity but does not build it and does not build anything with it?. It does not qualify. It studies genes but it does build them and does not build anything with them?. Guess what?: IT DOES NOT QUALIFY.

That means that the scientific theories that speak of this kind of things are not so “scientific”. They are not really that objective, verifiable knowledge and in which no faith is needed. They are a field of study, they are a set of hypotheses that have not been validated with a TECHNICAL CREATIVITY.

In the criterion of technical creativity what is repeated is not an observation but a usable object.

When it is rationally impossible to say: "I don't think we will travel to the stars”, when it is rationally impossible to say: “I do not believe in time travel”, for the common person, in the same way in that it is now rationally impossible to say: "I do not believe in airplanes", for an ordinary person, THEN we can say technical creativity has already confirmed the "scientific" theories that explain space and time at that level.

It seems more difficult for the technical creativity criterion to fail but it can fail. The problem is in the user. It’s in the heart and mind of the criterion’s user.

It will always be possible to argue and debate that a theory was completely necessary to build this or that object and try to validate something that the one who first built it never thought of. We have already talked about the case with the transistor. Or, it will always be possible to build an object from a partially understood phenomenon and then deny that such knowledge was necessary in the construction of said object.

The technical creativity criterion may fail. The problem is in the human heart. The creator warns us when he says, according to Jeremiah 17, which: "The heart is deceitful above all things and it is exceedingly corrupt. Who can know it?" 702.

Science seeks The Truth but it cannot reach it.


We see lights in the sky. We perceive different frequencies emited by them. How far away are they? The simplest answer is: We do NOT know. But the human being instead of admitting his ignorance, he supposes, assumes things it cannot confirm, and draws conclusions based on those assumptions.

Draw a dot on a sheet of paper. Put the sheet at a distance of your arm, put a pencil between the sheet and your eyes. Close your left eye and open the right eye. Put the dot on the sheet behind the tip of the pencil, that is: line up your right eye, the tip of pencil and the point on the sheet. Without moving your head, the pencil, or the sheet of paper, now close the right eye and open the left eye. The pencil APPEARS to have moved with respect to the point on the sheet. With how many configurations, that is, distances of sheet, pencil and eyes can it APPEAR that the pencil moves the SAME distance? Answer: as many as you can count. For each one the angle between the lines of sight of each eye to the OBJECT, that which some call Parallax, is different because it DEPENDS on the distance from the sheet to the pencil, from the distance from the BACKGROUND to the OBJECT in observation.

If this angle is to be calculated by measuring the angle of APPARENT displacement of an object with respect to a background, one of two must be fulfilled: either the distance from the background to the object is known, or this distance must be several orders of magnitude greater than the distance to be calculated in order to get an approximate value. This second case is the origin of the word Parallax, because it ASSUMES that the lines of sight from each point of observation, in this case each of your eyes, to the point of reference in the BACKGROUND, in this case the point in the sheet of paper, that which must be several orders of magnitude farther than the distance to be calculated, they are PARALLEL. They are ASSUMED parallel in order to be able to APPROXIMATE the angle measured to the angle between the lines of vision of each eye, or points of observation, to the OBJECT. The angle actually measured is the angle between the line of sight of the second point of observation, in this case the left eye, to the point of reference in the BACKGROUND, and the line of sight from this SAME second point of observation to the OBJECT. That is to say that the measured angle is APPROXIMATED to the APPARENT angular displacement. In this approximation it’s also ASSUMED that the OBJECT has not moved with respect to the first point of observation neither with respect to the point of reference in the background.

The second option was the one used in the first approximate calculations of the distance from the moon to the earth. The stars were the background and these were ASSUMED several orders of magnitude more distant than the moon. A reasonable assumption for the case of the moon.

Measuring the apparent angle of displacement of an object with respect to a background which CANNOT be assumed to be SEVERAL orders of magnitude more distant than the object is TO ABUSE the approximation, it is TO ASSUME TOO MUCH. It is no longer even an approximation, it is an uncertainty. Nevertheless this is what is normally done to calculate the famous angle Parallax with those lights that we see in the sky, with the stars.

Imagine putting the pencil 8 kilometers or 5 miles away from your eyes and placing it between you and a star. The dot on the sheet of paper is now the star. AND THEN TRY TO MEASURE THE ANGLE THAT THE PENCIL LOOKS LIKE to have moved with respect to the star when observing it from the second eye, or when observing it with the best technology that you can imagine but separating each observation only by 6 centimeters. And with that measurement then calculate the distance from the pencil to your eyes using a trigonometric calculation. Something like this would be what it is to CALCULATE the APPROXIMATION for the distance to the star believed to be the closest to Earth, Alpha Centauri. SOMETHING like this, because in this example the distance from the eye to the star is actually larger, by several orders of magnitude, than the distance from the eye to the pencil and the approximation of the measured angle to the desired angle is still valid. Thing we don't know in the case of stars with respect to stars, that is to say the REAL case for Alpha Centauri, and the approximation begins to be uncertainty.

The Parallax method is just an approximation and only works like approximation if the measured angle can be approximated to the desired angle. This is only possible if the BACKGROUND is several orders of magnitude more distant than the distance to be measured. In the case of stars what is actually rational and logical to ASSUME is that the star for which you want calculate the distance is much closer to the other stars than it is to this planet, that is to say that in reality the star is part of the BACKGROUND !

In the case of the stars there is no method of public knowledge, that men is using, to make the measurement of the angle between the lines of sight of two points of observation to a particular star. Maybe we just don't have the technology to do it yet.

Another alarm on the use of the Parallax method to approximate the distance of a star should be the value of such measured angles. They are too small. And in these attempts they even try separating the points of observation as much as possible by making the observations at two opposite ends of the earth’s cycle around the sun.

When the pencil is very far away the angle is very small. And when the sheet is very close to the pencil, that is when the pencil begins to be very close to the supposed background, it seems to move almost nothing. The background is NOT as background as we thought it was.

The very small angles measured in the case of stars, see definition of arcsecond, of APPARENT angular displacement with respect to a SUPPOSED background of unknown distance, they should be more an indicative that the star, for which I want to calculate the distance, is part of the BACKGROUND, and that therefore I cannot approximate the measured angle to the angle between the two lines of sight to the star. ASSUMING that, it’s assuming too much.

Those angles are actually EVIDENCE against the approximation and hence against the use of the method. Those angles are easily within of the margin of error of the measurement of an angle between two stars, when these measurements are made one in spring and one in autumn, that is to say at two opposite ends of the earth's cycle around the sun.

This Parallax method that assumes too much and is used to make an APPROXIMATE and INDIRECT CALCULATION of the distance of a star is what astronomy, cosmology, and the so-called sciences that study stars, they call it DIRECT MEASUREMENT of stellar distances. Do me the favour !. That's the DIRECT one! To make an APPROXIMATE and INDIRECT CALCULATION we call it DIRECT MEASUREMENT! It's the best we have. Now imagine the INDIRECT measurements.

Based on these approximate and indirect calculations for the objects that we believe that they can be calculated, those that we believe are closest, which are less than 0.07% of related objects and less than 0 POINT 000000000000, 22 ZEROS, one, percent, of those believed to be visible in the universe, they begin to build what is known as the “cosmic distance ladder”. Which is nothing more than a ladder of more ASSUMPTIONS with which the cosmic distances are intended to be established for those other lights that we observe in the sky. Assumptions over assumptions over assumptions.

With instruments built with the highest human technology and making a series of assumptions that so far are completely impossible to confirm, unless we find a way of traveling to the stars, we believe that we know, that we are certain, THAT is the ATTITUDE we have, of which is the distance that a light that we observe in the sky has.

The truth is that we do not know.

We cannot reach The Truth of the very far, without having contact with it.


To calculate approximations of the distance of a star sometimes we assume that larger size means that is closer, sometimes we assume that luminously connected objects are at the same distance, sometimes we assume that greater perceived luminosity as emitted by the object implies less distance, sometimes we suppose the mechanisms by means of which light is emitted, and we sometimes assume that higher redshift implies a greater distance, and based on these unverifiable assumptions we do a whole series of calculations to arrive at conclusions that we accept as true.

But for the sake of argument let us ASSUME, BELIEVE, ACCEPT that ALL, absolutely ALL, those ASSUMPTIONS are true.

In the last millennium it was concluded that the universe is expanding because one of those assumptions tells us that: a higher redshift measurement for an object or a group of objects implies a greater distance from earth of those objects.

But what happens when we find luminously CONNECTED objects that have DIFFERENT redshifts? What about NGC-7603 or NGC-4319 in which several objects are luminously CONNECTED but have DIFFERENT redshifts? Simple. We ignore them because it implies that the assumptions contradict each other. And that implies that the conclusions are BASELESS.

What happens when you plot "apparent brightness" against "redshifts" of the Quasars we observe and it is found that the points in the diagram are SPREAD all over the entire diagram and do not show a statistical correlation? Simple. It is ignored. Because it implies that the assumptions contradict each other. And that implies that the conclusions are BASELESS.

If the assumption that the "redshift" tells us "distance", is FALSE, then the MAIN argument for an expanding universe is just a FALLACY.

An expanding universe is the main argument for the famous Big-Bang, that explosion of absolutely NOTHING caused by absolutely NOTHING, because before the explosion there was NOTHING and NOTHING could have caused it, and from which EVERYTHING supposedly came out. A logical absurdity that even today some people accept without any problem because it was what they were taught at school: that EVERYTHING came out of an explosion of NOTHING caused by NOTHING.

The evidence shown by Quasars that the "redshift" does NOT indicate "distance" is evidence that destroys the main argument to conclude that the universe is expanding. Which in turn is the main argument to conclude that it all started with an explosion. Which in turn is the main basis for calculating its time of existence. Which in turn is an argument for … blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

WE DO NOT KNOW the distances of those lights that we see in the sky, but we are so proud, so haughty, so arrogant, so exalted, so rebellious, that we refuse to admit our ignorance. We draw conclusions from an expanding universe based on assumptions that we cannot confirm, and that on the contrary we have found very strong evidence that falsify them, and we call the process SCIENCE! Do me a favor!

The Truth of the far away we cannot reach if we do not have contact with it.


For any supposed radiometric dating, we start from the following assumptions:

  1. Assuming the initial conditions are known.
  2. Assuming that there are no external effects that alter the conditions of the chemical elements measured.
  3. Assuming that the rate of change, of radioactivity, of the measured chemical elements has been maintained.


I can calculate when these rocks or objects containing these radioactive elements were formed.

Dating by radioactive elements is one of the most ABSURD ways of using high technology to obtain completely useless results because it assumes too many things impossible to verify.

But for the sake of argument let us ASSUME, BELIEVE, ACCEPT that ALL, absolutely ALL, these ASSUMPTIONS are valid.

The rate of decay in these radioactive elements is approximated by measuring how often the radioactive element decreases to half of it. This data is called the half-life of the radioactive element.

It is ASSUMED that the radioactive element is always decaying at the same rate. The half-life of the radioactive element is assumed to be NOT changing. That it has been the same throughout history and during the supposed billions of years that some rocks have been out there.

ACCEPTING the necessary assumptions, with this half-life one can determine what is the maximum amount of time that can elapse before the atoms, actually isotopes, of an initial quantity of said radioactive element, lose the electrons that make it radioactive and said isotope decays into an atom or isotope that is no longer radioactive, because the energy in electrons is compensated by the energy of the nucleus. When that happens the name of the element changes. It's not the same element anymore because these are identified by the number of protons and electrons. That is to say that the radioactive element ends up disappearing, because its isotopes decayed into atoms or isotopes of another element. Sometimes it is a chain of decays because not always a radioactive element decays into a stable element but into another that is also radioactive.

But what happens when for the SAME piece of rock, to which are applied several and DIFFERENT methods of radioactive dating, we obtain results in which one is a multiple, MULTIPLE, listen MULTIPLE, of the other? We ignore them, because this would mean that our assumptions are false. And that NONE of the dates are reliable.

ACCEPTING all necessary assumptions, for the most famous of all radioactive elements, Carbon 14, it has been calculated that said half life is about 5730 years. Carbon 14 decays into Nitrogen 14 by losing an electron and releasing energy in the form of light. And for those practical measurement purposes, and ACCEPTING all necessary assumptions, the maximum time of existence of said radioactive element in any sample it is 60 thousand years.

This means that if the sample is more than 60 thousand years old, it is no longer expected to find absolutely ANYTHING of Carbon 14 because everything would have decayed into Nitrogen 14.

But, what happens when an animal, THAT HAS JUST DIED, it gets Carbon 14 tested, and it turns out that it supposedly lived thousands of years ago? We ignore it, because it would mean that our assumptions are false and that the method does not work.

Or, what happens when the Carbon 14 test is done on two parts of the SAME animal and the results have differences of thousands of years? We ignore it, because it would mean that our assumptions are false and that the method does not work, or that a part of the animal lived thousands of years before the other, which is just absurd.

Or what happens when a part of a LIVING animal, listen: ALIVE, gets Carbon 14 tested and it turns out that it supposedly lived thousands of years ago? We ignore it, because it would mean that our assumptions are false and that the method does not work.

Or, what happens when the SAME piece of animal is Carbon 14 tested in different laboratories and one age turns out to be less than 20,000 years old and the other older than 28,000 years? We ignore it, because it would mean that our assumptions are false and that the method does not work.

Radiometric dating DOES NOT WORK.

But for the sake of argument let us ASSUME, BELIEVE, ACCEPT that it works. LET'S ASSUME it works like a charm.

What happens when every time a Carbon 14 test is performed on some piece of carbon on the planet we find that it has Carbon 14? We ignore it, because it would mean that, according to the assumptions of radiometric dating, those pieces of carbon CANNOT be more than 60 thousand years. And we don't like it because, if we don't believe the bible, we want believe what we were taught in school.

Or what happens when every time a Carbon 14 test is performed on any piece of diamond we find that it has Carbon 14? We ignore it because it would mean that, according to the assumptions of radiometric dating, those pieces of diamond CANNOT have more than 60 thousand years. And we don't like it because, if we don't believe the bible, we want to believe what we were taught in school.

Or what happens when every time a Carbon 14 test is performed on dinosaur fossils we find that they have Carbon 14? We ignore it because it would mean that, according to the assumptions of radiometric dating, those dinosaur fossils CANNOT be more than 60 thousand years old. And we don't like it because, if we don't believe the bible, we want to believe what we were taught in school.

We cannot reach The Truth of the ancient past when we assume something which cannot be verified today.


Helium is a gas that escapes from practically any container. And the higher the temperature, the easier it is to escape.

If we find helium-filled balloons on the ceiling of a room where there was a children's party, and we ask at what time was the party, and the answer we get is that it was 8 days ago, we know there is evidence indicating the contrary. The helium filled balloons would be on the floor and not on the ceiling.

Of course, this conclusion implies having made some assumptions similar to those made in radiometric dating: that the temperature of helium in the balloons has not varied in large quantities, that the balloons have not been refilled with helium, and that the balloons were already filled with helium when the children's party happened.

Zircon is a mineral found in granite and other types of rocks. That is to say that this zircon is spread all over the planet in every mountain that has granite. That zircon is found in any part of the earth's crust. The one that is made of granite.

And similar to what we did with the dating assumptions by Carbon 14, LET US ASSUME, ACCEPT, BELIEVE that the assumptions of Uranium dating hold for these bits of zircon, and LET'S ASSUME that the Helium in those bits of zircon gets generated when the Uranium that was in the zircon decays into Lead.

What happens when we find Helium in those pieces of zircon that have been dated to billions of years and were found at temperatures between 100 and 270 degrees Celsius and between 1000 and 4000 meters deep in the earth's crust?

What happens is that we have evidence that indicates that this granite cannot have been formed before a few thousand years ago. If they had been there the past hundred thousand years, there would be nothing, absolutely NO Helium in those zircon bits, zero, zip, nothing, NADA, nadita, nada. That is to say that with that Helium in that Zircon we have evidence that the earth's crust, that which is made of granite that contains said zircon, it’s only a few thousand years old, and not hundred of thousands, and much less billions of years old as we were taught at school.

Either the assumptions on which the Uranium datings are based are not fulfilled., or there should be absolutely NO Helium in those bits of Zircon.

The Truth of the ancient past is unattainable when we assume things that cannot be verified at present.


Imagine a factory that produces cars. A completely automated factory without human intervention. This factory produces all the energy it consumes. It has its own power generators, its own mechanisms of storage and internal transport of energy, and its own mechanism for using said energy. Any interaction with the exterior is controlled by automatic systems. It can verify quantity and quality in the income of each of the inputs used through specialized gates for each input. It has machines that can construct and deconstruct pathways for transportation of the machines that it needs to operate. This factory has machines that operating together, they can build each of the machines that the factory needs to operate, including the machines themselves. The cars that produces are verified by machines and corrections can be made to the minor detail after fabrication. It has automated quality control mechanisms, input and output control, transport and communication of information and energy. It also has machines that they can repair damage anywhere in the factory. These machines can repair any machine or transportation system, communication, energy production, distribution, manufacturing, control, support, its physical structures, etc. These machines can repair any part of the factory. This factory can even, in an emergency, go into self destruction mode. It is a factory that does not need human intervention. Fully automated.

Imagine that this factory is so automated that it can copy itself. It can start building all its machines internally, begin to separate at one end of its internal structure these machines and end up building another separate physical structure with exactly the same characteristics as itself. Another factory just like itself. All the information, all the programs, all the mechanisms of control of how to do it are within the factory itself. It does not need to communicate with the outside to perform the duplication task. It only needs the same inputs that it receives to manufacture automobiles to be able to duplicate itself.

Now imagine that this factory cannot be seen with the naked eye because it is too small, a microscope is needed. It has only a few thousand cubic micrometers in volume. And the cars that it produces are a few thousand cubic nanometers in volume.

The cars produced by this factory have a respective speed to its size 3 times greater than that of a car in common use by human beings. In addition, their work efficiency, regarding the amount of energy used for its operation, is 60%. That is to say that it is much greater than the efficiency of a car in common use by humans, which only has a 10% work efficiency with respect to the amount of energy used for its operation.

Now let us take a car in common use by human beings and let's take it apart: piece by piece, nut by nut, bolt by bolt, circuit by circuit.

Suppose each part is carefully numbered, each circuit carefully specified and numbered, suppose we have a fully illustrated instruction manual, that we have videos illustrating how to assemble each of its parts, and that we have all the necessary tools to assemble each part and the tools needed to put it back together. Do you think that you would need additional help to put it together? Could you put it together by yourself? How long would it take you to do it?

What would happen if you do not have the numbering of the pieces and the circuits but you have everything else? Could you still put it together? And if you didn't have the instructions? And without the videos? Could you still build it? And without the tools? What if the pieces were not in the same place, but scattered all over the planet? Could you still put it together? What if you had to build the pieces from the elements of the periodic table? What if as time passes the pieces that already put together tend to fall apart, or rust, or get damaged, or just get old? What if the only thing you can do to make a decision for building a piece is tossing a coin to see if it comes out heads or tails? What if you, the one who puts it together, have no intelligence, no will, no creativity, neither the ability to make decisions? COULD YOU STILL BUILD IT?

Because more or less that is what they teach us in school that happened with machines that we don't even understand how they work. All the biological machinery.

Remember that we are only trying to put together a car for common use by human beings. That which we DO understand how it works. In the case of assembling a human being we are talking about an organism that in the vast majority of its factories, of its cells, it has all the information on how build the whole organism. That the whole organism came out of a single factory, a single cell, a fertilized egg. That these cells can take on different functions, contextures, to form parts of each of the systems. Digestive, endocrine, immune system, circulatory, nervous, bone, muscular, respiratory, etc. A system that also presents consciousness, intelligence, creativity, ability to create automobiles to use as a means of transportation. A machine so complex that we do not even understand how to build the most elementary of its parts: the cell.

In the story that they tell us at school, not only that common use car was put together with a lot of time and pure luck, but also the one that created that car was put together the same way.

The field of study called abiogenesis is now the one in charge of giving a so called scientific touch to that tale.


Monomers are the letters and pieces of biological systems.

The person who intends to explain the process by which life can arise from matter, without the existence of a creator, has to explain how to form organic compounds from the periodic table. It is the minimum.

If an intelligent, designer and creative being as the human being likes to call himself cannot chemically synthesize an organic compound from the periodic table, if such an intelligent designer and creative being cannot BUILD what was supposedly formed “SPONTANEOUSLY”, word that those people who claim such an explanation love to repeat, much less it can arise “magically”, sorry I meant "spontaneously", said organic compound.

Abiogenesis is the field of study that aims to explain the origin of life from lifeless matter.

One of the goals of abiogenesis is to explain the process, BEFORE the existence of biochemistry, BEFORE the existence of organic compounds, through which said organic compounds were formed, starting from the elements of the periodic table.

Another of the objectives of abiogenesis is to explain how to build, how synthesize, how to put together, how to assemble, a cell.

The letters.

The simplest organic compounds, necessary and present in all biological systems, those that are absolutely necessary to start building a living cell, are 4 types of fundamental monomers:

  1. monosaccharides,
  2. amino acids,
  3. the nucleotides and
  4. glycerol.

These are the parts of the machines, and the letters of the programs, that allow cells to be assembled.

The machines and programs needed to build a cell are basically 4 types of polymers:

  1. Carbohydrates,
  2. Peptides,
  3. Nucleic acids, and
  4. Lipids.

Each of these polymers are assembled from monomers. “Poly” means many. “Mono” means one. A “Poly” is built of several “Monos”. A “many” is made up of several “ones”. Easy right?

  1. Carbohydrates are made of monosaccharides.
  2. Peptides or proteins are made from amino acids.
  3. Nucleic acids are made up of nucleotides.
  4. Lipids are made from glycerol.


You cannot put a left hand glove on your right hand. This is because the mirror image of your left hand cannot be superimposed on your right hand. When the structure of a chemical compound presents this characteristic is said to be CHIRAL. And when in one sample of a chemical compound there is only one type of chirality, that is all are gloves for the right hand or all are gloves for the left, the sample is said to be HOMOCHIRAL. When there are gloves for both the right and the left mixed in the sample, it is said that the sample is racemic.

The monomers, those pieces and letters, those that are of 4 types: monosaccharides, amino acids, nucleotides and glycerol, which are observed in biological systems, they have that characteristic to be HOMOCHIRAL in biological machinery. They are all gloves for the same hand. The letters and the pieces with which the cell machines and programs are assembled are all homochiral.


Each chemical reaction has different necessary conditions for temperature, acidity, pressure, electromagnetic radiation, energy, purity in the reagents, etc. so that it can actually happen.

Some reactions require the presence of specific compounds that facilitate them although they do not participate in the reaction. They need facilitators.

Some reactions need to be stopped because if they continue you will not get the expected result. They need a change in conditions to stop the reaction. They need a brake at the right time.

Some reactions result in a mixture of several compounds where only one of them is the desired one and may be in a ratio very small compared to the total result. It may happen that only 1% of the mixture is the compound that is desired. And it is necessary to separate said desired compound by some additional procedure that is sometimes simply not known, it’s not known how to separate it from all the undesired ones, from the trash. Garbage is not wanted.

Some reactions do not work in reverse. They only work one way.

Some reactions require certain parts of the reactant to be protected, so that the reaction occurs only in the points, at the right places, of the chemical structure, where it is desired. Something like putting on shoes and a glove on your right hand so that the union with the other, that desired link, is only by the left hand and not by any other extremity. This implies preparation prior to the reaction of each of the reactants. Sometimes it requires protection.

Once you have a reaction, you need to show that you actually got what you wanted and in what quantities. This process is called characterization. And many times it is even more complex than the reaction itself.


What happens then when, in the field of abiogenesis, it is intended to explain how these letters and fundamental pieces were formed, those first organic compounds that are monosaccharides, amino acids, nucleotides and glycerol, on a DEAD and BRUTE planet where there was no laboratories, and for my next step in my chain of chemical reactions I need the result of my previous step to be in homochiral form, for it to have the necessary purity, suitably protected for the following reaction to occur, conveniently separated from other compounds, with the conditions of temperature, pressure, acidity, etc. And the ongoing reaction has not stopped, my desired compound is being mixed with 4 other garbage compounds and in a proportion less than 1% of the amount I need, which I have no idea how to separate from the garbage compounds, which is being formed in racemic form and not homochiral as I need it, that my reaction has no reverse and even though I am in my modern laboratory with all the technology that the intelligence, design and creativity of the human being has been able to produce, I have no idea how to make that compound that I can extract from already existing biological systems by destructive procedures that we have managed to develop?

Easy. First I cheat and extract it from existing biological systems, those that I intend to demonstrate how they were formed, through the destructive procedures that we have developed to extract these compounds. Something like destroying a car to remove the tires that I need, those that I think were put together by themselves in millions of years.

Then, using other organic compounds also extracted from biological systems, I protect it in the parts that need protection for my next step. I do all the steps the same way. And finally I write an article omitting those little details, like the need of a human controlling the conditions of the reactions, and announcing that the goal has already been achieved.

And this is just to show that you can, in a modern laboratory and with human intervention, build the letters and pieces of the programs and machines that we find in cells.

That is the truth of the lie, the cheating, and the deceit, of those articles on abiogenesis.


Polymers are the machines and programs of biological systems. They are made of monomers.

  1. Carbohydrates are made of monosaccharides.
  2. Peptides or proteins are made from amino acids.
  3. Nucleic acids are made up of nucleotides.
  4. Lipids are made from glycerol.

The human being is not capable of synthesizing the monomers that make up the essential polymers to build a cell without using what is already in living cells, in existing biological systems, those that he pretends to show how they were formed.

But LET'S SUPPOSE, LET'S ACCEPT, LET'S BELIEVE that yes, that man can already build monomers without using compounds extracted from biological systems. Which can synthesize monosaccharides, amino acids, nucleotides and glycerol. That is the least of the problems.

If men intend to deny the creator, the human being would have to at least, using all his intelligence, design and creativity, using all his technology, using modern laboratories, those that do not have a planet DEAD and BRUTE in which everything supposedly happened SPONTANEOUSLY, develop chemical procedures that allow reproducing at least the simplest polymers observed in biological systems. Polymers for which the sequence is already known, without having to design them, those with which a cell is built: carbohydrates, peptides, nucleic acids and lipids. Of the simplest cell, the easiest of them all, the one he wants, the one he chooses.

Men can not.

He has to cheat. He has to extract the machines and programs from the existing biological systems for use in the synthesis of said polymers. Those that he supposedly want to prove appeared in a DEAD and BRUTE planet millions of years ago, just with time, luck and chemical reactions that supposedly occur SPONTANEOUSLY but man can not even do using his latest technology and using all his creativity, intelligence and design.

With those letters and pieces that are monosaccharides, amino acids, nucleotides and glycerol he should be able to assemble at least the carbohydrates, peptides, nucleic acids, and lipids of the simplest cell imaginable.

Men should be able to synthesize them. He should be able to polymerize them. He can not. He has to cheat. And yet the popular explanation, the one we read in the encyclopedia, is that they arose SPONTANEOUSLY. Puff, by them selves .

The machines that man can create to join letters of a, quote and quote, “biological program” are the size of a REFRIGERATOR and can only join a maximum of 15 to 20 letters before they start having the same problems, in their chemical reactions, that the human being has to synthesize the monomers in any other modern lab.

The longest program that man can synthesize with his machines goes up to about 20 letters. If you want longer chains, you have to use the machines extracted from biological systems. You have to use carbohydrates, peptides, nucleic acids destructively extracted from biological systems.

In fact, he has to cheat even more, because let's remember that we're accepting the cheating that said letters were extracted from biological systems and adequately protected using organic compounds also extracted from biological systems.

A biological program for a single cell has hundreds of thousands of letters, and machines found in biological systems are so small in size that hundreds of thousands of these machines can fit in a single cell.

We are not even close to being able to synthesize the polymers needed to build a cell. We can not even accepting as if we could what we can't do: Synthesize the monomers.

We cannot even knowing the information that describes the structure of these polymers. But supposedly a DEAD and BRUTE planet could. Supposedly it all happened SPONTANEOUSLY millions of years ago. That is what they teach at school and they repeat it at college. Poof. By themselves.


The human being is not even capable of synthesizing essential polymers similar to those needed to build a cell, without using what is already there in living cells, in existing biological systems, those that he aims to show how they were formed magically, sorry, spontaneously in a DEAD and BRUTE planet.

But LET'S SUPPOSE, LET'S ACCEPT, LET'S BELIEVE that yes, that man can already build, synthesize, polymers resembling those essential for building a cell, without using compounds extracted from biological systems. LET'S SUPPOSE that he can synthesize carbohydrates, peptides, nucleic acids and lipids.

That is just the second challenge. That's just the power to write.

The most important question of all is: What is he going to write?

Programs are not written by themselves. And much less randomly, by chance, by luck. Some people think otherwise and try to prove so by writing programs. Programs that didn't write themselves either. Absurd, right? Programs that seek to be random using a MACHINE. Using something completely deterministic like a computer. Even more absurd, right? Using functions that pretend to be random, pseudo-random functions, “almost” but “NOT” random.

The mathematical question of whether there is a fair coin, one that is not preferential, a truly random function, one that is no longer pseudo, that which is no longer quasi-random but that it IS random, it’s considered an open problem. It is considered a problem that has not been resolved. Neither for YES, nor for NO. It shouldn't be, because it's equivalent to problemes that HAVE been resolved. It doesn’t exist. Don't look for it. There is a Creator.

But LET’S SUPPOSE, ACCEPT, BELIEVE, for the sake of argumenting, that the human being uses any tool he wants, not necessarily organic polymers, to write the program that he wants and how ever he wants it.

The program that the human being should be able to write, using all his intellectual capacity, creativity and design, that which does not have the supposed DEAD and BRUTE planet in which supposedly everything happened SPONTANEOUSLY, it would have be one who can at least do what he himself, the human being, does. It should be able to simulate, mimic, what a human brain does. The famous artificial intelligence. One who passes the famous Turing test. One who learns to learn. One that processes information in a way indistinguishable from the way a human does it.

We have not been able.

But LET’S SUPPOSE, LET'S ACCEPT, LET'S BELIEVE, that yes, that the human being has already achieved the creation of a program that processes information in a manner indistinguishable from like a human does it.

In that hypothetical case, in which you need to BELIEVE and SUPPOSE more than what is needed to BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is alive because he was resurrected, the ONLY thing that will have been shown is that to create a REAL intelligence, ANOTHER one is needed.

The ONLY thing you would have shown is the need for a programmer, the NEED of a CREATOR.

That Creator didn't just design the DNA program. DNA is just the program. The machine on which it is going to be executed is also needed. And said machine needs energy and the right environment so that it can run the program. The fertilized egg needs the uterus.

This factory that is the fertilized ovum begins to subdivide following the specific program and after nine months we have, only in the brain, a program that we have no idea how it works. And we can't even mimic it with our best technology.

But no, some people come to believe, because that is what they were taught as children in school, that a DEAD and BRUTE planet turned out to be more alive and intelligent than us. Absurd, right? But that's where we are.

A person about 3 thousand years ago understood it better than many modern scientists. Psalm 100 tells us: Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture" 703.

Dead in the deception of denying the Creator.

The tale of the frog.

One of the most famous tales is that of the frog that becomes the prince. It is a tale for children.

A similar tale, but adding millions of years, is that of evolution. Man evolved from a reptile in millions of years.

Any method recognized as scientific must start from observable evidence.

There is NO, ZERO, nothing, zip, NADA, nadita, nada, ni poquito, of OBSERVABLE evidence that an animal kind, a feline, a canine, an equine, transforms, evolves, changes over time into another kind.

In the examples of change that those who believe the tale, the animal NEVER changes kind.

Bacteria are still bacteria, birds are still birds, turtles are still turtles, fish are still fish, insects are still insects, canines are still canines, equines are still equines and felines are still felines.

And in the most modern examples that claim to show genetic changes, it’s simply the same animal without a member, with the member impaired, or with a member in the wrong place. And the similarities that are alleged in the genetic code between chimps and humans are only in the COMPARABLE sections and in the most similar cases of those COMPARABLE parts, the similarities never exceed 85%, according to the proponets themselves. Something like arguing that if the leg of a monkey resembles, in COMPARABLE parts, that of a man in 85%, it is evidence that both have a common ancestor. Your host believes that the accepted maximum of 85% is not even 60% in reality. The explanation is that they are DIFFERENT kinds of creatures. They are different designs with some common functionality.

It is portraied as evidence some fossils of bones, that supposedly have been there millions of years, but that let’s remember they have Carbon 14, that Carbon 14 that supposedly can't be there if something died more than 60 thousand years ago, and with those stones they put together a story of the imagination that lasts millions of years.

It is impossible to OBSERVE the CHANGE, that which is required by any method that is considered as scientific. It is impossible to observe because supposedly it happened millions of years ago and it is not possible to reproduce it in ANY laboratory because the CHANGE supposedly also occurs in millions of years.

There is no OBSERVABLE evidence of a change from one kind of animal to another.

The only thing that is observed is adaptation. That happens even within the life span of a human being. But no one argues that a short person is of different kind than a tall person. Only a person who believes the tale of the frog would consider that a person with black skin is of a different kind than a white-skinned one.

The modern classification according to species is completely arbitrary, there are more than ten different definitions of the word, and the only thing that it achieves is to differentiate the ramifications of the ADAPTATION that has had the same kind of animal.

Canines are still canines, equines are still equines, and felines are still felines.

The supposed evolution of the species, the one that changes kind, the one that they call macro-evolution, the one that supposedly was the original, it can NOT be OBSERVED anywhere. It is an imaginary tale. There is not OBSERVABLE evidence of kind change.

Bacteria are still bacteria, birds are still birds, turtles are still turtles, fish are still fish, insects are still insects, canines are still canines, equines are still equines and felines are still felines.

On the contrary, it has been observed on multiple occasions that when two of these ADAPTATIONS begin to coexist in the same environment for a long period of time, say forty years, it is observed that they are able to cross among them.

The large amount of genetic information that differs between two different kinds of animals was never understood, during the last century, as descriptive information of the kind of animal, and only until recently it has been observed that it intervenes in the process of gestation of the animal. It was considered junk DNA, once used during those supposed millions of years for one kind of animal to evolve into another. Evolution for which there is NO OBSERVABLE evidence, because it supposedly happens in millions of years and supposedly it happened millions of years ago, and that ofcourse cannot be OBSERVED today. A tale of man's imagination.

We were also taught in school that some organs, of which we did not know their function, that are found in current biological systems, were completely unnecessary and were there to remind us of those millions of years of evolution. We were taught that of the appendix, only to come to discover , a few years later, that it is part of the immune system. We were taught that about the coccyx, only to come to discover, a few years later, its function as termination and support of a multitude of ligaments and muscles. We were taught that whales and other aquatic animals have small bones that are vestiges of what once were a pelvis and legs, only to come and discover, the important role they play in the mating of these animals.

Perhaps, who knows, maybe, possibly, the people who believe the tale of the frog should begin to consider the possibility that simply the story NEVER HAPPENED. That the reason there is NO OBSERVABLE EVIDENCE of transformation, of evolution, of CHANGE from one kind to another, it’s not only that it tries to know the whole movie, of supposedly billions of years, just by looking at the last picture, but that said transformation NEVER HAPPENED. There was NEVER an evolution. They were NOT thousands of millions of years. The movie lasts only a few thousands years. And it began when the Creator decided so. And all kinds of animals were physically created at the same time.

But no. They continue with tales to support a tale of a frog who became prince. Only that it happens in millions of millions of years to make it look believable.

Dead in the deception of denying the Creator.


Fossils of trees are found in geological strata in vertical position. The same fossil crosses several layers or geological strata that supposedly took millions of years to form.

The traditional explanation of how this happened is that for those, and only for those trees, geological events that we see today, of quick deposit or several small ones were the ones who buried said trees. Examples of such events include volcanic deposits, deltaic deposits and glacial deposits. That was a volcano, that was a river, that was a glacial. That is to say that for those and only for those trees, the geological strata formed quickly and not in millions of years. But yes, not even by accident is it considered that the evidence is perfectly consistent with a planetary flood event.

But what happens when not all tree fossils are in a head up position?, when some are in a root up position?. What if the famous Carbon 14 is found in these fossils? That Carbon 14 that supposedly can't be there if a tree died and started to fossilize more than 60 thousand years ago?, what happens when this occurs in strata that was already classified as being millions of years old?

Nothing happens, the evidence gets ignored. The evidence is simply as if it did not exist. It is too contradictory even with the same assumptions of what is called evidence.

The story of the frog that becomes a prince is still held, because it’s the only alternative to admitting the existence of a Creator.

Dead in the deception of denying the Creator.


The explanation taught even in online encyclopedias is that the formation of the carbon that we observe on the planet took millions of years of plant debris that accumulated under water and clay. And that said remains were buried by sediments, and then, supposedly over millions of years of high pressures and temperatures produced by the burial, they caused a loss of water, methane and carbon dioxide. And this loss increased the proportion of carbon, and voila. Easy, right?

But what happens when we find coal reserves of 26 thousand square kilometers, with carbon bands, low in impurities and low in sulfur, 61 meters thick, hundreds of kilometers long, and almost 80 kilometers wide? How to explain that, over millions of years, the necessary conditions to form them were kept? Why did not the bands get diluted in fluxes of clay or other impurities before thickening? What happens when Carbon 14 is found inside that carbon?, that Carbon 14 that supposedly cannot be there if something is more than 60 thousand years old? What happens when oval radiation rings are found within the coal indicating a rapid and simultaneous formation with the coal because these rings would have dissipated, faded or cracked if the coal formation had taken million years or it had not been simultaneous with the rings? What happens when carbon is formed from wood in the presence of water, absence of air, at 160 degrees centigrade, high pressures, and with only two weeks or so of waiting?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing happens. The topic is ignored. The evidence is just like if it did not exist. It is too contradictory even with the same assumptions of what is called evidence.

The story of the frog that becomes a prince is still held, because it is the only alternative to admitting the existence of a Creator.

Dead in the deception of denying the Creator.


A series of characteristics are observed on the planet in the land and the ocean. Mountains, lakes, volcanoes on land and ocean, large deposits of minerals and organic compounds, large canyons, oceanic trenches, mid-ocean ridges, a granite crust covering partially the planet, etc.

In the last century, seeking to explain what we observe and using too much imagination the theory of tectonic plates was proposed. A theory that proposes a series of mechanisms such as the expansion of the marine floor, subduction, mountain building, mantle circulation, hotspots, transform faults, inversion of magnetic poles of the planet, in short, a whole series of mechanisms that NEVER, listen: NEVER, they have NEVER been observed.

NONE of these supposed processes have EVER been measured. There is no OBSERVABLE evidence that these processes happen.

The excuse is the same as the one in the tale of the frog, the one in the tale of the macroevolution: is that they happen in hundreds of millions of years.

Tectonic plate theory assumes too much, it imagines too much. It happens to it the same thing as to all the other theories that use the present to imagine, his followers call it "deduce", quote and quote, the past.

With a picture, one frame, of the present, a movie of the past billions of years is imagined.

There is NO OBSERVABLE evidence of the highly imaginative mechanisms of billions of years that supposedly explain what we do observe in today’s present. The picture of the present. These mechanisms are supposedly deduced from the vivid imagination of those who claim them.

That happens because when it comes to denying the Creator you have to have a much larger imagination than is needed to believe that Jesus Christ is alive because he was resurrected.

Do not confuse the plates that are IMAGINED with the crust of GRANITE that IS observed and the terrestrial mantle of SILICATES that IS observed.

The granite crust that we have been able to observe, which is known as continental crust, corresponds to the dry land that we observe above sea level and extends partially as a border in the oceans to what is known as the “continental shelf”. The granite crust is on average 40 km thick and is composed mainly of granite and sediments.

Not all of the Earth's mantle is covered by the granite crust, the continental crust. In the oceans, parts of the mantle are only covered by sediment and water. This layer is known as the layer 1 of the oceanic crust and it actually includes in its layers 2 and 3 part of the earth's mantle.

The mantle is an earth’s layer that we can OBSERVE, which is composed of silicates, which is about 2900 kilometers thick, and which surrounds the core, the center of the planet.

That is what we observe: a granite crust, layers of sediments and the thickest layer of all, formed by silicates, which we call mantle. Not even what we call the core of the planet has been directly observed.

On the other hand, the supposed tectonic plates have an average of 125 km thick, almost 85 km on average, supposedly thicker than the granite crust. These so-called plates are composed of crust continental, oceanic crust and an arbitrary upper part of the terrestrial mantle, each one decides how much it includes, or not, as part of each plate. Make your tectonic plate game. That is, the thickness of the supposed plates is formed by an arbitrary mixture of the observed earth’s layers, clearly distinguished in their chemical composition, which we DO observe.

The Earth's mantle is a layer of about 2900 kilometers thick of silicate rock formations and each imagined tectonic plate supposedly has in its innermost part about 85 km from the top of the mantle.

These plates do NOT correspond to the dry land that we observe above sea level but with an arbitrary division that changes as much as the division into continents change. Some admit more plates others admit fewer plates.

In addition, the supposed plates penetrate the ocean much more than the granite crust that we CAN observe until we reach the "oceanic ridges”, which we can also observe, and that is where they imagine that such tectonic plates are formed. That is, other completely arbitrary borders, this time in the area covered by the supposed tectonic plates.

Plate tectonics cannot be OBSERVED because the imagined processes that would allow us to identify its borders, its edges, they supposedly happen in hundreds of millions of years and we haven't been that long in the planet.

With a picture of the present they imagine a movie of billions of years of the past.


The vast majority of earth’s oceanic trenches are found in the Pacific ocean. The imagination of man has proposed that these trenches formed when one plate was pushed under another in a process that has been called subduction. Subduction is the supposed mechanism that explains the formation of the oceanic trenches of the Pacific.

Today's seismic tomography should show clear images in 3 dimensions of gigantic plates that supposedly have an average thickness of 14 times the height of mount Everest, about 125 kilometers in thickness, penetrating one below the other in each zone, listen: IN EACH ZONE, NOT in a single one that has been manipulated, where there is an oceanic trench at the Pacific. They are not there. We imagine them.

A single zone, explainable by a global flood event, with images that are by no means conclusive, they get manipulated to make it appear that the conditions are met, and we generalize that the same thing happens in ALL other zones where there SHOULD be clear three-dimensional seismic tomography images of the supposed subductions that of course we do not have.

If we really are able to measure a displacement of up to maximum 10 CENTIMETERS per year, carefully measured with technology which normally has a margin of error of 15 METERS, that is to say a margin of error almost 100 times BIGGER than what you want to measure, in the planet's crust which is on average 15 kilometers thick, listen: on the CRUST, NOT on some supposed plates that they want to make us believe that they exist and that they are supposedly almost 10 times thicker than the earth's crust, if we are really able to measure said displacement of the crust, why are we not able to observe the supposed subduction of the supposed plates? The excuse is the same always: it happens in hundreds of millions of years. The people that they simply repeat the story they were taught, as if they were parrots, they should consider the possibility that it just doesn't happen.

But the story of the subduction, that a plate of 125 kilometers in thickness, which does not correspond to observable characteristics but to imagined ones, which penetrates under another of a similar thickness, in addition presents other serious logical problems in explaining, as claimed, the oceanic trenches of the Pacific that we DO observe.

What is the mechanism that makes the plates move? Which is the driving force? Why is there NO movement or flow observed at all in the mantle of the planet? If volcanoes occur under the plate superior by the magma generated in the friction of the two plates when the supposed subduction or penetration, how to explain that the volcanoes are on the aquatic side of the trench and not on the side penetrated into the land’s zone? How to explain that this supposed subduction occurs in an arc shape? If the plates are supposedly being generated at the mid-oceanic ridges that are supposedly rising, and the oceanic trenches are supposedly generated by supposed penetrations of one plate below another, how is it possible that there are intersections of trenches with ridges? How is it possible that material is rising and falling at the same time? What forces break plates supposedly between 50 and 200 km in thickness so they get separated? What forces make one penetrate under another? What forces make it possible to overcome the enormous pressures that would be generated in opposition to the supposed plate that is trying to penetrate? If one plate is penetrating under another and there is a strong friction when doing it, how to explain that the layers of sedimentation in the trenches are not disturbed? If ocean trenches are produced by plate subduction, a process that would increase the mass below the upper plate, how to explain the mass deficiencies below the trenches?

The story has several logical problems.

But what happens with all the evidence to the contrary and the lack of it in favour? And what happens with all the failed logic in the assumed mechanisms? Nothing. Nothing happens. The topic is ignored. The evidence and failed logic is as if they did not exist.

Dead in the deception of denying the Creator.


On the planet's oceans floor, a formation known as mid-oceanic ridge is observed. It is the longest rock formation on the planet. It is a huge and long scar that surrounds the entire planet similar to how seams surround a baseball.

This rock formation is credited with the formation of the tectonic plates. The problem is the same as always: there is NO OBSERVABLE evidence. Everything happens sporadically in processes that supposedly last hundreds of millions of years. Sporadic volcanic eruptions for hundreds of millions of years. Supposedly for this reason we do not observe how tectonic plates are formed.

What we DO observe is that in various parts of the formation there are cracks in perpendicular directions. These cracks indicate tension fracture, separation fracture, getting away fracture. This cracks are observed in two perpendicular directions. Some perpendicular to the line of the ridge and others parallel to the line of the ridge. The ones parallel to line NEVER cross the ones perpendicular to the line. This observation is completely contrary to the way in which mountains on the surface are believed to form: by compression of material.

The evidence observed, these cracks, indicate that the ridges are formed by tension fractures, NOT compression fractures, much less in TWO perpendicular directions.

What does the theory of plate tectonics do with this evidence? Nothing. It ignores it. Maybe because it can't explain it. It is not even mentioned in famous Internet encyclopedias. But YES it can be seen with the naked eye on any ocean relief map.

Below India, east of Africa, on an ocean relief map, a characteristic of the planetary ridge is observed: There is a gigantic "Y" inverted, forming a meeting in the form of a capital "T" letter. If the ridge is supposedly generating the formation of tectonic plates, why don't we see accumulation of ocean floor, as in a way of mountain formations by compression, in the areas of the "T" where there would be generation from two perpendicular directions? Other little problem of simple logic for the "theory", quote and quote, of plate tectonics.

Dead in the deception of denying the Creator.


The alternative to the whole story of plate tectonics and their millions of years is of course another story in which imagination is also used because we cannot know the past with certainty. No one can travel to the past and confirm that it really happened.

Another story.

In this story it must be recognized that the evidence and logic indicate that there has to be a Creator.

This tale matches better with logic, with the evidence, and with the testimony of the 6th chapter of the book of genesis about an event that marked the history of humanity: a global planetary flood.

Just look at a photo of the planet from space and see that it seems flooded with water to recognize that, just there, this story already matches better with logic, evidence, and the bible.

But it's still just another story. There is no technical creativity. It is not something that the human being can rebuild.

The following presentation is based on the theory of hydroplates or “hydroplate theory”, initially proposed by Walt Brown in 1980 and last revised in 2019. Dr Brown may be called doctor because he has a PhD in mechanical engineering from MIT. His complete presentation is in a book on the Internet called “IntheBeginning” which can be downloaded for free or physically purchased at

Your host, that is, me, Jose Luis Quiroga, does not share the theory of hydroplates in its entirety, not even in all the biblical foundation. But, in everything related to planetary geology, it seems to me that is simply the most logical and coherent explanation, with all the evidence, including the bible, that exists so far for what we see today on the planet.


The hydroplate theory starts from only 2 initial conditions for explaining more than 15 geological and planetary features that we observe today, and that, in the light, pardon me, the darkness, of the most popular explanations seem contradictory.

The two initial conditions are:

  1. Subterranean water.
  2. Global granite shell.

This planet had a global shell of granite that covered it completely and had, under the shell, water stored in underground chambers. There were no great oceans or great mountains. The planet did not seem flooded in water. The surface water was a few hundred meters deep and the highest parts of the mainland were also a few hundred meters high. The granite shell was a few tens of kilometers thick. The height of the underground chambers that contained the water between the granite shell and the center of the planet was only a couple of kilometers.

The process.

That great shell of granite that covered the entire planet and that had under it super-critical water increasing in pressure every time the earth rotated on its axis, it broke and tore, due to the pressure of that super-critical water, just above the formation that today we call mid-oceanic ridge and that divides the planet into two large parts as do the seams of a baseball. All the continents we see today are the torn and shrunken pieces of what was that granite shell. As this shell burst and tore, it contracted, shifted and shrunk slightly, releasing all the water inside it, and since it was lubricated by the water that was escaping from its interior, moved in the direction of contraction. The internal instability in the planet generated by that tear slightly bulged the planet in the Atlantic and submerged it slightly in the Pacific. The wrinkles on the granite shell changed the surface mass distribution of the planet and this, by conservation of angular momentum, caused a latitude rotation on the planet and what was near the equator of the planet is now the north pole. The end result of this process is what we see today. The rupture phase lasted for hours, then the flooding lasted for months, then the drift phase lasted days and finally the recovery phase is not over yet.

In two.

The mid-ocean ridge splits the planet in two.

  1. A part includes half of what we now know as North pole, all the current Americas, all the current South Pole and the southern part of the Indian Ocean to the tip of the inverted "Y" of the ridge that is south of present-day India.
  2. The other part includes the rest: Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, almost all of the Pacific Ocean and the northern part of the Indian Ocean.

To the part of the granite shell that now contains the Americas will be called from now on the Atlantic hydroplate and the other part of the granite shell, the largest in area, it will be called the Pacific hydroplate.

The Pacific hydroplate covered almost 3 quarters of the planet while the Atlantic hydroplate only 1 quarter of the planet. The two large hydroplates into which the granite shell that covered the planet was divided were lubricated by the underground water. Hence the name of the theory. Hydroplate theory.

A comparison.

Imagine a ball the size of an apple with a waterproof cloth that covers it. The cloth is the same thickness as the apple peel, and between the ball and the cloth there is a lubricant. The ball is the planet, the cloth is the granite shell, and the lubricant is the muddy water in super-critical state.

When the cloth covering the ball is torn along a line with the same shape of the mid-ocean ridge, the cloth slides over the surface of the ball letting the lubricant escape and contracts forming what we now call continents.

At the same time that this is happening, the ball deforms slightly in a tenth of the thickness of the cloth. On one side of the ball bulges into a tenth of the thickness of the cloth and by the opposite side sinks to a similar thickness. The edge of the sinked zone would be pacific trenches.

When the cloth shrinks and shifts, the cloth will wrinkle slightly on some parts of its surface, not more than one-tenth of the thickness of the cloth. The wrinkles would be the mountains.

The escaping lubricant ends up largely over the cloth that covered it. That water would be the oceans. At first glance it only seems that the cloth tore and shrank and that the liquid escaped and covered good part of the ball.

The wrinkles, that is to say the mountains, and the depressions, that is to say the zone limited by the trenches, are difficult to perceive with the naked eye in the ball of the size of an apple because they only have a maximum height of one tenth of the thickness of the cloth that covered the ball and which would be the thickness of the apple peel.

This comparison only gives us an idea of what happened to the cloth and with the lubricant, that is to say with the granite shell and with the super-critical water that was in the underground chambers, the two initial conditions of the hydroplate theory.

Let's see a little more in detail how the whole process works.

Rupture Phase.


For a few hundred years, the water that was in underground chambers beneath the granite shell that completely covered the planet was heating up and increasing pressure due to the daily rotation of the planet and the presence of the moon until reaching the state known as super-fluid or super-critical. State in which the matter is neither gas nor liquid but super-fluid, also called supercritical.

The increase in pressure and temperature of the super-critical water contained in the underground chambers made the ceiling of granite and the floor of silicates from the chambers begin to dissolve in the super critical water. A couple of kilometers from the granite shell was dissolved in a few hundred years by the super-critical water and this weakened the granite shell.

The pressure reached such a point that a crack opened on the surface of the granite shell that grew horizontally and vertically, it also deepened. First it ended up traveling horizontally around the planet in a matter of a few hours, above what is now seen as the mid-ocean ridge. The crack in the granite shell opened like stretched fabric that begins to tear.

When the crack reached the depth of the underground chambers, the super-critical water stored under the shell began to leak out fired by said crack at super-sonic speeds releasing a stored energy greater than ten billion hydrogen bombs and reaching heights of tens of kilometers into the atmosphere. The majority of that water is what we now observe as oceans.

Water in a superfluid state released at supersonic speeds underwent a chain reaction by the energy stored on the surface of the microscopic droplets and in the ions of the super-fluid. The heat released was almost entirely used in the union of the ions and almost instantaneously on the vaporization of existing droplets or resulting from the union of ions producing an incremental expansion in vapor form at supersonic speeds as the super-fluid was released.

The super-fluid jet and its vertically directed expansion that should have been observed can be imagined by observing the jets of steam released on Saturn's moon Enceladus and on Jupiter's moon Europa. Since the energy released in this cataclysm was much greater than the that released on these moons, the jet would have been along the entire the crack, at much higher heights and speeds, much more focused, and without so much dispersion of the super-fluid that escapes through the crack, comparing with what is observed in these moons.

In the same way that the tip of a metal cutting torch focuses, the gas released in a directed jet of gas, the jet of super-critical water released was focused vertically into outer space by the crack in the granite shell that formed just above what is now known as the mid-ocean ridge.

The ridge was the floor of the underground chamber below the crack and it simply marks the point where the granite shell gave way due to the high pressure and the crack opened. At this time the floor had not raised yet and the ridge did not exist yet.


A good part of the material that was shot vertically with the super-critical water escaped into outer space and because they had approximately the same vector velocity, that is, its velocity was roughly the same in both magnitude and direction, that material was gathered by the simple action of gravity in many of the objects that today we call asteroids, meteorites, comets and trans-neptunian objects.

Flood Phase.

Another part of the super-critical water that shot out did not come out of the atmosphere but produced rains as abundant as the planet had never experienced until then and has never experienced since. Part of that super-critical water froze due to the lower temperatures of the higher layers of the atmosphere and produced abundant hail rain.


All the material that had been diluted from the ceiling of the underground chambers was expelled along with the super-critical water and fell on the planet in the form of muddy rain or icy muddy hail.

Where hailstorms occurred, an effect was produced that today we identify with ice ages. Actually it was just one and the effects have been preserved in some parts due to the rotation of latitude that the planet suffered. All evidence of frozen plants and animals near the North pole indicates that they were from the tropics and that they were frozen very quickly. This evidence is consistent with what would happen if, a few months after being buried under hail, the planet underwent a rotation of latitude that puts a tropical zone in the North Pole.


The high pressures, with which the super critical water was shot out through the crack, they were widening, eroding, wearing away, the crack, the opening, through which the water escaped, to such an extent that it lost pressure and the rains stopped. But the water level on the planet kept going up because muddy water kept escaping from the underground chambers that were under the granite shell.

As the super-critical water escaped the opening widened and to the granite shell a similar effect, only much slower, to what happens with the tongue when saying “BRRRRRRRRR” was produced: the tongue vibrates or flaps. This flutter effect, or waves of the hydroplates, of vertical pulsation, made the jet of water that came out through what was just a crack, already turned into an opening, to also pulsate.

This undulation in the Atlantic and Pacific hydroplates produced a piezo-electric effect inside the hydroplates that generated large discharges of energy. Discharges similar to what happens when we see a lightning fall from the sky. These lightnings or discharges of electrical energy occurred between the surface and the bottom of the gigantic granite hydroplates. The z-pinch effect that happened in these internal discharges of what we now call continental crust, that which was the original granite shell, produced a nuclear fission effect in the atoms used in the plasmatic zone of each discharge, and this produced heavy elements that began to decay into the radioactive elements that we observe today mainly in said continental crust.


The muddy water began to sat on top of the granite shell by the action of slow waves of about 60 meters high, both from the water above these, as of the granite shell itself on which they were starting to sit, to sediment. The liquefaction of these sediments, together with this undulation, they were separating the sediments in different layers with repetitive patterns. These layers were not necessarily in order of size, shape, and density because not all sediments fell at the same time.

The torrential rains lasted 40 days and the water continued to pour out of underground chambers for another 110 days. During all this time these layers were produced. These layers of sediment that came from the roof of the underground chambers that stored the super-critical water, that which was the bottom of the granite shell, is what we now know as geological strata.

The water transported the material of the walls of the underground chambers that was diluted in said water for hundreds of years before the crack was formed through which the water escaped. This water, with said materials diluted in it, moved, from under the granite shell, to above the shell, as said water was escaping from the underground chambers through the crack, later converted into an opening. By the process known as liquefaction, these materials together with the biological remains of what died on the surface, they settled down, they sedimented, forming what is now known as geological strata.

Not all geological strata were formed at this time, but most of the non-biological material comes from the ceiling of these underground chambers. All that we call sedimentary rock.

Drift Phase.


When the rains stopped, the water continued to flow for several months and because the crack widened so much that the water pressure decreased, the downward pressure on the floor of the chambers under the crack also decreased. This decrease in pressure on the floor of the underground chambers made for the floor to rise. It was first raised parallel to the crack in the granite shell. Then, as the crack in the granite was widening, the floor under the crack was lifting in a direction perpendicular to the crack in the granite. This lifting produced cracks in the floor perpendicular to the lines of the lifts. First floor cracks perpendicular to the granite crack and then floor cracks parallel to the granite crack. This is the reason for which the cracks in the mid-ocean ridge, that which was the floor of underground chambers, have the characteristic that those that are parallel to the ridge never cross the perpendicular ones. The perpendicular to the ridge were formed first and then those parallel to the mid-ocean ridge. This process generated what we now know as the mid-oceanic ridge.


The floor cracks parallel to the mid-ocean ridge make the subterranean temperature of the ridge below said cracks smaller than those in the areas where there is no crack. Since the magnetic capacity of chemical elements depends on the temperature, the intensity of the magnetism is greater where the temperature is lower. That's why the magnetism is greater just above where the cracks are.

This curve of intensity of magnetism that corresponds perfectly with the underground temperature is the one that has been misunderstood in the popular tale by saying that in the past there were polarity reversals at the magnetic poles of the planet. They never happened. We just have to accurately interpret the evidence.


Since the hydroplates in which the granite shell split apart were lubricated by the underground water, and due to the strong flow of super-critical water, the two gigantic hydroplates were at the drift. They kept afloat by the pressure of the water trying to get out only by the rupture zone, just above the current mid-ocean ridge.

This movement of the gigantic hydroplates lasted until the pressure of the water that came out of the underground chambers diminished enough so that the ceiling of the chambers began to rub against the floor of the chambers. This friction generated large amounts of magma and the movement of the hydroplates began to stop.

Recovery Phase.


The imbalance in the pressures on the earth’s mantle product of the uplifts in the mid-ocean ridge and the displacement of the hydroplates generated small vertical cuts, internaly in the planet's mantle, and their walls rubbed each other as a result of that vertical displacement of the planet’s surface and of the mantle below them.

These vertical cuts increased in quantity to the sides and to the inside the planet as the ridge formed, as it lifted up, and as the area around the ridge also went lifting up. That friction produced heat and that heat made the material to melt into magma in these vertical micro-cuts. This produced a cycle that accelerated the process. The magma lubricated the micro cuts, these grew, this facilitated more vertical movement, more friction, more heat, more magma, more lubrication. In this way they generated gigantic columns of earth’s mantle, below the ridge, separated by thin cracks lubricated with magma. These columns go almost from the depth that the underground chambers were to the depth of liquid zone of the planet's core.


Magma is much more compressible than the mantle, and below the crossover depth, where the pressure is high enough, that is about 350 kilometers, the magma was compressed, became denser and sank toward the core of the planet.

Above the crossover depth the magma expanded and came out to the surface.

This type of movement of the magma is the cause of what even today we observe and call seismic movements.

Currently at depths near the crossover depth there is almost no magma movements. This is the reason why there are hardly any perceived seismic movements whose epicenter is close to the depth of the 350 kilometers. At this depth there are almost no magma displacements. The vast majority of magma displacements occur near the surface. And a minority occur near the liquid zone of the planetary core.

The increase in mass of compressed magma in the planet's core continues today and this increase has caused the planet to be losing volume. Similar to what is observed when a dry fruit loses volume.

The flow of magma towards the center and the surface of the planet continues today and is the cause of the seismic movements of the planet.


The increase of compressed magma in the liquid zone of the planet's core caused the magnetic material in the displaced liquid crystals to be realigned with the planets’s magnetic field and this is the reason why the magnetic field of this planet is much stronger than that of the rest of the solid planets in the solar system.

This alignment of magnetic elements that moved towards the nucleus with the pre-existing field increased the field.

The crystallization of these magnetic elements, mainly iron and nickel, generated a solid center on the planet. The solid zone of the planet’s core .

Bulging and Sinking.

The movement of the magma fed back: more vertical movement, more friction, more heat, more magma, more lubrication and more vertical movement.

The internal imbalance of the planet increased. A part of the planet bulge and the opposite part sank.

The part that bulged is in what we now know as the Atlantic ocean and the part that sank is in the area inside what we now know as the Pacific ocean ring of fire. The magma that came out to the surface formed the more than 40 thousand oceanic volcanoes that can be seen in the Pacific.

This analysis allows to make one of the most important predictions of hydroplate theory that has not been verified: In the area within the gigantic "u" formed by the ring of fire, inside that "u", under the floor of that area that is all sunk in the Pacific ocean, below the floor of the layer of volcanic formations that are in that area, and bordering the entire interior of that "u" that forms the ring of fire, THERE SHOULD BE two large submerged pieces of the GRANITE hydroplates that separated just above the mid-oceanic ridge of the Pacific.


When the surface in the Pacific sank, a part of the gigantic hydroplate of the Pacific also sank, it sank with the surface of the planet, in the western part of the gigantic "u" of the Pacific ocean that today we known as "the ring of fire", bordering the coasts of Asia and Oceania.

And, when it sank, a part of the gigantic hydroplate of the Atlantic sank, it sank with the surface of the planet, in the east part of said "ring of fire", bordering the coasts of the Americas.

These sinking is what we observe as oceanic trenches in said ring of fire.


When the friction between the ceiling and the floor of the underground chambers stopped the movement of the gigantic hydroplates, in some parts the hydroplates rose, wrinkled, producing the mountains we see today. By that time they were in a state of liquefaction and behaved as a dense fluid.


In some areas of the planet, where there were wrinkles in the hydroplates of granite low enough to still be completely covered with water, the sediments that were on the high points of the wrinkles were re-ordered by the waves in the water since they did not find support on the granite hydroplate.

Due to the difference in densities between layer and layer, the biologic remains of plants and animals slid uphill where the pressure was lower, and they reorganized into new horizontal layers above the previous layers of strata that had already settled, forming the breaking zone in the geological strata that is now known as geological unconformities.


The biological material that was separated in the middle of these upper layers of sedimentation was compressed by the wrinkling of the hydroplates and later by the weight of the upper layers and it reached high temperatures. Depending on the amount of water, the pressure reached, and the temperature reached, they formed the deposits of coal, oil and gas that we see today.

The gigantic hydrocarbon deposits that cannot be explained if formed over millions of years, because it would be impossible maintain the necessary conditions in such large blocks for such a long time, they find a completely feasible explanation under a process that lasted only a few months and that can be reproduced today, in its chemical aspect, in the laboratory.


The formation of mountains caused that part of the water that was above the hydroplates to be trapped in some parts thus forming gigantic lakes above the hydroplates. Seismic movements produced by the movement of magma on the planet both towards the surface and towards the core of the planet caused some lakes to overflow slightly producing a chain effect of that overflow in which the flow of water increases the size of the point of overflow until producing a gigantic outlet through which the water of the lake comes out until it's almost empty.

This process was what generated, in a few weeks, great canyons like the one found in Colorado.

The water that came out of these lakes sought the path of least resistance and as it flowed out it took with it some of the land around it and scratched, carved, in the ground the kind of patterns that are observed in those canyons.


The friction between the ceiling and the floor of the underground chambers, that were almost without water, it not only stopped the movement of hydroplates and wrinkled them, forming today's mountains, but generated large amounts of magma where the ceiling and floor of the chambers touched.

When the weight of the granite hydroplates where there was more mass, which is to say where the mountains formed, began to sink due to the weight, the magma moved to the underground parts of the chambers where there was less weight above, less pressure, that is to say where there were no mountains above.

As magma accumulates under these flat areas, the upward pressure made by the magma fractured the granite hydroplate and the cracks of those fractures filled with magma allowing the magma to escape from the underground chambers to the surface of the hydroplates.

This magma lubrication allowed hydroplate blocks to rise as a piston rises. The rise of this hydroplate blocks due to the pressure made by the magma that was escaping from below the hydroplate blocks trough their perimeters, lubricating the rise of these blocks as a piston, generated the plateaus that are observed beside some large and heavy mountain areas.


The same uplift that generated the plateaus is also part of what generated the overflow of lakes that had formed when the water was surrounded by mountains and that generated canyons such as the one in Colorado Arizona. And in cases where afterwards, the water that overflowed from a lake, flowed around the solidified magma in volcanic rock of these plateaus, eroding the sediments around the volcanic rock, it formed the so-called Butte. Mountain formations of the plateau type having solid magma or volcanic rock on top as in the case of the Red Butte in the United States.

Latitude rotation.

After the formation of the mountains, that wrinkling of the hydroplates, and due to conservation of angular momentum, the zones of high latitudes in which great mountains were formed began to move to more southern latitudes and the planet suffered a latitude rotation. Today's north pole was once in the tropical zone. Evidence for this latitude rotation is found in the angular variation of the polarization of the magma magnetic material that was solidifying as the magma cooled when the planet rotated, thus leaving a record of said rotation.

Meridian 90.

The oceanic formation known as "the ridge of the meridian 90 East", which is located just below the area with the highest mountains in the planet, is another evidence that is observed today and that is explained by the latitude rotation suffered by the planet. Since the planet is not perfectly espherical but is more bulky in the equator, as the planet rotated in latitude, the area that reached to the equator was stretched with the tension generated by the daily turn of the planet, and in the same way that a round rubber breaks in a single point when stretched enogh, the surface of the planet was always tearing by the same point and as the magma generated in the crack was coming out it was solidifying on the surface, thus generating said mountainous formation in what is now the Indian ocean. That's the reason why it's almost a straight line. It simply indicates the direction in which the planet rotated. And the length of the formation tells us how much the planet rotated, the angle that the planet rotated.


The recovery phase continues today. We still have growth in the nucleus product of displacement of magma towards said nucleus. This produces some of the seismic movements that we observe today. The other earthquakes are the product of displacement of magma towards the surface also producing the volcanic activity that we observe today. The slight bulge at the Atlantic and slight sinking at the Pacific in the central zone of the ring of fire continues today and that is why a small displacement is observed in the continental crusts that is directed towards that area of the Pacific. And the oceans and frozen poles of the planet are planetary flood effects that we still see today.


Your host, that is me, Jose Luis Quiroga, has some differences with the presentation of the hydroplate theory that Walt Brown does in his book “In the Beginning” and with Brian Nickel’s Internet videos, a contributor to the Center for Scientific Creation, the organization that maintains

One big difference is in what Genesis 1 and 2 includes as part of THIS creation. This should be obvious to anyone who has not skipped the section of this presentation dedicated to creation, and that has read Dr Walt Brown's book, “In the Beginning”.

Fortunately, the hydroplate theory has more to do with what happened during the planetary flood in Noah's time than with what happened during creation.

The biggest difference is in the biblical justification for the initial conditions of the hydroplate theory.

It is completely incoherent to think that the word H8064 704 stops mean heavens, shamaim, that in which according to Genesis 1 the birds fly, just for one single verse of the bible: the one that says that And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day” 705.

Trying to give various meanings to the word H8064 706, the shamaim, the heavens, in the first chapter of the bible, to then choose the one I like best to fit the two main assumptions of my story, however logical and consistent with current evidence, is theologically untenable.

The bible says that: "And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were UNDER the firmament from the waters which were ABOVE the firmament: and it was so” 707. And then “God called the firmament HEAVEN” 708. The same word, actually heavens, the word H8064 709, plural, shamayim, is used along the whole first two chapters consistently to refer to a place where there the sun, the moon and the stars are observed, and the place where birds fly.

But no, only when God decided to call the expansion "heavens", which this theory wants to understand as the granite shell, is that it does not mean what it always means, because obviously the heavens cannot be a granite shell.

The bible is also very clear in saying that God said: "Let the waters UNDER the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the DRY land appear: and it was so” 710. That dry land is the granite shell. That dry land came out of the waters that were UNDER the expanse. That dry land was formed UNDER the heavens. That dry land, which is the granite shell, is UNDER the heavens. That dry land is NOT the heavens.

It is perfectly possible that it is precisely this verse that gives support to the two initial conditions of the hydroplate theory. It says: "Let the waters UNDER the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the DRY land appear: and it was so” 711. When the dry land appeared, from the waters that were UNDER the heavens, said waters that were gathered in ONE place, as the book likes to emphasize, they also formed the seas, plural, some in the underground chambers, others on the surface. The “gathering”, quote and quote, is BEFORE the appearing of the land. And the word H6960 behind that “gathering” is different to the word H4723 of what was named “seas”. The “gathering” is NOT what is named “seas”. This allows the interpretation that when the “appearing” of the dry land happened what was “gathered” in ONE place got divided into a plural: the “seas”.

And the fact that the proponents of the hydroplate theory do not find feasible the famous canopy, that water that the bible tells us that was ABOVE the heavens, because of the pressure, and because of the temperature, and because the greenhouse effect, and because... to me they sound like the same kind of excuses that many so-called scientists have with this story in particular, with the theory of hydroplates: that there is too much heat, and too much cold, and that the transfer of heat..., and that a lot of energy...

If Jesus Christ really was resurrected, we may not understand all the details of why there were waters above the heavens, or why the bible is completely true. But that doesn't mean it can't be as the bible affirms, or that I start to adapt it so that it fits with my prejudices.

To imagine tales of a past that fit the biblical description, and what is observed today, that are coherent enough to call them scientific, according to the most popular criteria, NOT the one in this presentation, you just need exactly that: imagination.

Also to explain all the mass that exists in asteroids, meteorites, comets and trans-neptunian objects that supposedly came out of this planet, according to this story, it is much easier with that little water that the bible says it was there, instead of multiplying six times the width of the granite shell so that the data reported by the pagan NASA fits with my theory.

Here we are not talking about technical creativity, the one that in this presentation it is the only one that is accepted to validate a scientific theory. Here we are simply talking about imagination. This is just another story about the past, that which we cannot know.

In this story we only need imagination. Not as much as it’s needed for the tectonic plates tale, but imagination after all.

The couple.

The bible tells us that all human beings are descended from one single couple Adam and Eve.

Many so-called bible believers tend to read Genesis as if it was poetry. Or as if they were the parables of Jesus Christ. But the hebrew used in Genesis tells us that it is a historical narrative. That what Genesis narrates is exactly as it happened.

Many people find it hard to believe that ALL of humanity is offspring of a single couple. The reason is the tale with which they have polluted our brains since we were little: the tale of evolution.

A first observation is that mathematically it is much more probable for a population growth, consistent with today's observations, to have a recent beginning, than one from hundreds of thousands of years ago.

On the other hand, genetics, that one of which we do not have technical creativity yet, that which has no idea how to create a lung, or a kidney, from a drop of my blood, has recently begun to talk about a genetic Adam and a genetic Eve.

Genetic Adam is identified with a single "Y" chromosome common to all humanity and the genetic Eve with a single mitochondria common to all humanity.

However, this kind of conclusions from genetics, which is a field of study plagued by the story of evolution, is like concluding that because two programs have common functions, or because two machines have equal parts, then said programs and said machines must have a common origin.

We can't even make our own program, or our own biological machines, otherwise make me my liver from my drop of blood, and we pretend to be able to explain, through what we do not understand, how was the process, at the genetic level, with our ancestors. And without believing in the existence of a creator. Absurd, right? But that's where we are.


A model that we see on a day-to-day basis that supports the possibility that all mankind is descended from a single couple just a few thousand years is the reproduction of biological systems.

The 37 million million, or 37 teras, of cells in a human body, they formed in just 40 weeks of gestation. All 37 teras of cells came from just ONE cell: the fertilized egg.

The exponential growth that occurs when each cell divides by mitosis in two others is a process easily comparable to a process similar in a population in which each couple has as offspring two other couples.

And just as complete systems can come out of a single cell, completely different systems as the respiratory, the digestive, the nervous, circulatory, with specialized elements to carry out an specific function, similarly, in a population that starts with a single human couple, all the variety that we observe today in the human population, can come from it.

No cheating.

However, with arguments that presume to understand the genetic process of human reproduction they try to deny this possibility. First BUILD me my lung, and only my LUNG, from a drop of my blood, to believe that you really understand, at the GENETIC level, what happens during the process of human reproduction.

Because if they want me to believe that they understand how the program works, it is not enough for me for they to execute the whole program and then SLICE the result.

One thing is to click on the icon and another thing to write the program executed when you click the icon.

When we make LITTLE CLONS, either in the way that our Creator intended, man with woman, or with other less pleasant methods, the only thing that we are doing is 'clicking' the icon without having any idea how the program works.

To believe them that they really understand human reproduction, at the genetic level, first make me my KIDNEY from a drop of my blood. But without cheating, JUST my kidney.


One of the main facts that must be taken into account whenever we think about dinosaurs is that: every time a Carbon 14 test has been done on dinosaur fossils, it has been found Carbon 14 on them. This means that, according to the assumptions of the radiometric dating, those dinosaur fossils can NOT be more than 60 thousand years old.

No person who believes the tale of evolution likes this fact. Because the only alternative to the existence of the Creator of Heavens and Earth is the tale of evolution. And if we don't want recognize the existence of the Creator, we decide to believe the lies that we were taught in school. The tale of the frog.

However, there is clear evidence that the dinosaurs became extinct recently, that is if they really are extinct. And there is clear evidence that man always lived with these animals, that is if we are not still living with the few that remain.

Nowadays, thanks to the Internet, it is easy to verify that:

  1. Different cultures around the planet, during different periods of history, have drawn figures, sculpted and elaborated objects, with different materials, of animals whose shape matches those of what we now call dinosaurs.
  2. Historical records, in different time periods, have narrated events in which animals are described that coincide with what we now call dinosaurs.
  3. In different parts of the world there are fossilized human footstep traces next to those of animals that we now call dinosaurs.
  4. The vast majority of dinosaur fossils are found in groups of animals that indicate rapid and simultaneous death.
  5. Bones of these animals have been found that are preserved and WITHOUT fossilizing.
  6. Soft tissue of these animals has been found in some dinosaur remains.
  7. Residues of blood cells from these animals have been found in some dinosaur remains.
  8. Residues of blood vessels from these animals have been found in some dinosaur remains.
  9. Connective tissue has been found from these animals in some dinosaur remains.
  10. It has been found in the stomach of some of these dinosaur remains residues of flowers, tree leaves, ferns, shrubs, algae and vegetation in general.
  11. There are recent testimonies, in different parts of the planet, that claim to have seen animals that match what we now call dinosaurs.
  12. Until the 19th century the word “dragon” was found in some dictionaries as a word that refers to animals that we now call dinosaurs. Some dictionaries even note that these animals are in danger of extinction.

But what happens when this evidence is found? Nothing, nothing happens. It is simply ignored, denied or misrepresented because it is not consistent with the story of the millions of years that they taught us in school. It is not consistent with the tale of the frog.

There are several reptilian animals that have the appearance of what we now call dinosaurs. In fact the word "dinosaur" means "terrible lizard". Several of these animals never stop growing.

Now days most of these reptiles don't live long but it's quite possible that they lived hundreds of years before the planetary flood.

There are fossils animals, such as winged insects, which due to their size they couldn't fly in today's atmosphere. These fossils suggest that before the radioactive fallout of the planetary flood, these animals grew much more. Now imagine an 800 year old iguana that never stopped growing. That would be a terrible iguana.


Additionally, the bible describes some animals that resemble some of those that we now know as dinosaurs.

In Job 40 it says that: “See now, behemoth, which I made as well as you. He eats grass as an ox. Look now, his strength is in his thighs. His force is in the muscles of his belly. He moves his tail like a CEDAR. The sinews of his thighs are knit together. His bones are like tubes of BRONZE. His limbs are like BARS OF IRON. He is the CHIEF of the ways of God. He who made him gives him his sword. Surely the mountains produce food for him, where all the animals of the field play. He lies under the lotus trees, in the covert of the reed, and the marsh. The lotuses cover him with their shade. The willows of the brook surround him. Behold, if a river overflows, he doesn’t tremble. He is confident, though the Jordan swells even to his mouth. Shall any take him when he is on the watch, or pierce through his nose with a snare?” 712.

By that description, the Behemoth closely resembles what we now call sauropods.

In Job 41, concerning Leviathan, it says: “I will not keep silence concerning his limbs, nor his MIGHTY STRENGTH, nor his goodly frame. Who can strip off his outer garment? Who will come within his JAWS? Who can open the doors of his face? Around his teeth is TERROR. Strong scales are his pride, shut up together with a close seal. One is so near to another, that no air can come between them. They are joined to one another. They stick together, so that they can’t be pulled apart. His sneezing FLASHES out light. His eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Out of his mouth go burning torches. SPARKS of FIRE leap out. Out of his nostrils a smoke goes, as of a boiling pot over a fire of reeds. His breath kindles coals. A flame goes out of his mouth. There is strength in his neck. Terror dances before him. The flakes of his flesh are joined together. They are firm on him. They can’t be moved. His heart is as FIRM as a STONE, yes, firm as the lower millstone. When he raises himself up, the mighty are AFRAID. They retreat before his thrashing. If one attacks him with the SWORD, it CAN’T prevail; nor the spear, the dart, nor the pointed shaft. He counts IRON as STRAW; and BRONZE as ROTTEN WOOD. The arrow can’t make him flee. Sling stones are like chaff to him. Clubs are counted as stubble. He laughs at the rushing of the javelin. His undersides are like sharp potsherds, leaving a TRAIL in the mud LIKE a threshing SLEDGE. He makes the deep to boil like a pot. He makes the sea like a pot of ointment. He makes a path shine after him. One would think the deep had white hair. On earth there is not his equal, that is MADE WITHOUT fear. He sees everything that is high. He is KING over all the sons of pride” 713.

By that description, Leviathan could easily be some kind tyrannosaurs.

The bible also contains evidence that these animals always lived with humans.


The classification of animals is currently plagued by the story of evolution, with the tale of the frog. The classification criteria are those of a genetic evolution that NEVER happened.

18th century.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the classification was more evident. Literally. The classification of the father of modern, LISTEN: MODERN, taxonomy was simple and according to the evidence observable with the naked eye.

He classified more than 40 thousand animals in only 6 large groups that translated from latin, because he liked latin, they would be something like:

  1. quadrupeds,
  2. birds,
  3. amphibians,
  4. fish,
  5. insects and
  6. worms.

Of course it is just a name because among the quadrupeds were men and apes.

In their first versions, the quadrupeds had 33 kinds of animals, birds had 47 kinds, amphibians 4 kinds, fish 41 kinds, insects 47 kinds and worms 19 kinds.

He called these kinds of animals “genera” or “genus” in english. Over time, the classification acquired more levels, but in its first versions it didn’t have neither families nor classes for example.

In these first classifications of animals by "genera" can be distinguish names such as “equus”, “elephas”, “tigris”, “canis”, “felis”, “camelus”, “simia”, “pavo”, “gallina”, “falco”, which logically correspond to names such as "equine", "elephant", "tiger", "canine", “feline”, “camel”, “ape”, “turkey”, “hen”, “falco”.

Each one would be a class or kind of animal that resembles each other. Thus, among the "equus" we find the zebra and the horse. It was one logical classification, simple. It was not biblical but it was evident.


In the bible, the classification of animals is even simpler, more evident and ofcourse among the animals it’s not the human being, but there are dragons, that is to say the dinosaurs, those that were already rare in the 18th century.

A first classification is flesh. And flesh in the bible has BLOOD. And the blood in the bible is RED. There is no blue blood in the bible, nor yellow, nor green, nor purple, there is only red blood. Thus, one first classification of animals is given by those that have red blood.

A second classification is whether they live in water, on land, or fly. Amphibians are among those that live in water.

Those that both live on land and have flesh, the bible divides them in two groups: those that crawl and those that don't.

It is a classification that roughly corresponds to the one they teach at school. Two large groups: vertebrates and invertebrates. In other words, “flesh” and “no flesh”, because almost all of the vertebrates are red blooded, so the comparison is approximate.

Vertebrates are divided into fish, amphibians, mammals, reptiles and birds. That is water, land and fly. Where the land ones are divided into mammals and reptiles. And the water ones would be the fish and amphibians because the bible does not differentiate them.

It is a simple, logical and obvious classification. Much more than those of the 21st century.


And why all this explanation?

Well, because if we take into account the classification by "genera" of the father, LISTEN: FATHER, of modern taxonomy, at the beginning of the 18th century, that is to say very recently, we only have a little more than 80 kinds or types of animals to put in the boat built by Noah and his relatives. These would be the same ones that Adam named in a morning because YHWH did not put him to name insects, or aquatic animals, or other supposed animals, according to some EXA-modern classifications, of the 21st century, that cannot even be seen with the naked eye, like viruses or BACTERIA.


The diversification of the animals that came out of Noah's ark, in what are now called species, which is nothing more than the adaptation of these animals to different environmental conditions, occurred after the great planetary flood.

All the canines that we classify as different species are simply the adaptation to a specific environment of the pair of canines that came out of the boat that Noah and his relatives built.

But from canines only little canines come out and it has NEVER been seen that from a canine comes out a little FELINE or a little EQUINE. The same goes for all “elephas”, “tigris”, “equus”, “felis”, “camelus”, “simia”, “pavo”, “gallina”, “falco” from the father of MODERN taxonomy.

Among the evidence supporting this claim is that:

  1. There is the case of animals of the same genus but of different species, which supposedly cannot be interbreed, if they coexist enough time under the same conditions, they begin to be able to interbree.
  2. There is the case of animals of the same genus and of different species, and that cannot interbree with each other, for which there is a third species of the same genus that can interbree with the first two.

Thus, the total number of animals in Noah's ark is even less than what an average current zoo has and that is maintained by 3 or 4 people in charge of the animals.

Noah's Ark.

The bible tells us that YHWH commands Noah to build an ark made of specially treated wood and 300 cubits long by 50 cubits wide by 30 cubits high. It also tells us that said ark ran aground in the mountains of Ararat after the global flood water level began to go down.


In the year 1948 a series of earthquakes and rains brought out what is now known as the Durupinar Archaeological Site at Uzengili Turkey. It was discovered by a shepherd in the area and later in 1959 identified on an aerial photo by an experienced cartographer named Durupinar and that’s why it’s now known by that name.

The reason Durupinar was struck by such a place is because of it’s shape. From the air it looks like the deck of a ship. A huge ship.

After blowing up part of what looked like a ship’s deck, the expedition of which Durupinar was part, they came to the conclusion that what it looked like a boat "it was a phenomenon of nature and it was not made by the man”. Popular encyclopedias on the Internet stay with this conclusion. Perhaps it seems to them that BLOWING UP a place, that the government of Turkey now recognizes as archaeological, it’s an efficient way to excavate a site of archaeological interest.


Several people have continued to push the investigation of the place on their own. Without the finantial help of any government but with their own money.

As recently as 2014 a team from New Zealand led by a geophysicist named John Larsen obtained permission from Turkey to scan the resistivity of the ground in the area.

The result is simply undeniable: underneath what has the shape of a gigantic boat deck, there is material of the same resistivity that has the shape of the hull of a boat that would correspond to said deck. It is rationally impossible to think that it is not a boat.

The facts.

The facts of what has a boat structure are several:

  1. It has the dimensions in royal Egyptian cubits given in the bible: 300 cubits by 50 cubits by 30 cubits.
  2. It is in the ancient mountains of Ararat.
  3. The translation of the local name of the mountain would be “the mountain of the judgment".
  4. It is close to a town that the locals know as “the town of the 8”.
  5. Near the spot there are stone anchors of the appropriate size for a boat of that size.
  6. It is almost 1800 meters above sea level in a place where there is no water nearby.
  7. There are old maps that identified the place as the rest place of the biblical ark.
  8. The place was visited by pilgrims in ancient times.
  9. The boat shape incorporates high math principles and advanced knowledge of hydrodynamics.
  10. His story is consistent with the histories of Sumeria, Akkad, Babylon as well as the Torah, the Old Testament and all qurans.
  11. Two additional scans carried out in 2019 with different methodologies, by a specialized company contracted by Andrew Jones of, indicate that it is a boat.

Too many coincidences, of those that accumulate with exponential effect. Actually there are more coincidences but they are not so easy to confirm. Still, these are already too many coincidences. It's almost the same as it happens with Internet searches. Statistically, and careful, I emphasize in the term "statistically" for reasons that will become clear later, it is reasonably impossible to deny that it is the boat described in the bible.


However, if we ignore the two fundamental principles of this part 3 of the presentation, it is rationally unattainable to believe the story of Noah.

Even in the 21st century, assuming current technology availability, and assuming abundant resources, it is difficult to imagine the possibility of such an enterprise.

How to build a wooden ark of that size? How to choose and transport the animals to the ark? How to accommodate them in the ark? How to maintain all those animals, food, manure, temperature, health, etc. for a whole year, without anyone dying? How to explain that in such extreme conditions a ship with such a load achieved its objective? How to explain that the animals survived and then repopulate the planet?

That there weren't so many animals, that wood can be treated with heat and pressure together with oils of vegetable origin and make a material stronger than steel, that they didn't have to go after the animals, that God explained everything to Noah, that Noah took more than fifty years to make the ark, that the animals before the flood were vegetarians including the T-rex, that it was a flood and not a gigantic storm, that the waves in the area of the ark were passive, that they were located in the area of the planet least affected by the great rotation, that before the flood biological systems including humans grew much larger and were much stronger than after the flood, that they only carried baby animals and not adult animals, that before the flood it had never rained on the planet, that everything can come out of a single couple in a similar way to how every sexual animal comes from single cell during its gestation, that before the flood animals and people lived much longer because they did not get sick, that not all the fossils that have been found are from that time because a fossil can be formed in tens of years, that just after the flood the continental crust had not sunk and therefore the crust areas were interconnected, that specialization in feeding and environment as well as infertility among animals of the same kind associated with such localized adaptation occurred after the flood, that that’s why the fossils of already specialized animals are subsequent to said specialization and location, that in just a few tens of years there can be achieved great diversity in appearance for the same kind of animal, that this and that and the other.

First thing's first.

It doesn't really matter how much evidence or arguments there are of the possibility that the biblical narrative is feasible and true, if you don't first believe that all those animals and those 8 people, by logical necessity, had to be created by a Creator and designer with an intelligence and knowledge that today’s man, with today's technology, can hardly imagine.

And in order to accept that the story really happened, and that the biblical narrative is historical, it is almost rationally impossible to accept it without first believing that Jesus Christ is alive because after dying on the cross he was resurrected.

The testimony about Jesus Christ is that he spoke of Noah as an historical event, then if the testimony that Jesus Christ was resurrected is true, then the biblical narrative about Noah must be authentic.

That is why when this part of the presentation began, emphasis was placed on these two biblical principles:

  1. There is a Creator, designer and intelligent, of all plants, animals and person on this planet.
  2. Jesus Christ is alive because, after dying on the cross, the Creator He raised him on the third day.

If these two fundamental points are denied, ignored, or not taken taken into account, it is almost rationally unattainable to be able to believe that the Noah's story is authentic.

That God, who the biblical narrative says spoke to Noah, was the same one that made sure that everything happened as it is written in the bible. He has always been and will be in control. Nothing absolutely nothing takes Him by surprise. That is the God of the bible.

If you don't believe in that God, only He can make you believe in him and drag you to his Son Jesus Christ. The promise is that, someday, before or after the resurrection of the dead, He will do it, with you and with EVERYONE, absolutely EVERYONE who has lived since Adam, is alive, and will be alive.


A good way to know the past would be to be able to repeat it at will, without affecting it. Something like watching the movie of any past moment in virtual reality and without intervening with its development. But to really know it, it would also be necessary to be able to know what that each person is thinking. What are the intentions of each person. Being able to see inside the human heart.

Human beings still do not have access to such technology and even just a few years ago, video was something that could only be recorded with very expensive equipment. In addition, the human being only had access to video technology until the 20th century. And photography was only achieved until the 19th century. That is why the history before the 19th century is sought to be known with two main types of evidence: written and physical objects.

Only until the 15th century, with the construction of the first movable type printing press, was that the written medium began to get to the masses. Before the printing press, every book had to be copied by hand and therefore they were quite expensive for the average person. The printing press taught the common person to read because it allowed him to have access to the written medium.

The historian, according to popular criteria, must be a scholar, that is, a person with sufficient training for the task. The ideal is that said person has the sole motivation to communicate the facts, the truth, no matter how difficult it is to accept. He must have no political interest, or economic or religious. He must have the ability to summarize without omitting, and to write in a coherent and interesting way.

In written sources, the ideal is that said source is the closest to the events, that it has been written by a person with the characteristics mentioned, that the origin of said source is known, and that in case when a long time has passed, the copies of said source to be as reliable as possible. That said copies have been made by people trained to do so, with the greatest possible fidelity and methodical way. It is also desirable to have more than one reliable source about the same event. In this way it is possible to cross the different sources. It is desirable to have copies, for a given source, of different instants in time, in order to compare them and see if the narration has been modified, thus losing credibility. It is desirable that the names of people and places be completely consistent with the rest of the sources, including the archaeological.

The irony is that when a person or a group of people searches, really research, compare, analyze, collect sources and compare them, and over time he concludes that, by comparison, in each of the points mentioned above, the best compilation of historical written sources that exists is precisely the bible, that person, all of the sudden becomes, in the eyes of those who haven't done their homework, PRE-judgmental.

The one who was judicious in doing the task is the "prejudicial" one in the eyes of those who have not done their homework, of those who form a judgment before doing their homework, in the eyes of the PRE-judicious. He is accused of being "brain washed”, as if it were a bad thing, by those who still have a sick, DIRTY and DEAD mind. Because it’s preciselly Jesus Christ who washes us, cleanses us, takes away our sin, heals us, and gives us LIFE, with his Holy Spirit, not only to our brain, but to our mind and body.

Some who start the task, but do not finish it, and do it halfway, as the most internationally renowned institute of history dedicated to promote the story of evolution, even recognizes that, and I open quotes, “much of the Bible, in particular the historical books of the old testament, are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact MORE accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories”, close quots. That is what this institute of propaganda of the lie of the evolution, of the story of the frog, has to say about the bible. And of course it does not consider Genesis as included in its comment.

The Book of Genesis, or Bereshit in hebrew, has always been considered by its readers as a historical book with the exception of the two last centuries. The literary style of Genesis tells us that it is a historical narration and was considered so by its readers throughout history. Only until the 19th century, when the lie of evolution got popularized, was that people, even among believers in Jesus Christ, began to see it differently.

But it is not the only case in which the veracity of the bible has been doubted. It has happened with people like Nimrod, David, Balthazar, Pilate, Darius, with cities or empires like Akkad, Ur, the Hittites, and Nineveh, that before being RE-discovered or identified, they were used to discredit the veracity of the bible, only to get later, after being RE-found or identified, being ignored or despised as evidence of Biblical truthfulness by those PRE-judicious.

The bible is first used to discredit its historicity, and when confirmed it gets ignored. Many of the historians who initially doubt the veracity of the bible, once they finish the task, and they come to the conclusion that it is completely reliable, then, they are simply ignored as if they had always held that position.

One of the most important archaeologists and scholars, one of the opponents in the 19th century of the book of the Acts as historically reliable, after finishing his task, he arrived at the conclusion that Luke in each of his mentions of 32 countries, 54 cities, 9 Mediterranean islands and 95 people of historical renown he didn't make a single mistake. Now he is disregarded as just a New Testament scholar as if he was always so.

The bible presents much more rigor and accuracy than what is observed in modern cases. The first year the Encyclopedia Britannica was published it contained so many mistakes regarding places in the United States that it had to be recalled.

Until just the last century, one of the arguments, or rather excuses, against the historical reliability of the old testament was that the oldest copy, the oldest manuscript, was from 900 years after Jesus Christ. Once they found the scrolls from Qumram, near the Dead Sea, in Israel, dated from about a thousand years before, and compared them with the ones we had, the conclusion of the preservation of the old testament became undeniable.

Archaeological evidence? The archaeological record of entire cities, entire empires, entire civilizations, the entire planet in its geological features is evidence of the truth of the bible.

The problem is not in the evidence, that our Creator guarantees that He will preserve, but in the heart of man, that which also guarantees us that He will circumcise in due time.

We were made to worship our Creator, for our own good.

The bible is historically reliable.

The Column.

In the bible there are a series of verses that give us a column of events. A series of verses that if placed temporally make it impossible to deny what the bible says about the history of humanity.

The date King Solomon began the construction of YHWH's temple can be ratified externally by synchronisms with the chronology of the neo-Assyrians.

In addition to the large amount of archaeological information regarding the chronology of the kings recorded in the books of Kings and Chronicles in the bible they also confirm that Solomon began the construction of the temple in the year 966 before Jesus Christ.

From this date it can be established when the exodus took place according to the bible. In 1st Kings 6 it says that "And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month Zif, which is the second month, that he began to build the house of the Lord” 714. Mathematical subtraction tells us that the exodus began in the year 1446 before Jesus Christ.

In Exodus 4 it says that: "Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt” 715. Mathematical subtraction tells us that 1876 before Jesus Christ was the year that Jacob entered Egypt with the Israelites, when Joseph was already second in command in Egypt. At that time Joseph sent chariots to pick up Jacob and his family, who were in Beersheba.

And with the generations given in Genesis 5 and 11, the age that Abraham fathered Isaac, and Isaac fathered Jacob, the age at which Jacob died, and the time that Jacob lived in Egypt, data that we find it all in Genesis, it can be calculated the dates of birth and death of each of the people in those genealogies back to Adam.

This mathematical operation gives us a date on which the events narrated in Genesis 1 and 2 occurred that indicate a few thousand years ago. NOT tens of thousands, not hundreds of thousands, not millions of years. That is what what the bible says. The one that God promises to protect, keep and preserve.

These three dates establish the biblical column of the history of the humanity on this planet.

  1. In 966 before Jesus Christ Solomon began the construction of the temple.
  2. In 1446 before Jesus Christ the exodus began.
  3. In 1876 before Jesus Christ Jacob entered Egypt.


The genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11 add up to a different total of years depending on the manuscript you read. There are 2 large groups of manuscripts, two great traditions of manuscripts, of which derive the texts of Genesis that we read today in our own idiom:

  1. Manuscripts derived from the Septuagint and
  2. Manuscripts derived from the Masoretic.

The genealogies of the Septuagint always add up to more than a thousand years higher than the sum of those of the Masoretic. Both cannot be right.

Under the principles of this part 3 of the presentation only one of the two is true.

This means that either:

  1. The Masoretic is true and the Septuagint lengthened the ages at which the parents had their children in the Masoretic EXTENDING thus the complete chronology, or exclusively:
  2. The Septuagint is true and the Masoretic shortened the ages at which the parents had their children in the Septuagint SHORTENING thus the complete chronology of the Septuagint.

In the discipline of textual criticism the most important of the fundamental principles, called canons, is that: “in a difference among manuscripts, the manuscript that can best explain the others is the most probably correct”.

The arguments and evidence that allow this host to prefer the chronology we find in the Septuagint are:

  1. As of the date of this presentation, and for the text of the chronologies in Genesis 5 and 11, the Septuagint manuscripts are much more older than those of the Masoretic. The codex Vaticanus and the codex Sinaiticus of the Septuagint are dated to the 4th century while the Aleppo codex and the Leningrad Codex of the Masoretic are dated to the 10th and 11th century. This may change, for the text in question, with the manuscripts in hebrew found in Qumram and that have not been published yet.
  2. The reason that can be argued to EXTEND an alleged original Masoretic chronology is that it was desired to make consistent the chronology of Genesis with the existant Egyptian chronologies before the Septuagint, in particular that of Manetho in the 3th century before Jesus Christ. If in the middle of the 3rd century before Jesus Christ, when the hebrew scriptures were translated into greek and it was produced the Septuagint, the motive was to make the hebrew holy scriptures consistent chronologies with existant Egyptian chronologies, this objective was not achieved. The Septuagint chronology is not consistent with anyone of the Egyptian chronologies of that time, in particular that of Manetho that does not take into account any of the co-reigns and parallel kingdoms that have been deduced in modern chronologies of Egypt. Much less the elongated Egyptian chronologies of that moment that lengthened the chronology of Egypt even to be 7 and 8 millennia of existence. To be consistent with any of these chronologies, the Septuagint would have to have a much larger chronology. Longer than the one it has in any case. The alleged reason to EXTEND an original chronology was NOT fulfilled.
  3. The reason that can be argued to SHORTEN an alleged original chronology of the Septuagint is that it was desired to deny the reliability of the Septuagint as a text of the Tanakh for the Jews and in this way prevent the Jewish population from reading the texts of the new testament that were being distributed as part of the Septuagint for the growing Christian movement. If this was the objective, it was achieved, even to the point that today we have to argue why the reliability of the Septuagint genealogies is greater than those of the Masoretic. The use of the Septuagint by the Jewish population declines markedly in the years when the Seder-Olam-Rabbah chronology, based on an alleged original Masoretic chronology, began to be distributed by the rabbinical authority among the Jewish population of the 2nd century. The alleged reason to SHORTEN an original chronology was FULFILLED.
  4. The most important event in all of human history is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Seems like a much more important reason to try to hide or prevent the Jewish population from learning about all the evidence that the new testament shows in favor of Jesus Christ being the Jewish Meshiakh, than to try to match the chronology of the tanakh, the sacred text of the Jews, and therefore of supreme importance to the Jewish translators who produced the Septuagint, with chronologies of some uncircumcised and pagan people like the greeks or the Egyptians. The motive for SHORTENING the chronology is much stronger than the motive to EXTEND the chronology.
  5. There is no witness between the time of the alleged EXTENSION of the chronologies during the production of the Septuagint and the destruction of the second temple that accuses the Septuagint of altering the chronologies of Genesis 5 and 11. No witness reports a lengthening of the chronology up to the time of the alleged shortening. The Septuagint is accused of EXTENDING the chronology late very late.
  6. There are several witnesses of the first centuries after the alleged SHORTENING of the chronologies in the Masoretics that accuse the rabbis of altering the chronologies of Genesis 5 and 11. Among them, Eusebius in 310 after Jesus Christ, Julián of Toledo in the mid-600s after Jesus Christ, and James of Edessa also in the mid 600s after Jesus Christ. Thus, several witnesses denounce a shortening of the chronology shortly after the alleged shortening. The Masoretics are accused of SHORTENING the chronology soon very soon.
  7. The only external witness, prior to the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem, which partially ratifies the short chronology of the Masoretic is the Book of Jubilees. This book has been dated from the 2nd century before Jesus Christ and considered as pseudo-epigraphy by almost all of Christianity from its inception, with the rare exception of the Ethiopians, and it’s not even considered canonical by the Jews themselves, with the exception of the Ethiopian Jews. Pseudo-epigraphy means FALSELY titled, in this case someone writes it in the 2nd century before Jesus Christ, and tries to simulate that it was written at the time of Moses. The only external witness in favor of the Masoretic chronology is a pseudo-epigraphy.
  8. The fragment coded 11QJub found in Qumram is the only one containing parts of the 4th chapter of the Book of Jubilees according to a popular Dead Sea Scroll list. Nevertheless it is very difficult to imagine the scholar who was able to put something together, even readable, of the verses that are supposedly supported by the 11QJub fragments. In the portal you can see a photographic record of 11QJub and this host did not find a single scholar article identifying the fragments by plate and fragment number that support the chronology found in more recent manuscripts. Thus, your host has the position that the Qumran manuscripts do not ratify the chronology found in the Book of Jubilees. And thus the chronology found in current copies of the Book of Jubilees may simply be based on the Masoretic because its preservation has been in the hands of Orthodox Jews. The ONLY outside witness in favor of the Masoretic chronology may not even be a witness at all.
  9. There are multiple external witnesses that confirm the chronology length of the Septuagint before the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem. Among them, the Demetrius chronograph in the 220 before of Jesus Christ, Eupolemus in 160 before Jesus Christ, and in very important manner, The Book of Biblical Antiquities of the 1st century because internal and external evidence indicates that it was written in hebrew, by hebrews, in hebrew land, and therefore could not be based on the Septuagint. Outside witnesses show that until the destruction of the second temple, the genealogies in both traditions were those of the Septuagint.
  10. Also in a special way, as an external witness, is the disputed case of the prestigious Jewish historian Josephus, in the 1st century after Jesus Christ. The case is disputed because there is evidence of intentional corruption in the copy of its originals. Josephus affirms that he worked directly from the hebrew, which rules out that his chronology was based on the Septuagint. His translation of Biblical names into greek does not correspond to that of the Septuagint, but it is a personal transliteration of Josephus, which confirms his claim and his independence from the Septuagint. The evidence of corruption is established because in various parts of his manuscripts Josephus is found to assert a total sum of his chronology consistent with the Septuagint chronology, but in some manuscripts the chronology as such, it only adds up to a total length equal to the Masoretic. Thus, although the chronology as such that survives today in the manuscripts that were copied from the originals of Josephus corresponds mostly to the Masoretic chronology, Josephus himself asserts elsewhere a total sum for his chronology that corresponds with that of the Septuagint. Hard to believe that the man did not even know how to add. At least until the destruction of the second temple, the genealogies in both traditions were those of the Septuagint.
  11. The flood begins in the year 600 of Noah according to Genesis 7. It is easier to explain why the chronological data for Jared, Methuselah and Lamech are the same in both chronologies of Genesis 5 in a context that shortens the chronology than in a context that lengthens the chronology. In a context that shortens the chronology, one cannot shorten by one hundred the age at which children are born for these three gentlemen, as it was done with the rest, because they would have survived the flood along with Noah. In a context that lengthens the chronology this problem would not have existed. It is easier to explain the chronology in the Masoretic from the Septuagint than the opposite.
  12. It is easier to explain the difference of only 50 years in the age at which Nahor had his son in a context that shortens the chronology than in a context that lengthens the chronology. In a context that shorten the chronology you cannot shorten by a hundred the age at which Nahor's son is born, as it was done with the rest, because he would have had him before his own birth. In a context that lengthens the chronology this problem would not have existed. It's easier to explain the Masoretic chronology from the Septuagint that the contrary.
  13. The number of levels in the archaeological evidence of the Egyptian and Mesopotamian cultures are easier to explain in Septuagint long chronology than in the short Masoretic.

Just as in some judicial systems it is established whether the accused had the means, the opportunity, and the motive, to commit a crime. It is clear that the evidence and logic indicates that these aspects are met much more easily for a shortening of the chronology by the rabbis than for a lengthening of the chronology at the time of production of the Septuagint. After the destruction of the second temple, the rabbis had the motive, the opportunity and the means to shorten the original chronology.

On the other hand, the evidence and logic indicate that the text of the Masoretic is explained from a change in the Septuagint much more easily than the text in the Septuagint from a change in the Masoretic. Thus, the main canon of textual criticism points to the veracity of the Septuagint.


The famous story of the tower of Babel is found in Genesis 11.

If we can believe the story of Noah, it is not so difficult to believe a good translation of the story in Genesis 11. Some 50 years after the death of Noah, the people still spoke only one language, the one that Noah and his family spoke. God had commanded Noah to scatter and populate the whole earth, but some rebels did not believed Noah and decided to build a city and a tower so as not to be scattered. YHWH makes them scatter anyway, maybe simply by the death of a certain Nimrod, who was the one who directed the matter, and the construction of the city and the tower stop. The scatter and settle of people in separate places does what it always does and each group forms its own cultural identity including its own language, and retaining something of the grandiose idea of building pyramids and that is why we observe them in all ancient cultures. The city where the rebellion began is commemorated with a name that alludes to the event.

The arguments and the evidence that allow this host to affirm that the ancient city of Eridu, of ancient Mesopotamia, located in the Tel-Abu-Shahrain location near Basra, IS the Babel of Genesis 11 are the following:

  1. It is at the right place and construction began at the right time: ancient Mesopotamia, cradle of the first civilizations or cities. It makes no sense to look for Babel in the 6th century before Jesus Christ. Or any other time when we observe various written languages on the planet. Or at any other moment that contradicts the biblical chronology. It can't be in the 2000 before Jesus Christ, the time of Abraham, or in the 1500 before Jesus Christ, times of Moses. Or in the area of South America or in the Chinese area. Additionally, ancient Mesopotamia is close to the mountains of Ararat, the landing place of Noah.
  2. There was a massive migration that left the area and was recorded in the traces of artifacts and architectures, in the archaeological evidence. This migration is known as the Uruk expansion. Expansion so scattered, prolonged, and distant that it could have easily been called the Eridu expansion because the two cities are so nearby that is archaeologically indistinguishable from which of the two the expansion began.
  3. It has the appropriate name because Eridu is synonymous with Babel in the ancient Mesopotamia. Even the Babel or Babylon of Abraham’s times was also known as Eridu.
  4. It had the largest temple or ziggurat at the time, by far, with more than 15 distinguishable stages. And next to said ziggurat there is a huge platform also started in the Uruk period, abandoned for several periods, and ended at a much later period to build a normal sized ziggurat on top of it. It was never built anything consistent with its area on top of it. The area of said platform is larger than the sum of the areas of the main complexes of the later Egypt’s pyramids. The approximate area of the Eridu platform, using the famous Internet portal of satellite maps, is about 358 thousand square meters, while the area of the great pyramid of Giza is a little less than 53 thousand square meters. It is almost 300 thousand square meters larger than the area of the pyramids, and almost 7 times the area of the pyramids. The Eridu platform is gigantic.
  5. The other candidate cities do not meet all the conditions. Either they are not at the right time, or they are not in a place where an archaeologically recorded mass migration starts, or they don’t have a TEMPLE of the size that Eridu had. And none of them have a PLATFORM of the size like the one started in Eridu. It was simply gigantic.
  6. The Sumerian witness of ancient Mesopotamia “Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta” confirms the story point by point. There was only one language, they wanted to build a huge ziggurat in Eridu, the god of Eridu stopped the construction, there was a scattering, and the god of Eridu confused the languages.
  7. Some versions of the Sumerian king list name the king of Eridu as the first, which is consistent with biblical data of Nimrod.
  8. The deities of Eridu are related to a global flood.

The bible allows us to think that some 400 years after the time of Nimrod, that is to say from the time of Babel or Eridu, in the time of Peleg, the granite shell that was torn during the planetary flood, settled or sunk more quickly than it had been doing, let's say in a period of about two hundred years with an average of 10 centimeters per month, and the water ended up covering and separating the points that allowed humans to travel across and expand throughout the planet during those 400 years.

All the evidence indicates that the story of Babel is the story of Eridu.

Monumental Egypt.

The year 525 after Jesus Christ was the first year after Jesus Christ, when a monk calculated that Jesus Christ must have been born 525 years ago. From that moment on, the time system used by the entire planet today was generated. System that has no year zero because from year 1 before Jesus Christ you go directly to year 1 after Jesus Christ. And that is also why, according to some experts, Jesus Christ ends up being born in 5 before Jesus Christ.

Before this absolute and global system of the king of kings, of the lord of Lords, of the owner of the planet, the way to identify a date was dependent on the little king reign. Each event was identified by the year of the reign under which it happened. That is to say: the same way as now, only that it was for each little king, because the king of kings had not arrived yet.

This is why the most reliable method to determine the date of an event prior to Jesus Christ has to take into account each little king reign, the number of years that he reigned, if another little king was reigning at the SAME time, the different names by which the SAME little king was known, the different ways of counting a reign, if it was either from the first full ruled year, from the first moment in which he began to govern, or any other method, in which solar or lunar month the calendar year began for the culture of the little king, if the reign was counted from when he began to rule or from the time the father king was dying, or any other way of counting that the culture of the day had. Every chronology of every little king has to account for all these details.

Synchronisms, those relationships that accept that two people, places or events between different historical sources correspond to the SAME person, place or event, are the bridges that allow to establish moments that occurred simultaneously between two chronologies of different reigns. This is the glue, which allows you to join the chronologies of each little king with each other and in this way to put together a global timeline.

In addition to these regional dates and synchronisms, you must also cross this information with that obtained in the sequences established by the layers or levels of ARCHAEOLOGICAL artifacts in the urban settlements of each kingdom, of each culture that suggest a sequence of events.

Details, details, details, that added together can double or triple the total time of a chronology if they are not taken into account or the wrong relations, the wrong synchronisms, are made.

The Rosseta stone was the archaeological artifact that allowed us to begin to decode the hieroglyphs of Egypt because they contained the same text in three different forms including greek and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The archaeological evidence found in Egypt is literally monumental. The gigantic monuments are full of hieroglyphics and being able to decipher them was an archaeological achievement literally monumental.

The French champion who became famous for decoding hieroglyphs in the famous stone, also formulated the most IMPORTANT historical synchronism for the popular Egyptian chronology: That the little king, or better said the little pharaoh, because he is from Egypt, named in the bible, listen: IN THE bible, as Shishak in 1st Kings 14 716, was exactly the same Sheshonk 1st of the 22nd Egyptian dynasty according to Manetho. It seemed to the champion that they sounded alike and therefore they had to be the same person. Shishak is Sheshonk.

The bible says that in the fifth year of king Rehoboam, that Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem” 717, and according to the champion, that should be the same Sheshonk who attacked Israel. The champion didn't even get the memo that Sheshonk went to the north of Israel, not to Judah, where Jerusalem is, and therefore he could not be the same person. The champion, based on the biblical chronology, knew that Rehoboam's fifth year corresponds to 925 before Jesus Christ, and therefore that should be the date that the guy Sheshonk 1st of the 22nd dynasty attacked Israel.

And once the champion said it, that's how it happend. The reason for trusting the biblical date for Shishak, NOT Sheshonk, is that the historical sources, including archaeological information, and in exceptional manner the astronomical records of the Neo-Babylonian reigns, and the neo-Assyrian lunar system of years, have allowed to confirm, verify, ratify, in multiple ways, the biblical chronological information subsequent to Solomon, corresponding to the time of kings and prophets in Israel. Everything post-Solomon has been confirmed in multiple ways. For the champion it was easy to trust the date of 925 before Jesus Christ for the moment when the bible says that Shishak, NOT Sheshonk, plundered Jerusalem.

Based on the champion's synchronism, that Shishak is Sheshonk, it’s based ALL Egyptian chronology prior to 750 before Jesus Christ. AND ALL the chronologies, of the ancient cultures of the Mediterranean, are based on the Egyptian chronology to set absolute dates prior to 750 before Jesus Christ. In particular the Assyrian and the greek, are based on the Egyptian chronology. It's a little snowball.

Before the Egyptologists arrived, the Mycenaean period, from the greek culture, listen Mycenaean, NOT messianic, that of the famous Troy of Agamemnon, the one in the movie, was dated between the year 1000 before Jesus Christ and the 750 before Jesus Christ, because all the archaeological and written evidence indicate so, as well as the synchronisms with the Assyrian culture. But when archaeological artifacts from the Mycenaean culture were found in the middle of Egypt’s 18th dynasty, the champion's Egyptian chronology won and “TAKE IT” that the Mycenaeans were no longer among 1000 and 750 before Jesus Christ but they now were between the year 1700 and 1000 before Jesus Christ. The entire Mycenaean greek period lengthened and was taken back about 500 years on average. The egyptian evidence was monumental, literally, and the champion had to be absolutely right. The validity of the champion’s Egyptian chronology with all the errors of Manetho in chronological sums of SIMULTANEOUS reigns was never questioned. And since the greeks exchanged their pottery with the cultures of almost the entire Mediterranean, “TAKE IT” that these cultures also went back about 500 years on average.

The same thing happened to the Hittites. Archaeological evidence was found that Ramses 2nd of the Egyptian 19th dynasty fought those guys and “TAKE IT” that the Hittites also went back another 500 years and lengthened other much. The Egyptian chronology had to be correct. And despite that the enormous local evidence in the archaeological layer sequences indicates that the culture that inhabited between 1000 before Jesus Christ and 750 before Jesus Christ, in what is now south-eastern Turkey and northern Syria, is exactly the same of these Hittite guys, the current interpretation that we read in the online encyclopedia is that such Hittites lived about 500 years before.

These little errors generated what is known as the DARK AGES of the greeks and the Assyrians. Those periods in which there is supposedly MISSING evidence that they even EXISTED! It’s not that two immediate, side by side, contiguous layers in archaeological sites of urban settlements of these cultures indicate two immediate periods, one prior to the other. Noooooo, that would indicate that the champion’s Egyptian chronology is wrong. What happens is that, between those two immediate, side by side, contiguous layers, THE EVIDENCE IS MISSING, of some 500 little years, that MUST have happened, because it is so according to the chronology on which we base all our dates. Absurd, right? But that's where we are. Says the encyclopedia.

Based on the champion's synchronism and Manetho's cheerful accounts, the exodus would have happened a few dynasties before the 22nd, in the 19th, during the reign of Ramses 2nd, who obviously did not drown in the Red Sea, as the bible affirms that it happened to the pharaoh of the exodus, because we have his MUMMY. Just as we have the mummy of ALL pharaohs of the 18th and 19th dynasties. Is it then concluded that the the champion's synchronism is wrong?, that no little pharaoh of the 18th and 19th dynasties, in Manetho's accounts, may be the pharaoh of the Exodus? and that therefore the Egyptian chronology is shifted 500 years? Noooooo, what most of the academy concludes is that the bible was wrong in that little detail, or that the interpretation of the verses that tells us that the little pharaoh of the exodus drowned in the Red Sea doesn't go that far, that the guy didn't even get wet, and that's why we have the mummy.

On the other hand, based on the champion’s synchronism and Manetho’s joyous accounts, Jericho should have archaeological evidence of having been destroyed during one of the archaeological layers corresponding to one of the pharaohs of the 18th or 19th dynasties. And since there is none, since Jericho was NOT destroyed during ANY dynasty after the 15th, because the archaeological evidence indicates so, is it concluded that the champion's synchronism is wrong? and that there for, the Egyptian chronology is shifted 500 years? Noooo, it is concluded that Jericho was NOT destroyed when they think the bible says it happend, but much before and that when they think Joshua arrived there was nothing to conquer, and everything was already destroyed.

That is to say that the biblical date in which Shishak sacked Jerusalem, it is used to claim when was the date that the guy Sheshonk supposedly sacked Jerusalem, which he never did because the guy went north. To then claim that the exodus of the bible never happened because in the calculated dynasty from that date there is NO archeology evidence found of any exodus. Typical example of circular argumentation, but it is not questioned that the guy Sheshonk was NEVER the Shishak of the bible. Noooooo, the champion was not wrong. The one that was wrong was the bible and only when it serves to discredit it. The exodus never happened according to the champion's bible. Absurd, right? But that's how we are. Says the encyclopedia.

The monumental error of biblical interpretation has served to deny the biblical truth.


The Mesopotamian Neo-Sumerian urban settlement known as Ur has a number of features, consistent with the Ur of the Chaldeans Biblical city, indicating that they are ONE and the SAME. The city from which Abram's father left, because he had not been named Abraham, with part of his family, because Nacor stayed:

  1. It is in Mesopotamia, the land watered by what Noah thought were the Tigris and Euphrates rivers of before the flood,
  2. It is close to Eridu, Nimrod's babel.
  3. It is in the land of Shinar, ancient Sumeria.
  4. It was the land of the Chaldeans.
  5. It has the SAME name !

Archaeological evidence has been found in Ur that details some of the its technological achievements.

At the beginning of the 19th century, a wooden artifact was found, known as "The Standard of Ur", in the tomb of what is believed a king of Ur’s 3rd dynasty. The artifact is a wooden box that has drawings showing something of the culture of Ur. In it you can see animals pulling wooden cars in which up to two people are mounted.

If Noah's story is true, these animals would be those of which a big part of the equines adapted.

If the bible is true and Ur is Ur, Abraham, when he was still Abram, was in Egypt with his people, almost 25 years before his son Isaac was born, even before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. It is hard to imagine that his father, who died before Abram finished the trip to Egypt, when he left Ur with Abram, that he would FORGET to put his things, and his people, in those cars that we know Ur’s people had.

However, the online encyclopedia and the vast majority of Egyptologists would have us to believe that the Egyptians did not know about the use of cars for warfare or for transportation until the descendants of Abraham had already left Egypt about 500 years after Abraham had visited Egypt in his cars brought from Ur.

No. That Ur is not Ur. Since they don't find cars around those little drawings among the tombs and mummies, which they interpret to be after the 15th dynasty, they knew nothing about cars. And that glyph that look like a wheel that is observed from the earliest dynasties means nothing to them. NO, they have to see the whole car drawn, otherwise it cannot be a car. That the exodus pharaoh cannot be earlier than the 15th dynasty because only up to that moment they found out that cars existed. That because they do not find archaeological artifacts of all the cars made by people of Sumeria, of Akkad, and all the other Mesopotamian cultures that followed Ur. That NO Egyptian who lived before the 15th dynasty saw cars made by all those cultures. Could it really be that all those cultures NEVER made all the cars that they made?

Ofcourse they won’t find ANYTHING! The vast majority of all those cars were 100 percent BIODEGRADABLE! Can't they see those cars were made of wood? Probably at the time of the exodus, in 1446 before Jesus Christ, in the 13th dynasty of Egypt, only the pharaoh and his personal guard would have cars with metal wheels.

They try to make us believe that never, for more than a thousand years, Egyptians had NO contact with the people who lived in Ur, whether or not they were from Abram, nor with the cultures that followed Ur in ancient Mesopotamia. Noooooo, they were completely isolated, alone, and they never knew about the horse-drawn cars. That no, that it’s a wagon, that those are not horses, anything but cars. That it was the Hyksos guys who finally brought the car to Egypt in the 15th dynasty. That's what we read in the online encyclopedia.

And Abraham? Or rather Abram. He didn’t drive a car? And Ur? It was not Ur? It really doesn't matter, because the ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE, that which must be interpreted in any case, the one with which they give so much mallet, indicates the opposite. That since the time of Abram, the Egyptians already HAD to know about the car.

Ofcourse it was not a formula One, but a formula Ur, those made of wood, of whole wheels, biodegradable, those of which we see little drawings in The Standard of Ur, and that in order to NOT call it car, the experts in Sumerian culture, they call it wagon, or cart, or anything but car.

So no wagon, since Ur, the CAR was already used for war and for transportation, a thousand years before the descendants of Abraham got out of Egypt, the same Abram who traveled from Ur to Egypt, in CARS made in Ur, since before the 3rd dynasty.

Sodoma and Gomorra.

Sodom and Gomorrah are just the first two cities on the Jordan plain that the bible affirms got burned into ashes by God with burning sulfur rain.

Lot left Sodom for Zoar at the time of Sodom's destruction, but God takes him out of the cities he is going to destroy and finally ends up where God had told him to go in the first place: on the mountain. Since the cities of the plain had been destroyed by rain of burning sulfur and turned into ashes, Lot's daughters believe that there are no more men on earth and decide to have children with Lot.

Along the western shore of the Dead Sea in Israel are at least 4 large unique areas on the planet due to their chemical composition and other physical characteristics that make them distinguishable, at plain sight, from other geological formations around them.

In them, large structures composed mainly of calcium sulfate and calcium carbonate with geometric shapes consistent with what would be expected to be found if large constructions made of LIMESTONE were destroyed by burning SULFUR RAIN in those areas. Shapes consistent with what would be the remains of walls, doors, windows, ziggurats, sphinxes and constructions originally made of LIMESTONE.

The arguments and the evidence that allow this host to affirm than the remains of the cities of the Jordan plain, described in the book of Genesis as destroyed by Jehovah with rain of brimstone burning, ARE the structures that are observed in these areas along of the Dead Sea are the following:

  1. The more than 1.5 million graves estimated to be found in this area that is now completely deserted and in which no one has inhabited for thousands of years, it’s only explained if in a previous moment there were large cities in that area. This evidence is consistent with the biblical narrative.
  2. The graves present evidence consistent with an area that was quite fertile at the time. Remains consistent with many kinds of food are found in these tombs. This evidence is consistent with the biblical narrative.
  3. They are in a place consistent with the biblical narrative: in what is called the Jordan plains.
  4. The chemical reaction product of the interaction of calcium carbonate, sulfur dioxide, and oxygen, is the formation of calcium sulfate and carbon dioxide. The chemical composition of the structures is perfectly consistent with such a chemical reaction that describes what would happen to buildings built with LIMESTONE that are burned with a rain of burning compressed sulfur capsules, which is the way it is described in the biblical narrative.
  5. The structures are penetrated by millions of said sulfur capsules with different diameters. The sulfur capsules are embedded in the middle of the thin layers of calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate that make up the structures. This is perfectly consistent with the biblical narrative which tells us that the cities were destroyed by a rain of burning brimstone.
  6. The sulfur purity of these capsules is 98% on average. Unique on the planet. The sulfur found in geothermal areas does not exceeds 45%.
  7. The biblical description of the cities being turned to ashes is perfectly consistent with the observed structures. The thin layers surfaces that make up the structures of the area dissolve when touched.
  8. The structures present evidence consistent with having achieved very high temperatures. The thin layers that make up the structures present eddies that would be the result of the thermal ionization suffered by these layers during their combustion.
  9. The geometric shapes of the structures are consistent with what would be the remains of walls, doors, windows, ziggurats, sphinxes and buildings originally made of limestone.
  10. There is evidence indicating that throughout history those structures have been identified with the cities in the biblical narrative. The historian Josephus claims to have visited the cities and even to have seen the ashes of what would be Lot's wife. And there is evidence of a church once built in the area.

White it is, hen lays it, fried and with bread we eat it. These are too many coincidences, those that have an exponential effect when accumulate. And if you want to dismiss all the evidence by saying that the Biblical narration is assembled based on pre-existing structures, you would still have to explain the number of tombs found in the area and its content.

Seeing the evidence today is as easy as entering the famous web page for maps of the popular search portal and enter the coordinates 31 18 30.03N, 35 22 20.69E and drag the yellow man tool to put the green dot over the blue circles and see high-quality, 360-degree panorama, pictures of what was once Gomorrah.


Synchronisms, those relationships that establish that two people, places or events between different historical sources correspond to the SAME person, place or event, are the bridges that allow to establish moments that occurred simultaneously between two different kingdom chronologies. That’s the way the global chronological ladder of what happened in the past gets built.

Due to the great problems with Manetho's cheerful accounts, with the little mistake of the champion, and with the lies about the reign that each pharaoh of turn commanded to put in hieroglyphs on gigantic monuments that could be destroyed by his successors, the Egyptian chronology finds, almost from its inception, a critic of turn who proposes his own synchronisms.

Recently there are like 5 or 6 Egyptologists trying to bring down the champion. However, the champion's synchronism is still there: Shishak is Sheshonk. Says the encyclopedia on the Internet. There must be a reason. The bible explains it to us by saying that: the WHOLE world lieth in wickedness" 718.

Below, the following synchronism is sustained: The Imhotep, of what it is known as the 3rd Egyptian dynasty, he is the same Joseph of the book of Genesis in the bible, the son of Jacob.

To do this, the champion's little mistake, Manetho’s cheerful accounts, and the biblical chronology column, presented before, are taken into account.

  1. Imhotep appears suddenly in the reign of Pharaoh Djoser, just like the Joseph of the bible.
  2. Imhotep was the first power in Egypt after the pharaoh, just like the Joseph of the bible.
  3. Imhotep interprets a dream of the pharaoh regarding a future famine of 7 years, just like the Joseph of the bible.
  4. Imhotep was not of royal blood, just like the Joseph of the bible.
  5. Imhotep saves Egypt from the 7-year famine by building grain stores, just like the Joseph of the bible.
  6. Imhotep was recognized as someone close to God, just like the Joseph of the bible.
  7. Imhotep imposed a tax on the inhabitants of Egypt, just like the Joseph of the bible.
  8. The post-famine pharaoh of Imhotep became very powerful, just like the pharaoh of Joseph in the bible.
  9. The corpse of Imhotep is not in his tomb in Egypt, just like the corpse of Joseph from the bible.
  10. The story of Imhotep became famous to the point that it became mythical, just like the story of Joseph in the bible.
  11. Imhotep is famous for refusing to use magic in medical treatments, just like it would be expected from the Joseph of the bible.
  12. The fact that Imhotep was the first to build a pyramid similar to a ziggurat is consistent with the biblical narrative. In the bible, Abraham and Jacob would have knowledge about the ziggurats in Mesopotamia.
  13. The fact that the pharaohs after the famine of Imhotep become so powerful is consistent with the biblical story. In the bible the inhabitants end up selling themselves as pharaoh’s slaves to be able to eat.

The main argument for not accepting the synchronism, that Imhotep is the biblical Joseph, has been that the date for Imhotep in the Egyptian chronology, based on the little mistake that Shishak is Sheshonk, cannot correspond to the Biblical date for Joseph. If Shishak is not Sheshonk and the champion was wrong, said argument is without support.

Since this synchronism, that Imhotep is Joseph, is not new, they have raised arguments against it based on the myth of Imhotep: that he had unattainable knowledge for Joseph, that he was the representative of Egyptian gods, and this would be incompatible with a hebrew believer in the God of Abraham, that Imhotep was a god not a man, that he accomplished things that one would not expect from Joseph.

The truth is that if the Egyptians themselves made a myth out of Imhotep up the point of making him a demi-god, all the supposed Egyptian data of Imhotep that is not supported by different sources is also not very reliable.

The coincidences mentioned between Imhotep and the biblical narrative are of widespread acceptance in academia, that is why the argument against the synchronism was the temporal discrepancy. If the synchronism is temporarily feasible, it is very difficult to deny that Imhotep is Joseph.


Unless you want to explain the biblical phrase from Exodus 14 that tells us that The children of Israel went into the middle of the sea on the DRY ground; and the waters were a WALL to them on their right hand and on their left” 719, listen, a WALL of waters to the right and a WALL of waters to the left of those who cross, unless you want to explain that, the SAME way that some people want to explain the biological systems that we observe in plants, animals and people, that is, wanting to explain those WALLS by MAGICAL processes, sorry SPONTANEOUS, which is basically the same, and out of pure LUCK, without acknowledging, without accepting, therefore DENYING, the hand of the Creator of heaven and earth and of ALL biological systems on the planet, taking action to separate these waters into WALLS, it is relatively easy to accept which has to be the sinchronism of the biblical place, or toponym, where the crossing of the badly-called Red Sea happened.

The crossing of the Red Sea happened almost in the middle of the Gulf of Aqaba in what is now known as Nuweiba.

The logical reasons and evidence that allow this host to assert the synchronism are:

  1. Nuweiba is OUTSIDE of what was Egypt, although in a militarily controlled area by the Egyptians, and the bible tells us that the Israelites had LEFT Egypt BEFORE crossing the Red Sea.
  2. To the north of the peninsula where Nuweiba is, there is a desert and the bible tells us that pharaoh thought they were blocked by the desert and decided to go after them.
  3. The desert to the north of the peninsula was the land of the Philistines and the bible tells us that God did not take them through the land of the Philistines. Instead, he directed them to a place called Pi-Hahirot.
  4. Pi-Hahirot can be translated as "mouth of the canyon" and Nuweiba is in front of a mountainous canyon mouth.
  5. The bible says that Pi-Hahirot is between Migdol and another place. Migdol can be translated as “fortified tower”, and north of Nuweiba there is evidence that an Egyptian military tower once stood there.
  6. Until the last century, there was on both sides of the crossing point in Nuweiba, two large stone pillars with evidence indicating that they were from Solomon’s time.
  7. There are eyewitnesses and photographs of the pillar on the eastern side, in Saudi Arabia, with evidence, in several languages, of words such as: “Pharaoh”, “Egypt”, “Moses”, “Death”, “Water”, “YHWH”, “Solomon” and “Edom”.
  8. The pillar on the western side can still be seen today in the year 2021.
  9. Nuweiba's full name was Nuweiba-al-Muzayyinah which can be translated as “the waters of Moses opened”.
  10. This synchronism is consistent with the synchronism that the biblical mount Sinai is the place known today as Jabal-Maqla in Saudi Arabia. That is to say that the coincidences of both synchronisms reinforce each other.


According to the bible, something really spectacular happened on Mount Sinai or Horeb.

It says in Exodus 19 that: “And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that ALL the people that was in the camp trembled. And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the nether part of the mount. And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in FIRE: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a FURNACE, and the WHOLE mount QUAKED greatly. And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a VOICE720.

Then YHWH begins to enunciate, with a voice of thunder, all the commandments, but there comes a time when Exodus 20 says that: “And ALL the people saw the THUNDERINGS, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God SPEAK with us, LEST WE DIE” 721.

Unless you want to explain this description of what happened at Mount Sinai through a volcano, without recognizing, without accepting, therefore DENYING, the VOICE that enunciated the commandments, and that the story says that ALL people of Israel listened, and therefore DENYING the direct intervention from the Creator, of heaven and earth, in the event, is relatively EASY to accept what has to be the synchronism of the Biblical place where Mount Sinai or Biblical Mount Horeb is.

For the purposes of this presentation the two contiguous peaks that have similar characteristics will be referred to by the biblical name Horeb.

Biblical mount Sinai or Horeb is the mountain in Saudi Arabia known such as Jabal-al-Lawz or Jabal-Maqla.

The logical reasons and evidence that allow this host to assert the synchronism are:

  1. Jabal-Maqla is in the area still known today as Midian. This is consistent with the biblical narrative that tells us that Moses lived in Midian, as the husband of a daughter of a local leader, when he sees the burning bush on a mount called Horeb, the SAME mount where he later brings all the people of Israel.
  2. The area has two mountain peaks that can be seen with the naked eye almost black in color consistent with the biblical narrative that Horeb's peak was burned by fire when YHWH dictated the commandments with a voice of thunder.
  3. The name Jabal-Maqla can be translated as “burnt mountain”, consistent with the biblical narrative.
  4. The granite rocks that make up the Jabal-Maqla dome look burned on the side of the surface, presenting a color almost black. And they don't seem burned inside or on the internal side, presenting a typical color of granite: light yellowish.
  5. In the Jabal-Maqla area there are remains of what looks like an altar built with uncut stones. This is consistent with the biblical narrative that tells us that Moses built an altar with uncut stones.
  6. In the Jabal-Maqla area there are several places with inscriptions that are not typical of the area, including typically hebrew drawings like bulls and menorahs.
  7. An arrangement of large rocks in particular, at the base of Jabal-Maqla, and in the middle of a great plain, presents a great quantity of drawn bulls. This is consistent with the biblical narrative that tells us that the children of Israel built a golden calf to worship him at the base of the mountain where they were camping.
  8. The access area to mount Jabal-Maqla is fenced and with restricted passage by the government of Saudi Arabia and it’s considered an archaeological site.
  9. The arrangement of large rocks with bulldrawings, at Jabal-Maqla’s base, and in the middle of the plain, it’s also fenced, with passage restricted by the government of Saudi Arabia, and it’s also considered an archaeological site.
  10. To the north-west of Jabal-Maqla there is a large rock split in two in what appears to be the remains of a water source that flowed from the stone. This is consistent with the biblical narrative that God used Moses to draw water from a rock at Horeb.
  11. Halfway up Jabal-Maqla’s top there is a cave. This is consistent with the biblical narrative that tells us that, many years after Moses, the prophet Elijah was on Mount Horeb in a cave.
  12. Halfway up Jabal-Maqla’s top there is a small plane. This is consistent with the biblical narrative that tells us that Moses went up with 70 elders of Israel up to a certain point and then left them there waiting, along with Aaron and Hur, while he finished climbing the mountain with Joshua.
  13. Nearby, to what would be the altar that Moses built with uncut stones at the base of Horeb, there are remains of marble columns forming a circle. This is consistent with the witnesses that Solomon also built a small memorial dome on Mount Horeb.
  14. The local Bedouins identify the mountain as Jabal-Musa which can be translated as the "mountain of Moses".
  15. Ceramic utensils have been found in the area, possibly hebrew. This is consistent with the Israelites passing through the zone.
  16. This synchronism is consistent with the synchronism that the crossing of the Red Sea was at Nuweiba. That is to say that both synchronisms reinforce each other.
  17. On a possible route from Nuweiba to Jabal-Maqla there is a place with palm trees and 12 wells. This evidence is consistent with the Biblical description of Elim. The coordinates of said place are 28 34 09.90N, 34 49 58.97E.

Synchronizing Egypt.

When we analyzed in this presentation the 500 years shift that generated the champion’s synchronism, that Shishak is Sheshonk, with the rest of the historical evidence of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, including biblical and archaeological evidence, no alternative synchronism was proposed.

Actually the monumental mistake demands establishing a new chronological mapping that DO match Egyptian evidence with all other historical evidence, including the biblical and archaeological evidence.

Today a growing number of Egyptologists accept that the Egyptian chronology needs a, quote and quote, “revision”, although not all of them accept it’s 500 years, quote and quote, “revision”.

This is why more than 6 different proposals have been presented on how such revision should be done. Now it seems that every Egyptologist revisionist has his own idea of ​​how such a revision should be done.

Your host in this presentation, that is me Jose Luis Quiroga, based on the evidence presented by a growing number of scholars on the subject, considers that the chronological correspondences that best establish a pattern of biblical historical coherence with Egypt are the following:

  1. The 18th dynasty corresponds to the times of David, Solomon and Rehoboam.
  2. The 13th dynasty corresponds to the times of the exodus.
  3. The 3rd dynasty corresponds to the times of Joseph, Isaac’s son.
  4. The 1st dynasty corresponds to the times of Abraham.

And more specifically:

  1. Thutmosis 1st corresponds to the times of David.
  2. Hatshepsut corresponds to the times of Solomon.
  3. Thutmose 3rd corresponds to the times of Rehoboam.
  4. Neferhotep 1st corresponds to the times of the exodus.
  5. Djoser corresponds to the times of Joseph, Isaac’s son.
  6. Menes corresponds to the times of Abraham.

The logical reasons and evidence supporting these correspondences are the following:

  1. If the author of the Song of Songs is Solomon, then the poetic literature and hymns from the time of Hatshepsut, from the dynasty 18, they have to be simultaneous or later because the similarity is too much. The Hatshepsut of the 18 must be simultaneous or after Solomon.
  2. If the author of Psalm 104 is David, then the hymn of the times of 18th dynasty pharaoh Akhenaten has to be simultaneous or later because the similarity is too much. The Akhenaten of the 18th must be simultaneous or later than David.
  3. If the archaeological evidence at Nimrud indicating that a contemporary of King Omri of Israel made a reconstruction of the city, then Omri would have to be a contemporary of Amenhotep 3rd, from the 18th dynasty, because there are also a lot of Egyptian artifacts from the 18th dynasty in the same stratum of the reconstruction. Amenhotep 3rd of 18 must be simultaneous with Omri.
  4. If Jerusalem only acquired that name until the time of David, then the Amarna letters, from the 18th dynasty times, have to be simultaneous or subsequent to David because they use that name. The Amarna of the 18th must be simultaneous or subsequent to David.
  5. If the city of Shechem was actually built by Jeroboam, then the Amarna letters, from the 18th dynasty, have to be simultaneous or after Jeroboam because they refer to that city. The Amarna of the 18th must be concurrent with or subsequent to Jeroboam.
  6. The stories of Abdi-Hiba of Jerusalem in the Amarna letters, from the 18th dynasty, and the Biblical King Jehoram of Judah are almost identical. Both suffered revolts from their territories from Philistia to Edom. In both stories the Philistines plunder the king's palace with "men of the land of Kasi" or "men close to the Kushites”. This is evidence in favor of synchronism and therefore evidence in favor of the 18th dynasty extending to times of Jehoram of Judah. The Abdi-Hiba in the Amarna must be Jehoram.
  7. If the vocabulary, grammar, syntax, meter, use of parallelisms, the idiomatic uses of the Psalms, as well as some stories from the books of Kings are really original from the old testament, then some texts from Ugarit on the tablets of Ras Shamra from the same period as the Amarna letters have to be simultaneous or subsequent to the biblical texts. The Amarna must be later than the Psalms.
  8. Pottery from the greek Mycenaean period found at Amarna indicates that the greek Mycenaean period is contemporary with the 18th dynasty and the rest of the Mycenaean pottery, which the greeks traded in throughout the Mediterranean, places the Mycenaean period between the year 1000 and 750 before Jesus Christ. The Mycenaean greeks and the 18th must be between the 1000 and 750 before Jesus Christ.
  9. On the Italian peninsula, in Sicily, in Greece, in Malta, in Troy, in Anatolia, in Palestine, in Sardinia, in the Aeolian Islands, and others archaeological sites of the mediterranean the evidence in ceramics, bronze, ivory, and other archaeological artifacts indicate a temporal continuity in Late Bronze ages 2 and 3 strata corresponding to the Mycenaean culture. The 18th must be between the 1000 and 750 before Jesus Christ.
  10. All the archaeological evidence of the greeks agrees with the archaeological evidence of the Assyrians. Both coincide with biblical evidence. All place the Late Bronze ages 2 and 3 between the year 1000 and 750 before Jesus Christ. 3 different systems with consistent chronological data between each other place the Egyptian 18th dynasty between 1000 and 750 before Jesus Christ. The 18th must be between the 1000 and 750 before Jesus Christ.
  11. In particular, the ceramics of the immediate archaeological strata 7b and 8 in Troy indicate a temporal continuity between both strata. The pottery from layer 8 at Troy is of the same type as the one found in Amarna from the 18th dynasty. House number 814 of the stratum 7b is from the Late Bronze Age. The 18th must be between the 1000 and 750 before Jesus Christ.
  12. In particular, the Hittite cavalry depicted in the tomb of Horemheb of the 18th dynasty, and by Seti 1st of the 19th dynasty in his space in Karnak, presents the same type of characteristics as the Assyrian cavalry from the years between 1000 and 750 before Jesus Christ. Which is evidence suggesting that these two neighbors never knew about mutual advances in cavalry, or what is much more feasible: the 18th and the beginning of the 19th are between 1000 and 750 before Jesus Christ.
  13. The palace found in layer 8 at Megiddo that places it in the Late Bronze Ages 2 and 3 is evidence indicating that said palace was that of Solomon because said palace corresponds to the biblical description of Solomon's palace. Solomon must have lived in Late Bronze Ages 2 and 3.
  14. The ivory artifacts found in the stratum 8 palace at Megiddo are evidence indicating that said palace belonged to Solomon because the figures found in said artifacts are consistent with the biblical narrative of the relationship between Egypt and Israel in Solomon's times. Solomon must have lived in ages 2 and 3 of the late bronze.
  15. The fortified constructions of the 2nd and 3rd Bronze Age found at Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer have entries of 6 chambers in the same type of stone indicating a central government from north to south, evidence that is consistent with the biblical narrative that tells us that Solomon built on these three cities. Solomon must have lived in Late Bronze Ages 2 and 3.
  16. The seal of Tuthmosis 3rd found in stratum 7b at Megiddo, after the palace of layer 8, is evidence that indicates that Thutmosis 3rd is the biblical Shishak and therefore the 18th Egyptian dynasty with Tutmosis 3rd is simultaneous with the biblical King Rehoboam. The Thutmosis 3rd of 18th must be Shishak.
  17. One of the biblical ways of referring to the queen of Shaba is also queen of the south. Evidence in favor of synchronism that Hatshepsut is the queen of Shaba. The Hatshepsut of the 18th must be the queen of shaba
  18. A possible pronunciation of Thebes, the Egyptian city from which Hatshepsut reigned over Egypt, it’s Shebas. Word of local origin that means “wild cat”, which is consistent with sphinxes with a "wild cat" body shape. The Hatshepsut of the 18th must to be the queen of Shaba.
  19. The queen of Shaba, according to biblical evidence, must refer to an important reign, not a secondary ruler. The Hatshepsut of the 18th must be the queen of Shaba.
  20. The historian Josephus identified the queen of Shaba as “The queen of Egypt and Ethiopia", where Ethiopia in the context of Josephus refers to the area of ​​Nubia, not to present-day Ethiopia. The Hatshepsut of the 18th must be the queen of Shaba.
  21. The names of the characters in the story of the queen of Shaba, according to Abyssinian tradition, they have great textual similarities with the Egyptian names of Hatshepsut and Thutmose 3rd. The Hatshepsut's throne name was Makeda and the Abyssinian tradition identified the queen as Makeda. In Phoenician both letters are quite similar. In this tradition Solomon is the father of the Shaba queen’s son, who then plunders Solomon's temple, just like Thutmose 3rd did. The Hatshepsut of the 18th must be the queen of Shaba.
  22. The fact that during the reign of David and Solomon there were not any wars with Egypt corresponds to what we know about the times of Tuthmosis 1st, Hatshepsut’s father. Tuthmosis 1st of the 18th must be David’s time pharaoh.
  23. The journey to Punt in Hatshepsut's temple is represented with great detail right in front of her birth. This indicates that Punt was an important kingdom and not a secondary one. The Punt of the 18th must be an important kingdom.
  24. Thutmose 3rd conquered Punt during his 1st campaign. Evidence that indicates that Punt was in the same area as all the cities and territories visited in said campaign and discard any place far away from these territories. The Punt of the 18th must be Israel.
  25. All the evidence from the first campaign of Thutmose 3rd indicates that the Punt’s conquered territory corresponds to the southern part of current Israel. Evidence indicating that Hatshepsut's journey to Punt was to said territory. Hatshepsut's journey was to Israel.
  26. Evidence at Hatshepsut's temple indicates that Punt was identified as “Ta-Netjer” or “Land of God”. “Ta-Netjer” in the Egyptian culture, through multiple inscriptions, it’s directly related to Osiris and the city Byblos in the current Lebanon. Evidence indicating that Punt was sacred territory for the Egyptians and that therefore the journey to Punt was of utmost importance and that Hatshepsut's presence was required for her political interests. Hatshepsut's journey was to Israel.
  27. Egyptian records indicate that they considered they came from Punt and archaeological evidence indicates that the Egyptians are of Phoenician origin. Evidence that is consistent with locating Punt in the Israel of Solomon. Hatshepsut's journey was to Israel.
  28. The Phoenicians considered that the Egyptians had their origin in Phoenician land. Evidence that is consistent with placing Punt in the Israel of Solomon. Hatshepsut's journey was to Israel.
  29. Archaeologically, during the 18th dynasty great development is observed in the area of Israel, and on the contrary, only primitives cultures in the other places presented as candidates to be Punt by Egyptologists. Evidence in favor of the toponym that Punt is the Israel of Solomon. Hatshepsut's journey was to Israel.
  30. Numerous Egyptian inscriptions relate Punt to the city Byblos, and the Egyptian goddess Hathor with Byblos, also called "Lady of Byblos" and "Lady of Punt". Evidence in favor of the toponym that Punt is Solomon's Israel. The journey of Hatshepsut was to Israel.
  31. Biblical and extra-biblical evidence indicates that Solomon's Israel was the most outstanding kingdom, in plant and animal variety, especially in the Jordan Valley area, as well as in abundance of gold and silver, especially in Jerusalem, among all the important cultures of that time, including Egypt itself, the rest of Africa and the Eastern peoples. Hatshepsut's journey was to Israel.
  32. The coincidence in material, number and class of artifacts between, the Biblical record of looting in Solomon's temple by Shishak, and the record in the section of Thutmose 3rd in the Karnak complex, is evidence in favor of the synchronism that Thutmose 3rd is the biblical Shishak. Thutmosis 3rd of the 18th must be Shishak.
  33. The name Kadesh means Holy in hebrew. Even now Jerusalem is known as the Holy City. This coincidence is evidence in favor of the toponym that Kadesh is Jerusalem in the Thutmose 3rd campaign of conquest to the Solomon’s Israel southern territory. Thutmosis 3rd of the 18th must be Shishak.
  34. Reading the narration of the Ipuur papyrus about the fall of the 13th dynasty it's like reading the biblical exodus. The similarities are all over: the plagues, the Egyptian magicians, the deaths, the lamentations, the fall of Egypt. It is basically the Egyptian record of the exodus. This is evidence that the exodus happened at the time of the 13th dynasty. The exodus must have happened on the 13th.
  35. All the support already presented for the synchronism that Joseph is Imhotep reinforces the correspondence that the biblical Joseph lived in Djoser’s times, Egyptian pharaoh of the 3rd dynasty, and is consistent with the other synchronisms presented here.

Thus, the correspondences of that:

  1. The 18th dynasty corresponds to the times of David, Solomon and Rehoboam.
  2. The 13th dynasty corresponds to the times of the exodus.
  3. The 3rd dynasty corresponds to the times of Joseph, Isaac’s son.
  4. The 1st dynasty corresponds to the times of Abraham.

And more specifically that:

  1. Tutmosis 1st corresponds to the times of David
  2. Hatshepsut corresponds to the times of Solomon.
  3. Thutmose 3rd corresponds to the times of Rehoboam.
  4. Neferhotep 1st corresponds to the times of the exodus.
  5. Djoser corresponds to the times of Joseph, Isaac’s son.
  6. Menes corresponds to the times Abraham.

These are the correspondences that allow establishing an Egyptian chronology that does not generate archaeological gaps of 400 and 500 years in other cultures, and a logical coherence between the chronology of Egypt and the other three chronologies that are already consistent with each other: the Assyrian, the Greek and the Biblical.


Fundamental probability.

Question 1:

Consider an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle. Suppose a chord of the circle is chosen at random. What is the probability that the chord is longer than a side of the triangle?

Question 2:

There is a certain quantity of liquid. All that we know about the liquid is that it is composed entirely of wine and water and that the ratio of wine to water is between 1/3 and 3. What is the probability that the ratio of wine to water is less than or equal to 2?

Question 1 is known in probability by the name of "the Bertrand paradox”. A French namesake of this host because Bertrand's proper name is Joseph Louis.

Question 2 is known as the “Ludwig Von Mises’ water and wine paradox”. Ludwig was a Jew born in the territory of present-day Ukraine that had to run to the United States.

These two questions are not really paradoxical at all, they just point out the impossibility of generically applying what is known in fundamental probability as “the principle of indifference”.

To the first question formulated in 1889 they have tried to find solutions, that is, they have tried to shake it off, in various ways. To the second question they simply have not been able to give answer, that is to say that they have not been able to shake it off. The last attempt was in 2004.

All these attempts fail because they try to answer the questions as such and not the point they seek to make.

The point is that there is NO so-called "fair coin", a coin 0.5 and 0.5, that which was already discussed in this presentation. All REAL coins are loaded to one side and every coin that can be described with an ALGORITHM is pseudo-random.

In the case of fundamental probabilities, those that are based on the principle of indifference, these probabilities depend, listen “DEPEND”, on the way to choose that which supposedly has a random distribution in a, quote and quote, “indifferent” way.

To really try to describe a behavior with probabilities it’s necessary to determine, define, establish the function of selection, the one they call random, the one that will never be really random but pseudo-random, meaning almost random, because such a "fair coin" does not exist.

In the case of fundamental probability, to be able to say that it describes the functioning of a system, we must define the CHANCE function, the random function. It is necessary to know the operation of the selection function. Thus, said, quote and quote, “indifference”, of the supposed "principle of indifference", of all fundamental probability theory, only exists in cases where such a function is known. It cannot be assumed that it’s known, it must be effectively defined or known in order to FULLY describe the system.

Statistical probability.

Probability theories are born with card and dice games. They seek to predict an event from past events, assigning a value to the possibility of it happening.

In statistical probability, probability is understood as what it really is: a relative frequency. I take my real coin, then I toss it a million times and count how many times it came up heads, how many times it came out odds, and how many times it came out standing on the edge. Then with those counts I calculate the frequency of each possibility, and thus determine the probability that my next toss will come up with each possibility.

Thus, such "relative" of any frequency is always determined by prior knowledge about the problem. This knowledge is used to establish functional RELATIONSHIPS between the variables of the problem to study. That prior knowledge is defined in terms of math functions.

In statistics the partial knowledge that we have about the operation of a system is used to try to predict a future event. It assumes, or it pretends, or it effectively ignores, the complete operation of the system.

These types of theories are used in all types of systems where you only have a PARTIAL knowledge of the global system, of one which includes subsystems that I do know, and can control, and others that I don't.

When my creation, that part of the system that I can describe deterministically, that part that I can control, has to interact with what I do not know, I seek to try, listen: TRY, to predict how that interaction will be, in a probabilistic way. That's why in this type of creations, which interact with external systems whose operation is unknown, such interaction sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.


It serves nobody to have a probability of whether the parts of a creation are or are not in the place where they are supposed to be, and it is no use for anyone to have a probability that the parts of a creation will or will not have the speed they must have for the creation to work.

It is no use to anyone that the parts of their machinery might or might not be where they should be and might or might not do what they should do. You cannot build MACHINES in terms of knowing only probabilities about, where its parts ARE located, and MOVE, and DO, and the speed, and the momentum, that they MAY have or NOT. All of them which they MUST have in order for the MACHINE to work.

Probability theories are completely useless to create a MACHINE because they are not deterministic systems. They only serve to TRY to describe a CREATION, once created, as if it had no CREATOR, that is, pretending NOT to know the deterministic model that describes said creation. They serve only to analyze a creation pretending, or assuming that its complete operation is unknown. Pretending to use a probability theory to explain the fundamental functioning of a creation is simply to deny its CREATOR.


Every quantum ideology is, in its mathematical aspect, a probability theory. They seek to calculate the probability that one, misnamed, “elementary particle” has a given position, velocity, or momentum.

In the case of fundamental quantum ideologies, the same problem of fundamental probability theories applies. That supposed "principle of indifference" is false. The "fair coin" does not exist. We must define the random function in each case. It can not be applied to try to explain the fundamental functioning of matter. Assuming the supposed, quote and quote, "principle of indifference" it’s a fundamental error from a strictly mathematical point of view.

And in the case of quantum ideologies that use statistical probability, the problem, at least from technical creativity criterion point of view, it’s that they are not useful. They do not qualify as science because they are not deterministic, they are useless to build an object based on what they study: supposed elementary particles.

Statistics is used to analyze events of created objects, not to create the objects. For this, deterministic models are needed. I need to be able to predict what the pieces of my creation are going to do at each moment so that my creation does what it's supposed to do.

I don't know if the idea is clear to you but what this means is that the lovers of popular quantum ideologies, those who still use predictive statistical systems, or even worse probability systems based on the supposed “principle of indifference”, to try to explain, with probabilities, the behavior of some supposed elementary particles, those lovers, what they really need is a deterministic explanation about the behavior of the supposed elementary particles so that in this way the explanation does serve to build something with the supposed elementary particles.

Perhaps they should begin to consider that the supposed elementary particles, neither are they “particles”, nor are they “elementary”. They really are stationary electromagnetic waves traveling in a medium which has been denied its existence since the end of the 19th century, when two of the most popular ideologies today appear: quantum ideology in terms of probability and gravity in terms of curvature.

In the 19th century to a, quote and quote, "genius", the Satan, the enemy, he put, in first person manner, the quote and quote, "great idea" to ASSUME that the speed of light is always the same in empty space, which is yet to be found, and postulate it as an AXIOM, meaning that it is something ASSUMED and that it must be EVIDENT for anyone, of his ideology, wrongly called theory of gravity. Not realizing that the supposed axiom, not obvious to ANYONE, makes it mathematically reducible to the ABSURD.

However, the MEDIUM in which electromagnetic waves travel has always been there with the name of "electromagnetic field", even if they do not want to call it MEDIUM, as they did in the 19th century before the absurd ideology of gravity appeared thanks to its, quote and quote, “obvious”, quote and quote, “AXIOM”, which ASSUMES that the speed of the light is always the same in empty space that it’s still to be found.

Some even claim that the famous ideologue of the absurd ideology thought that said MEDIUM had to exist because otherwise the second version of its ABSURD ideology, based on the same AXIOM, would make it ABSURD. Apparently the, quote and quote, "genius" never realized that its AXIOM already made it mathematically reducible to the ABSURD.

Sad, right? But here we are, two quite popular ideologies, one scientifically absurd, the other not only that but also mathematically absurd, and both supposedly SCIENTIFICALLY proven theories, the encyclopedia says so and the majority believes it.

Gravely absurd.

At the end of the 19th century, outer space was believed to be empty. In late 19th century, planetary motion was explained in terms of a mathematical model that only depended on an attractive force. A predictive model but obviously without creative force. Not even now can we make planets, and if the bible is true we will not be able to, at least not before the resurrection of the dead.

At the end of the 19th century there were no satellites in orbit, there was no television, there were no airplanes, there were no orbiting telescopes, there were no computers, there were no interoceanic optical networks, there were no transistors, there were no microcircuits, there was no Internet, there were no cell phones. At the end of the 19th century mathematics had to be done by HAND, and if a process was too complex to model with linear equations, it was impossible to solve the equations in almost all cases.

In that context, a german Jew who liked to stick out his tongue had the idea that the entire universe could be described in terms of an attractive force, and ONLY attractive, that is to say that it can only attract, known as gravity. In his THOUGHT experiments, since he could not do them in practice, he decided that an axiom, that which must be obvious to anyone, of his descriptive theory, because it only serves for that, was that the speed of light is always the same in empty space, because outer space was believed to be empty. Obviously he chose as a mathematical model something that was fashionable at the time such as tensor theory, an algebraic model that allows to work vectors and scalars in virtually any form the user likes.

He stuck out his tongue and thought: "We have a three-dimensional space, that is to say vectorial, a scalar time, and we can use tensors to work the two as if it were a 4-dimensional mathematical space and that's it! Let us describe the universe. That one that at the end of the 19th century did not leave the galaxy and it only had about 300 thousand stars. Those of which we do NOT know their distances.

As the first theory did not come out so general, then he thought of a general one. They also had the attraction that since they were described with NON linear equations, NOBODY at that time could solve them for the general case. Let's remember that math had to be done by HAND.

The equations also had another attraction: factors could be inserted and removed at taste. In the beginning he decided that it would be nice to have a stable universe and he put his factor, that little sum or multiplication that you inserted at school when the equations didn't add up. That which some people call CHEATING. Later it occurred to this guy that the famous red shift, which we already talked about in this presentation, meant an expanding universe, and decided he had made a mistake and changed his equations. They were adaptable. Very practical to describe a universe of 4 dimensions where one of them is time. Gravity is just a curvature of that imaginary space that exists only in the mind of those who study this, quote and quote, “genius”’ idelology.

They also had some pretty interesting consequences. According to the ideology, if we put a clock on earth and another on a spaceship, let's remember that the genius could only do experiments on the mind, and the ship leaves traveling through space and then back to earth, the ship’s clock will mark a shorter time for the trip than what the earth’s clock marks. Interesting, right?. Only that it also has other consequences. According to the ideology, the ship can ALSO say that it is the earth the one making the trip and from the ship’s point of view it is the earth’s clock which will mark a shorter time for the trip than what the ship’s clock marks. Which allows us to conclude that, according to the ideology, a clock can be faster and slower for the same event than another clock. Little mathematical contradictions that make it even more interesting. ABSURD but interesting. The world loved it and it still does.

When the EXCLUSIVELY attractive force on which his description of the universe, that of the late 19th century, was not enough to explain the characteristics of what began to be observed in the 20th century, the solution was to add more factors. Purely mathematical factors. Factors that do not correspond to any observable physical reality.

Assuming that we know those distances that we do NOT know, Why don't galaxies dissolve? Why do they have structure? Why do they move as we supposedly observe they move? How could they get to form? Easy, put a factor in that pod. Dark matter. Dark because we can't see it. But I have to say yes because if I don't, I am finished, and so is my little job in the theory. That it has to be more than 80% of the total matter to make it fit?. IT DOESN’T MATTER. Put in that factor. That little addition of more than 80% of something that, BY DEFINITION, is not observed anywhere.

Then more questions appeared and they had to be answered with more factors. Factors that even the famous Internet encyclopedia recognizes as MORE HYPOTHETICAL. Listen, MORE! Listen well: MORE!. But maybe by the time you read this they will have removed the “more” just as they have fixed the page about the Shroud of Turing to make us believe that since the 13th century people already made negatives of photographies.

More factors had to be added with names like: Dark energy, black holes, and others. There isn't enough power to explain my universe of only attractive forces as I want it to be? Put a little factor for dark energy in it. I can not explain with my model, of only attractive forces, the distribution of energy in galaxies? Put black holes in it. ALL black and dark because, BY DEFINITION, they cannot be observed anywhere. They only exist in the mathematics so that they fit, that is, in the imagination of those who earn money for studying that which cannot be observed, but it must be said that yes, that indirectly, that with great care, that the evidence is there, that only, they, the experts in the theory understand it, which blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And all of it assuming that we know those distances that we do NOT know.

But more questions came up. They found currents and electromagnetic fields that fill all that I thought was empty space? Call it something else and adapt those equations again because it starts to look more and more like a universe explainable with electromagnetic theory, the one that does consider the existence of REPULSIVE forces, a plasma universe, and not the one I thought it was. They found higher velocities than the one we had assumed as maximum for electromagnetic waves? Simply DENY it AS HARD AS YOU CAN and keep your false axiomatic postulate, which was not evident to anyone, because it is an axiom of the theory and that little part was not adaptable.

Amazing, right? But that's how we are. The encyclopedia calls it science and the majority believes it.


Man has developed many fields of study.

Everything begins with the observation of a phenomenon, whatever calls the attention of human consciousness, then it seeks to measure, analyze, study the phenomenon, and in most cases, reproduce, repeat the phenomenon. Then a series of hypotheses, a model, an operation scheme of the observed phenomenon is formulated. Based on said model, experiments are made with the phenomenon, to try to verify if the things that the model predicts will actually happen. In the extent to which the predictions are successful the model actually works and explains the observed phenomenon. This cycle and its variants are known as scientific methods.

The criterion normally used to determine whether a model or theory is really scientific or not, is that the hypotheses, in which the model or theory is based on, are falsifiable. Falsifiable means that experiments that test those hypotheses can have negative results or contrary to what it was expected to happen.

The criterion raised in this presentation requires one more step. It is not enough to understand, or believe that it is understood, through a model or theory, mathematical or not, which has been verified, or proven, by repeated observation that the predictions it makes about the phenomenon are met. The criteria in this presentation require not only verifying the model, or believe that it has been verified, but to create something new, to build something new, that is useful, usable, by the human being, an object. Something that allows the human being who does not know the theory, who knows the mathematical details or not, check that the theory or model is useful for something. Was the model needed to create something useful? If the answer is affirmative, the model begins to be validated according to the criteria of the technical creativity, the criterion of this presentation.

This condition implies that the object product of the knowledge of a phenomenon is reproducible, repeatable. That the object of study can be recreated. Do you study electric fields? This step involves being able to recreate them at taste. Do you study magnetic fields? This step involves being able to reproduce them. Do you study the behavior of stars? Fields of gravity? Galaxies? Elementary particles? Biological cells? This step implies being able to recreate them, reproduce them, repeat them at taste starting from the generative or constitutive elements that explain the model or theory to verify.

This step is not just to replicate the phenomenon, but to build something new out of it. from its objects of study, something useful and usable by the human being. Do you study electromagnetic fields and built a transmitting object and a receiving object of electromagnetic waves to remotely transmit human messages? Qualify. Do you study elementary particles but you do NOT build them or build anything new with them that is useful to the being human? IT DOES NOT QUALIFY. It is a field of study but it is not a science, a true knowledge.

Mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, optics, dynamics, acoustics, organic and inorganic chemistry, aeronautics, all engineering that build objects: civil, chemical, electrical, mechanical, metallurgical, materials, computational, medical etc. qualify according to this criteria because they have allowed to build airplanes, shoes, cell phones, microscopes, telephones, watches, televisions, hammers, trains, telescopes, computers, pots, buildings, transistors, automobiles, satellites, refrigerators, washers, polishers, backhoes, machines that make machines, factories that use machines made by other factories to build other OBJECTS.

No field of study in biology, botany, ecology, in medicine, in zoology, in genetics, neither in astronomy, geology, oceanography, and many of physics, such as nuclear, quantum science, and cosmology, do not qualify by this criterion either. They are fields of study, but they do not qualify as true knowledge, as true science, according to the criterion of technical creativity.

No model or theory that seeks to explain cell-based systems qualifies because man has not been able to build a cell, nor reproduce from cells a system of cells, vegetable, animal or human. However, DO qualify all theories necessary to build the INSTRUMENTS or OBJECTS used in those field of study. For example, optics were necessary to build the first microscope. Qualify.

Neither do purely abstract theories qualify, no purely mathematical theory qualifies, because despite being necessary for explaining virtually any modern model or theory that qualify, the objects created by such models or theories are not concrete, they are not physical, they are not perceivable through senses.


The word "terrestrial" is normally defined as anything that has origin on this earth, on this planet. So EXTRA-terrestrial is everything which has no origin on this planet.

Then it can be concluded that, according to what the bible teaches, neither the Father, neither the Son Jesus Christ, nor the Holy Spirit, nor the angels, nor Satan and company, nor the Cherubim, nor any heavenly principality or power is of terrestrial origin. They are all EXTRA-terrestrial because their origin is NOT from this planet.

The idea of life forms external to this planet seems to start in the 2nd century after Jesus Christ in the fictional book entitled "A True Story” by Luciano, where the Sun and the Moon seem to be the only astronomical objects capable of hosting life forms.

However, there is the issue of Unidentified Flying Objects, also known as UFOs for their acronym.

The first "flying saucers" are observed in the 1940s. A little later, in 1947, the acronym UFO began to be used. And a few years later the word “alien” appears in dictionaries due to the use given to it in novels, now known as science fiction novels.

In the year 2014, facing the Dead Sea with the sun almost at its zenith, without a cloud in sight, with a completely blue sky, on a trip that a group made with a Bogotá Colombia parish called “San Juan Crisóstomo”, three people, among whom I include myself, Jose Luis Quiroga, we saw what can be called an unidentified flying object, a UFO.

The event that I personally observed lasted no more than a tenth of a second, if I had blinked at that moment I wouldn't have seen it. Looking from west to east, towards the Dead Sea, with the Sun at 95 degrees from the horizon, a light, as bright as the sun, at 70 degrees from the horizon, the size of a star, but obviously within the atmosphere since it was visible on a day without no cloud and with a completely blue sky, the light stretched like a laser beam style line, from west to east, until about 20 degrees from the horizon, and then the line of light disappeared. Kind of like the effect they do in the movie Star Trek with the spaceship, but a single point of light that stretches until it forms a line of light that then disappears.

I don't think it was a star, I don't think it was an optical effect, nor I think it was something astronomical. I think it was an object built by the human being with technology that has been hidden since it was invented during World War II.

For me it was nothing more than a confirmation of my personal research in the issue of unidentified flying objects, more specifically on “flying saucers”, which I had made early in the decade of the 2000s, thanks to the Internet network.

My interest in the subject of unidentified flying objects begins after reading several of the books that purport to explain the resurrection of Jesus Christ as an event directed or organized by aliens. Extraterrestrials that are not biblical. They are not about the creator of heaven and earth, but of a supposed civilization that has its origin in another part of the heaven of heavens. But if Jesus Christ was indeed resurrected, the rest of the bible, not just the part that speaks of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, has to be true, and if that is so, then the hypothesis that a civilization coming from those lights that we see in the sky, and that we call stars, was the one that resurrected Jesus Christ has to be false. The hypothesis may be consistent with a small part of the gospels but it is not with respect to the whole bible.

The scientific theory behind the development of this technology is none other than the good old and well-known "electromagnetic theory" of Maxwell and Heaviside, the same one behind most of the technologies of the 20th and 21st century. Nothing unusual.

Since 1911 Nikola Tesla, the inventor of various types of motor and of the mechanisms of transmission of electrical energy in the form of alternate currents that are still used all over the planet today, a practitioner of the electromagnetic theory of Maxwell and Heaviside, declared in newspapers such as "The Sun" and the "Herald" of New York, about his design of a flying machine without planes, without wings, or propellers, shaped like a box, which it can stay static in the air, which is not affected by the wind, which can also reach speeds above the speed of sound, because, he claims, he has worked out a dynamic theory of gravity that will put an end to vain speculations and false conceptions, like that of curved space, the one of the guy that liked to stick out his tongue.

In the mid-20th century, Thomas Townsend Brown worked on projects for the United States Navy in a field of study known as electrogravitics, which is nothing other than the well-known theory of classical fields, which relates magnetism and electricity, the theory electromagnetic fields, but applied to similarly relating gravity and electricity.

It is really not so difficult to imagine the mechanism of electropropulsion used in early models of a wingless flying machine or propellers, a flying saucer, if one takes into account that the potential difference between the atmosphere and the earth is about 400 thousand volts. It’s only needed to charge a capacitor with voltages higher than that difference and be able to alter said charge at taste. This capacitor will move between the earth and the atmosphere depending on the amount of charge it has stored. The movement is controlled by changing the distribution of the charge on the capacitor, similarly to as a particle, which electric charge is changing, it is displaced within an electric field. Where in this case, the electric field is given by that potential difference between the earth and the atmosphere of 400 thousand volts.

Early models achieved this effect by charging the capacitor with asymmetric voltage pulses, where the voltage change is faster on the rise than on the fall, where the maximum voltage of said pulses is less than 50 thousand volts. The result is that charge is pumped into the capacitor by applying said pulses with a frequency higher than the rate at which the capacitor can be discharged. To the charge the capacitor, and to quickly discharge it, the asymmetry in the voltage pulses is reversed. Asymmetry in high voltage pulses with high frequency allow to charge and discharge the capacitor. There are several patents from the last century, from the 20th century, that describe this propulsion mechanism used since the second world war.

But the development of this technology continued and with the advent of digital information and its encryption mechanisms, the track of such development is lost by the end of the 20th century. Only the testimonies of groups of people who have seen ships, the result of said technology, or its variants, which can reach gigantic sizes, and have different forms to the flying saucer of 1947.

One of the most documented sightings of gigantic UFOs are the “Phoenix Lights”, in 1997, in Arizona. The development of ships like the observed in Phoenix is financed by the billions of dollars diverted from innocuous large public projects like the particle accelerators and so-called research projects in nuclear fusion reactors around the planet. To achieve this they need no more than 100 thousand people organized in the form of a para-government, people from a subset of the planetary military industrial complex, influenced by Satan and company, with the same greed that affect man since the time of Adam: money, social power and pleasure. About 100 thousand greedy in control of some technologies developed in secret since the second world war and that by now they are almost “vox-populi”.

My speculation about the future, movie style, is that when the event of the rapture happens, of the chosen ones by the creator God of Heaven and Earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, analyzed in this presentation, when the return of Jesus Christ begins, and those who will continue on this planet are temporarily raptured to heaven, while the rest, those who stayed on earth, kill themselves each other for survival, the one they think they have to fight for, because they believe that death is the end, while they kill each other, I repeat, on a planet that suffers the planetary effects initiated in times of Noah, earthquakes, wars, pandemics, overpopulation, climate change, lack of drinking water, lack of food, and the absence of the Holy Spirit in their minds and hearts that makes them believe that the death is the end, when said rapture is carried out by the God that doesn't need star ships to go to the stars, at that time, Satan and company will use these greedy people to make those who stayed believe that the aliens took the chosen ones in a mass abduction.

The aliens took them. A half truth if we have into account that neither our heavenly Father, nor Jesus Christ, nor the Holy Spirit Saint, nor the angels originate from this planet and are therefore are extraterrestrials. Only that the supposed good guys will be these greedy people and they will make the pantomime of descending like heroes, with their fleet of ships, to defend the human race from the evil ones who took away a part of mankind, causing the world wars announced in the book of the revelation.

You already know the outcome of the movie if you paid attention to this presentation when it presented the book of Revelation and the Return of the Son of the Man, of our Lord Jesus Christ.


The determinism that is accepted in this presentation is the same that is accepted in any process that allows technical creativity. This means that said determinism is limited by the capacity of the creator or user of a technology in predicting or determining the behavior of the created object.

In the creative processes of the human being there is always a list of variables that have to be kept within limits for the creation to actually work. Temperature, pressure, speed, force, area, volume, time, voltage etc. are some of the variables that limit the working of a creation. A commercial cell phone does not work at 5000 degrees centigrade or without a battery. Temperature and voltage limit said determinism, the behavior determined by the logic of the creation, in this case a commercial cell phone.

Determinism, that ability to determine the functioning, the operation, of any creation is limited by the capacity of the PERSON who exercises it. Determinism is something that is exercised by a PERSON in the context of a creation, of something created.

In the case of heaven and earth, it is our Creator, the Creator of the heaven and earth, who establishes and knows said determinism, and very limitedly the human being as a user of said creation. So what to the human being it may seem completely indeterminate, as for example the future, for our creator it’s not.

This conceptual position, in which determinism is a function of capacities of each PERSON that interacts with a CREATION, it is different from the most popular conceptual positions. This concept does not depend only on some material causes, or on a logic, or on a structure, or on a generative process, much less on statistics, but of the people who have the capacity to determine something. It is dependent on the PERSON that interacts with a CREATION. If there is no creation there is no determinism. If there is no person there is no determinism.

In the case of the human being, a creature with the ability to create, happens the case of the acquisition of such determinism. The human being can learn to reproduce, create, alter, manipulate, predict something about what someone else has created. The person can acquire determinism about a CREATION. The person can acquire a TRUTH about a creation. That change in the human being’s capacity to alter, manipulate, predict a behavior of something created, either by the man or by our creator, alters the determinism of said being human.

An example is a month-old baby and his mother. A baby can determine, within his abilities, where he moves his little arm but cannot determine the room in which he will sleep tonight. The mother can determine, within her capabilities, in which room her baby will sleep tonight. And God can determine, within his capabilities, whether or not the baby is going to sleep in a room, any room at all, tonight.

Determinism is limited by the capabilities of each PERSON regarding a CREATION, it is a function of the PERSON and of the CREATED thing.

Thus, for the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the future of Heaven and Earth are completely determined, established, planned from the beginning. All men, women, old people and children, even the breastfed, that have died or are going to die, are perfectly determined to die the moment they did or will die. And according to the words of Jesus Christ everyone, absolutely everyone, will be resurrected, both those who did good and those who did evil. Including those of Amalek who were killed by Saul following YHWH's orders. All evil is used for good by our heavenly Father. It's all part of his plan. The rebellion of Satan and company, Saul's disobedience, the disobedience of all humanity and the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross for the sins of you, me and the whole humanity, as well as his resurrection on the 3rd day. It's exactly why that God is God and left everything written before. He knows the end from the beginning.


My testimony.

I think my process so far can be summed up in 4 different stages.

  1. Conclude that there must be a superior being.
  2. Believe that Jesus Christ was physically resurrected.
  3. Believe that the entire bible must be true.
  4. Begin to follow Jesus Christ.

The first three stages were a purely intellectual process. From study of the bible, of the evidence in favor, of the logic that unites them. This presentation is the summary of the topics that God put me to study in order to believe what I believe now.

Coming to believe in the existence of a superior being takes me since the year 1980 to 1991 approximately. But he was not the creator we read in the bible, it was simply a force, a universal energy and aware. Getting to believe that Jesus Christ is risen takes me since 1997 until 2003. And coming to believe that the bible is true takes me until mid 2009. Those were the times that God used in my case.

However, believing in a Creator God, in Jesus Christ and that the bible is true, it does not imply following Jesus Christ. That fourth stage only began until January 2017.

I graduated as a computer and systems engineer in 1993. Since year 1998, I dedicate my professional knowledge to research, as an independent, a practical solution to the mathematical problem known as the SAT problem, the satisfiability problem. In 2010, I come to the conclusion that the last strategy, which I had taken more than a year and a half to implement, it is equivalent to all those that had failed during those more than 10 years of innocuous efforts. During those more of 10 years of innocuous efforts the economic sustenance for that routine, that I have in a room where I sleep and work, comes mainly from my parents. The same day that I discover said equivalence, and thus the fundamental reason for my latest failure, while my parents are away on a weekend trip, I cry in my room on friday night and ask that Jesus Christ, that in who I already believe in, for help, but who I didn’t think was a fundamental part of my existence. The next day, Saturday morning, I start to think in what would be the ideal conditions that would allow an effective strategy and I come up with a new strategy in which I start to work that same day and that I finally finished implementing it in the year 2016.

The software project is free software under the name of "Ben-Jose Trainable SAT Solver" on the developers portal "" since 2014, the year I traveled to Israel, financed largely by my mother. When I finish, in 2016, I prepare a document that I send to the annual international conference of people who work on the SAT problem, which that year was in Bordeaux, France. The document is rejected due to non content related issues and I cannot participate in the conference. I finally decide to just leave it as free software.

During all that time I maintain my interest in studying the bible. However, the SAT problem and studying biblical subjects have not been my only interest.

Between the year 2000 and the year 2016, between the hours of 5pm and 7pm any day of the week, except Sunday, due to lack of offer, someone who followed me very carefully could find me in a room in one of the establishments in the Bogotá neighborhood known as "El Santa Fe", having paid for the permit to “know”, in the same way that the bible refers to that word when it says that “Adam knew Eve”, a woman.

That "someone" would have to follow me carefully since I left, in sweatpants, black boots that I never took off, with a blue jacket raincoat, and very clean shaven, to take a Transmilenio bus, because it was not much time that I spent in the streets of the neighborhood, or in the public areas of the establishments in that neighborhood. The time was spent in the transport, in a dialogue of no more than two minutes, and in the "knowing". This despite the fact that to reach the first two minutes of dialogue, with a woman in particular, who for her could be the first time she saw me, it could take from a few seconds to even years of waiting for my experience to tell me the she was ready. Experience showed me that, in that context, trying to make her ready was ineffective and a waste of time. It was very important not to fail at that first opportunity.

I usually did the activity with women I had already met before, with women that I knew I would get the desired result. Experience has shown me that if the necessary trust was not achieved in the first chance, the statistical probability of getting it later was almost nil. The time in dialogue prior to the first interaction was not an important factor. It wasn't about knowing her intellectually. On the contrary, if in the first 3 or 4 interactions the desired result was achieved, the statistical probability of always repeating it became very high. The result in those first times, added to the autonomous voice to voice, were very important for the proper functioning of the system. And obviously alcohol, violence, the wrong word, and any hurtful reaction, acted against the proper functioning of the system. It was always preferable to lick one's wounds at home and not properly praying with Jesus Christ.

I was obviously never satisfied and I always wished and sought to meet a new one, one whose forms were the ones I idolized. Even on many occasions, I asked God to give me another one, whose shapes were round, firm, large, whose temperament was the appropriate, and that she was really ready to get the desired result. Even on several occasions, just after checking the desired result, I yelled “THANK YOU GOD”. Every move was coldly calculated and tested by experience with the aim to maximize the quality and quantity of the desired result.

In my case, the desired result of the interaction was what I believed it was the proof, the evidence, the guarantee of an acceptance and a satisfaction that in reality only Jesus Christ can give us. That evidence, that proof, I believed that, according to Songs 5, it was what king Solomon also got. King Solomon enters what he calls "his garden". According to Song 4, that garden is identified with a bride of him. Song 4 speaks of a tongue and lips, but they do not seem to refer to a mouth but to that garden. Solomon ate honey, and drank wine and milk.

In my case, I never tried all three products at the same time, but almost always I drank, I swallowed, I tasted, I swiged, I savored, at least one of the three. That was my proof, my evidence, my guarantee of acceptance and of satisfaction. That was my addiction. That was my most prominent sin, my idolatry, my pride, my obsession, my slavery. That was my doom, my death, my most prominent deception. Only Jesus Christ fills us with its acceptance, He satisfies us and makes us truly free.

That sin ends up fulfilling what the deuterocanonical book Ecclesiasticus 19 says: "the worms will eat him." I thought it meant to what happens to every person after physical death, and therefore I was not worried, but my experience is much more literal: a bacterium I had caused me diarrhea every 15, 20, 30 days. I did different treatments and obviously none of them worked because none of them fixed the cause of the problem: my addiction, my sin, my idolatry. I also had a series of spiritual problems, ones like the man of Gerasa or the Magdalene, that at the time I couldn't even identify.

Thus, what I called, quote and quote, "my life" collapses in the year 2016. I don't have a wife, I don't have children, I don't have a professional career, I don't have a social network, I live in a room in the same house as my adolescence, I have no money or material possessions as a result of my work, I do not have any professional recognition, I have a addiction, a sin, that is killing me slowly but surely, and the work to which I dedicated almost 20 years of what I called, quote and quote, "my life" doesn't seem to interest anyone, not even the people that I live with.

In that year, I plan my suicide, I plan to take away what I called, quote and quote, "my life". Deceived by my idolatry, by Satan and by the world, I did not realize that in reality I was already more dead than alive. My relationship with The Life, with Jesus Christ, was something auxiliary, it was something almost inexistent.

Thank God his plans for me are different.

In January 2017 after once again asking Jesus Christ for help, this time a little more desperate, my process to follow Jesus Christ begins. Until then, Jesus Christ and the bible were subjects of study. Jesus Christ was almost outside, it was something almost external, it was not a fundamental part of what I called "my life", it was an accessory, a very interesting subject of study, something intellectual. Something like this presentation for someone who has not started following Jesus Christ but who already believes in him, or who is only interested in him: a subject of study.

The congregation I started attending in January 2017 is called "El Lugar de Su Presencia" And as you may have noticed along of this presentation, there is at least one big difference between: the absolute reconciliation after the resurrection of the dead, which I give biblical sustenance in this presentation; and what is taught, not only in "El Lugar de Su Presencia", but in most western congregations because they deny it. It is not the same with the Eastern Orthodox congregations, which do not have as much influence from Augustine and a little more from Gregory of Nyssa and others 722, because some accept it.

Another notable difference is what not only this congregation has, but many other so-called charismatic or pentecostal ones also have, the belief that according to the bible "to speak in tongues" means to utter INCOHERENT groans that each time they are repeated they mean something different. As if our Creator were a God of confusion.

What the Holy Spirit DID teach me, through the sessions of prayer in this congregation and daily bible study, it was something completely new to what I already have explained in this presentation.

In January 2017 I begin to assist every Saturday to what the congregation calls “connection groups”, to attend prayer every Tuesday and Thursday at 6am in the main auditorium, to attend preaching on Saturdays or Sundays, to read the bible every day, not every time I felt like it, to give up my sin for good and to intentionally seek to think, speak and act as Jesus Christ taught before his resurrection. I do the free process of basic Christian formation offered by the congregation, knowing that there is a possibility that, due to the two issues already mentioned, maybe not even the main leader would consider me a true "Christian" acceptable in his congregation. In 2019, once I finished the training process, I begin to serve as a volunteer in the area of "Protection and care."

All these activities are just the habits, the customs, that since January 2017, the Holy Spirit begins to use, to teach me that it is HE who must reign in my life to be able to identify my enemy and show me who I am, what my true identity really is. He begins to reign in me and he starts to transform my mind to really defeat my enemy and live my true identity, the biblical identity of those who believe in Jesus Christ.

It begins to reign in me and teaches me the way in which the flesh, sin, impure spirits, evil spirits, the enemy, Satan, very subtly operates on my mind. Without the Holy Spirit reigning in me, it was impossible for me to identify it because it works with my own voice. Before I believed that I was the one who was thinking, speaking, acting in my mind and couldn't identify it. It is the Holy Spirit that now reigns in me, at least most of the time, who identifies it and defeats it.

It was the Holy Spirit, who now reigns in me most of the time, who identified my enemy, and began the victory in the good fight of which Paul speaks about. The Holy Spirit began to win the battle against my enemy, the one who previously had me enslaved and deceived creating my identity around its image.

The sin, the flesh, Satan, the impure spirits and the evil ones that are in me: lust, anger, rage, haughtiness, pride, rebellion, sexual greed, sexual immorality, pornography, idolatry, prostitution, greed for money, greed for power, depression, the desire to die, sadness, guilt, condemnation, exaggeration of the truth, denial of the truth, contempt for the truth, distortion of the truth, fear, panic, fear of dying, fear of the future, selfishness, all those spirits that oppose the presence of the Holy Spirit, that oppose to my new identity, I was deceived very often and very subtly they created an identity to make me believe that I was that. It is what the The bible says that happens to everyone who does not have Jesus Christ reigning in his heart. He is subtly enslaved. The Holy Spirit was already in me, it already lived in me, but aside, it was something accessory, I hadn't crowned him King of my life, He did not reign in me. Jesus Christ was THE King but not MY King.

The notable victories are just beginning, they started in January of 2017. But many more are missing. I still commit a lot of adultery in the heart. It still happens to me that I look at, or remember, a woman with desire. There is still lust in me. Sometimes I still wish, that after the resurrection of the dead, I could know again, in Jesus Christ, all the women I desired and knew in sin.

However, there are notable victories. The fire no longer burns as before. The external symptoms of my lust are almost nil and very sporadic. That arm that was killing me has already been amputated, although it still hasn't finished scar.

The Holy Spirit of the one who defeated my enemy on the cross, of the one who placed my enemy under my feet, and that now reigns in me, that Holy Spirit, can now bind, chain, expel any other impure spirit or evil that he manages to identify. If it is a spirit of the flesh, he can nail to the cross and if it is not of the flesh he can throw it into the eternal fire and into the abyss. It is something spiritual. It is thanks to that identity in Christ Jesus, who now reigns in me most of the time, that I can defeat my enemy. Those heavenly principalities and powers that Paul speaks about.

Now I can identify my enemy and defeat him.

The bible says that I am a son of God, because the son of God lives in me. It says that I am accepted, because the accepted of God lives in me. It says that I am loved by God, because the beloved of God lives in me. That I am worthy, because the worthy lives in me. That I am joint heir of the kingdom of heaven, because the heir lives in me. It says that I am more than victorious, because the victorious over the world lives in me. It says I'm good, because the good one lives in me. It says that I am forgiven because the good one died for my sins. It says that in me there is no longer guilt or condemnation because Jesus Christ died for me, he rose again, and God declares me free from guilt. It says that I am no longer slave of fear because love casts out fear. It says that Jesus Christ will be with me every day until the end of the world. It says that I am free because the Son of Man has truly made me free. It says that I am a Saint because the Saint lives in me. It says I'm Just because the Just lives in me. It says that I am an ambassador of the kingdom of heavens here on earth. It says that I am protected and protector because the protector lives in me. It says that I am comforted and comforter because the comforter lives in me. It says that I can love because his love overflows in me. It says that I can forgive because I was forgiven. It says that now I have a peace that surpasses all understanding because Jesus Christ gave that peace to me. It says that now I have a joy that no one can take away from me because Jesus Christ was resurrected. It says that now I have the Joy of the Holy Spirit in me. It says that I am humble because the humble lives in me. It says that I am Faithful because the Faithful lives in me. It says that I am powerful because the spirit that resurrected Jesus Christ lives in me. It says that the old things have passed away and they have all been made new. It says that I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. It says that I no longer live but now Jesus Christ lives in me. It says that I have eternal life because the eternal King lives in me. It says that he disposes all things for my good because I love him. It says that neither suffering, nor hardship, nor persecution, nor famine, nor lack of clothing, neither danger nor death will be able to separate me from the love of Jesus Christ. It says that neither life nor death, neither angels nor spiritual powers, neither things present nor things to come, neither height nor deep, nor anything created by God will be able to separate me from the love of God displayed in Jesus Christ. That nothing can separate me from his love. It says that I am his beloved son and that he will not cast me out.

THAT IS WHO I AM. THAT IS MY IDENTITY. I have already started living it. I AM NEW CREATURE, the old things have passed away behold ALL things are made new.

So I'm just a baby in Jesus Christ, I'm just beginning to really know him, I'm just starting to follow him, but I'm already crawling on the right direction.

And you?

Obviously assuming the identity in Jesus Christ is impossible if you don't believe that:

  1. There is a Creator, designer and intelligent, of all plants, animals and people on this planet.
  2. Jesus Christ is alive because, after dying on the cross, the Creator raised him on the third day.

You can try to convince yourself, but Jesus Christ warns that: No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me” 723 “drags him first” 724 and explains that: “What is IMPOSSIBLE for mere humans is possible for God” 725.

And you?. Do you already believe it? Has the eternal fire already begun to burn? Do you want to start living?

Acknowledge your sin, repent, and ask Jesus Christ to come and live in you. Tell him that you accept him as your God, your King, your Lord and Savior. Tell him that you believe he died for you on the cross and he was resurrected on the third day, according to the scriptures that promised that it would happen.

Once you do this, you should know that you could do it because YHWH is being faithful and fulfilling his promise to give you a new heart, one circumcised, so that you only have the will to love him above all things, for your own good, because he does not want the sinner to die but to repent and live forever.

You already did it, but: There is no victory? You can't identify your enemy? You can't defeat your enemy? Are you still dying?

Tell Jesus Christ that you want him to be the King of your life and crown him as the King of your life. Make Jesus Christ the King of your life and he will begin to defeat your enemy, the one who have you enslaved very subtly.

Does the eternal fire continue to burn?

Jesus Christ explains to us in John 15: “I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do NOTHING. If a man doesn’t remain in me, he is thrown out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them, throw them into the FIRE, and they are burned” 726.

We must remain united to Jesus Christ ALL the days of our eternal life and give thanks to the Eternal Father because it is his Holy Spirit, that He gave us, the one who really leads us to think all the good that we think, say all the good things that we say, and do all the good things we do, including remaining with him and thanking him for making us new creatures. Because: “who has first given to him, and it will be repaid to him again? For of him, and through him, and to him are all things. To him be the glory for ever! Amen” 727.

Be fire, it is the only way not to burn in the eternal fire.

Biblical References